ROMPERS SUITABLE LIG H T DEVELOPS FOR WINTER WEAR BAD M IL K FLAVOR Defect May Be Due to Any None More Easily Made Than Print Shown. of Several Causes. ^Prepared by th e U nited S ta tes D epartm ent of A gricu ltu re.) Sunlight—nature’s cure-all for many ailments—Is bad medicine for milk. M ilk kept In the “ outdoor icebox” or on the window sill sometimes devel­ ops an ofT flavor that has been de­ scribed as a "cardboard taste” having an odor like drying linseed oil. Such a defect may be due to any of sev­ eral causes, but one of the most com­ mon causes, according to Dr. W il­ liam C. Frasier of the bureau of dairy Industry, United States Depart­ ment of Agriculture, is ordinarily lig h t The light apparently acts as a catalyst in the oxidation of the milk fat, he says. That light Is essential for the de­ velopment of the cardboard taste has been demonstrated recently by Doctor Frazier in a series of tests In which duplicate sets of samples of milk were prepared, one of which was ex­ posed to daylight and the other placed in the dark. In all cases the samples kept In the dark developed no off flavors or odors, even after seven to nine days at near freezing temperatures, whereas the samples kept in the light at the same temper­ atures developed the characteristic cardboard odor and taste after 20 to 48 hours of which 8 to 20 hours were d a ylig h t Further tests showed that the card­ board taste Is not due to the card­ board cap, and that it develops in the cream or in whole milk and not In skim milk. Furthermore, milk from cows that had received no oil feeds was found to be Just as susceptible when exposed to light as that from cows that consumed large quantities of oil feeds. Consumers are cautioned to keep milk in the dark, even when tempera­ tures In the light are near freezing, to avoid the development of card­ board taste and linseed-oil odor. (Prepared by th e U nited S ta tes D epartm ent of A griculture.) Among the various practical designs In rompers suitable for children of three or four years old. there Is none more easily made than the romper of colored print shown In the illus- tration. It Is cut with wide, short, raglan sleeves which may be extend­ ed to the wrist If preferred. The neck is flat, outlined by a shaped band of plain contrasting material, carried to the bottom of the front opening. Plain material is also used to finish the sleeves and pockets and to make Sunday School CThe K itchen C a b in e t cx > oc * x k x > doocx :< x >2 ooooc <>? ooo ( A l>2s Wasters Newspaper Union » •T h e d a y la cold and d a r h and d re ary ; It ra in s and tb a w in d la o e v a r w e a ry . T h e vine » t ill c lin g » to th e old atone w a ll A nd a t e v e ry g u » t th e dead leavea fa ll And th e d a y la cold and d r e a r y . DISHES FOR CHILLY DAY* oo oooo 000.500 ooooooooooo ooo oo Improved Uniform International I ootoooooooooooo ^ ooooooooo . ’ Lesson ’ (B y RXV. P U FirX W A T K K P P . o«w Xlojdy B ible la » lltu l« s f C h ics« » V (.£ l I»«». W estern N ew sp ap er I ntoo.> LIFE’S LITTLE JESTS 2 A»y Woman G in LookStylish <8, MAE MARTIN ©oooooo Lesson for N ovem ber 25 THE PRAYERS OF PAUL L E S S O N T E X T — A cts JO 1S-SS: R om . |:S -1 » ; E p h . 1 1 5 - i J ; X .14-11. GO LDEN T E X T — R e jo ic e a lw a y s ; privy w ith o u t c e a s in g ; In e v e r y th in g g iv e th a n k s . P R IM A R Y T O P IC — P a u l T r a y s fo r , H is F rie n d s . I J U N IO R T O P IC — P a u l P ra y s fo r H is UP A G A IN S T IT “ Why the teurs?" asked Elsie of the Most stylish-looking women are Just With the chilly days one enjoys hot lace department dishes, even i f simple, as a part of “ I’m weeping for that woman’s hus- "good managers." They know simple each meal. A hot band,’’ snapped Elsie of the silk de­ ways to make last season’s thlugs con drink or soup w ill * I n t e r m e d ia t e partment as she begau getting the form to this season’s styles. and s e n io r Thousands of them have learned rest and warm one stock hack on the »helves. "She near­ T O P IC — P a u l as a M an o f P r a y e r . after a walk in the YOUNG P E O P L E A N D A D U L T T O P ­ ly drove me looney trying to please how easily they can transform a dress IC — T h e P la c e o f P r a y e r la P a u l a brisk air. her In the hour she was here, but or blouse, or coat by the quick magic With the variety Lite. think of the poor dub who’s got a Job of home tinting or dyeing. Anyone can of canned soups of trying to please her seven days a do this successfully with true, fadeless llis prayer life most really reveals Diamond Dyes. The “ know how" Is In on the m a r k e t Paul a week, year In and year out.” ■ the dyes. They don’t streak or spot there can be no the character of a man. prayers explained the power and effi­ | like Inferior dyes. New. fashionable excuse for going A Typical Patriot ciency of his wonderful ministry. The I tints appear like magic right over the without a dish ot the warming fluid careful study of these prayers will “ You say lie Is a typical American out-of-style or faded colora. Only Dla for luncheon or dinner. The liquor give us strength, guidance and peace patriot, but what do you mean by i mond Dyes produce perfect results from a boiled dinner Is one of the aa we go about life's duties. The th a t!" l Insist on them and save disappoint most tasty of soups. 1’ ut it away prayer meeting, believers getting to­ “ That he hangs out the flag on In the Ice chest after serving the gether to pray, hus characterized the holidays If reminded of It, hums the 1 ment. My new BI page Illustrated book, vegetables and meat and the next day Christian church throughout its his­ ntii-m al anthem after the second line, ' "Color Craft.” gives huudreds of warm It up for a luncheon dish. The forgets to register and kicks about money-saving hints for renewing rest may be chopped and served as tory. I. Paul’s Prayer with the Ephesian the men the others have voted Into 1 clothes and draperies. It's Free. Write hash on another day. Elders (Acts 20:30-38). office." ! fo r it now. to Mae Martin, Dept. K-143, Fresh Fish Chowder.—Into a deep Having met with these elders and j Diamond Dyes, Burlington, Vermont kettle place three or four thick slices HE WAS TOO SLOW pointed out to them the perils which of salt pork cut Into quarter-inch dice, confronted them and set forth their j J a z a H a t a P la c e . brown and try out all the fa t Into responsibility, be knelt down aud j Nothing has done so much good for this fat put three or four sliced prayed with them before going to Jeru- , music In Its way. says an authority on onions, six sliced potatoes and cover salcm, where bonds and afflictions music tn the Womans Home Com with boiling water; let cook a few awaited him. They all wept sore and panton, as good Jazz because tt has minutes, then add fresh, uncooked flsh fell on Puul's neck and kissed him, , stirred up a rhythmic vltnllty and which has been well boned, If possi­ knowing that this was to be the last removed a cloying sentimentality which ble, und finish cooking until both fish sight of him. When believers pray threatened to enshroud music at the and vegetables are done. Cut the flsh and weep together, they w ill definitely end of the last century. Into small pieces so that It w ill not need long cooking. Season well with 1 work together. II, Paul Praying for the Romans salt and pepper und add a quart of good rich milk, cream and all. When (Romans 1:8-10). 1. He thanked God for their world hot place one or two nil Ik crackers (which have been scalded to soften) famed faith (v. 8). The true minister in the soup dish and serve with the has no greater occasion for gratitude | Millions of boys and chowder. This Is a most appetizing than the knowledge of genuine faith girls all over the . possessed by followers of Christ. dish made with salt codfish—Just soak world, thousands of the codfish and add It broken Into I 2. He prayed for them continual­ Scalloped Smoked Fish them right here In bits to the hot stew, then add the milk. ly (v. 0). the West are being and Egg Is Good Dish Knowing the far-reaching Influence Pig. In Blankets.