Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, November 08, 1928, Image 8

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    H alsey E nterprise. H alsey. O regon. N o v e m b ers, 192S
Your W inter
Clothing Needs
H erbert Hoover swept through the
entire farm belt, rolling up leuds in
some areas in excess of norm al re­
publican m ajorities.
F arm
R e lie f Issue
F a ils
Dem ocrats.
The farm relief issue, stressed by
-met rats in th eir assault on this rock
Republican T icket S w ee p s the
rib lo d republican territory, m ade no
C ountry in E lection of
dent in the wall. Even W isconsin,
which was lost to the republicans in
Intense In te res t.
1924 through the elder La F ollelte's
victory, returned to the fold.
Sweeping through the east, the wi -t
Iowa, one of the battlegrounds of
a m i the hordi r. and threatening serl
the farm question, gave its native son
ously the solid south. H oover ami
a ; .rk lin g lead and elected probably
C urtis were borne along on a tide of
an entire republican state and con­
rising m ajorities as retu rn s from the
gressional ticket.
election assum ed definite character.
A statem ent issued a t dem ocratic
O vertaking earlier leads established
national headquarters by Mr. Ruskob
by ¡Smith and Robinson in several im­ read;
p ortant states, tho republican ticket
Tlie dem ocratic party has m ade a
was leading in every state thus ta r
gallant and clean fight for the princi­
heard from except for the m ost rock-
ples in which it believes. The verdict
ribbed of the dem ocratic strongholds
of the American people has been re n ­
of the south.
dered and, in accordance with demo­
H o o ve r W in s S m ith ’s Home State.
cratic principles, we cheerfully accept
| New York city, which as the early
the will of the m ajority and shall take
retu rn s poured in, was celebrating tlie
our place in the ran k s of the m ajority
election of their native son, Governor
of American citizens who desire the
A1 Smith, as president of tho United
future w elfare of our country.
States, la te r began to quiet down as
bulletins were flashed on the boards
S m ith Sends Message.
from upstate d istricts showing: Hoover
At the sam e tim e Governor Smith
gradually overtaking th eir idol. About
made public a congratulatory m essage
midnight all hopes had faded and what
to his republican opponent.
once looked like th e biggest celebra­
I congratulate you heartily on your
tion in years died out.
victory, and extend to you my sincere
good wishes for your health and hap­
piness and for the success of your ad
m inistration.”
Albany, Oregon
Furred Coats
as o u ts ta n d in g in fash io n as the-'
arc in value!
r / y
/ / /
r V
F o rm e r Records to be P assed
in the P resen t Election
m easures give: Annexation, yes 25,-
996, no 7,163; firem en's pension, yes
23,000, no 16,624; telephone franchise,
yes 27,770, no 9,603; crem atory bonds,
yes 18,047; no 16,090; stre e t w-idening
bonds, yes 22,129, no 15,853.
Hail E. Hess, republican, was lead­
ing Ed 8. Piper, dem ocrat, th ree to
one In the contest for secretary of
The republican candidates for state
senator headed the field In the voting
In Multnomah county, with su b stan ­
tial niujorttleq. J. O. Bailey w as high
man With 21,537 votes Io his credit
with H arry L. C orbett a close second
with 21,494 votes. T here w ere five
to bo elected.
Thomas B. Kay, republican, the
present state treasu rer, was far In the
lead In the race for th a t office, with
a total in the incom plete to tals of 25,-
014 votes.
In the race for nttorney-general I.
H. Van Winkle, republican, incumbent,
was far in Ihe lead with a vote of 19,-
278 votes.
Hoover Is experiencing a landslide
of such glguntlc proportions that it
will approxim ate 100,000, based on a
Vote of 80 p er cent of the registration,
or 350,000 votes cast In Oregon. Tiia
republican m anagers bad made an es1
tlm ate of 73,000.
The Oregon people have spoken In
em phatic term s and there is no doubt
as to th eir meaning. Oregon is re­
publican and dry. and Smith, demo­
crat and wet, was foredoomed to de­
feat in this state, hut the depth to
which he has been buried exceeds the
niost sanguine expectations of tho
Hoover supporters.
