/ Ìiutkuut Enterprise agriculture H O R T IC U L T U R E L IV E ST O C K E stablished in 1912. Voi. 17. RED CROSS ROLL CALL NOW BEING TAKEN IN LINN CO Halsey. Oregon, T hursday, November 15, 1928. No. 28. SCHO O L NOTES M U R IIL L A M I. R tA O R T E H DAIRYING WOOL. MOHAIR POULTRY Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn C ounty H A L S E Y A N D VKJ1NITY B R E V IT IE S ¡SOCIETY N E W S ; t Ì ) SECOND ANNUAL GUN CLUB TOURNAMENT A SUCCESS Mr. and Mrs. George Laubner Mr. nod Mrs Roland M arks ol Front O ur Regular C respondent* Portian i were guests over the week spent Thursday in Portland at the ! f he club shoot held A rmistice end at the Dr. Marks home n Hal- slock show Day was well attended considering The members of the Thim ble Mr. aud Mrs. Frank H ad'ey the weather, shooters coming from j sey. clnb held a most enjoyable meeting Jesäe Hugh was in Portland laat were transacting business in Cor­ Corvallis, Salem, A lbany, Blodgett, Friday afternoon with Mrs Buford week attending tliestock show He vallis Monday. H arrisburg. Brownsville, Monroe, Morris as hostess. Softly shaded A rthur Wnggener and family ' purchased and brought home with and other nearby towns. lights and bowls of bruns* colored Were transacting business at the Some rem arkable scores were him a yearling Jersey calf. chrysanthem um s added to the a t­ registered, perhaps tbe most o u t­ Mrs. Balf Bond of H "lsey was a County seat Tuesday. tractiveness o f the rooms. Eight complimented guest Tuesday at a Mr». W.A. M uiler was a visitor members responded to roll call. standing perform ance being tbe luncheon given by the D. A R. at at the home o, Mrs. J.C . Porter During the business session it was score turned in b y J . W. D rinkard, president of the Halsey Gun Club, the H otel A lbany in A lbany. west of Halsey Monday. voted to have a Christm as tree at Mrs. George T aylor of Halsey the December meeting and names Out of the fifty 16-yard targets, Elsie, L illian and Bessie Rey­ handicap (shooting nolds of Monmouth were visitors in •pent Thursday in Brownsville at were draw n for the exchange of twenty-live '». from 21-yards) and tw elve pairs Halsey Friday eveniog and while the home of her liste r. mercy ready. But her efficiency | Pro8raQ- gif«» of doubles, he d 'o p p td but four here attended the party at the city Mrs. W illiam Pense took her depends largely on how we support Late in the afternoon the hostess birds, Route One Extended hall. m other, Mrs. M. Bierly, and Mr. served a dainty lunch on small her when fortune smiles on us. Mark Rickard o, Corvallis made Support the Red Cross in this E lliott McW illiams who is a stu ­ Pense'e mother to Eugene Tuesday. tables. The second course consist­ Halsey ru ral route one has been a run of 85 and others «lid nearly tw elfth an n u al roll call which is dent at North Pacific dental college The Brandon school observed ed of cake and coffee, the cake be­ as well. The work of lO-yoar-old extended to cover approxim ately 4 now on all ever our land and help spent the A rm istice holidays with national education week last T h u rs­ ing a beautifully decorated one in more miles and while no more pa- Cedric Moody was nothing to be the big M other carry her burdens. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. day. Eight visitors were preseut. the lodge colors of red white and sneezed at for the little fellow was _ . . . , trons will be accommodated those Don’t miss th is opportunity fori , . McW illiams. M ayor and Mrs. Bert S. Cla>k green, baked by Mrs. Asa Easlburn there with his 20 gauge shattered r J 'served on the extension at present cervice. Loan wanted of $300 , 3 years at drove to Lebanon Sunday and spent of A lbany, and which the president 35 out of 50. ' will be greatly benefited as hereto of the club had the pleasure of The cosy club quarters were fore they have iiad to walk quite a 7 < on good house aud 4 lota in the ¿ay at the W illiam Curtis c u ttin g . Halsey, carries $1500 insurance, home. much appreciated *>y the visitors distance for their mail. IL Preseut for this delightful after L. D. Taylor returned to Halsey who rate the club as one of the The extension takes in one half good title Answer in care of En (Bnverprtae C on-M pondenea) noon were Mesdames Corcoran. La terprise, owner will call. the first of the week from Portland mile from the Knighten corner to best in this section of th s state. Mrs. K enneth Robson accompa- Follett«, Taylor, Robnett, Mae The club is in excellent financ’al Lost young Persian cat, orange, where he visited friends for a few nied by Mrs. W ill A braham and Pehrsson's aud retrace; I mile from Miller, and Lake and Miss Mary blue and white in color, Anyone condition and the mem bership is th e C lingm an corner to W. R days. Mrs. Elm er Munson attended the Sm ith. Mr». Asa E astbuiu and finding please ship direct to Keith G ithens ana retrace back; and a 1 growing steadily. W -beter Falk spent Sunday at sous ol Albany were complim ented perm anent waving dem onstration Below is the score ol the partici­ a t S tra tto n ’s barber shop in Al­ mile from the Nvers corner to E M. Rowland, 542 W ater Street, th s home of bis parents, Mr. and guests. pants as tabulated by C.P. Moody, E A braham ’s and retrace back. Salem, Oregon. Liberal reward. Mrs. Fred F*lk, near C harity bany Tuesday evening. The next meeting ol the club secretary of the club. W. H. Robertson has been carrier Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. McWilliams Grange. will be at tbe home of Miss Mary Mrs Dale Forbes left T hursday on this route for m any years. He joined a group of friends Monday 16 >«1 lldcp dbls Merle G ithens and Milford Mul­ Sm ith on December 14. for San Francirco to v isit her sis­ ba bk sa bk sa Lk now covers a distance of nearly 41 evening at the home of Mr and ler have arrived home from a h u n t­ ter until the first of the month. • * * 25 22 24 14 J. A. T h o m p so n ------ miles daily. Mrs. D. L. Parker of Corvallis and ing trip in eastern and southern 4M 25 21 I W D rin k a rd . Mrs. J . C. Clay returned from Tuesday afternoon Mrs. George 21 48 23 were guests at a no host dinner. T . A. H o v e r-------- Oregon. Portland T uesday where she had T aylor was hostess to tlie members C hat. K u ller.......... - 18 50 23 Pagaent at Shedd U! P. Church B m eta Tussing of Portland re­ Mrs. A. H. Quimby who was of the women's m issionary eociety Geo. 1‘alm er (Salem ) been Jwith her d aug h ter, Hope, 14 4M 24 turned home Monday evening after confined to her bed several days .0 21 50 who underw ent an Operation for M. A. R ickard (Corv) of the C hristian church. Mrs. I r ­ The women ol the missionary 14 44 24 appendicitis at th e P ortland Sur­ society of the United Presbyterian visiting in Halsey over the week last week with a severe cold is able win G ardner was in charge o f the |. 11. C am p ( " ' 16 4S 24 J A .G allag lierf " ) end at the borne of her parents, to be up now. gical hospital. lesson, which was a very interest­ C. II. W oodcock ( “ ) church of Shedd will p u t on a P a­ Mr and Mrs. A A. Tussing. 23 14 48 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramsay ing one. During the social hour Il U. G ridin . . . ( " ) Stayton high school football geant, “ Transferred T reasurers’’ 16 22 47 John Quimby and his cousin and L ister Albertson of Route 1 which followed the hostess, assisted B. C. M iller ............. 