—Cut than slices restored to health Any of the smoked flsh with large of bacon Into halves. Dry large oys­ of the church at ltome, he unceasingly •Could I kiss you good night?" anil strength by the flakes may be used, but finnan haddie prayed for them that their Influence ters and wrap each In a slice of Rompers for Four-Year-Old. “ Gosh 1 I begin to doubt tt." purely vegetable ton­ makes a particularly good dish of might be most widely felt. bacon; skewer with a toothpick. ic and laxative known scalloped flsh. The bureau of home the loose leg bands into which the Lay on a towel to thoroughly dry 3. His supreme burden In prayer 1 The Accursed as California Fig Syrup and endorsed economics tells how to prepare It. rompers are slightly guttered at the them Just before they are cooked. I was for a successful Journey to Rome Oh, 1 » h a ll be, t i l l G a b rie l'« tru m p . b.v physicians for over 50 years. Brown in a hot frying pan und put I (v. 10). sides. N o n ta lR ic fo r som e d lR ta n t d u m p ; Children need no urging to take It. I t i cups fla k e d t to i h a rd -c o o k e d White piping outlines the colored And e v e r doom ed to w eep m» d ry two ” pigs” on each square of but­ He desired to visit Rome In order j sm o ked flsh eggs, sliced (They love Ils rich, fru ity flavor. F o r some lost m ed io c re g u y . bands and adds to the decoration. tered toast when serving; garnish that he might Impart some spiritual j 1 cups m ilk % cup bread cru m b s Nothing can compete with It as a gen­ Three large flat buttons,easily managed with parsley. The gravy from the g ift to the believers there and also ! 4 tbs. flo u r 4 drops tabasco tle, but certain Inxntlve, and It goee An Untouched Reserve 6 tbs. b u tte r by little fingers, are used for the front pan Is thin but delicious; pour a bit to receive some spiritual help from I The Guest—Do you think there are fu rlli.-r than this. It gives tone and them. The true minister receives a Stir the bread crumbs Into two fastening, while In the back two but­ over each piece of toast. strength to the stomach and bowels Cheese Custard.—Spread slices of reflex blessing from those to whom he 1 many flsh In this lake» tablespoonfuls of the butter, melted. tons at each side keep the drop sent »<> these organs continue to art nor- The Landlord—There ought to be bread with butter and place In a bak­ in place. ministers. Prepare a cream sauce of the remain­ malty, of their own accord. It stimu­ ing dish. Sprinkle each slice with This romper may be made from any n lot of ’em. Nobuddy ever ketches III. Paul Praying for the Ephesians. ing butter, and the flour and milk. la te s the appetite, helps digestion. finely cut rich cheese; when the dish ordinary romper pattern with raglan 1. For knowledge concerning Christ any out of IL Grease a baking dish and put in a lay­ A Kansas mother, Mrs. Dana All- Is sufficiently full pour over a pint of (Eph. 1:15-23). er of fish, then egg. Tour over this sleeves. The bureau of home econom­ plre, Oil) Monroe St., Topeka, says: Knew the Symptoms lie besought God that the believers the cream sauce, and continue until ics, which designed this adaptation, milk to which two eggs have been “ Bonnie B. Is absolutely the picture W ife—John, dear, I felt I must of health, now, with her ruddy cheeks, all of these ingredients are used. does not have patterns to distribute. added, salt and cayenne to taste. at Ephesus might know (1) The hope Bake until the dish puffs like an It w ill he noticed that the legs are of their calling (v. 8). Unfaithfulness come to the office. I suddenly had bright eyes end plump hut graceful Sprinkle the buttered bread crumbs on the part of believers is frequently . such a longing o see you. over the top, and take In a quick oven cut slightly higher on the sides to pre­ omelet and serve at once. little body and she stands nt the top vent them from slipping down over A Series of Salads. uue to their lack of a true under- | Ilasland—And did you bring the In every health test. until the sauce bubbles up and the the knees. A salad Is always In season