A moro sw eeping and complete de­ BAKER
feat has not been recorded in a presi­
Present M ayor R eturned to O ffice by
dential election In Oregon.
Close M a rg in .
In the three congressional districts
Portland, Or.—Geo. L. B aker was
additional retu rn s simply increased
elected m ayor for his fo u rth term at
tho leads of W. C Hawley. It. R. But-
the election on the face of retu rn s
ler and »Vankiin P. Korell. Mr. Haw
front 319 of th e 429 precincts, a
ley hus carried every »lunty In the
wave of popularity throughout the city
first district. In the second district
sweeping the m ayor into office ugaln
Butler has carried all but possibly
on first-choice votes.
four. These four, In which Pierce
A fter a close race In which the th ree
lends, are Union, Wallowa, W heeler
candidates for city com m issioner were
nnd Sherm an, although In the latter
running neck and neck und th eir posi­
B utler has a thin advantage. The third
tion« changed from tim e to time,
district, Multnomah county, Is all in
George P. Eisnxan took the lead. John
Korell's pocket.
M. Mann slid to second place and A.
Dunne B ills Are Defeated.
I.. Barbur was third.
With the accum ulation of more re­
turns, It is obvious th at tho Oregon
voters have turned thum bs down on
ihe two Dunne bills, one for increas­
Hardware, Im p lem en ts and S p o rtin g )
ing the gasoline tax and the other re­
Goods. H udson and Essex Autos !
ducing the m otor license fees. There
3 r d \ M adison Sts., Corvallis, O re.)
Is a sentim ent for tho latter in several
Whiteside & Locke )
spots, but on tho whole the hill is
The •four river" bills have found
support nowhere, not even In the coun­
ties which are directly affected. The
stream s aimed nt In these hills are
Hogue river, Umpqua river, McKenzie
river und Deschutes river. The bills
were sponsored by sportsm en, with a
view to preventing th eir commercial
exploitation by m eans of hydro devel­
opm ent o r irrigation.
H ere and there. In n few scattered
counties, a sentim ent Is shown for 11m
Bing the powers of the legislature
with respect to Initialed bills, but by
nnd large this m easure lias gone down 1
lo defeat, burled under an avalanche
of ballots.
From the top of the republican state
ticket down to tho bottom th ere has
not been a break. Not one dem ocratic
candidate on the state ticket has been
anyw here n ear defeating or equaling
the vote which has gone to the repub­
lican nominees.
P o rtla n d M u n icip a l Measures Pass.
R eturns from I t s precincts out of
the 427 In Portland on th e municipal (
H ot W a te r
B o ttle s
Fountain Syringes
Combination Water Bottle
and Syringes.
M o rris
P h a rm a c y
r 1 --
Among dem ocratic house scats cap­
tured by the republicans are six in Ik
the border state of K entucky and one
in New York, w here a republican was
B ■ ■ IB Bt p a
elected to a seat held by a dem ocrat
not up for re-election. On the basis
of early retu rn s, one republican seat
Transfea and Drayage
was won by a dem ocrat.
Business. Orders for Wtod,
In Ihe senate, the republicans had
Sand and Gravel.
definitely picked up two seats. Four
republicans have been re-elected and
all of the 13 republican seats involved
Pharm acy 2C3
in the election appear to be in the
T rips made anywhere.
safety zone.
a a ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a a'
Senator Thom as F. B ayard of Dela
ware was the first dem ocrat to bow
T h e E n te rp ris e $ 1.00 a y e a r.
to tho republican sw eep, losing to
John G. Townsend, followed by Sena
E x-S e cre tary o f C om m erce, w h o was
tor \V illiam Cabell Bruce of M aryland,
Dana C. Rossman
elected P re sid e n t c f the U n ite d S tates.
who lost to his republican opponent,
Phillips Lee Goldsborough.