45 team defeated the Shedd team here Sunday, November 18, a t 7:80, at ¿5 last F rid ay . This is the last game the church, with the following Victor Childers, who are cutting spent Sunday in Halsey at the by Mrs. Mae M iller, served itaiuty C a d n c M o o iy ........... 46 ltd H o v e r -------------- wood near Sweet Home, spent a few Cecil Dawson h o m e . refreshm ents. Fourteen mem ers of the season for Shedd. ch aracters: 41 C. P. M oody............... hours Sunday with home folks in Mr. and Mrs. G lena K endall of were present. M ra. Crawford accom panied by Love— Mrs. R. W. Brow n; Mrs. 39 H arry L e e p e r -------- the C harity G range neighborhood Albany were visitors at the home Miss A retta H a te rla n d of River­ Preacher—Mrs. F. II. McMcMeekin; □ c Mr. and Mrs. G. T. K itchen of of the la tte r's parents, Mr. and side visited in Shedd Tuesday eve- Mrs. Zealous -M rs, T em pi Brock; The city hall was the scene of a Newburg spent Armistice day with Mrs. W L. W ells, Sunday. Mrs. L oyal— Mrs. R .G . H am ilton; ning gay crowd last Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Muller. Mr. Mias Adah Nelson returned to when a num ber of t h » young peo­ M ethodist: J. C. Clay and son Victor were Miss F aith (a m issionary)—Mies 10 a in. Sunday school Sunday d inner guests of James Meda Brown; Mrs. Im m aculate K itchen is a former m erchant of Halsey Monday evening from P ort­ ple of Halsey gave a dancing party. 11:00 a m. m orning worship. (housekeeper)—Mrs, P .L ,D uncan; Halsey being a member of the land where she vi ited a t the home The hall was prettily decorated T a 't and sister. Mrs. C lark. McCully firm. T opic:— "E zekiel— B ook.” of her parents over the week end. in stream ers of blue and gold crepe H urley St. John who is em ploy­ Mrs. Vanity-—Mrs. J. E D uncan; 0:30 Epw orth League M rs.Clubw om an— M rs.K ate Croft; J.C. Bram w ell and son G uy of Mr. and Mt a. B W. Potter of paper anu music was furnished by ed by the W estern Union in Port­ 7:80 p m. evening worship. Mis. P leasure—Mies Anna McCon- Halsey had as guests Sunday Mr. Bellfountain were visitors in H al­ a victrola F ifty young people were land, spen' th e week end ia Shedd Topic:— "H ow to Advertise the nel; Mrs. W ealthy— Miss Elene and Mrs. W ■ E. Hover of Harris­ sey Friday a t the home of the preseut. w ith bis parents. C hurch.” Davis; Mrs. Society— Mrs. J. C. burg and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. form er's sister, Mrs. D. C. Ross­ Si * • Mrs. E ld er is staying at the R Dawson; Mrs. G olightly--M rs. J. Allingham of The Dalles. Mr. Prayer m eeting T hursdays 7:30 m an. P IN E G RO VE C. McCormick home assisting with A. Couey; Mrs. Busybody— Mrs. A llingham is deputy U. S. collect, Ladies aid every Wednesday Cleve Collins of Lebanon spent Mrs. A.L. K nighten entertained th e house work. Mrs. McCormick L.JR. W ilson; Mrs. Business—Mrs. or of internsl revenue. Bible study class Tuesdays 2:30 Tuesday with his m other, Mrs. the member» of the Kroweldeen has been ill but is now able to be E ism a Gregory; Mrs. Gnodmother J . S. M i'ler. pastor. The Schultz Brothers W arehouse Laura A. Collins who has been club and the r families at a de­ up and about the house. - M r s . H. F. Couey: Mrs. W illful has sold m any tractors the past quite ill but who is now im proving lightful party S aturday evening in Church ol C hrist: Mr. and Mrs. Maben and G er­ — Mrs. Dick D uncan; Mrs. Selfish season which dem onstrates the in health. honor of Mr. K nighten’s birthday. 