and al­ standing of their calling. The right bill as well? crumbs are brown. Much of the credit for her perfect ways populur, from luncheon to sap­ understanding of the Christian's hope , condition Is due to California Fig per. Here are a w ill make steadfast the lives of be­ Syrup. We have used It since baby­ S O M E TH IN G W RONG raspberries pay for many conveniences few that are good lievers. (2) The riches of the glory 1 hood to keep her bowels active ilur- of God's Inheritance In the saints standbys: lug colds or any children’s ailments French Cream j (v. 18). It Is marvelous to know that j and she has always bail an easy time Potato Salad. — the saint has an Inheritance In God. vt It), them. She always responds to Dice four cupfuls > but It Is more marvelous tlia l God has ; Its gentle urging and Is quickly hack of cold cooked un Inheritance In the saints. (3) The to normal." p o t a t o e s and greatness of Christ's power to usward Ask your druggist for California ___________ three stulks of (vv. 10 23). This mighty power was Syrup and look for the word Pig celery, mix with three tablespoonfuls demonstrated In the resurrection of '( a 11 fond a" on the carton so you'll of chopped onion, two teaspoonfuls of | Christ from the dead. The same power •I ways get the genuine salt, one-eighth teaspoonful of pap­ which gave the victory over the grave la available for believers. rika and the same of pepper; add one- T h e U n p a r d o n a b le C r im e . 2. For strength (Eph. 3:11-21). fourth cupful of vinegar and allow New Arrival — Here, Imre I What’» to stand fifteen minutes. Heat one This prayer was made to God who the trouble? cupful of cream, two tablespoonfuls Is the Father of Ills great family In Bystander—They're running Jones of butter and pour over the potatoes, i heaven and In earth. He prayed that out of town; he was caught minding mixing well with a fork. Serve cold I the believers might be strengthened bis own business. Shrimp Salad.—Drain a pint can of with might In their Inner man, with «crimps rinse with cold water and ' the object of being Indwelt by Christ. Chief Mourner. remove the dark viscera. Break In If Christ Is to he entertained, the “ Mrs. Smith set ins lo have got over “ Say waiter—this flsh—" good sized pieces and dress with temple needs the divine strengthening. the dex'h of her lin t i ushand." “ Yes. sir. Jes' bought today, s ir!' French dressing. Chill for two hours Where the house Is strong enough, “ Yes, but her second husband “ perhaps so my dear man. hut was and add one small bottle of stuffed - Christ w ill come und abide. Likewise, bssn'L"—laaiilon Tlt-BIts. olives, twelve tiny sweet pickles sliced that they might be rooted and grounded It at a remnant sale or something?' and two tablespoonfuls of pickled in love (v. 17). This establishment Longest R oadw ay. Futile Advice pearl onions. Prepare six green pep­ in the love of Christ is needed by all The Lincoln highway Is the longest I f you w e r» I »n<1 • w e r» you. pers to form cups and stuff with this so as to prevent them from being W e ’d t e ll each o th e r w h a t to do. toad tr. H.t world. It has a lenrth of mixture Serve garnished with let­ 1 turned aeide by every wind of doc­ And th e n In d is a p p o in tm e n t s la b , S.B31 miles. __________ _________ trine. Also, that they might compre­ tuce and a spoonful of mayonnaise. T h e sam e aa p la t p la in you and I. Potato Salad.—Chop one small onion hend the hive of Christ (v. 18). This and add to a salad bowl, add two and love is wonderful In Hs dimensions— Ten Dollars Needed one half teaspoonful» of salt, pepper in Its depih. breadth, width and height, .Mrs. Benham—The doctor wants to to taste? and one half cupful of di­ It transcends human understanding the X rays luted vlnegnr; let stand ten minutes. tlie object being that the liellever try Benham—He w ill have Io wall un- Slice four cupfuls of hot potatoes, might tie filled unto the fullness of I 1 ral»” the XX. God (v. HI). This does not mean Hint cooked In their Jackets und mix thor­ oughly. Add three