/ AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK Established in 1912. Vol. 17. ÎatferprtsF No. 31. rialsey, Oregon. Thursday, December 6. 1928. DAIRYING WOOL. MOHAIR POULTRY Devoted to the Interests o f Halsey and Linn C ounty OPPORTUNITIES IN GRASS " 0 GRADING SCHOOL FOR FARM SEED CROPS ARE MANY SCHOOL NOTES HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES ¡¡SOCIETY NEWS M UniCL REPORTER I te .chei hirH .ng Thursday j E E Brodie, editor of the O re J I PRODUCE NEW INNOVATION S u b s ta n tiil opportunities in l a m i , Fron» Our Rcgulau Corr««pondema gon C ity E n te rp rise was a p leasan t Ik = 1 A very interesting and exciting evening, December 18. A grading school, .If eigne I for Charles Gibson of C orvallis was visitor at tlia Ha'sey Enteigrise basketball game was played last Thanksgiving day witnessed a warehousemen, present or future Friday night, ft wae between the transacting business in Halsey office Wednesday. number of fam ily leuuions in Hal- inspectors, and ottiers wbo need a alum ni and the high school teams. j 8a,u rd »J- The supper planued lor the eve- sey homes while others were guests knowledge of fa leral k il l state The ecure was a tie of 25 end five! Mre. M. A Rossman o, Eugene nine of December 14 at the school of relatives and friends elsewhere, grades of farm products, has been minutes of extra tim e pla ying , *» ** Buest at the home o f her sou. house at Peoria has been postponed ’ aud s till other fam ilies enjoyed the | anaO0t,ce‘l al 11,8 Oregon S’ at« gave the game to the alum ni by 2 ® C. Rossman of Halsey. ou accouut of counter attractions. fine turkey dinner served at the i A g ric u ltu ra l college for January 14 points. 1 be alum ni team was com­ Mr. and Mrs. J J. Underwood of W ayne Robertson came up frern Halsey restaurant by M is George to 2(1 inclusive This is an enlarge- posed of fo m M ille r, center; Frank Route 1 were transacting business Portland to spend the day at the Hoffman. m in t of the successful hay grading Koontz forward; Jess Cross forward in Corvallis Monday. A t the home of Mrs. Josie Sm ith short course held in recent years. borne of his parerts, Mr. and Mrs. M artin Koontz guard; George Cross The course w ill provide tra in in g Wednesday evening W . P Wah! H.C. Robertson, Other guests at Mrs. Heory Wallace, sou Frank, guard. The high school team was and Johu La Rue motored to the dinner were Mr. Sam H u ll of Leb­ a id daughter, Mrs. Bessie E d - in grading wheat, oat», c irn , bar­ composed of Russel Norton center; county seat on a p’ easu-e trip . anon and M r. and Mrs. Jess Cross * wards, of A lbany, Ernest Wallace ley, hay and p )*.atoss and in ad­ Francis Leeper forw ard; Herman fa t'd fam ily of Corvallis, and C. K d ition w ill provide o p p irtu n ily for of Halsey, G ve F uller Brushes fo r Christ Koontz forward; Jack Underwood I RmiLli ’ * n n * ili and A*»/! B illy p'active in seed testing laboratory Sm .lh utul uud a s in >u K Keuneih mas. Your F u lle r man w ill call guard; Dick Hussey guard. a', the college being available for irk were guests. CHARITY GRANGE next week, C. Sharp, A lbany, F rid a ve ve n in g of this week the this work. The final day» of the Mrs. E d ith Robnett eoteitained Or. adv. high school w ill play Monroe. (By an Enterpiiae Reporter) co >rse w ill be spent in Portland her son, Truman, who is a druggist Several o f the afreets of Halsey Those showing up well iu practice visiting federal and state labora­ Shedd Personals at Clatsknnie, and her daughter Enid and Way tie Veatcli spent are Koontz, T uttle, Hussey. U n­ have been improved by having tories llie ie . The course is being Thanksgiving day and the week and eon-in-law, M r and Mrs Ken (By an Enterprise Reporter) derwood, McCord, W illiam s, Car­ several loads o f gravel dumped on pui on by the farm crops d ep art­ neth Cross, of A lbany. end at home. Their father, C urtis them. The seuior class of the high ter, Crabtree. ment of the