HALSEY ENTERPRISE, HALSEY. OREGON. X i n E M B E I V L s J ^ . REPUBLICANS WILL CONTROL CONGRESS The 1928 W ashington county fair ended with a surplus of several hun­ W ALTER JOHNSON dred dollars, according to a re to rt sub- | MRS. W . J. W H ITIN G m itted to the fair board by Mrs. Em­ ma Bryant, secretary. Roseburg has launched a drive to G ain S even S e a ts in the Sen­ raise $6500 for the 1929 comm unity ] P rin cipal Events c l the W eek ate and 3 0 in the House chest budget, and six team s have been Hopes T rip W ill F o s te r B e tte r Assem bled for Inform ation named and charged with the respon- j of R e p re s e n ta tiv e s . U nderstandin g B etw een sibllity of raising this amount. of Our R eaders. A 2.000,000-candlepower revolving N ations. W ashington, D. C.—F inal congres- aerial beacon is to be erected on the } sional resu lts have been tabulated, Tom Gurdace. veteran peace officer summit of Mount Nebo, ju st outside j Tat* Alto, C al.— A good will trip to and, although several recounts will be of Umatilla cour.’y, was elected sher­ the city lim its of Roseburg, and there certain Latin-Am erican countries Is necessary because of close votes in iff over bis younger rival. C harlis Hos­ will also be installed a flasher beason proposed by H erbert H oover before ho : contests for the house, it is shown that kins. at the Roseburg airport. retu rn s to W ashington, D. C., for bis th e next congress will be made up as The new Corvallis city am bulance J. E. Sommer of the aeronautics di- , Inauguration on March 4. I follows: has arrived. Is paid for, and was put vision of the federal departm ent of A nnouncement of the intention of Senate—R epublicans 56, democrats into official use for the first time commerce was in Salem during the I th e president-elect was made alm ost I 39, farm er-labor 1, vacant 1 (contest- week inspecting possible sites for th e ! ' November 1. sim ultaneously at the W hite House in | ed Pennsylvania se a t). Receipts of the Salem postoffice for airport for which the city of Salem W ashington and at the Hoover home H ouse—R epublicans 269, democrats has voted $50,000 in bonds. the month ending October 31 were here. ) 165, farm er-labor 1. $18,588.37, or «1128 in excess of*those W ith six inches of snow at the era- j •'I have had the suggestion of a The composition of congress was as ter rim, travel over the National P ark of the previous month. v isit to certain I^tin-A m erican coun­ follows: Application for a permit for the erec- highway has become dangerous, ac­ trie s before me for some days," said Senate— R epublicans 47, democrats tion of an oil storage tank of 26,000 cording to word received at K lam ath '.•'»Iter Perry Johnson, who recently | 46, farm er-labor 1, vacant 2. th e statem en t issued by the president­ gallons capacity in Eugene has been Falls Due to the fact th at the fall signed a three-year contract to pilot elect. "It has been cordially support­ House— R epublicans 231, democrats has been open, late tourists enjoyed the Washington American league base­ j 193, farm er-labor 2, socialist 1, vacant ed by P resident Coolidge and Secre­ made by the Texas Oil company many trips into the park during Octo­ ball club. Johnson was the star t 8. tary Kellogg. The slaughter house of the Carlton The president-elect is hopeful th at pitcher for the Washington club for Meat company was entered and robbed ber. Election to vacancies in the present h is visit will bring about a closer un­ Guy R. Mills was elected m ayor of 21 years. of about $100 worth of meat and hides, congress and to fill unexpired term s d erstanding of the points of view of give the following lineup for the ap­ Mrs. William J. Whiting is the wife the second robbery of the concern Vernonia for the third term a t the th e American nations which will work of the new secretary of commerce in within a year. election Tuesday. Councilmen are proaching short session, th e last of the to the n atural advantage of all of the President Coolidge’s cabinet. present congress: On just one-half of the trip between Frank Hanson, M. E. McGraw, G. C. countries, both in commercial and dip­ Lakeview and Klamath Falls, the state Melllnger and J. B. Tapp, and treas- S enate—Republicans 49, democrats lom atic relations. highway departm ent’s electro m agnet urer, J. C. Lindley. These men were 45, farm er-labor 1, vacant 1. The Hoover party will sail from San road sw eeper last week picked up 68 all nom inated at a caucus and were House—R epublicans 237, democrats Diego, Cal., on the battleship Mary­ 1 unopposed. 