Ifalaey ^Enterprise agriculture horticulture livestock E stablished in 1912. Voi. 17. No. 33. MR. AND 13306187 CELEBRATE COLDEN WEDDING S O C I E T Y N E W S , Halsey, Oregon, T hursday. December 20 1928. vkridtW an if5 DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County Alan Hale Appears In Mcvie LOCAL CHAPTER WALTON LEAGUE MET MONDAY Tha le n a r k a 'le versatility of _______ I Alan Hab-, who plays the le a d in g From Our RiguUr Correspondents Tl.«.W alton L.eague chapter met On Tuesday afternoon Mr. and ro'eor-poeite Phyllis Haver iu “ Sal M. ndsy night at (lie gun club d u b * of Singapore, ’’ to lie shown at t»,e Mrs. T P- P a tto n , two of H alsey’s On Friday afternoon the mem­ ,h iii-e and elected officers for tho . Halaey ttu a t-r m xt Tue« lay eve- most highly respected citizens and bers of Vine Maple Thim ble club ; rcn.ii g year. J. W. D riakard was niuz, ia demonstrated l y t i e two resit cute of th is city for almost were most pleasantly entertained at L * widely different roles for which he e 'e it.d pretident; J O. Cross vice half a cen tu ry , celebrated their the home ol Miss Mary L Smith. ( preeident; C. P. Moody secretary; ; k T ’,ftA N D P A ," « a id Jim. as he stood by my chan i is best remembered, the villain in l a i d Eldon Crore H essm er. Five golden wedding day. A lthough no The earlv p a it of the afternoon was b “V J I” *he flickering firelight’» glow. ! “ The Covered W agon,'* and the plans were made for an elaborate devoted to visiting and a very brief ' q ’ T h e re 's so many thing» that I can’t understand vacancies were left in the board of father in “ The Four Horst men, reception, m any relatives and business session. At four o’clock nine directors which will he til'ed „ So much that 1 I want to know know ; m I Iu “ Sal of S ingapore," H als is friends called during the afternoon the hostess, assisted by her m other, £ i H L A n d one thing is this, that bothers a lot later. seen i t the iron-handed m aster of to extend their congratulations. served a delicious two courss lunch. A n d is constantly in my w av: A delegation of league memhera a tra m p freighter. Refreshments weae served during ------ • from the Ilairisb u rg chapter were The visitors were then invited to Is Chustmas the children i the dfternoon. guests of the local chapter at thia the living room where a prettily m e e tin g , a n io r g th e m b e in g , J .W . T . P. P a tto n and Cleor.a Sm ith decorated Christm as tree laden . t, i I I A llison, R II H ardesty, Vivian were m arried a t I’eoria Illinois, on with gifts, awaited them. In ad II. now, let me see: this Matter takes thought \ I.aet Wednesday evening mem- * A n d a rigid adherence to truth. J I C artw right, F itd S. M o o d y , C , K December 18, 1878, and in May ditiou to the exchange of gifts by here of I’urily R ibekah lodge held ■ I ' l that l . my years of i experience ---- : — L....— «aiovl-it , - - 1 think have « taught Githens, W’. L . J a c k s o n W . C . B s s s , 1870 they cam e to Oregon, locating the members a surprise shower was the sen ¡-annual election of ofl'icere. T h a t Christmas appeals most to youth; \ W a lt e r L o n g a n o T o m m y G to r g e . in H alsey where they have contin­ given at th ’s tim e for two of the Il was decided at this lime th at a T h a t when one grows crabbed and peevish and'cr^ssV Ij I i After the husiners meeting ad­ uously made th eir home since. Circle m embers, each one receiving joint installation with the Odd A n d thinks lesaxT hope than of fear, , journed the dcor to the dining A lter com ing to Halsey Mr. ?«t- m any dainty gifts. Joses his placy in the great scheme of life / __ Fellows on January 17 he held. room was epentd and the guesta ton engaged in the butcher busi­ Club members present were Miss A n d h.s part in the Christmas d i e e r r " ^ ; It was also decided th a t tha and members eat down to an oyster ness for a period of 25 years. His Sm ith and Mesdames Elizabeth lodge would hold a Christm as supper, which hsd I een prepared shop, which was located at the site W hite, l.ou Taylor, Nellie Isom, party at tlv.