r" Halsey îznfvrprtiv agriculture HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK E stablished in 1912. Voi. 17. Farm Body Protests Further Reclamation Work Just Now No. 32 Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County Halsey. Oregon, Thursday, December 13 1928. M errq ^ ¿ 5 2 C h ristm as DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAMt POULTRY __________________________ - J H A L S E Y A N D V IC IN IT Y B R E V IT IE S 5 A FABLE FOR CHRISTMAS EVE Izaak Walton League Chapter Of Halsey Meets Next Monday i; v u <1 Mrs. J. S Miller ofl "M r*. M. A R o s s m a n It e a i» -tu i n- By L aw * W . W ren, Th» I o j i I chapter of the Izaak At its recent nations'. session Halaey spent W ednesday in Eu- ad io her home In Eugene after a j In IflM o u r t F arm er. VUnj Qrakam Donner W alton League of America will held in W ashington, D. C., the gene. ¡visit of two weeks io llalsey at tie meet st the G un Club club bouse CIY. URRIJ Christmas to you all, N ational O range, one of the lead­ Carl J . Hill returned to H alsey !ho,l’e of her •o n - D C K u sm an . lly il CiriJ.'-I.. IO.-:. .<■ I.-Uri tt f ... n ex t M onday evening at 7 o’clock, J ¡2 tUhether you arc short or tall ing farm organisations of the U.S. I r l y b'ineing ttftty h ere heifw, Amos K unsay ami Robeit Bam- .-«■ Ulhethet you are younq o r old W ednesday evening from a busi­ I'-I' High anyth ,vme n o th m trry g ra el i for the transaction of business and went on record as opposing any L_) UThelhsr you are shy or bold. To v ie w t l j Santa't tm ihngfaee ness trip of two days in Portland say ai d wife returned Wednesday Tonight I though I hear J them ting, | also to enjoy another pleasant tuna further governm ent reclam ation of evening from Portlaud where they Last F riday B. M. Bond and “ ll’ilh Btihiehtm, th t h ta ttn t rin g ." M erry Christmas to each one, Q discuss'ng various phases of the land for ag ricu ltu ral purposes. May you alt have tots o( fun. fam ily, Mrs. M.C. Bond and La spent two days on business league, its work aud aim s. "But w h a t JiJyou tt ew ell tht n J tf " May you have of presents many. Strong opposition to the Colum­ “ Apple Blossom T im e'' by the / » a t g t l a ib tJ , J r tm n J t tt nJt. Velle Palm er drove to A lbany and May you not wish to chanqe any. A special invitation is extended Then M I va in ly t r i t j to ife a b , bia River irrigation feature of the spent the day transacting business. senior class of the Shedd high A man b tltJ t m t f u jf tJ H i cbtth— to every farmer near Halsey to Boulder dam scheme was expressed school will be given Friday eve­ "One-ttnth my g t U , ’’ he frtu aly crlw tJ , Merry Chnsmas to each oetqhbor. attend this meeting, get acquainted Mt. and Mrs. L. V. Chance were "W m t to tbt > IJear7" A rtie and a ib eJ w tlb f la in tn e v tie t, p o rt. A delegation of league m em ­ rived in Halsey last week from and the first part of this week in of the delegates who were m,,9t ac­ " O h Angel h at my g ift been e h tie tf“ bers of H arrisb u rg are expected to Cn*|i (M tin. Wsa u m hiswMSi luaa I t which tht h tavern leemeJ It M r, A lturas, California, and at the Albany on court business. tive in their opposition to further St many angeh a tu w tn J her, he present. present are at the Dan Hays farm f Next ____ W ednesday evening the governm ent appropriations for re- "Oh, merry it the Cbriitmat Jay on Route 2. They like this part of members of V ice Maple Circle, clam ation were A lbert S. Goss of H hen Chrut through metber love can ¡ayi M rs. Mary Driver Dies the state and will probably locate Neighbors of W oodcraft, will hold 'Devotion vcbal/y, net in fa rt, the Btate of W ashington and George C ive t ebeer to every achng heart, in this vicinity. j their annual Christm as program p H arrison, m aster of the Califor Mrs Marv E Driver, widow of AnJ'he w h o toile another i thrift , ,, cm .. , and tree with their fam ilies as Ta at! men mahet a Chrntmai gift! * ** nia state grange The«o gentlemen Mr. and M is E lm er M unson of; , Dr. 1. D. Driver pioneer Mythodiat n Hal.iev i i- - „„,i Presents are to he ex- represent the states in which the and i . their guests, m Mr. and guests. 