195, farm er-labor 2, socialist 1. pounds of metal. land, probably the la tte r part of next The assessed valuation of Clacka­ In the senate republicans filled one Catania, Sicily.—A wide path of ruin The death of Mrs. N. B. Griffith as ■week, for now th a t arrangem ents for mas county property, on which will past the villages of N unziata and Pun- of two vacancies and captured demo­ the result of an automobile accident th e trip are nearly completed, the near Phoenix three weeks ago Is the j be based the tax levy for 1929, is $28,- talazzo and through the little ham let cratic seats from the following states: president-elect desires to get under Delaware, M aryland, New Jersey, Mis­ W ashington, D. C.—Chairm an Mc­ seventh automobile fatality in Jackson 500,930, according to a sum m ary of the of Mascali m arked the path of an way so th a t he may have at least a Nary of the senate comm ittee on agri­ assessm ent announced by County As- eyer a(j Vancing fall of molten lava souri, Ohio, Rhode Island and W est county this year. m onth and a half in the United S tates sessor Cook. This Is an Increase of which flowed from the crater of Mount Virginia. culture stated here th at he did not Property owners in road d istrict No. I before his inauguration. ’ $259,180 over the assessed valuation : E tna down the beautiful Pietrafucila- In the house republicans won demo­ think an extra session would be neces­ 52 in Umatilla county will hold a spe­ P resen t expectations are th at he of last year. cratic ceats in the following states: sary to obtain farm relief legislation. Vallonazzo valley. cial election November 19 for the pur­ will retu rn to his own country early In the opinion of the Oregon sen­ M issouri 7, Kentucky 6. Ohio 3, Vir­ William Harmon, 17, of W est Fir, Moving forward, crushing houses, pose of voting a special 10-mill tax In Jan u ary a fter Bpending his first ginia 3, New York 2, N orth Carolina ato r it will be possible to pass a farm I was drowned in the mill pond of the vineyards and rich farm lands, the C hristm as since his election either on for road purposes. relief m easure acceptable to President 2, N ebraska 2 and one each in Colo­ ] W estern Lumber company at W estfir main lava stream joined with several th e high seas or in South America. W. A. Root of Tigard has been chos­ when his automobile skidded from a others from the crater and was near­ rado, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Coolidge within a week. He does not H o probably will go direct from Ha­ believe tlftit the consideration of such en m aster of the W ashington county j rodaway and plunged down an em­ ly 14 feet thick and more than a mile P ennsylvania and W est Virginia. In vana, Cuba, to Florida, from which a bill would endanger other legislation Pomona grange. Mrs. 8. A. D. Meek 1 bankm ent 25 feet into the w ater. He j wide. Houses crumbled under the in­ addition the republicans won the seat sta te come many pressing invitations held by the lone socialist, Victor Ber­ pending before the short session. He Is grange lecturer and Mrs. G. C. was unable to extricate him self from ; tense heat before the lava reached to establish his headquarters, there In ger of W isconsin, and one of the two wlTl offer a bill upon the meeting of Chase is secretary. the car as the side curtains were fas­ them and trees w ere w ithered and th e pre-inauguration period. A resume of the Coos county assess­ tened. farm er-labor seats from Minnesota, j dstroyed while the stream was still the senate broadly along the lines of th a t held by R epresentative Carss. the McNary-Haugen bill