T he R ed Roae Onondaga stepped from cover and stood beside us. “ The witch woman’s medicine told her some one was following us. We waited." I explained. “ She Is arendlouanen," he gravely said. “ The Wolf runs long and fast from Alluquippa's town to find the army. The bone-breaking man took your talk down the Yougblogeny and w ill follow up Sewickley creek If the ghosts of the Hathawekela burled there do Dot stop him.” The Hathawekela were the principal division of the Shawnee and claimed to be the "elder brothers” of that na­ tion. I bad been In Old Sewickley Poultry Facts c X-<-->XX>< h ? -X X X X X m X>C m X ^ i > X > 0 0 < m X »0< m X H X X m X n X «X >(X )< m »<«>OCÎO M a jo r ity o f M a n k in d There are clubs and societies fot every conceivable purpose under the sun, yet one of the most obvious needs of Americans today Is left entirely un covered. What we need Is a don't get excited club whose object fhall he to keep people from coming to the boil­ ing point when It Isn't uecessary. The trouble with most ot us Is. we get too excited over little things snd not excited euough over the hlg ones Agitation, loss of temper and sue render of self command over the trlv l al annoyances of life are a sheer waste of lime aud energy In most lilimnn affairs more cun be accotn pllitslietl through poise aud placidity Gian through effervescence and sels rale phenomena. If s don l gel-excited club could he -<) organized as to conserve all the | iiuiomi votings that no» goes tv waste Too E a s ily E x c ite d through needless excitement It would mean that mankind had reached tin suburbs of a new era.—Harry Daniel In T h rift Magazine. W ord Invent o n Shakespeare Invented the word “ be smirch“ and Carlyle “ bestnutch"; Southey produced "betrayal" and Coleridge “ eseraplastlc” ; Goldsmith contributed “ cantankerous." Burke "disorganize," and Bernard Shaw “ sn perman." according to the Oxford Eng list) dictionary. Fruit of the Banyan The banyan tree Ik a species of fl, and produces a frnlt of rich, scarlet color not' larger than a sherry, grow­ ing In pairs from the axils of lit leaves. a • a a Oeese sholud not he used for breed­ ing purposes until they are two years old. A gander may be used the first Season. • a a Winter egg production Is largely ol>-_ tulned from pnllets that are well grown, properly fed. and carry a sur­ plus of flesh. a • Scientists have discovered all kinds of odd facts about humanity. For (instance, nn expert recently stated that he had never seen a bald- headed lunatic! Now comes the even more peculiar disclosure that red headed girls may be bow legged, but brunettes are, as a rule, knoet--kneed. These facts are based on data supplied by a certain artists’ club which has been collect­ ing statistics respecting Its models. Another luteresting point Is that red-haired women suffer less from se­ rious diseases than their darker sis­ ters. This Is due to the fact that their sklo throws off poison more rapidly than a dark person's. Also, red hair, which a generation ago was Jeered at, nowadays Is ad­ mired, as It should be. The red- haired girl has proved that she is not hot-tempered, but, as a rule, much bet­ ter balanced meutally than a brunette. —Exchange. No Time Just Then to Think About Fairness Valentin Garflas, the millionaire oil man, said In New York the other day that there Is a great overproduction end consequent waste of oil. “ Nevertheless," Mr. Garflas went on, “ there are men who snatch oil prop­ erties as unfairly as— well. It's like the story. "A chap, wild with hunger, rushed up to a railway station lunch counter. The counter was crowded, and he only had a minute to catch his train. Must he go without food? It looked like It. “ Two beautiful sandwiches had Just been set before two gentlemen, and the chap grabbed one of them up. “ 'Here,' Its owner snarled. ‘Here, that ain’t your sandwich!’ “ ‘Ain’t It?’ said the chap, as he slipped it In his pocket. Then I guess this must be mine.’ “ And he grabbed up the other gentleman's sandwich, and galloped off and caught his train Just as It was moving from the station.” The Whimsical Max. Paul Jones of the family of the University of Pennsylvania, said on his recent return from Europe: “ I have a great admiration for Max Beerbohm, and In August I visited him In hts villa at Rapallo on the Italian Riviera. “ I had visited him before, and had told him a story about James Joyce; but I forgot this on my second v is it and retold the Joyce story. ‘‘The whimsical Max, when I fin­ ished, said: “ ‘That's a good story, but, really, If you tell It to me again I shall have to tell It to you.’ " G u lls L ik e d S tr a w b e rr ie s . Strange picnic guests were enter­ tained at a clambake on the shore at Belfast, Maine, when a flock of sea­ gulls, after circling about, swooped down and made an attack on a plate of strawberry tarts, although they left the apple tarts on the plate. Only one of the birds succeeded In getting away with one o f the tidbits of des­ sert. and he was followed for some distance by the others trying to get a bite. j RELIEF! Every Mother Should Know This Quick, Sure, Safe Method A « 7 » .: “ W h e n m r on, year old baby bad whooping cough, G;e»ea gave quick re lie f fro m coughing SDella. Ta la w o n d erfu l.” • • • • • • Babies and child ren can so ean ly be spared m uch suffering fro m whooping cough, c” 0» 7 c o ld , and cougha. Aalt a n y phyiician i f »rained nurae— about the rem arkable aeonX tiea of Gleaaco. W h e n symptoms o f them appear, give thia ew ithing, healing remedr at ence. W hoop ing cough is lightened, c r » « r r h / r r d w ifnoM t vo m iting, colds chccketL cougha atopped— im m e d ia te ly / Containi M cpiatea. Get it now — and have it at hand al. h i” C dru» * ist’ general a to r^ C ough and C roup Remedy CDPr r lftt T H E G LESSNER C O M P A N Y Findlay, O hio (5 ) Send me at once a liberal Free TR IA L T ria l bottle o f D r. Drake'a G LESSCO and a ' W ° l hie book. "Diaeaaea of Infanta and Nome......... For Galled Horses Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh AU Sedan are aathoriaU la rvlaad I _ b n t Uttia if aw m HU. r (.uh. G arfield Tea W as Your G ra n d m o th e r’ s Rem edy For every stomach and Intestinal 11L This good old-fash­ ioned herb home remedy fo r consti­ pation, stomach Ills and other derange­ ments of the sys­ tem so prevalent these days is In even greater favor as a fam ily medicine than In yonr grandmother's day. MILLAN W ANTS YOUR FURS L ib er a l C r a d in e . B ig p r o tits f o r y o u t P a y in g t o p - n o t c h p r ic e s f o r 50 y ea r s. Fur m a r k e t b o o m in g . S e n d to d a y fo r p ric e lis t. M c M illa n F u r T ra p p ers’ G u id Jk W o o l C o. FRI EE to sh ip p e r s Minneapolis, Minn. 5C W E PA Y Y O U ’ ç ç s r S p O T C A S H S C H O O L FO R M EN Truuaa BUSINESS. TtADES PROFESSIONS E n r o ll a n y tim e . Send fo r lit e r a t u r e . O R E G O N IN S T IT U T E ¥ . M . C> A . lt l d g . O F TE C H N O L O G Y P o r t la n d ,O r e g o a W. N. U., PO RTLAND, NO. 47-1928. L a s t o f th o F la m in g o e s . The vivid color o f the flamingo may have been driven from the earth by the last hurricane. The Inst existing colony of the birds was on Andros Island In the Bahamas, which was badly hit by the storm. T r ia ls o f th e T u b e rs . “ Can you imagine anything worse than being a cornstalk and having your ears pulled by farmers?” “ How about being a potato with your eyes fu ll of d irt? "—Montreal Star. A D iffe r e n t E d u c a tio n . Too few of ns have the courage to nse what education we have, unless some one has given us a diploma cer­ tifying our right to IL—American Magazine. It Is the go-getter that does It, but the bystander sees how It Is done. T r e a t in S to re . Clare Sheridan, the sculptor o f half- American and half-English blood. Is coming back to lecture again. Shs said the other day to London cor­ respondent : "My other American lectures failed because they were too heavy. M.v new lectures w ill be light and a iry—fu ll of epigrams, yon know. My lecture on love, fo r example, w ill begin : "Love-making consists In a man run­ ning after you till you land him."— Rehoboth Sunday Herald. W e ll, M a y b e N o t. “ I have been reading some of the articles In Woman's Home Companion on why people marry," wrote one hus­ band. " I don’t believe the authors know why they marry,” he addetL “ Nobody knows.” Im itators are a servile race. a Broiler chickens that are regarded In many quarters as a delicacy, are sent to murket In too many cases In an unfinished condition. • • • A warmer, better ventilated poultry house can be had If a straw loft Is used. Poles or boards may he laid across the plates nnd covered with straw, hay or corn stRlks. a Seme Revised Opinion About the Red-Haired SAY “ BAYER A S P IR IN ” and IN S IS T I Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Pain Headache Neuralgia Neuritis Toothache Lumbago Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART • liens w ill be healthier nst subjected to too much is rarely sny need of a henhouse If the building cons! ructed. £ [ only ‘‘Bayer” package which contains proven directions. If they are I eat. There stove In a Is properly a m r t a la the trade stark at B a -er Hsadv "Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists, Winkrtsre Vt MonoaeetleacMeate, ot SailejlicaetS