college The Eldon Cross home was the Mrs. Robert Ramsay spent Inst \ e s'cli, tock them hack to-Eugene school are p racticing hard on th e ir The busy Bee sewing d u b started Sunday aftiruoon and from there scene of quite a large dinner party c play, “ Apple Blissoui T im e ,” to their work this week ueder Ernest- Sunday in Eueene and w hile there Alford Arrows Miss Enid took the tra in for Rose­ with M 's. Ellen M orrell and Patsy be given Friday night, December ine Coleman’s leadership. Tl.e attended services at the Lighthouse Frick of H illsboro. Mr. a id Mrs burg where sho is leccbiug school. (Enterprise correspondent) 14, at the Woodmen h all. I t is Rose Standish club also has started temple. Harold Palmer of Baker and Thom E.A.P . LaFollette and George ]. II. Rickard and fam ily attended said to be a good play with plenty under the leadership of Mrs. Chas. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. M uller and as W illia m s of Junction C ity, both of Halsey m aking up the guest list. the Thanksgiving services at L a 'e of comedy. Straley. Mrs. J.C . Porter visited relatives Another large dinner party was -tud nts at U. of O., spent Satur. Creek. The ladies of the U P. church A pou ltry club has been oig.an- and transacteu business in Albany the one given at the home of M r. day w ith Wayne Veatch and while w ill have a supper, bazaar and ized in Mrs. Coleman's room u n ­ Saturday. W ilm s and Lois Falk were the and Mrs. Orin Frum when they here went goose bunting. entertainm ent at the Cottage F ri- der her leadership. guests of Velda and Alice Curtis entertained for the day Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. C. H . Davidson ol M uriel .Straley and her guest, day evening, December 7. The grade rooms are now m ak­ Mrs. James H Thompson and Ih u rs d -y night. Shedd were guests at the W . L Miss Al ee Schott, who spent the Mrs. W illia m Hobbs and c h ild ­ ing their Christmas borders which Mr. and Mrs. Ray W iig b t o f three children of Albany, M r. and Wells home near Halsey for dinner holidays in Halsey at the home of ren spent Monday afternoon in are very attractive. Junction C ity were week end guests Mre. Ray Frum and son Darrell Thanksgiving day. ihe form er’ s parents, were visitors Albany. Siides o f Eskimos and Eskimo and Lo Ray of Boownsville, Mr at the W alter Frum home. M r. and Mrs Cecil Dawson and it the Veatch home Saturday eve­ M r. and Mrs. R rlph Dannen are and were shown Wednesday after­ George Cooper of Woodburn, aud Mrs L -K Bond of A lbany was Lester A lle rtso n weregmets at the ning. parents of a baby daughter boin noon at assembly. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Fruui mid a guest a t the home of her (laugh, Bob Ramsay home we»t o f Halsey Tuesday, December 4. Mrs. A rro n ter, Mre. E D Isom, Sunday. The com m unity celebration at two children of Alfurd, Thanksgiving day. Sunday evening an enjoyable Starnes is staying at the Dannen M r. and M r , listen Biss a ril Brandon school on Thanksgiving Guests at the home of M r. John meeting wag held at the Methodist home. Tuesday afternoon Mesdames D lay was a real success. About GO La Rue and sister were M r. uud c lii’dren were Sunday afternoon M r. and Mrs. Robert Gatke and hurcb w ith the members of the C. Rossman, Harold M uller and enjoyed the basket dinner and that Mrs. J. A. M i'le r and Mis, M. I t . visitors at the J H. Rickard home. Stanley Satchwell returned to their local Epworth League hosts to the F.B uford Morris and Miss Oleths Qumber wae almost doubled in the Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M cKercti- wore grass seed production exists fo r Oregon, according to the ex- psrfinent station. Timothy is being harvested in several districts and this year Geary Brothers of Kiam - ath county harvested about 11,000 pounds of mixed tim o th y and al- silte w ith a combine harvester. These men also harvested some Kentucky blue grass teed, the first