7, agriculture HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK /f Z Z /U Ifalsey Enterprise dairying WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY Devoted to the Interest» of Halsey and Linn County 4-M Club Organized A G irls’ 4 H club waa ozguiiae.l at Peoria T n u rsl.iv by Mr», Nora F uneral services for Mi». F. W Lester A lbertson »a* transacting Pageant at Shedd Sunday Success C harity Grange held an all day Colem an, ii.stiuctor in the public Robiuson who died a t the Pacific From O ur Rcfukr Com basin';»» in Corvallis S aturday. meeting last Saturday A goodly a.'boole of i h i. citv. There ate now The pageant, “ Transferred C hristian hospital in Eugene Wed- L num ber” were prevent and enjoyed two divisions, first end second year, Oscar Marly left the U tte r part Treasurer»” given by the women desday, will be held at the Miller 1 One of the pleasant social events ol laat week for his homeatead near of the m issionary society of the our first com m unity dinner since, and the m embership is 1 >>•* A r­ & Son cfcapel in Junction City at of the (all was the annual dinner Monroe on which he expects to U nited Presbyterian church of une. lene L u n a r was elected president, 10 30 o’clock E iiday morning. of the members of the Study club spend some lime. The juveniles were out in forte Ruth ltavne vice president, and Shedd last Sundsy evening was a Mrs. Robinson is a sister of W il­ with their families as couiplim eited Marjorv McPherson secretary. Mr». O iin Anderson of Albany in ­ saccess th e tl.aokv offering was and enjoyed a lively uehrte. son Carey of Salem and an aunt of guests last T hursday evening. The lecture hour was vprnt in J. W. L am ar waa selected club stalled an Atwater K ent radio at f 142 The program was as fpllows: E E. Carey and Mrs. C.E. G illett The d in n er was given in the tlie L V. Chance home a few days readings anti notes on the Byrd leader and Miss Agues C handler Song, T hankful H allelajahe by of Halsey. She is also survived dining room of the I.O.O. F. hall expedition to the south pole. assistant leader. The club mem­ ago. ihe congregation; opening pra\t>r, by her husband and four daughters. which bad been prettily decorated Mrs. Louise Bond of All» uy bers are Rolli and Mary Frances Mrs George Taylot and Mre. W- Rev. Filbert; song Vera and Elinor T he la tte r are Mrs. Grace Feote for the occasion. Later several looked perfectly at home with us Biyne, Doreen G ilhens, Selma Lo­ L. Welle spent Monday in Albany Couey; presentation of pageant of 8pringfield aud Mabel, Edna hours were speut socially. Mrs. Lorena K iier was absent, gan, Viola Stroud, Veneta F rady, where they attended the missionary talk, Mrs. Moore; pageant T ian» having gone to Eugene for medical | Marjory M cPherson, Esther Caro­ alia Helen of Ju n c tio n C ity. • • • ferred T reasu re« ; special song c inftrence. treatm ent. thers and A r'ene l.aniar Tuesday evening Mrs. J. W choir; offering; thauks offering Mrs. Maude Hotlich of Albany We are still inviting our neigh­ Ihe cluti will commence work Hussey was hostess at a six o’clock Provides Short Course For P.T.A. wav a guest from T hursday u n tt' prayer Rve. M cM eekin; «ong »»r bors t i o u r open meeting S aturday, soon after T hanksgiving. dinner at her home in E ast H alsey, Sunday at the homes ol her sisters, vice while the offering was counted Any one interested in ch’ld study honoring Mt«» Adah Nelson and Mrs. L.V . Chance and Mrs. John and benediction by Rev McMeekin December 1. Dressing aud m arketing of turk- The jr child psychology should attend Miss G ladys McCornack. W illbanks. eys baa been a favoiite pastime in Lhe meeting of the Parent-Teacher p rettily sppoiuted table was cen- Celebrates Anniversary Pete Sears was the guest < t m u s k u l ä r «. » « s o r t i r thia com m unity the past week. On In xsaociation at the school house, I t ere(j with a vase of flowers Following the usu»i custom Tuesday C. Sickles, C urtis Yeatch. friends in Haleey for several hours her tonight a t 7 :45. The U niversity the evening the hostess and Tuesday while tn ro u te to his home C harity G range will celebrate the A .H . Q uim by, Charles Falk and » The different clashes enjoyed jf Oregon provides short courses guests formed a theater party at in A lbany from a business trip to anniversary of the order oi. Satur num ber of other farm ers delivered slides showing a u 'je c te which are in these subjects for groups orgu- ‘•King of King*.” day, December 1. beginning at 1! to the Cash A Carry »tore in Eu. oelr.g studied and they prove q n ;te Bandon. • * • nixed by the P .T .A . Mrs. J.A . Johnson o, the Lake o’clock. A good program and a gene. helpful. The extension service of O S C. PINE GROVE Creek neighborhood has a cow with good dinner are down on the day 's Paul Bierly. W illiam Pence and M'ss Nelson’» English