with the ment shows a falling off in valuation All bids received for the Thanksgiv­ 1 100 yards away. from $26,000,000 to $23,000,000 in the ing turkey pool formed by the Douglas The damage will be trem endous and T otal republican gains 33. equalization fee eliminated. D em ocrats in the house captured "It Is not necessary for us to have past year, and taxes appear certain to County T urkey G rowers’ association already is estim ated to have reached republican seats as follow-s: One each more hearings," he explained, adding: be higher in 1929. Twelve thousand are were rejected by the directors in th eir 810,000,000. in Indiana, Rhode Island and W est "Wo already have all the information The first carload of bulbs from the official board meeting a t Oakland. homeless and little homes of laborers Virginia, total 3. The net republican we need as to what should be done G rants Pass section of Oregon was Bids varied from 38’/4 to 40V4 cents , In the district have been obliterated. and as to what would be acceptbale shipped last week by P. H. Jew ell to per pound and were subm itted by rep­ gain in the house is 30. Chlcago.—Two of the most outstand­ to P resident Coolidge. We should the United S tates Bulb company at resentatives of eastern firms. The di­ WAR CURB PLANNED ing women in the nation opposites therefore act promptly and can well Mount Clemens, Mich. rectors are of the opinion th a t the in political faith. Mrs. Kuth Hanna Mc­ afford to put into operation the ma­ Five dozen Rhode Island Red and coast m arket will be stronger than Gathering in W ashington Next Month Cormick, republican, and Mrs. Ruth chinery of a board to handle the ex­ four dozen W hite Leghorn chickeui- 1 that in the east and th at higher prices Authorized. Bryan Owen, dem ocrat, will sit in the portable surplus, provide funds for were stolen from C. E. Shadier, whose will be received at a later date, W ashington, D. C. — Next month 71st congress in W ashington. financing co-operative associations and poultry farm is on the road between The state treasu rer received from representatives of th e U nited S tates Mrs. McCormick, daughter of Mark other provisions which have also re ­ Dayton and L afayette. | (he federal forestry departm ent $171,- and every Latin-Am erican republic H anna, late Ohio political leader, will W ashington, D. C.—H erb ert H oover ceived the approval of President-elect »38.19, representing Oregon’s share of ! will meet in W ashington to participate rep resen t Illinois as a congressman-at- The third annual K lam ath potatc will be elected president of the United Hoover and let this m achinery get Into he funds received from the rental of in what is expected to be the m ost large, and Mrs. Owen, daughter of the show was held in K lamath Falls with S tates January 2. full operation in tim e to handle the appropriate ceremonies. The exhibí! orest lands for a year. In 1927 the im portant conference ever held In this late ‘Commoner,” William Jennings On thdt date the presidential elec­ next harvest. Nothing could be gain­ hem isphere for the purpose of m aking date received $189,293.90, while in Bryan, will represnt the Fourth Flori­ is designed to promote the in terests o. tors named will m eet in each state to ed by postponing action until a special ' 1926 the state's share was $194,287.76. w ar less probable betw een American da congressional district. the K lamath potato industry. cast th eir ballots. session in the spring. We can get the 'hese funds later are apportioned to nations. The total feminine representation Robbers a few nights ago broke inti The ballots will be forw arded to the m easur through this winter, and I can Th object of the m eeting, which was he counties, based on the proportion In the next congress, practically com . the Eskridge hardw are store a t Sher, secretary of the United S tates senate plete retu rn s from the election show- » ° reason for delaying action called by ScCioiary Kellogg a t the ' vhich the area of the particular for- dan, wheeled the safe from the built and to the secretary of state, but the st