6 m inister of Oregon, and she, her­ changed, each member bringing as largest reclam ation projects now Mrs. E m il Mnnson of N ebraska, self an Oregon pioneer, died at her many gifts as there are peeple in before congress would be located left today on a plpasure trio to home in Eugene S itu rd ay evening their party. The presents will be A resolution introduced by Mr Newport and from there expected at the age of 77 years. From O u r Regular CorrMpondenis put in a grab box and each one H arrison contained the following: to go t o Astoria where they would Funeral si rvices were held at will draw. The lodge will furnish “ T h a t the N ational G range does ALFORD the B ranstetter chapel in th a t city The basketball game last Friday visit R obert Gansle. the treat and a short program will hereby vehem ently protest against evening was a fast and exciting at 10 o ’clock Wednesday morning Mr. and Mrs. 0 J. Albertson be given. Honoring the birthdays of Mr. any legislation which will by the one. The fighting spirit but good arrived home Sundav from an ex­ after which the body was taken to Mr. and Mrs. W L. W ells have J. H. Rickard and Miss Letba use of public funds add another sportsm anship was shown by all tended trip of several m onths in Salem where a second service was had as their guests recently their Jenks a birthday dinner was given acre to th a t already u nder cu ltiv a­ the players. A lthough beaten by a the middle west. The greater part held at Rigdon and Sons chapel, at the home of the former last Bun­ daughter, Mrs Emil H elseth, her tio n .” W hether the farm er or the score of 24 to 8 the locals did well. of the tim e was spent with relatives Burial w*. in tho family lot in ■ husband and family of Palouse, day. T hose present for the day land epeculators shall have their Those playing for Monroe were K. a t G ocdland, Kansas. They re­ Wash , and Mrs. Welle sister, Mrs. besides Mr. Rickard and family Salem cem etiry.J way in congress rem ains to be seeo. Miller, r f; A. Miller 1 f; Perry c; port a fine trip and pleasant visit. Born in Illinois on February 18, Charles D cktnan and son of I.os were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jenks 1851, the deceased came to Oiegon Oakes r g; Bales 1 g. Halsey line­ Tomorrow afternoon the nv mhers Angeles. The latter lias also’spent and daughter l.elha, Mr. anil Mrs. up was Koontz r f; T u ttle 1 f; of Vine Maple Thim ble club will with her parent", Mr. and Mrs several days in Portland, Friday W illiam Jenks a n d Oliver Jenks Smith W illiams, in 1852, when »he Hussey c; Underwood r g: McCord be guests of Miss Mary L Sm ith at all of T angent, Miss A nna D rink­ Mr Helspeth made a trip to M arsh­ was only a year old. The family 1 g. Brown substituted for A Mill­ her home on north First street. At field and on Monday he and the ard of Halsey, and Jack Severt of located east ol Albany where Mrs. er, Siuclair for Perry aud Bennett th is time the club members will Corvallis. twA oldest hoys returoeu home hut • • • Driver grew to womanhood. She for Bales. (By George Cross) enjoy a Christm as tree and the ex- the others rem ained for a longer attended tb eS an tiam academy »nd Six weeks grades are out and PINE GROVE Halsey is represented by nine change of gifts. Roll call will be visit. later was a student at Albany col­ there are soma good ones, too. studen ts a t Oregon State A gricul­ answered by a Christm as quotation. ; . M rs. Floyd Nichols entertained Those receiving “ A ” averages are: tu ra l college, there being two in the members of the Kroweldeen lege. Postm aster K arl Bramwell has Ruth S turtevant, G ertrude Robins, Fifty years ago she was married in d u strial arts, two in commerce, club at her home W eilnesday after- asked th a t Christm as packages be ~ Beverly Isom, Charles Bieriy and to Dr. Driver, who during his life m ailed early in order to assure de- On account of illness ol several uoon. The time was spent in fei»OJ two in home ecouomics. one in served as pastor o, many M ethod­ forestry and two in vocational edu- Howard T uttle. Those with ” B” livery W rite address plainly on of those taking p a rt in the senior work arid a turkey modeling con­ averages are, Nellie and Grace one side of package, only, and on class play F riday evening .1 has test in which Mrs John McNeil ist churches in the state and also cation. received first prize and Mr"- George a t one time was superintendent of Fred H einrich, junior in indue- F alk , Muriel Lake, Jennie Nice- upper left hand corner, on same | been postponed indefinitely. McNeil second prize for being the the southern Oregon district of the t r i l l arts, is specializing >n shop wood, Frances Norton, Ernestine side, w rite eeudei's name and ad­ Coleman. Jack Underwood, W anda Methodist church. best artists with chewing gum . ad m in istratio n . He is also a mem ­ dress and on upper right hand cor Veatcb, |D onald Bramwell. Roger Previous to going to Eugene rec­ Luncheon was served at a lovely ber of the Acheau and Industrial Fairfield, Bruce and R ichard Har- ner affix stam ps. Bo sure to have appointed table w i t h a prettily ently Mi*. Driver had made her A rts clubs. sufficient postage and save delay Georgina C lark, freshm an in ding, Rova Jackson and June Lay- B hedd.--T he annual rodent hunt decorated Christm as tree forming home in Tangent for a number of A large num ber of Halsey people ton. The senior class received the years. commerce, is a member of the the center piece. spent Saturday in Eugene, among of Aph Swale will sta rt tomorrow • • • I’hyeical E ducation club and the higher class average this six weeks. E ight children survive. They The basketball schedule has been them being Mrs. Bert Clark who and will continue until the evening PEORIA are Grace I. Driver of T urner; Lena X antippe club of W aldo ball. of December 18, when the “ game E. Driver, Mrs. Frances Milton, R. Dorothy A braham , sophomore in arranged as follows: Crabtree at i ¡sited her sister; Mrs. Donna Cross will he counted and the losing side Thursday afternoon the members Sweet who was a guest a t luncheon and D. Driver, and L.L Driver all of commerce, is a mem ber of the Wy Crabtree, December 21; o f the Potter sewing club were will serve an oyster supper to the Home h-re January 5; Shedd at recital; Miss G ladys M cCornsc' Eugene; W.A Driver of Los An tome tree club, a club for women pleasantly entertained by Mrs. winners. C C. C .rise n is presi­ Shedd, January 25; Crabtree here who visited h r parents. Others geles; Paul 8. Driver of P ortland; Mary Porter, with 16 m em ber, living in their own homes. spending the day th e re were La dent of th i club succeeding J. and R.A. Driver of San Jose, Cal. E thel Quim by is doing graduate February 1; Shedd here February present- The afternoon passed Velle Palm er, George Cross, and Gamble. work in home economics by special­ 15; Monroe a t Monroe March 8; The banquet is to he given at quickly with fancy work and con­ -’rank W illiams of Halsey is a Cleona Sm ith and Mesdames E A Sweet Home a t Sweet Home March izing tu textile and costume de- tests, Mrs. Fieerk.on and Mrs. Ella brother. P. L a F o le tte . Eldon Cros», Jarnos the Ash Swale-community hall. signing. Mis« Quimby is also a 15. The program for the year’s ac­ winning firnt prizes, and The captains of the two tean b L im ar D