I I I elkr» «ends out suggestions for nutrition W ednesday afternoon fourteen twin calves, one a male calf and program . A H. Quimby have been digg ng which is studying journalism have and health program s fot local asso­ members of the You Go I Go club Professor G entle, formerly o and h a u ’ing carrots from Coburg the o 'her a heifer, born two weeks been receiving copica of other news­ ciations. The outlines are prepared Monmouth, now w ith the extension enjoyed the hospitality °f Mrs. The boy» of Brandon and Kirk papers among which w*» the by Mrs. Jessamine C hapm an W il­ Russel G itbens. In strum ental and ago. L ast year the same cow had service of U. of O , will deliver an schools are busy making hows and twin calves, both males. Monroe Hi Flash with Miss Iris liams, professor of foods and n u ­ vocal music were pleasaut diver­ arrows, they having gotten the McPherson, a former Halsey girl, H ansel E. M iller of P ortland address in Ihe afternoon. tritio n , and are sent out free on sions of the afternoon, which was The public is invited to come archery bug. These districts an has been spending the past several is editor in chief. request. brought to a close by the hostess days in H alsey at the home of his aud spend a delightful day and all combining for a T hanksgiving d in ­ Next W ednesday, November 28. G uiding principles for th e P.T. we ask is th a t you help out a bit serving a delicious lunch. Mrs. ner to he followed by a shooting parents, Rev. a r d Mrs. J . 8. Miller «1 2 p tn , the school will give a with the basket dinner. A. a r e : G itbens mother, Mrs. Griff King contest with their bows snd arrows. fhanksgiving progtam at the city By order of’Committee. H« is special agent for Selbach »», Jean All Odd Fellows are tolved and dissem inated througli present. from individual or group control. Ladies aid every W ednesday •Hurt vant, Jim m y Sm ith, Junior delicious lunch. the system. For sale only by Mor­ urged to he present. A banquet Bible study class Tuesdays 2:30 ^Vade. Those above 9.» only in the 2 .—Democratic in objects, m em ­ will he serv:d in honor of the T hursday Arlene Lam ar ce'e tis Pharm acy at H alsey, Oregon. J . S. M i'ler. pastor. bership and form of governm ent. .pslling are Rene Alford, Charles visitor hrated her thirteen th birthday with Phone 203 for mail orders. Adv. 3 —N on-political, non sectarian, h :r schoolmates at school and in Iteeves, Lucille Jsckson, Donald | Church of Christ : non-com mbrcial. Thia Lord's day heralds the ap­ Saill, Mary Ann Perry, Phyllis the afternoon she served cake aud 4 —Organized constructive co fruit punch. proach of another national day cl Holt and Farn Roaaman. - Those operation of p aten ts aud teachers. thanksgiving. One of the meanasi ibove 90 only in arithm etic are On Tuesday June Sm ith Cele­ L in s tn the calender is the sin ol Jorale» Moody, Frederick Robins, 5 —Cooperative always but does brated her birthday at school also urgrate(uln»ea. Let us show I. (arry Clianc.*, llillie K irk, Bluford not join oilier organizations. and during the noon hour her Hun cu r spirit oi thanksgiving In 14 obi . At all times and in all places, men have gathered 6 — A national and international m other brought a beautifully deco- I the right observance of this day. The seniors aro working very m ovement. Nation wide coopera- together at the close of the harvest to give thanks to rated cake to the school house aud T hanksgiving service at ILOG isrd on their play which will he tion safeguards th e welfare of all the Divine Power which has blessed their labors and served to Ju n e and her friends. ¡o'clock with an appropriate aerinoi «¡veil December 1 I'h at the city made them to prosper. Deep rooted in the heart of children everywhere. I for the occasion. rail. mankind is the instinct to make grateful acknowledge­ 11.00 a. m. com m union service. ment to a guiding Providence which is above and be­ E ditorially speaking we need 6:45 p .m . C hris ¡an Endeavor yond the work of human minds and human hands. Pep! Soma good high school spirit. Ivan Sm ith leader. Subject;— Let’» »how the re«t of the county ‘‘A braham ." Our national observance of an annual dav of Evening serm on: “ Halfway l< hat som ething ca > *n'l i» being into business, botli of which would Thanksgiving is a heritage from the Pilgrim Fathers I lone in old H H. 8. Don’t le t’s In a recent address President | C a n a a n .” who assembled at the turn of the year to offer prayer Calvin Coolidge »poke at length on be fatal to the independence of the We extend a cordial invitation I mid back but rather let each ol tie and praise to Almighty God from whom came the.r the m arketing of farm products by farm er and in the end would bring io our part cheerfully ni d m ake I to attend this service. strength to endure daily hardship and to face unknown th e farm er. ” T h r lesson which disaster. . . . 