9 o agriculture horticulture livestock 'is* Ira ie n t î£xtln‘px*tev - -_ — J —————— ' dairying WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY »n»hi» Intere Sh ed d Personal» iEW FARM RELIEF MEASURE G rim es, ’ »-tear oid son I NOW READY FOR CONGRESS I of E J lgar L. Grimes of near H arrisburg, The Halsey Gun club gives at hn F . A lterm att of Berkeley, Next W ednesday evening the a t Junction City F n d ay morning, with a set of silverware. ce cream e r, probably to four mill«, the next tem porary eecietary and later were alif., and was a tte n d ’d by a members of ViltJ Maple Circle, 1 he Robinsons formerly lived on and cake were served at the close levy, anil if the proposed new union elected perm ai.eiiily to those posi­ loup of old friendj. N eighbors of W oodcraft, will hold the f a r o I.....— H-v l.( . Rik-. o ltb e e v e m n g .________ _________ * ie formed at Corvallis there will he tions of the chapter. Miss Beesie Bond was a guest of another jum p upw ard. This would their regular meeting which will be J. A. Cushm an, m lio n a l field Jrs. G. ' M itzner over the week seem to make it a m atter of self representative, spoke hrielly of the followed by it covered dish sup- H ALSEY A N D nd. Mia, Bond ie making her interest for outside districts to join aims aud pur pm e» «I t,lfl M g» • per. One of the p leasant features ome in Albany. union districts at the earliest pos which all enjoyed. He epoke fiat- a 1 of the supper will be the celebra- Mayor B ert 8. Clark drove to Mr. and M « . J-W . I’ugb »nd 1rs L.V . Chance is spending ■ible tim e. —H arrisburg Bulletin term gly ol the com fortab'e q u a r­ Corvallis this afternoon to get his fam ily wete Sunday visitors at the The union high echcol district ters ol the club and »aid: “ l e a n daughter Georgina who will spend R. L. Jackson home at Monroe which wne form td from plainly see this club is a real live the holidays at her home here. Buford Morris spent several hours I, Davis. _________ _____ ~ eight common school districts, one and I am pleased w ith your H*H’» Floral Shop, 327 West in Junction City Tuesday afternoon d elicate 1 their new »55,000 build­ neat home ” First etreet, A lbany, will be open ing recently. The bonds were sold on a business trip. evening« beginning December 1 to Give Fuller Brushes for C h rist­ im m edietely alter being Voted and give the busy shopper a chance to mas. Your Fuller man will call construction ol the building begun shop in the “ G ifts of all N ations” and completed in record time. The next week. C. S harp, A lbany, th a t the costs part of the stoie. »dr. larger, and even at indebtedness runs 20 years and Or. a d ’ ' Shedd, Nov. 29—The senior cl»es G reater efficiency and economy Sunday evening at th e Church draw» 5 1-2 per cent interest. The Id be effected in Oregon schools are greater. ol the Shedd high school have a n ­ Mr. and Mrs. W L . Wells were The same situation exists in the of C hrist there will be presented valuation of the new district as nounced the date of their class play novem ent for the creation of high schools, Professor Stetson’s guests at the home of their daugh under the leadership ol Mrs. Shel­ asaessed ie »1,378,154. end a special as Friday evening, December l i , ,#r school centers, both for study shows, the sm all schools hav­ ter, Mrs. Glenn K endall of North ley a m issionary pageant ol the tax levy of about three and one- at the W oodman hall. nentary and high echoole, and ing high costs. In a group of high A lbany Sunday. “ Good S am aritan ” with the m em ­ half mill» will liquidate the debt re careful atteotion to problems schools with less than 10 pupils in The title of the play i» “ Apple Mrs. R o b in Ramsey of Route bers of the church ta k in g part. inftw enty years. irganization to elim inate w aste,” I Blossom T im e,” a three-act comedy a One «pent Friday in Lebanon and attendance, the average cost per There will be special music and lared F. b. Stetson, professor of dram a. The play, while its title student shows a median of $17-, Miss Goldie Wele Returned laet to tit ondary education at the U niver- and it is found th a t as the size of seems a bit oui of season, ie replete week from Cslouee, Calif , where with .resh and pleasing scene! end , of O teg°D’ i° * u l t be,ore tbe the echoole