commercial harvest o f this seed on record in Oregon. A small amount of orchard grass is boing g-own in Clackamas, Benton and this coun ty, the total acreage uot exceeding 100 acres. Demand exists for much more of this seed. hom e in Salem Kni»L»v • t / f iy-s lug spent Thanksgiving w ith Mrs Satchwell and fa m ily . M r. and M is. W. D. Porter bad as th eir dinner guests on Thanks giving, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter and daughter Amy, and Mrs. Por­ te r’ s brother from Kug’ iie, and M r. and Mrs. T. H. C. Brasfield 8. J. Snoen and Dick Farwell went to Portland last week cm ¿«G 11 a v r l a h n Pre I f M 's. f I i. T‘ n«Ai«. —• * mother, Mrs. Y fa n Y r t * » * * v gram in keeping w ith llia nksg rv- F rid a y evening about 20 young game of basket hall and a hog-call- Penlsud from U . of and Miss Crawfordsville Wednesday n fg h to l ng was given and scripture lain» people ol the Methodist church met ing contest. In the house there Nettie Spencer oi Corvallis. lust week. Russel Pierson, LaVelle Pal­ at the J II. Vanuice borne where was visiting « "6 «'"B»"K- Kver> At thn E B. Portland borne Dr K. I). Isom and fa m ily were mer and Doris Howard were made, they practiced the music for the one sang when, how and w lis tib e y H ughTeoland of Berkeley, C alif , Thanksgiving guests at the R. F. readings by Pearl F alk and Velva Chiistm as program. ¡shed and called it a good day. his daughter Marie from O. B. C., Robnett home in Eugene. Miss Hadley, and a duet, quartet in- The anniversary meeting ol Char and Fred ». bins and fa m ily were at the Buford M orris DeEtta Robnett who is teaching in strum enlal music com pete e |n HB]gey gaoday were Mr. ty grange last SH urday was well the high echool s t Rsvmond, gueste. , program. League discu-sio i _ h ± and Mrs. Kenneth l ’ayne and son .Mended, over 150 being present Wash , also spent the holiday» at lowed. D uring the social hour a and Mr. and Mrs. Asa Kastburn A t noon a basket dinner wae served The members oi Vine Maple lunch was served. Miss Nellie a td the tables fa irly groaned be- circle enjojeJ “ covered dish sup her home. and two sons a ll of A lbany. Mr. and M '«- J uliui) Ea,k flni a business trip . Falk, president of the local league ueath the load o f good things to per Tuesday evening oiler the c ose c h ild ie n , Erma, Violet tn d Gerald, H a ll’ s Fierai Shop at 327 We’ t M r. Lym an Pennell’ s mother of presiaed. About 130 were prekeut. eat The only disappointrn nt was ol the bueinese i eesion. Theauppei •pent the Thanksgiving holiday» F irst street, Albany w ill be open Silverton, is visitin g at the Pennell the failure of Professor Gentle to was planned iu honor ol the b irth - a» Glide where they visited Mr». Jam s M cW illiam s, W ilb u r N or' l eveni„g s u n til Christmas to Rive arrive. 1 ho program included home hero. to», Frank and M a rtin Koontz, a ll I h# bl)gv Copper , chance to ahoj days o f Mrs. Clara LaFollette and Falk’s brothers, Roy and Perry Mrs. F rank Hoffman returned several readings. One given by Bond, and their fam ilies. They t h e ‘ ‘G f*s of a ll N ations” part Mrs. Nellie Isom. to her home in Lebanon after a members of lb« Hal««V Gun Club tli Mr. H arding, our worthy lecturer, adv have been d oirg th e ir b it toward elt bere We.lnes.lay evening evening and a week’ s v is it w ith her . ’ .te r, Mrs. ol the store was especially enjoyed. Miss How- L is t evening about ilv r t y meui-1 retUrned borne Sunday evening. tl.e preservation of game birds th is Robert Gansle of Astoria joined srd of K irk echool gave a C hrist­ beta of the C brielian chuich drovel N ora Coates. ----------------- — U1O .................. M r. and Mrs Dale Forbes are (all. More than GO hawks have his brothers. Frank and Charles mas story and her pupils put on s t o t h . borne o lW C. W elle and £ Church Note» after having been in k e e n kille d this fa ll and something Mie» lrin e Quimby gave a teadered Mi«« ü o ld ia Welle» Íare-|L_ home now here the latter part of the week play. like 45 last fa ll, be«ir Thanksgiving w ith her parents feasor Teutsch who w ill speak in th irty -th re e guests at the beau.i- Church of C h ris t: The public is invited. 