rinkard, K arl Bram w ell, W H. CHARITY GRANGE membef* of the 4 -H and W inena tivities include socials after all Mrs. Zimmerman mid Mrs. Ronan are Charles and Ed Bowers. basketball games here and the Robertson and H arry Leeper. kamp the consolation prizes. A clubs. (By en Enterpiise Reporter) on Ja n u a ry II a necktie and apron dainty luncheon was served by the O ther students in school are H el­ social; April 5 a school vaudeville; The m i l of C harity grange put hostes. late iu the afternoon. She en W illiam s, sophomore in home was assisted by Mrs. Jessie I la y a new roof ou the hall last week economics; Vondis M il.er, junior May 30, comm encem ent; M»y 31, They also dog out all the brush in fo restry ; Thom as M iller, fresh school picnic. and Mrs. Dale Forrest. A student body meeting was Guests of tb s club were Me. from the yard and along the road man in vocational education; F rank held W ednesday. The draw ing of dam es Jessie Clay, M artha D avi. and took out the obi kitchen stove Koontz, sophomore in industrial names for ChristmaB and selecting Marcia Margasou and Dale Forbes and replaced with a better one. arts; an d George Cross, jun io r of delegates for the conference to At th 's meeting the club made The unnual election of officers vocational education. be held in Eugene, January 11-12, up a nice Christm as box of m ao , o, Charity grange will he held Sat- and for the exposition at Corvallis useful gifts, for a needy fam ily. urday, December l j , at 11 a.tn. Former Peoria M an Dies February 22-23. Those selected to The American college of music Z H . R udd, 66, died a t his go to Eugene are H erm an Koontz of Kansas Citv, Missouri, ba" a Conference at Lake Creek home in A lbany early Wednesday and Muriel Lake snd to Corvallis, representative in our county plac­ m orning following a prolongs » Nellie Falk and H itm a n Koontz Key. II. 8. Bbaugle, presiding ing free scholarships, one in each elder ol the Portland district, will district. They hope by this means Funeral service« will be held at Halsey Gun Club M eet Sunday hold quarterly meeting at Lake to advertise their system end even the F o rtm ille r chapel in th a t city The H»l»ey Gun Club will give Creett S aturday evening, December tu slly have it adopted by schools. F rid ay afternoon a t 2 o'clock. I r . another shoot Sunday, December 15. He will preach at the morning C urtis Veateb went to hi* farm D .V . Poling will have charge cf 16. Thia is the »econd of a eeries hour Sunday. at Cottago Grove F rid a , and spent the Burial will be in the oj of ^ three The Lake Creek league have been several days looking after his stock. u B services. w n w -B . -w — r e e being oeing sponsored by the «agonic cemetery under the au • dQb gnd proniim to equal th a t of invited to join the Peoria league The Brandon school boy* who >icM of the M asonic lodge. #go wb#D whe0 , re0ord Sunday evening T he leader belonged to the Muddy Creek Pig Mr. Rudd was a son of H arry Z. owJ t e n d e d . The excellent arranging a good program . I lie Club have been requested h , Prof. and Lydia A. Rudd pioneers of }j)njeni ,„ d com fortable quar- topic is “ C hristinas iu Story, Peek Weber to be in the parade at H ar- born on th e y ihe c[ub are becoming so ry and Song." Everyone i» invited Oregon, and was risburg F rid a ,. E dgar Grimes, throughout the rm n u ear Peoria on August A ugust 2" 2 ., faTorably fcn0 to come. farm esr Peoria who ia the winner of the Moses iportstnen enjoy a day Rev. Orc*r Gibson will preach 62. He had «pent practically a Ta|i9y th a t apa 1862 trophy in the national 4 II club _ . < A Uzviit * Tommy Tu< Ler. here wen In the u rn » of h l. m l.tn - o, Miss ^ rlk n > e ir following league. Rev. <»»bson, it of b ii life in L inn cou aty . About wUb'lbe locai c lub and attend io contest, was the lender of tbieclub. tom m y . Kai