reserve within the county bears to direction of the Pan American confer­ ed, will be seven. Four women incum­ ing and broke into It, obtaining abou actual election under th e term s of the 1 ho total area of the forest reserve i ences held at H avana last w inter, will B R IEF GENERAL NEW S bents, Mrs. Rogers of M assachusetts, $75. Nothing else was m issed. federal constitution is completed when be the drafting and adoption of appro­ -ithin the state. Mrs. Norton of New Jersey, Mrs. Kahn the ballots are cast and counted in For the 24-week period ending Oi The Poincare cabinet, which has of California and Mrs. Langley of Ken­ Resources of Oregon banks a t the priate treaties of arbitration and con­ each state. tober 20, the capacity of the Cottag ciliation to supplem ent sim ilar pacta tucky, were reelected. Mrs. ltuth P ra tt been In office since July 23, 1926, re­ lose of business October ¡!, 1928, The la st congress enacted a new signed in a body after four radical Grove lumber mills was 46,228,60 of New York is the seventh. cached a record total of $357,417,269, now in force. Ita announced purpose law changing the tim e of the electoral feet, while production was only 23 socialist m inisters offered th eir resig­ Old-timers who recall the colorful ecording to a statem ent Issued a t Sa­ is the form ulation of m achinery for college m eeting from the second Mon­ 415.641 feet, or a 49.3 per cent redu nations. the pacific settlem ent of disputes be­ cam paigns in the days Mark H anna in by A. A. Schramm, state superin- day in January to the first W ednesday, William McAndrew, formerly super­ tion. and William Jennings Bryan were indent of hanks. T here are 244 banks tween American nations. which moves this particular election intendent of school at Chicago, was Clearing right of way and ditchil The proposed conference is the forem ost among political orators on derating In the state. On October 10, up from aJnuary 14. awarded a life membership in the Na­ on th e Dayton-Salem m arket road 1 direct outcome of a resolution adopted th e "stum p’’ for th eir respective pol­ »27, the resources of the 252 banka tional Education association for serv- progressing between the Unlonva itical parties, rejoiced in the election len operating aggregated $361.839,- a t the H avana conference last Feb­ ee the daughters of these two g reat Ices he has rendered the organization. store anil the Lynn Gubser residenc AIR M A IL IN C R E A S E S 73.87, as against $300,447,528.81 on ruary. Mrs. Smoot, wife of Senator Reed where work will term inate for tl eptem ber 6, 1921. There were 286 j Weight for October 10 Per Cent Over Smoot of Provo, Utah, died in W ash­ present. inks operating in Oregon in 1921, ac- ; Crown Upheld in Mineral Land Claim. That of September. ington, I). C. as the result of a gan- London.—Gold and silver in Hud­ G rant Conley of Cove has begu ' yrding to the report. S M IT H RETURNS TO ALBANY eral breakdown which has kept her an farm ing his 320-acre grain ranch 1 “ W ashington, D. C —Air mall pound­ son's Bay company lands is owned by Income of the Oregon state game invalid for two years. Mrs. Smoot | Lower Cove, operating a caterplllr the crown in the right of the Domin­ age for October, 1928, totaled 476.422 Reports Fail to Draw Him Into Dis immission during the past fiscal j was 62 years old. ion governm ent, under a ruling of the —an increase of 10 per cent over Sep­ plow daily, with George Coons on tl cussion of Issues. ar, which ended Septem ber 30, was P resident Coolidge accepted the night shift. It is to be seeded to fu judicial com m ittee of the privy coun­ tem ber. le largest in the history of the com Albany. N. Y Governor Smith has resignation of Owen J Roberts as one For the first tim e the New York- cil. The council dismissed with costs wheat. ission, according to a sum m ary m ade \ returned to his office at the capltol to of the two special governm ent oil i an appeal of the company from the Chicago double daily service exceeded The golden wedding anniversary < uhlic by Harold Clifford, state game resum e the adm inistration of state af­ counsels. Atlee l’omerene of Ohio, co- | in poundage the Chieago-San Francis­ Canadian supreme court’s decision in arden. The total income was $409.