1« »»«te on the sound it worth while. Don’t let u . make J M Shetlev, m inuter danger. It is fitting that we should reverently has not been so well learn ed .” the m erchandising principle of taking it a drudge. in this day of prosperity and security the institution Two men entered the home ol president »aid, “ is that oi the product and disposing of it in Mr». Bert S. Clark who baa been j Mr» E Sm ith of A nn A rbor, Mich they founded amidst adversity and penl. ¡ng One of the handicaps of agri­ juite sick the paat week is able to the most advantageous way th at disconnected the hath tub an cu ltu re is tem porary overproduc­ shrewd and orderly m arketing af- Now, therefore, in conformity with the proclama­ | oe op now. ______ 1 walked off w.th it tio n . The world is hungry to con­ tion of the President of the United States which comes forda.” sume all th a t the farm er ever a f . recurring «minder of our o.tion.1 u „,t, m the In speaking of measures already raises Hi» d.fficutly arises from perpetuation of this American custom, 1, I.L.l atterson. taken for farm relief the president attem pting to sell at the wrong said th a t the tariff bill of 1922 was Governor of Oregon, do proclaim T hursday. tim e or the wrong place.’ approved to dam th e inflow ol 29th, 1928, as Thanksgiving Day, and do hereby ct “ In meeting th is difficulty, per­ foreign ag ricultural commodities poaite thoory. W ” ta x th rift, act. aside as a public holiday. haps the m ost succès.ful method Theoretic illy , th e perfect tax after the war. ’’The pa-sage of ioa, c ap ita’, enterprise. We tevy has been through cooperative as Ix-t us on this day give thought to man’, fellowship would he a tax on inaction, says^ taxes in proportion -o ability to these laws a t once restored the aociationa. They have enabled ag- with nature in achieving the fruits of the harves the F o rt Atkinson, W isconsin Jo u r-! pay. which mean» th a t the harder sheep in dustry and kept th e dairy riclture to take better ad v an t.g e of us confirm ard strengthen the ties of family life and industry in a prosperous condi nal, in com m enting on the u n ju s t a man works the more we tax him ; all the agencies of distribution an renew the bond of hearth and home Let us express lio n ,” he said. method of tax atio n as practiced to­ the more thrifty he becomes, the unify all the agencies of production our gratitude for peace by extending the sp.nt of good The chief executive discounted day and ever tinea thia county waa more we soak him ; the more d istrib u ’ion aud consum ption so will to all the world and for prosperity by lend.ng gen­ the theory th a t agriculture would efficient be grows, lb" more we th a t they can function as a co­ recognized aa a free and independ­ erous and kindly aid to those in sorrow or need. Let he beuefitted il duties on m enu- ordinated whole, to sell at the tig h t ent nation by the real ol tha world knock him down. us give thanks for manifold material blessings by turn­ factored im ports were removed. II " I I a man save« Ilia m o_ey and Com m enting further the Jo u rn al lim e and at the right place. ing our minds and hearts to the things of the spirit. th a t were done eith er in d u strial buys a honae. be ia taxed; if he “ This movement toward cooper says, “ the proper man to lax unem ploym ent would result iu re wastes hta money in extravagant tive m arketing is still io ita infancy. would be the loafer, not the work­ In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto set my ducing the buying capacity of the living, be ia not taxed. None of our Il bad tonuel’m et throug er; idle land, r.ot used land; In­ hand and caused the seal of the State of Oregon to b e home m arket, be »aid, or “ onr taxee encourage production bv the lack of m anagem ent, but it active cap ital, not active c a p ita • i hereunto affixed this 19th day of November, A.D. 19!». wage» aud profit» m ust be reduced simple process of discouraging idle- aound in theory, and when con lack of anterpria*, not enterprise to meet foreign com petition, in nese. ehiftleoess. inefficiency. Tb« L. P atterson , ducted in a businesalike m anner Hoch a lax would not be practical, ( seal ) which case there would be no mo. davit hirose.f could not do a neater Governor. offers the moat prom ising solution but It would lx • j ” *1 t a a - <>u’ porta and according to the job of hobbling the race.” to th e great m arketing problem present taxea are based on an op argum ent, no additional ealen ol U avoids any attem p t at price farm produce ab ro a d ,” fixing or p u ttin g the government ISOC1ETY NEWS (By an Enterprise Report«) ¡SCHOOL NOTES PR O C L A M A T IO N President Coolidge Speaks on J 'a,’n1 Relief; Favors Coopertive Methods The Perfect Tax Would Be a la x On Inaction, Says Noted Writer