HALSEY ENTERPRISE, HALSEY. OREGON, DECEM BER 6, 1928 John’s Mother Praises Doctor Improved Uniform International SundaySchool OUR COMIC SECTION There Isn't n m oth­ e r living who won't agree th a t no hulf- eiek child should be the subject fo r an ex ­ (B y R E V P R F l T l W A T E R . D D . D«aa perim ent w ith mf this Inter­ hen Dr. Caldwell started to practic- view v n s that the Jew s took neutral icine, back in 1875, the needs ior < ground. tive were not a» great aa today 2. Paul expounding the Kingdom of jle litteä normal livea, ate plain Gud and persuading concerning Jesus leeome food, and got plenty of fres But even th at early there w r l i t . 23.11). itic physic« and purge« for the rein lie (siinK'd out " real kingdom the on «tipat i on which Dr. Caldwell diu Messianic Kingdom, with the historic believe were good for human beinr^ Je us as King. he prescription for constipation • ha ised early in hit practice, and which Prayer mt in drug atoreo in 1H92 under the e of Dr. Caldwell’« Syrup Pepsin r Is Hie great lexer of the k liquid vegetable remedy, intended I life: nay. to speak In various women, children and elderly Dtopk- It * the lung by which II they need just such a nuld. a-ft , It is the nltnospltere In which el stimulant. i. the wing by which It s|>ee«ls his prescription has proven its wc rib it, and the language by which is now the largest selling liquid dirs. I t has won the confidence of communes with Ils own Orlg )le who needed it to get relief froir. V. Knight. leches, biliousness, flatulence, indi ion, loss of appetite and sleep, bao The Richest ith. dyspepsia, colds, fever«. At your riehen «ho posse-se« most of rgist, or write “Rvmp Pepsin, ud that was In Christ Jesus."— ‘ BB Monticello. lIliBou, fcr frw — . trassi t dt ’ Lesson' ( HEY YOU ; i GET YOUR OLD M ULE O U T OF ' .T H E WAY. When,Food Sours HOLLER OATô ( IN H IS K A P j BUILD A FIRE ) c UNDER H IM ( *. give him A CARROT. PHILLIPS Milk . made H A N F O R D ’S “ Jff" "I m ? THE EARM BLOC Balsam of Myrrh IT M U S T BE C O O D T ry it for Cuts, Bruiser, Sores, etc. Ml .«. »«iS-fioS t. rO««S ,w.r ■—I tw IS, hr,l Sell, 4 ■ — « Mil.d Im m u n e . F w t l V i T ÍA V IT« A tJHtOS- ŸuU SiS4 HtEPal veoshf ?*-M-MILLAN * < o f Magnesia Garfield T ea » Lots of folks who think they have •Indigestion” have only an acid condi­ tion which could be corrected In five or ten minutes. An effective a n ti-ad d like Phillips Milk of Magnesia soon restores digestion to normal. Phillips does away with all th a t sourness and gas right after meals I t prevents the distress so apt to occur two hours after eating. What a pleas­ ant preparation to take! And how good It Is for the system ! Unlike a nurnlng dose of soda—which Is but temporary relief at best—Phillips Milk of Magnesia neutralizes many times Its volume In acid. Next time a hearty meal, or too rich a diet has brought on the least dis­ comfort, try— ? / À When Boh Itoyvr came hack from a summer nt the ”Y" camp In Green valley, he sutldenlt discovered thst a Utile tam p hail picked on him. and fluttered around continuously. “You'd better look out for thnl one,” advised a friend. “She’s got the rep of lielng a regular gold digger.” “Then all I've got to any Is th a t she’s a darned poor geologist,” d e d a re d Boh —Los Angeles Tillies. ME KEEPik. MYgE-lF ! ' ma KA K * WATS <ÍO£ i D ' W il l C o ld W o r r y You T h it W in te r ? Some men throw -off u cold within a few hours of contracting If. Anyone cun do It wllli the aid of u simple com­ pound which conn* In tablet form, amt Is no trouble to take or to always have about you. Don't “dope” your­ self when you catch co ld ; use Pape's Cold Compound. Men and women everywhere rely on this amazing little tablet.- Adv. TUE StATES |\ SEEM KEEP'* MC'' I M V ££LF T k at's Noi Nice. “I n eter w orrt alami my hiishnnd pnyllig ulleidlon lo ollier women he • crazv ahout me ” “Itili perhaps he luis liK'ld Interinls.” -T U lilla « ru n GOT OUT CF T kt NUT-rtOUSC- aaiYi PSST1 Tee MUSTUT / „ TELL