- fairs. He was asked in his first press counsel, will rem ain to clean up the Judge and Mrs. C. G. G illette was hel. co route on which a single daily flight favor of the Dominion. at G rants Pass recently and was at 85.11, an increase of nearly $50,000 conference what he believed would he few legal m atters pending. Is scheduled, the postoffice depart­ tended by 200 friends of the couph ver the last fiscal year, when the In- the future of the Issues debated In the Franklin D. Roosevelt, dem ocratic Trainmen Blamed for S. P. Collision. m ent said. Poundage on th e New some of whom were at the weddin o n e totaled $362,119.13. During the , campaign. candidate for the vice presidency In York-Chicago route was 126.040; on -W ashington, D. C.— Im proper flag ear $390,83S 57 was expended in the "E very man, when elected to office, 1920 and former under secretary of 50 years ago. protection caused the rear end colli­ the Chicago San Francisco route 124.- evelopm ent of the state's game re- A 200 horsepow er shovel which wil Is entitled to a full, fair chance to the navy, will be the next governor sion betw een two Southern Pacific 501. ources and other expenses, leaving throw six yards of earth per minut' make geod. and Mr. Hoover should of New York state. He was elected passenger trains at Cortena, Cal , on Out of 772.316 m iles of service i balance of $18.746 54, compared with have every assistance from every cltl- by a plurality of 27 024 over Albert has been put to work excavating to July 29. In which 67 passengers and 53 scheduled for Septem ber, 749.156 were 27.77 left over the year previous. , the canal of the Eugene municipa aen,” the governor said. O ttinger, republican. railway employes were injured, the actually flown. Sim ilar figures for Fattening a four-point buck deer bureau of safety reported to the In- He replied to th eir initial question H erbert Hoover’s vote was 20.812.- electric plant on the McKenzie rivei October are not yet available concerning his health by saying that 912, the largest ever polled by any near Leaburg. with cows' milk since last spring, and terstate commerce commission. The third highest num ber of pounds silling it when the season opened, is be was "feeling well and haven't lost candidate. Alfred K S m ith s total The assessed valuation of proper!) for October was shown by the S alt told by a Douglas county game warden in Clatsop county is p in e d by the as u thing.” vote was I t . 626.80.1. the biggest vote THE MARKETS Lake-Los Angeles route with 45,045; " I’m going to take a little vacation." ever polled by a dem ocratic candidate. sessor at $28,067.172, which Is nearly on Frank Feigh. a rancher on Em igrant Portland the fourth by the Chicago, Dallas be said "We are beginning to look Mr. H oovers plurality on the tabula­ two million less than in 1927, due to creek above Talent. The buck was W heat — Big Bend bluestem. hard route, with 30,750; and the fifth by around to see where we are going to tion of returns was 6,186.109. tax foreclosure sales and a drop In the first seen last spring ranging with white. $1 44; soft white. $1.15; w est­ the New York-Atlanta route, with 19,- Feigh's milk cows and very tame, ern white, $1.15; hard winter. $1 09*4; live." value of hank stock. 125. "It’s like getting m arried all over Long Bell Firm Wine Ouster Suit. Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Sholes of Corne­ loiter it was discovered that the buck northern spring. $108’i ; w estern red, was suckling the cows, helping Itself again," he added after a moment of Jefferson City. Mo. The Missouri lius observed th eir 59th wedding an Canada Asked to Accept Immigrants. $1.09H. lilierally to the milk when hungry It atlence. niversary at th eir home last week suprem e court sustained and adopted Hay — Alfalfa. $18® 18.50; valley London.