T hree
Smith lost ills own state of New
dem ocrats, all from the south, were
York; Hoover carried his home sta te
re-elected, Connally of Texas, Swan­
of California.
son of V irginia and Stephens of Mis­
Hoover leads in the southern s ta te s
of Virginia. N orth Carolina, F lorida
Tw enty dem ocratic sea ts were at
und Tennesee, nnd has a fair chance
stake in the election. Of these. King
In Texas.
of Utah, P ittm an of Nevada, Tram
The republicans m ade gains in both
I.ady A ssistant
mell of Florida, W alsh of M assachu
the senate and the house.
Ail calls answ ered day or n ig h t
setts and Copeland of New York were
The New York governor polled a
in the lead.
Phone 255.
Halsey, Oregon
goodly num ber of the popular vote.
Tho four republicans elected were
Imt if the republican m ajority contin­
La Follette of W isconsin, G reene of
ues H oover will lead his dem ocratic
\ erm ont, Reed of Pennsylvania and
opponent by about 5,000,000. In the
F rederic C. W alcott. W alcott succeeds
electoral vote however. H oover seem s
S enator George P. McLean of Connec­
to have gathered over 450, leaving
ticut, who retired.
Sm ith with 100 or less.
Among the republican leaders of the
on the highway.
house re-elected w ere S peaker Nicho­
las Longworth, Tilson of Connecticut,
the party floor lead er; H aw ley of Ore­
Short Order Lunches
gon, chairm an of the ways and m eans
com m ittee; Wood of Indiana, who will
become chairm an of the appropria­
tions com m ittee; Snell of New York,
hairm an of the rules com m ittee, and
Meat Market
Dempsen of New York, chairm an of
Oil, Camp Grounds
the rivers and harbors com m ittee.
These who i. usi dress u.ell on a Hiri-ad
.n<onie w ill welcome ti is ). C. Penney Com-
pary o & r ’ng. Coats o f lustrous broaddo.h
or smooth suede cloth— In black, tan,
other leading co ors —j . l eTeeir/civ rrim t-'-J
w ith fur.
■ / /
For General Hauling
M. V. Koontz Co.
F U Ñ E R A I.
S tr a le y B ros.
and Cabins.
" A m e ric a ” R ings L o u d ly in W in n e r's
Hem e a t Palo A lto .
S e n a to r fro m O klahom a, w h o w as
elected V ice -P re sid e n t o f th e U n ite d
S tates in the R epublican la n d slid e .
Stanford U niversity Campus, Cal.—
The election of H erb ert H oover to the
presidency w as celebrated In his home
here by th e singing of "A m erica" by
bait a hundred or m ore friends and
neighbors g athered in the living room
of the m assive stucco house on the
side of San Ju an hill.
Tfce first public u tteran ce of the
president-elect was a greeting of ap­
preciation to the stu d en ts of Stanford
university, who g athered around his
home to celebrate his election.
"I thank you for coming up here to­
night and giving us this greeting," he
said from the terrace of his home.
"I do appreciate it from the bottom
of my heart. I thank you."
H aving listened to the retu rn s at.
his home in Palo Alto, Cal., through
th e earlier hours of tho evening, M r.
H oover had retired sat id led th at ho
had been elected by one of the largest
electoral college pluralities ever given
a presidential nominee.
Border S tates Turn Republican.
A ssured of a sw eeping victory In
Oklahoma and K entucky and running
G o ve rn o r S m ith C a rrie s A lb a n y , N. Y.
well ahead in T ennessee and Missouri,
Albany. N. Y.—T his city, which has
th o republican presidential ticket ap-
known Alfred E. Sm ith for eight years
peared to have made a clean sweep of
as governor of New York state, gave
thia border group of states for the
him a m ajority of 14,268 over H erbert
first tim e In a general election.