tablespoonfuls of the believer can hold God. but that he His Clever Trick olive oil. two slices of bacon fried can lie so related to God that the Friend—Tell me your secret of suc­ Mr». Skahan’» Opinion of and diced and the bacon fat from the Infinite resources are at his command. cess. How have you ohlnlned so many fry in g ; add one tablespoonful of Finkliam’» Compound pstrons In such a short time? minced parsley, two hard rooked eggs Im m o rta lity Dry G ihm I» Merchant—I got a par and three cooked beets that have been Who doea not feel that It would rot and trained It to cry out. “ Oh I ’ chopped. Arrange on lettuce and gar­ B aligns Centre, Ms««—"T have change everything If he believed with Isn’t she lovely?” every time a lady nish with the beets. U l en lb Iwltlea of Lydm K. Plak- Favorite Salad.—Combine two cup Ids whole roul in Ids Immortality? It entered the store. -------- ham's Vegetable Compound an-1 fuls each of diced potatoes and beets, would supply him with a totally new Needed would no mom j one-hall cupful of diced gherkins and standard of vnlues Many things which Folding Conveniences In the Kitchen. ~ be without a bot- " I am willing, said Hie candidate, one fourth cupful of minced chives. the world prizes and pursues he would ' tie in the house with an electric plug for the Iron con­ Marinate with six tablespoonfuls of utterly despise, and many things which “ to trust the people." (P rep ared hr th e U nited « a t - D e p a r tm « « * than I would be veniently placed. A drop shelf near­ oil and three of tarragon vinegar for the world neglects would he the ob “ 1 wish you'd open s grocery store,” o t A griculture ) Where there's a w ill there» a way. by becomes a work or lunch table one hour Drain off the oil and cover Jects of Ids most ardent pursuiL— said the little men In the audience. • without bread. 1» Mrs. Devoe of Worcester county. Mas­ »’hen wanted, but It Is out of the way with onehnlf cupful of French dress­ James Stalker. has matte a new sachusetts, was determined to make when access to the flour barrel or ing. Arrange on crisp lettuce and woman ot me. I Luxury Enough T h e B ib '» her kitchen more convenient after she pantry shelves Is needed. Mrs. Devoe garnish with eighths of hard cooked used to ho so The Middle Aged Man -M y dear, croea with mv had talked with the home demonstra- put In a new sink, drainboard and egg and fresh tomatoes The Bible Is the most thought sug think of the diamonds, automobiles husband when I Orange and Peca* Salad.—Bemove gesting book In the world. No other tion agent about the Improvements washtub on the other side of the was s u ffe rin g and good times we are going to have She realized that consider­ room, a cupboard for china, and con- the skin from one banana, cut Into deals with such grand theme».—Her needed _ t h a i l l d - n tkn. If you marry me. able extra planning and work would venlent drawers for supplies and quarters lengthwise and again erono- ( rtek Johnson. how he stood me. Now I am cheertul The G irl—I suppose a rich father have to lie done. eiq*cl»lly as the sug linen. She has plenty of hot will»' wise. Itoll In chop(>ed pecan meats, and Strong and leel younger than 1 can do the same for me. 1‘ leuse do gested Improvements would require an now because she put a paper packing two oranges, cut Into slices and did ten 5ear« »go when my troubl « M a k e s Us C o m fo rte r» marry my mother. began ’ -Mas Jolts H ka H»*, J® expenditure o( about «IK». So M rs. around the tank In the hot water remove the center of each slice. In- O<»l does not comfort us to make us F .tn -ry Haugus Centro, Maas. Devoe concentrated on her own s|t. -i of tlie work she did work easier, brighter and more in­ “ Goodnea». maybe that s the awful Islicd i The mod sacretl art that the sou» teresting. Extension workers In every berseli. I .an engage in Is prayer.—A. W. Tozer 1 thing we hear em playing on." state are (»dating the way to la b « Is s fo d I. .«■et «Io *• I saving arra n g e m e n ts and equipment. Girl at the Top in Health Test “AS NECESSARY" AS BREAD” r rem ola Ina