—The governm ent is nego­ the report and recom m endations of The m em bers of the family were kept this up all sum m er unmolested timothy $17®17 50; eastern OregoD tiating with Canada to accept British Oil Well Shoot« Fire; Heavy Lot«. Fred L. Williams, special commission guests at the anniversary dinner, and by the rancher, and on the opening of timothy. $20 50® 21. Im m igrants w ithout stipulating th a t W hittier, Cal With a roar that was er of the court. In the ouster suit filed were received by the.couple. Mr. and the season Feigh shot the buck In B utterfat—65c. they he farm workers. Sir A rthur Steel order to save It from other hunters heard for miles around, a bluet that against th e Long Bell Lumber com­ Mrs. Jessie Kilgore, longtim e real- Eggs Ranch. 28®48c. Maitland, secretary for labor, announc­ shattered hundreds of windows, and pany by Attorney General N T Gen­ denis of Cornelius, also observed their and in order to keep the venison for C attle Steers, good. $12® 12.50. ed in the hou r of commons. Sir his own use. a 200 foot flash th at was visible front try In December. 192«. The William« 59th wedding anniversary last week. Hugs Medium to choice, $7®8 76. A rthur revealed th at it was hoped The highway was completed last Los Angeles, the Bellevue oil well No report, filed last June, recommended L a m b s—Good to choice, $11®12. from 3009 to 4090 urban w orkers might Sixty three persons served by the 1, In the Santa Fe Springs district, , the attorney generals’ application for Seattle go to Canada in the next six months. s’a r mail route from Baker to Malheur week at Sweet Home, where the Slate •'came In" and 10 m inutes later was ouster be denied, upholding the activi­ via Bridgeport have «ig'ted a protest construction crew was at work. Many W h e a t-S o ft white, w estern white, Also, he said, it was hoped to send In flames. Nine wooden derricks and ties of the lumber company in the de­ against a proposed change of the route of the men who were employed on the $1.16; hard winter, w estern red. $1 10; Canada 5000 to 6000 w orkers from a ecore of steel rigs crumpled under velopment of the tow nslte of Long which. If made, would have the mail job have turned th eir thoughts to northern spring. $1.0t; bluestem. $1.46 agricultural training ren te rs In the th e scorching heat of the blast and view. Wash. H ay—Alfalfa. $22; tim othy, $28. sam e period. leave O ntario and Vale instead of farming now. hut the ground Is almost damage mounted to nearly $500.000 Io too wet to put in the crops. B u tterfat—54c. Baker. Fred Tedrtck. 47, - ell known city two hours after the ftre started. Haywood Ashes Buried Sunday. Eggs Ranch. 29® 45c. The new steel bridge over Catherine Houghton, Defeated, Goet to London. Chicago III Half of the ashes of creek, near the 8. E. Miller sheep employe of Medford, lied at hfs home C attle—Prime steers. $11® 11.75. W ashington, D. C. — Alanson B. as a result of ptomaine poisoning, be Arbitration Treaty Signed by Finland. William D. I’ HIg Bill") Haywood, i ,-anch. was eonipleted last week, and Hogs Prime. $9 25® 9 35. Houghton, defeated for the U nited leader of the 1. W W movement when adds greatly to the convenience of the lleved caused by a glass of grape Juice W ashington. I> C. »’Inland has rati Lambs—Choice. $1101150 States senalorship from New York, Spokane. fled the arbitration and conciliation It was a t Its height, were buried here farm ers In that section of Union coun­ which he draflk three hours before will return to London as am bassador Hogs — Good, and choice. $9 0 9 10 treattea with the United States signed Sunday by the communist'« former ty. The old bridge gava way under an His wife end daughter« had refused te He made thn announcem ent after • drink after noting a m old/ taste. h ere last June, the atats departm ent comrades. Haywood died in Russia overload of stock. C attle Steers, good, $10.25, conference with P resident Coolidge. announced. last May IS. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST HOOVER PLANS VISIT TO SOUTH AMERICA M'NARY SAYS QUICK FARM AID POSSIBLE LAVA FLOW BURIES ITALIAN VILLAGES BRYAN'S DAUGHTER WINS CONGRESS SEAT ELECTORAL COLLEGE WILL MEET JAN. 2