10 a. m. Sunday school. aldine F rench spent Sunday and — Mrs G. V. Maxwell; Mrs. Care, fact th a t this mode of power is A dditional guests were Mr. and Rem«*uiber the Bible school hour M rs.Blanche T u rn er of Gooding. less— Mrs. W. H . M cConne'. Monday in Portland. coming more popular with farmers Mrs. F rank Sm ith. is 10 o'clock sharp. Be prom pt. Idaho, who bes been a guest of her who till very m any acres. Among Games and music made the eve­ 11:00 a. rn. com m union service. A chickeu dinner, bazaar and Last Monday Miss Irine Quimby recent purchasers ate W. A. D yk­ mother, Mrs. L aura A, Collins, ning pass quickly and at a late We ur£e every C hristian to be program will be given by the Ladies went to A lbany to confer with Mr. stra of l ’ulsa, George C handler of for several weeks, returne«! home hour the hostess served a delicious rresent at the communion sirvice. aid a t the M. K. church Friday and Mrs. J. Frost of the Archery Peoria, It. M. Miller cf Fayette­ Tuesday. This is the center of the christiau evening. D inner will be served lunch. association. The object was to get ville. Prof Rowli.nd, O. A. C. who Bill McDowell arrived home from six to eight. life. pointers tor a turkey eboot which has a ranch near Peoria. A nother Monday m orning from Portland The m orning message will be the Call Meeting P.T.A. Nov. 22 Stanley Satchw ell from W illam ­ the teachers of the Brandon and labor-saving device is the Hanimer- where be had been helping care for fourth of the covenants,' ‘‘God’s ette university spent the week end Kirk districts are planning in con­ Frank H- P orter’s cattle during the A called meeting of the P arent- Covenant with Abraham.” mi|l feed giinder, and arm istice day with his m other nection w ith the com m unity d in ­ Teacher association will he held at 6:45 p. m. C hristian Endeavor. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Forster stoc'/ show. Leland Pennell, M yrle Thom p­ ner. and son Philip of Los Angeles a r­ Georgina Clark who is attending the school house T hursday eveuing Subject: “ No ill.” A lthea I.ake is son and R alph Malson from O. S. rived in Halsey Sunday after a trip Oregon State »pent the week end at November 22, for the purpose of leader. Study this lesson and come The nam e of John Underwood C. spent the week e n d a t their of five m onths during which time her home in H aleey. She had as checking up our by-laws with those prepared to help. cf Halsey was forge«’ to two checks respective homes. Evening evangelistic service at they visited at different places in her guest while here, Thelm a Cru- adopted and approve« in the new cashed in Salem last m onth, ac­ hand book. O“her business will Z 45 Subject:—“ Four Things th at Michigan, Il mois, Iowa, N ebraska, jtt a fellow student, cording to Mrs. Underwood. The East Halsey Precinct Wins. and Idaho. They also visited in , H a|gey p . g, . d be proposed and two vacancies io have not C hanged.’’ checks, one o, which was for $2 and J M- Shelley, m inister. Portland at the home of M r F o r - ! extniiD alions elective offices to he filled. A report E ast Halsev precinct ca-t the the other for $0.15 were drawn on of the late state conference will he ster’s sister, Mrs. Pre.ton Newton, i w ) th a c t„ p rad e b o tll banner H oover.Curtia vote election a Salem bank and were cashed a t a offered. who with her husband accompanied Former Halsey Resident Dies , „ , _ . 1 arithmetic and spelling. Morris day and is to receive in recogni­ Shell oil station in Salem. T here is interesting wink for the them to H alsev. O ther guests at , , , . ,„ ,,i„ , _ . . . . . Layton and Louise Barnes made tion of this vote a beautiful framed aesiciation th a t should he started the Forst»r home Sunday were th e, , , ... E. IL Penland end wife C. II. Doris Dykstra who is attending „ . , . „ , „ , the grade w ith 100 in spelling. p o rtrait of H erbert Hoover presi­ at once and by crowding a lot into Davis, Ralph anu Bill P enlnid re­ H e r m a n S t e in k e a n d F r e d R o b