Hoover, his republican opponent in
In K entucky the campaign had been
the p res’ ’entlai race. The complete
b itterly fought, especially In the moun­ city vote for president w as; Smith,
tain sections. The H oover ticket was
42,312, Hoover, 28,044.
aided by fair w eather, known ns "re­
publican w eather" in K entucky, en­
H o o v e r W in s Hom e Vote.
abling voters from the m ountain sec­
Palo Alto. Cal —H erbert H oover re­
tions to get to the polls.
ceived a plurality of 360 over his dem­
T hree of New E ngland's six states
ocratic opponent in his own voting
appeared definitely settled in the
precinct a t S tanford university. The
H oover column as the m ounting totals
republican candidate received 410
of retu rn s piled up.
votes, the dem ocratic candidate 50
Maine and Vermont held tru e to
votes, and th e socialist candidate.
trad itio n and rem ained in the republi­ Thomas, eight votes.
can column by what appeared likely
to be record-breaking m ajorltitles.
H ira m Johnson Loses Vote.
New H am pshire teem ed assured fur
San Francisco. Cal.—S en ato r John-
Hoover, while C onnecticut likewise
son, ill at his suite at th e Mark Hop.
showed a m argin for him.
I kins hotel, lost his vote In a presiden-
M assachusetts und Rhode Island, 1 tial election for the first tim e in many
upon which the supporters of both
years. Tho statesm an, suffering from
Hoover and Sm ith centered th eir a t­ influenza, was unable to cast h is bal­
tack, remained in tho doubtful column. lot.
“ quality—always at a saving”
Republicans Gain in Senate and House
Each and every suit or overcoat made by the Ed V. Price
Co., for our customers, is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Come in and order a suit. V ou II be pleased with your pur­
chase. Thousands of other men are. Suits 130 to $50,
We are here to serve the
U =:
Notice of D istrict Road Meeting
P ursuant to a petition signed by’
legal num ber o i resident freeholders,
taxpayers anil legal voters of Road Dis­
trict No. 4 of l.inn County, Oregon,
Notice is hereby given th a t a meeting
o ( the legal voters of Road District No 4
of l.inn County, Oregon, will be held at
the hour of 2 o ’clock p. ni.. on the 17th
day of N ovem ber 1928, at tlie Pine
Grove School House in said Road Dis-
trict, to determ ine w hether or not said
Road D istrict shall vote a special tax of
$3000.00 upon all tlie taxable Property
w ithin said Road D istrict for the im­
provem ent of tlie roads therein as fol­
lows. to-wit. grading, gravelling, drain-
m g and rep airin g said roads.
By order of tlie County Court of Linn
County. Oregon.
Dated th is 29th day of October, 1928
A ttest:
R. M. Russell.
IL M. Payne,
C ounty Clerk.
County Judge.
Jos. Hume, county commissioner.
II.A. Reninger, county commissioner
Posted tills 29th day of October, 1928.
by C. W, Nichols, appointed bj the Court.
N ov. 1-8-15 1928.
Notice is hereby given th at the final
account of Leonard R. Wilson as admin­
istrator of tlie estate of Oscar II. Wilson
deceased lias been filed in tlie County
Court of Linn County, State of Oregon,
and that tlie 26th day of Novemlier, 1928
at tlie hour of 10 o'clock in tlie forenoon
of saiil day lias been duly appointed by
said court for tlie h earin g of objections
to said final account and tlie settlement
thereof, at w hich tune any person in­
terested in said estate may appear ami
file objections thereto in w riting and
contest tlie same.
Dated and first published Oct 25th,
Leonard R. Wilson,
Administrator Aforesaid.
_ |l , Tussing & Tussing, A ttvs. for Admr.
: — ’ I Oct. 25 Nov. 1-8-15 22,
iißfinniiiiH O iiiiiiiiiiiiBNi
TUESDAY, NOV. 13, 8 « ’Clock
Z a n e G r e y ’s
“Open Range”
a band of outlaws—wanted for the worst crime
I o t ie est cattle-rustling—he (fights his way to freedom
1 and proves his innocense in a way which will give you one
riP-roaring thrills. All color comedy.'
T u n e u p £or
W in t e r
T here is such a radical differ­
ence in the conditions under
w inch your m otor m ust run
d u rin g the warm w eather and
Ihe cold, that it requires some
radical adjustm ents to keep it
ru n n in g right. Let ns adjust
your m otor to meet cold w eath­
e r conditions.
Arrow Garage,
H a ls e y
Tlie Enterprise is Yonr Paper Use it.