increa.ee this per capita Ä t w l Ä l S " X B I- ,b . ....... t h . p . . . .o go . . . . ond school finance conference cost drops. Thus in high schools ano. M u-------- session on the Eugene cam pus with between 40 and 50 pupils in will eat Thanksgiving dinner with arrived in Halsoy last evening from In the past high school plays H illsboro lo spend Tl)au»egiving to resume her work es a missionary have been well attended and the turday. attendance, the median is »10-. their softs and daughters. They On Friday Mis» Welle end her at the Elden Cross home. Professor Stetson’s conclusions audience always pleased and the ‘'T he situation as it stands indi will return to Halsey F riday. Mrs. W .L. Wells, spent re given as th e result of a survey forthcoming one promises to equal catee th a t many echoole operate at the day in A lbany. Later «he w :nt cost per capita of etudents in an inexcusably high cost, if not rxcel, form er ones. said to Halem to spend the w,-.-k • -n I egon schools, which indicates Professor Stetson. “ This is par M f i -GIVE ME DOME S M W at greater economy is effected in ticalarly noticsble in the email 5 0 I Klb MAIL we -> f utters •ger schools and one of the big- I To UNCLE TOM, AN GRAftDMA, echoole, m any of whioh are main st handicap« experienced by tained prim arily for local and sen 'I 1 AN' C0U5IN — - BOBBIE, AH' AUfjT Art' UrtCLE PICK, Art DORIS AN regon schools is the fact tha- ’ ht y tim en tal reasons, and could be IFYOU HAVE ArtY Art' FRrt.ArtO5 TEA M t TO Bfirt I 't t consolidated satisfactorily. The e so sm all. People who w ant to know how business blocks, paying »149,(HM) Professor Stetson presented d ata consolidation movemeat ie under PQ 'EM Q U IC K ---- new J t t l e . ere a ..» ^ io g in the de- m cash and .d d in g im provem ent. nirfMntw lowing the cost per pupil in aver- way, b u t it is slow, particularly in Jrtiw T F i velopment of t b . state will‘ b’ I l l C u g h t ^ n d C ontract, let ;e daily attendance in 149 j one western Oregon where conditions 1 234 5 « 7 a t»re-t»d In the investm ent inane jouuu »»» e K>m echoole of Oregon. He found .. make it more advisable. d - n g the m outh of October by “ “ ¿ota “ oZ wbMib ta t th e m edian cost in one-room V “ In the email high school the newcomer». The Mete cham ber of lo coal $1M. » b ■ rhooli for each pupil, annual!v, is problem of proper courses of study commerce, P ortland, investigated new _ ,d t(ock8 86; in the two-room schools, $60, and proper conditions for in stru c ­ 37 f.m iliee who located h e r. dnr- bought for »18,500 Two oW etock. -hooli of 50 to 100 pupils, $50; tion is a serions one. The survey in , the m onth end found th a t 19 of merchandise worth »lO/KA were 00 to 150, »44; 150 to 199. »'• • shows a great disparity in the h ‘d already p n rc h .e .d (arm s c o n -, nd above 200 pupil«, 48. efficiency of the or-enization«. T his c b a rly ehowi, he pointed .om e of them wasting tim e right i i X i S X X , i n « pieces good, were .hipped into t b . e t.te H 'J tM » » ’ w ».• • - ------- f | ,ut, th a t th e costs are much higher .n d left One of the big things i lllltc » " ewa—.------- — - sod furniture, stock and equipm ent iiX ï tem porarily and five havepurebae- purchased in the Hate totaled »10- »ercapita in sm aller school«, in looking toward economy would be •d business or town property. I in 0 0 1. The above doe« not tell the act being double per cap lla in the to set up a reasonable program provem ente to farm properties whole story, according to W. G. room echool to th a t of the 200 w ith a fair teaching load, and L T âfei I worth »4800 were added during Id« m anager of th« state cham ber, pupil school, and the greatest establish » »»’» 'J * hedule lo at" •a a num ber of femil «e are «till to I October. -hence for economy lie« in coneoli- tra c t and bold the more profession- 1 The new settler« purchased two be checked. datione. Professor Stetson found »1 type of teacher who could work th a t in the em ail echoole there is in euch an efficient organization.' a lower teaching «alary than in the VICINITY BREVITIES »»««. a,. jnsolidation of Schools Eliminates Waste, Says Professor I L. Stetson Shedd Hi To Give Play Dec. 14 C h r is t m a s Is C o r n in ’ II A Substantial Investments Made By Settlers in Oregon During October