e r t “ dent-elect, offered by the republi­ ths stale norm al spent the week famili)» of Salem and Mr. and Mies Ethel Quimby who is lak this extra meeting we will be ready turned the first of the week from can state cen tral committee to the end at the borne of her parents, Mrs. W A. Sweet of Eugene ing poet graduate work at Oregon aud up to date for the December Pendleton where they had been V» precinct in each county th a t show­ Mr. and Mrs. A .W . D ykstra, near Mr. a n 1 M r- J I f W . . !.! , r , . v - . ' ,a ' H 'P " " 1 ,b * w#ek end at tbe meeting. attend the funeral of the former a ed the biggest per centage of its Halsey. Miss D ykstra had as her By order of Vice P iesident: home of her parents, Mr. anil Mra brother. Elzie Penland, who died yesterday from M ayville. Oregon, vote to be republican. Halsey pre­ guest Miss G ertrude Sanders. Mr. Mrs. A II. Quimby, A H. Quimby near Halsey. She at his home in th a tc ity on Friday. for a few days visit at the home of cinct has this honor by a per cen t­ and Mrs D vkstra took them back returned to Corvallis Monday eve The deceas' d whs a former resident bis brother, C. S W right of this age of 86.6, there being 112 votes to Monmoutn Monday afternoon. If you are having a hard tim e to of H alley and has many friends ning. city, whom he had not seen for 15 cast, 97 for H oover and 15 for cure th a t persistent cold, try Mor­ heie who will be sorry to bear i f years, Mr W right is a w heat farm- C urtis Ventch returned Tuesday Sm ith. n s Cold Capsules. They contain his death. John Porter and daughter Mrs er, cultivating 1400 acies at the from a week’s stay in south Lane just the right proportion of ingredi­ Mr. Penland is survived by bis E dith Robnett, are visiting at the present tim e, and looks forward t« countv. He brought home some M r. and Mrs. H arold M uller ents to knock th a t cold. Being in widow, four sons and a foster home of Prof. F rank M axwell, continued | roq ily in the growing f,ne salmon which h eray s he caught spent S aturday in Portland where capsule form they are q dckly dis- daughter. of wheat in his part of the state. ¡n (be U m pqua river below Scotts- of Drain this week. they visits J the stock show. They eolved and dissem inated through Frorn here Mr. aud Mrs. W right hnrg. but some of his intim ate M. E. G ardner and wife left were accom panied home by the the system. For sale only by Mor­ will go to W stport near Astoria friends ere wondering if Curtis Tbe Federal Reserve bank of W ednesday evening for W ilming- la tte r's cousin. Vernets Henderson, ris Pharm acy at H alsey, Oregon. to visit relatives there and then oo really did catch them . Mr Yea'ch New York handles on an average too C alifornia, on a pleasure trip . who visitk l them and also at the Phone 203 for mail orders. Adv. voted while e t Cottage Grove. home. D.C. Rossman home u u lil Monday. 35 tons ofxoins a day. T here is no place like M other's Tuesday afternoon arm s in tim e of tro u b le. The W orld W ar were shown. An inter, A merican Red Cross is this big esting account of them was given m other in tim e of public d sa ste r by Superintendent Patton who had or calam rly . She m inisters to our served in the war. public needs whether it be in tim e W ednesday the stu d e n t body of war or in time of dire disaster held a m eeting. Among other busi­ or calam ity. Her forces are organ­ ness which came up was th a t of ized and r*>ady for service a t any uniform ] for the boys' basketball tim e or any w here. team , It was decided to buy them. T he Red Cross knows no race, Mrs. Coleman’s room has been no creed or politics. Where need there are her m inistrations of 'p racticin g for their Thanksgiving Shedd Personals • ♦ • be­ e Church Notes