-ir meeting on the eve­ by Mrs. C. G. Hamer snd Mrs. C. y Y '¡“ Rut you caft’t measure youth by the glass of I .roe, of the one recently vacated by Mae M iller, Blanche Morris, H. ning of December 26, with a tree 0 1 8a*8e b - whitened hair. /. ■" P. Moody. George Hoffm«n oa G street, was Bressler and Anne Lake. Comp­ acd program as features of the : ÿ q . O r a shortness of breath, or a dimness of s^ght. / While a t the table, C. P Moody destroyed by fire the first tim e th„ limented guests for the afternoon evening Or a w rinkle here and there; A acting »• m aster of cereuiou es, busim ss section was destroyed, were Mesdames Maggie Bressler The newly elected ofl'icere are ;-'Jj A s Jove laughs at locksmiths, so youth laughs at years called for short ta ils from several jjlJ J . ■ \ A s they play their little part. /\ Mr. P atto n rebuilt his shop, the and Ella Moes, and Mies Beverly Alma Hamer noble grand, Lena who rei por ded. Many com plim en­ ~ . " ;T --- 1 - A n d T im e and his scythe arc pushed l.gh tlv aside,. o re now standing, and this one Isom, Veatcb v'ce grand; E sther Bond tary rem arks were made by the It. j-w -.w r- -i [ J -,| For y o u th h a i its Lom e in the heart \ & narrow ly escaped being burned secretary and Eatle Holt treasurer K T n f l visitors regarding the league and when the hotel on the present site Thursday afternoon M r a . L . W gun club for their aggressiveness, oi the building occupied as a li­ P atton wes hosteesto the members 5 ‘ ? r i ____________ manger to Calvary » cross a a i, uuitv of purpose, club bouse aud brary was burned a few years later. of the Study club at her home in W e follow C hrist's footsteps now ; I f range grounds. F o r th e past ftw rears Mr. P at­ East H alsey. This was the annual From Galilee's sea to Jerusalem's streets. I a I j Itj/i ? Afier the supper a half l our was W h e re thorns encircled Fhs Ewow; ton has retired from active busi­ Christm as party of (he club and spent socially with the visitors ex- By Myrtle Johnson .And this we have seen: W ith a child in H u arms ness life although he still continues the rooms of the Patton home were ehsngi. g ideas snd talk in g fish H e scattered this C hnstlike leaven;__ _ Helen W illiam s of Halsey, soph to take a keen interest in anything decorated with holly, and mistletoe and h u n t. The next n eeting of 'B e like unto this if m y glones you 'd see. . omore iu borne < conotuic* a t O 8.C., pertaining to the welfare and up­ in keeping w ith the season of \ ule- the local chapter will te the eve- For such is the K ingdom o, H eave n'." won the 50 yard free ity le in 'lie building of the town and com m un­ tide. n ng . I Jan u ary 0 and all inem htrs beginners «w im m ing meet. The ity in which he and Mrs. Patton A program was a feature of the are urged to be preretit. meet ie e tire d short d ista rc e races have for eo m any years made their afternoon, the num bers being a - - . in the beginning swimming i lnsies home. song, " J o y to the W orld," by the A bility of swimmers in the classes Mr. and Mrs. Patton have two members; a play, with Mre. Esther were tested to show the relative children, K arl Patton of Seattle Bond end Mrs. M artin’ Cummings Mrs. Balf Bond is in charge of progres of eaclb and Mrs. O lin B. Stalnaker of Cor­ tak in g the speaking parte. Mrs tha C hristm as program a t the vallis. They also have one g ran d ­ Alma H am er took the part of Santa Methodist church. The program gram snd thi n two articles, The son, Clifford P atton, of Seattle. Claus and Mesdames E lla Ross­ ness session was held and then the Consists ol several choir num bers, Bass V iol” as a solo instrum ent, The latter spent several weeks in m an, Grace Sickels, E dith Drink- afternoon program was enjoyed. recitations, songs and drills by the and “ The Jazz O pera,’’ which is to H alsey last summer with his grand ard, Louise Straley and A'laie Mrs Sidney Smith had charge of children; a duet, “ Angels Still are he presented iu New York at the Moody were dolls. Francis Louise the devotional« and was assisted Funeral services fur Mr . Nancy Singing,’’ by Edna and Roburta parent«. M etropolitan theater in Jan u ary , Among the relltiv es here from and M ary P atton, Lowell Straley by Mrs Eether Bond and Mrs. were presented by