10 ». m Sundey school. here. M i.s M uriel Straley who is favor of a .o u n ly agent. A t that fu lly appointed table were marked. I j 'OOa. m. communion service. M r. and Mrs. Fred Vetters teaching echool at Marshfield spent hour, which w ill be early in th ; 6:45 p. m C b rlrtla n Endeavor. The members of the I Go 1 Go H a rrisb u rg are at the home of M r. the T ha nksg iving holidays s t her afternoon, the meeting w ill be open Evening topic: "G o d ’s Greater» club were d e lig h tfu lly entertained and Mrs- Burkey here. Mr. \ e t t . r . home io Halsey. She had as her to anyone wishing to hear the Wsdi.esday a’ ternoon by Mr» Question to Mau. is an in v a lid and has been confined guests w hile here the Miesse Alice speaker and a ll ere co rd ia lly »n We «»'«id “ cordial in v ita tio n George Chandler. Conversation U bis bed by paralysis for over a Schott and Margaret D t wlev who vited. and contests were pleating diver to attend this service. year. He is 86 years old. He is an are also teaching in Marshfield, Mrs. M «ry B'«r , y bad T h ,n k A change in tbs set vices for Hun- sions end late lo the afternoon the uncle of Mr«. Burkey. l^ ro y Straley drove to the coast giving dinner w i'h bei son« and day of particular intereet to the hostess served » delicious lunch. Mrs. Emma Junkins was the c ity for hie sister and her friends daughters and their families at the • • • com m uni’ y should tie noted st this guest of her niece and nephew, Mr on Tuesday and they returned by home ol A rth u r Wsggen«'- “ '»• lake cheek and Mrs 'R oy Jackson, and fam ily tim e. A t the Bible school hour. Rose Burge of Albany, Mu- W il- stage Sunday even'.ig. 10:00, Mis« Goldie WeH« w ill «peak Mr. » nd M .s. E V . Bass were of lla U e y, Thanksgiving day. I ’ lv e n , Roy, John and James ham Pence and Mr«. Wagg«»-r «re hos's st » T h a u k s g itiu g d in n e r Iasi to the tongregslioo. This w ill he M re .H arry Sprenger ba. receive Paul Brown, and Mi»« Laverne Brown, the dsughtere, end H ira m , Thursday to • group oi relatives. her Isst appearance before leaving word th a t bar brother-in-law , La­ a llo t Madras, Oregon, surprised and Ralph Bierly the sons, Seated s t the table were M r. ami for Africa. A meeting ol the mem- ver«» A rnold, who lives close to M r. and Mrs. C. S. W rig h t Friday J B. Waggener and w ile arrived W . Munson, M r. and M r l- hership of the church for im port- Mre Lebanon, was throw n from a wag- called on t „ t boeinesa ha. been requested from when they suddenly home Wednesday evening Homer Bloom nd children and on and h u rt last week M r A m o them , having driven from their Yakim a where they have bean Signs Muneon of Albany, Mr. and by the church board Im mediately is confined to his bed. Tipton, Iowa, home to Halsey by way of the Me- w orking during the apple harvest Elmer Munson ol Potter and follow ing th . church services. We M r.and Mrs. C harlo. Arnold and ( John Mre. Kenzie Pass where the encountered E m il Munson and urgently request the presence«. A well d r ill pulled in on the Bfr. and Mrs. heavy snows. Mr. end lir e W right Mr. daughters who are visiting here the entire meuiberahip lor a short Veatch property Monday. a to F u se n e W ednesday to * »> ç to hold Herbert r ■ .re uncle and sunt i f the young period only. Veatch tbinke i t w ill he easier to from Nebraska^__ ______ folks and had not seen them for get a new well th»n move the old Shelley, minuter * JM Catherine A rnold, who is tr promise«! mu. .. — ---- C o nl.ntied on i'H « 8. 16 years. From here they returned at the Pacific Christian h°»P 1[pP,1(,r ha, known Mr * one. home by way ol Portlaod. They returned to their home th at| |be ,„tter a boy et Wes « . evening. Iowa.