H alsey E n terp rise, H alsey, ()ro g _ o n Jjo e e n ib e i2 2 Ji2 L fu rth e r u u ite fur m u tu a l p ro te ctio n be declared th a t to te the O ijv wav Published Thursday at Halsey, Oregon to accom plish th e ir purpose. H. P. and A. A. LAKE Publisher* HALSEY ENTERPRISE Entered at the postofllce at Halsey, Oregon, as second class matter. $1 a year in advance. Arrearages 12'„c a month. Stops when time expires unless continuance is ordered. Advertising 25c an Inch: no discount for time or space; no charge for composition or changes. Announce­ ments of entertainments, food sales, etc., whose object is to raise money, charged at regular advertising rates. Announcements of religious meetings, not exceeding four inches, free if copy is received before Tuesday. of e e ctric se ivice to ru ra l com ­ Leu by the N a tio n a l Federation of W o m e n ’ s clubs, w hich in 1926 K •' -ry in te llig e n t ra d io fan m ust declared w ar on b illb o a rd s w hich ; be m pressed w . ill th e fact th a t the m ar the beauty of ru r a l scenery,I a ir is c 'u t ’ ered op w ith a lo t o f in- num erous o ther c g a n iz a tio o e have . f-iiin r p 'n g ra m s w hich n ig h t a- jo in e d 'n the fig h t to re s tric t o a t- j w, ll he dispensed w ilh in the In te r ­ door a d v e rtis in g w h ich in recent est ,d r o il sa tis fa c tio n to listeners. years has become in c re a sin g ly of T h e e is too m u i'b com edv th a t is tensive. n it fu n n y . Ih o ie are ton m any fo u rth rate singers, loo m uch edu. Recent advertisem ents by one o f c i l i o u i l s 'u if th a t does nol edu­ the big tobacco com panies have cate, too m any m ediocre pia n o eiused re s e n tm e n t-a m o n g m a n u - ih u io p e r-', and to o m any phono­ fa ctn re rs of candies am i o th e r con­ g ra p h records, a n il s o o n . A n y . t e -tines who threaten reprisa Is in 1 th in g p e rm itte d on th e s ir th o u ld case the offensive a d v e rtis in g is lie som ething good in its class. not d isc o n tin u e d . There isn’ t m uch jo y in lis te n in g 1 lr= lo a p honograph record com .eg P eo ria N ew s over the a ir m ixe d w ith sta tic. (By an Enterprise Reporter) A fte r se rvin g us president of the fa r m e rs ’ I nio n **f A m e ric i fo r 2J veara, C harles 8. B a rre tt of U n io n C ity , G »-. has v o lu n ta r ily re tire d fro m th a t office. In a fa rew ell ad­ “ The U tilitie s have n o t n e a rly dress to the n a tio n a l co n ve n tio n of reached the lim it of th e ir u seful­ 1 l,e o rg a n iz a tio n he urged the farm »ra not to depand too m uch upon ness to the p u h 'ic .’ ’ said M r. John p o litic a l prom ises, b u t to tr y to J. O 'B rie n , p re rid e n t of H . M, “ New w ork o u t th e ir own problem s, Ito . B y lle s h y and C o m p a n y. ' uses fo r the services sup p lie d by vie w in g some of the a cco m p lish ­ ¡e le c tric ity is being ueveloped con- m ents o f the F a n n e rs ’ U n i in , he declared th a t is now successfully a ta n tly , both fo r the home and in ­ o p e ra tin g m any cooperative b u s i­ d u s try in general, and great p ro g ­ ness C a llin g upon the farm ers lo ress is buing made in the extension z SPECIAL BOXES of Christmas Candies Christmas Candies in special hoxe.s that breathe the spirit of Christmas. The quality of the candy adds to the pleasure of giving it as a gift. A full assortment of nuts, and fruits for the holiday trade. sided. M rs. A lic e Harcus who has been q u ite i l l was able to be out at S u n ­ day school Sunday. George G ith e n s and son M e rle are am ong those on the sick lis t th is week. R ussell G ith e n s w ent o u t on the cream route fo r his , X /' ’ fa th e r M o n d a y. ' > The HALSEY GARAGE M ™ . E u te rp rise W ishes a ll M e rry , M e rry C h ristm a s. J I r For Your Christmas Giving We suggest something musical as in harmony with the Christmas spirit, so make ycur selections from the many instruments in our stock among them likes, Banjos, Violins, Harmonicas, Clarinets, Sax, Band Instrum ents, Radios, l ’ianos. The Music Shop Albany, Orego West First Street M r. and Mr». George Bayne at tended ch u rch a t L « k e Creek S u n ­ d a y. The firs t q u a rte rly conference o f the Peoria and L a ke Creek charge was held a t Lake Creek S aturday evening Rev. H . S, Sbangle p re ­ Cold Weather Necessitates a change in ments on your en-^— adjustments en­ gine Let us do this work X ' for you il. W e sp e c ia liz e 111 £ brake re'.ining re’.ining and adj ad! justments. D u n n , S unday evening M r. and Mrs. J S. L a m a r were business vssitors in H alsey S a tu r­ CLARK'S Confectionery F f I * Sv 0= K IR K JE W E L R Y S T O R E Diamonds, Watches, Clocks Silverware. N EW STORE NEW STOCK Repairing of all kinds. (Over .6 years with Pratt’s) 135 South Second Street Corvallis. Oregon. A 1 ^ ii »£36 * fc// I '•-‘ »’V -i-C 'c •«M ,-v 1 F 7/ The Christmas D inner "It is not ¡lie weight of jewel or plate Or the rustle of silk or fur, Hut the spirit in which the gift is rich til iiit ba M r. and M rs. W . D. P o rte r of S ledd visited here at the home o f L ie la tte r ’ e m o th e r, M rs. A lice Ik A Mr». C harles Lo g a n and lit tle niece and nephew are m o vin g back here fro m B e n to u c o u n ty where th e y have lived th e past several day m o rn in g . M is . J . W . I a in a r aud d a u g h ­ ters, H elen and A rle n e , were C o r­ v a llis v is ito rs S a tu rd a y afternoon. - 1 / m u n itie s and fa rm s .’ ’ y=a ID you ever f[| As the gifts of the Wise Men were. And we are not told whose gift was gold Or whose was the gift o f myrrh. Here’s a Christinas dinner which looks pretty, tastes delicious and yet is not difficult to prepare. sprouts and sea­ son to taste. Add a little liquid from the sprouts if necessary. c o n s id e r -* your Christ­ mas dinner in the light of a Christmas Appetiser gift to your fa­ And a Holly Celery Consommé with Oysters Olives mily? And yet Wreath Roast Goose Sage Stuffing that is what you i c t ually offer The vegetable Chilled Apple Sauce them when you holly wreath is Duchess Potatoes Brussels Sprouts and Chestnuts s e r v e your o n e of these Vegetable Holly Wreath Christmas feast, dishes which ap­ to see to it that Grapefruit and Grape Salad peals to the eye y o u , yourself, as well as to the Salted Nuts Mince Pie Turkish Paste are not so tired palate, for its Coffee . that they cannot green and red have the best of make it festive you, tool looking. Heat one can of spin­ much more interesting effect than The secret of preparing a Christ­ or beet greens, season with mas dinner which will be enjoyed plain consommé and yet it is not ach lemon juice, butter, salt and pepper really filling. To make it, heat the by everyone, you included, is to to taste. Pack tightly in a greased plan it so that many of the foods consommé from two cans and two ring mold and set in a steamer cups of water to boiling Heat a may be prepared beforehand; also to keep hot. Heat one can of tiny plan to serve one or 'two' dishes five ounce can of oysters in their rosebud beets and season with but­ own liquor, bringing just to the which are unusually attractive look­ ter, salt and pepper. When ready ing. Such is the vegetable holly boiling point. Add to the broth, to serve, turn the ring mold of season with celery salt and salt to wreath described below. spinach out onto a hot, round, plat­ To make the Christmas appetizer, taste. An unusual combination consists ter and pile beets in the center. toast a circle of bread. . Spread The salad provides a cool, crisp with contents of a can of sardines of Brussels sprouts and chestnuts, flavor to contrast with the richness mixed with enough creamed butter but it is one which will be acclaimed of the goose and other foods. Drain to mix them to a smooth paste. with joy. Drain the liquid from a chill one number 2 can of Season with salt, red pepper and number 2 can of Brussels sprouts and and one cup seeded white lemon juice. On top put a slice (sa.e the liquid for soup) and sauté grapefruit Make a French dressing of hard boiled egg liberally the sprouts gently in two table­ grapes. using grapefruit juice instead of sprinkled with grated parsley. spoons of butter for about five min­ vinegar. Arrange the fruit on let­ Across this put a narrow band of utes. Boil one cup of shelled chest­ tuce hearts pour over dress­ canned pimiento to make the red nuts until tender, remove skins and ing. Garnish and each salad with a sauté them in two tablespoons of and green coloring. butter and two teaspoons of sugar star cut out of pimiento and placed Good Things to Eat Combine with the inside a ring of green pepper. Cnnsommf with oysters has a until brown. TUSSING & TUSSING H odgen-B rew ster P o u ltry Feeds LAW YER S Halsey and Brownsville Oregon naw ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * ■ For General H auling ■ i ■ R .ise strong, husky pullets with i Transfea and Drayage | i Business. Orders for Wtod, = i Sand and Gravel. g Ralph C. Smith j l'hone Morris l’hariuacy 2C3 j Trips made anywhere. Hodgen-Brewster Developing Mash ■ ■ g □ ■ ■ ■ ■ Everything in Poultry Feeds, Stock Feeds, Calf Meal, etc = il O. W . FRUM, H A Y , G R A IN and FE E D il m ina . rJ- CJÄ3 ir 5 Y i '.îj1 BIBLES! t-A üàï Thero isn't any need of going elsewhere for Toys, because Santa was a little overstocked on «onio of the best things when ho arrived hero so was willing to leave us a generous stock of the latest and best. In fact they’re so good that we feel certain you will find your wants here. Appropriate Gifts for All Many articles of wearing apparel for men, women and children that make most ap- An Ideal Christmas Gift that will be appreciated the year around, and we have a comprehensive line to select from, moderately priced at propriate gifts, are lo be found in our store, Your Christmas problems can he met here From $1.15 to $3.00 India Paper $5 to $7. Daw'son’s Drug Store Albany, Oregon Ik Order Your N ew Ford Now! SLIPPER S, SCCKS, SHIRTS, TIES, G LO V ES, PURSES, SW E A T E R S H A N D K E R C H IE FS, SILK LINGERIE, V A N IT Y CASES, C C M PA C T S STA TIO N ER Y , FANCY PL A T E S, DISHES, and many other items. 1929 License Plates can be used on new cars after De­ cember 20th, 1928. M. V. Koontz Company H ow e Garage Santa's Headquarters in Halsey for Over 52 Years. Make it \o u rs loo B ro w n sv ille, Oregon Authorized Ford Dealers.