Mre. I hatcher Lamb, who died here at the home V annice; duet, ' Christinas I.ulla. of her daughter, Mrs. D in t C . b \e ’’ Alberta Koontz and G race out of tow n were Mre. Stalnaker of and W ellington Bond then gave G. Vannice with two guitar selec­ and discussed by the class. Rossman, Saturday e ig h t, were V annice; solo, ‘‘Son of Aline, ’ by tions ol C hristm as songs. Mrs three num bers which had been ar­ Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. James * * • Frank Hadley had the lesson, .held at the Methodist church in Esther Bond; and several q u a rte ts ranged by Mrs. T, I. M arks. They Mil er and d aughter of Peoria, III., SPOON RIVER I Monro« Tuesday afternoon Rev. by T td M itzner. Merwin, K enneth Friends in Africa ” A Christmas Mr. and Mrs. R alph Miller of Pe­ then presented S anta who had a Friday forenoon Mrs. K .E.Carey ; H. K. Belknap, assisted by Rev. and George Vannice oria, O re., Mrs. Mulkey of Me gift for each one present. Mrs. oiferiru was then taken. The af­ This will he a white Chr»»tmas M iunville, Mrs. McCullough m u Lena Veatcb, president of the club, ternoon was brought to a close by entertain ed a group of children in Theodore Mitzner of H arrisburg, honor of her daughter M argaret’s had charge of tho services Burial and it is planned to have ull the daughter Mrs. W ayne Dawson, was presented with a pretty vase. the hostess serving refrethm enls filth birthday. Gam es were en was in the Bellfountain cemoterv. decorations in w bite. Luncheon was then served at a Miss Beulah M iller assisted. M s. H, R. E c h tllz , Mrs- J . W- • e e joyed by the little tuls u n til so Mrs. L im b was b u n May 27, prettily appointed table. A holly Each one coming to the service B arton, and Mr. and Mrs. Alva early noon hour when the bostes-e 1858, near Medford slid was tbs is asked to bring some fruit, jelly, wreath w ith tiny C hristm as lights S m ith all of A lbany. Other out- Mrs. Jess Cross took p a rt in « of-tow n guests were Mrs. Roy formed the centerpiece and a lighteu program given iu Eugene on the served delicious refreshm ents chief daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Jake vegetables or something for the P arker, Mrs. Otto Locke ai d Mrs. red c tn d le in a red etar holder eighth s t the home of te r music of which was a beautifully deco- Slagle members of onv of O regon's Wes'ev hospital at Marshfield and first im m 'grant teams. m arked the place for each guest teacher, Mrs. T hatcher. T he pro rated birthday cake. all children are aeke.l to bring T aylor of Corvallis. Mrs. Lamb was married twice. either a new toy or one th a t h s Mrs. T I. M arks, whose birthday it gram cousisled of solos and two TIiOHe present were Eetty Jean Mr. W alter Sm ith a brother of was, was especially honored in the p ano numbers by the pupils most V annice, M atgaret and Frank Her first husband was George M. been repaired. Mrs. P atto u , Mrs. W alter Sm ith jr second course when Bhe was pre of whom are U niversity students. H arding, W illard G ille tt and Ar- Porter to whom she was married and d aughter also relatives of Mrs. October 5, 1875. They made th eir sauted with a large white cake on Tea was so: ve I f o l l o w i n g the pro della and Betty Jean Falk. P atto n , and Mrs. W-P- W ahl and Mrs. Jo h n W illbenke we» re­ home near Monro« for m any ye ire which 18 green caudles, one for dau g h ter of Halsey wer.- other re'- moved from the Albany General Mr. Porter died in 1897, and on each guest present, in red holders hospital to her home south of H a l­ atives present. Mrs. W ahl ia a May 2, 1»12. Mrs. Porter was mar were burning brightly. sey, Saturd-V m oroing. She haJ cousin of both Mr. and M'S P at­ r'ed to Jam es L sm b Mr. Lamb Mrs Mar?», Mrs. M arlin Cum- I eeu in the hospital 18 de>s fol­ to n . died in 1918. mingy and Mr«. George Laubner lo w in g a m ajor operation. She is Mis. Lamb ia survived by seven were ou the program com m ittee. P ine G rove Item » jj children. They are Mrs. Nellie * getting along as well ns could he Caspers of D iain , B. W. 1 orter, expected. One of the pleasant m em ories ( E n ts rp r lM Corr»spoo*M»cs) T he S eason of good ­ Ball Bond and family » ete Sun- F ,y G. Porter and F ran k I. Porter T he Pine Grove school is closed th a t will linger long with those will and H ospitality dsy dinner guests at the Merwin all of Monroe, Mrs. E lla Rossman privileged to atteu d was the birth th is week a r d the school Christm as of H alssy. Hugh M. Porter of V suniee home at Spoon River, day dinner given recently by Mr program fo r Friday n ig h t has been Medford and Om an B Porter of Mu. Buford Morris sp rn t this HRISTMAS is with us again, And as it spreads given up owing to the illness of and Mrs- J«»» Ctoss. honoring Corvallis. She is also survived by afternoon in Albuoy on a business abroad throughout this community its joyous the la tte r’s m other, Mrs. E. A. I ten grandchildren, one great grand trip. Ih »teacher, Miss Grace K irk. tidings of good will to all. let us join wholeheart­ L aFollctte. child and a sister snd brother. T he Fairfield family are on the I L C. Davis left today for Mil. Dinner was served at a beauti edly in its spirit. w iuk e, W isconsin, where he will sick list this week. Let each stranger who enters our gates know that ful'y appointed table, the center M rs . II. A Cook of P ortland has visit rslstife s for tho next tw o piece of which was composed of Mr. and Mrs. Ameil Munson and in this community the goodwill spirit of Christmas been visiting s t the home of her mot the. Howers. At the close of the dinner is not just a passing impulse effective during the Mr. and Mrs Elm er M unson were parents, Mr. »” '• M rs. H arry Davis holidays, but it is day by day fact throughout the Sunday visitors s t the N. E . the guest of honor was presented M r. end M n. K K- Gormley of Lake Creek since Sunday. Mr with a wh te iood cake decorated an I grsn ldsughter Renee Alford C handler home. entire year. Cook will join her here Hatu dsy with pink can ilea, as well as a spent the week end st I r v i n g on a Mr. sn d Mrs Sam Campbell and On another page of this issue, you will see how evening. They will return home num ber of p re se n t' frtm her eons visit with relative«. children visited at Mre. Johnson’s the business men of the community have united to Tuesday afternoon and th e ir families. present the greetings of the season. We can all do Now th a t io flu e rsi is tp iJe m c last week. PEORIA E n jo y in g this pleasant a ffa ir our share tow ard making this Christmas good feel­ George C handler and family in this sls'c. it i» well to know Those priv leged to be'oi.g to the were Messrs and Mesdames LsFol I how to treat this disease snd how ing a year ’round event, by showing Chnstmis were A lbany business visitors S at­ U Go I Go club are looking forth I . I felts, W. H. Robertson, Eldon *-.11» sra Frederick 1). to control it. . says D. charity ard fellowship to those with whom we urday. with s gr«At d. sl of pleasure to Cross, K enneth Croes (A lbany), 'B trick ler ol tbs state b<>«rl of come in contact each day. L . E Eagy accom panied by bis and M ?8 G l«dy» M cC o rn sck, M r Friday evening when the member« 'h e a lth . Both the cure sn d pre- fam ily speut S unday and M onday George Cross sn d the host and We can make this community renowned for its will enjoy a Cbriatroas tree an 1 tl e vention of iofiusnz* del end on w ith bis p aren ts near O sk v i'le. hospitality-and our reward will come to us here exchange of gH<» •» the bonce < f hostess. 1 knowing the cense. The be«' way on earth, for it will make the entire community Mr». A ltx Snmlgrass. A uo-host The com m unity C hristm as tree to keep from taking influenza is to dinner at which the h u s k a n 's cf will be held st tb s school bouse more prosperous and happy. Mrs, J.S. N o rth ru p entertained keep sway from people having Ibis the members will be guests will T uesday evening, December 25, tbe w om an's foreign missionary highly contagious disease. unless the illness so prevalent else- society o: the M e th o d ist ch u rch '««rvsd early in the evening. w here, visits this ueighborbo >d be­ F rid ay afternoon. A sh o rt bnsi- lii Rebekahs Elect Ofticers Helen Williams Winner of Swimming Contest at O.S.C Program at M E. Church Funeral Services for Mrs. lamb Were Held Tuesday Afternoon CHRISTMAS jj~ C fore th a t date.