HALSEY ENTERPRISE, HALSEY. OREGON, NOVEMBER N, 1928 The place was so insufferable from smoke and powder fumes and the heat that I risked a chance shot from the forest by removing the shutter and opening the door. The thunder rolled across the sky agaio and the girl sighed: “ Let s wish It's a smart one and w ill come this way.” I made her drink some water and ! with a pewter dlsTi bathed her wrists ami slim neck. She complained that I was wasting IL and In the next mo­ ment was oo the point of weeping as she said no one bad been kind to her, except her crippled uncle, since her mother’s death. I brushed back her lllu slralio n s ty hair and bathed her forehead and washed the smoke aod grime from her I r w i n Mytes faee and tried to be very gentle with her. I was beginning to realize what a slip of a thlug she was to be par­ v y .N t . u . s t R v i c e P roved safe by m illions an d prescribed by physicians for ticipating In such grim tragedies. I Copy right b\^ Hugh. Prnd»xt»r alto appreciated her sturdy splrlL Suddenly she drew away from me ting with one foot hanging dowD from CHAPTER VIII— Continued C olds H eadache N euritis L um bago the eaves and waiting for me to leave und rearranged her hair and diffident­ —22— P ain N euralgia [Toothache R heum atism tbe cabin, when he would drop down ly said: I popped out from the door and pick “ You’ve been master kind to me, log up a bide slid it Into place., re- upon me. The roof was formed of I malniag until I had three skins In sapling-size poles covered with large mister. I wish I was a witch, like folks In Great cove say. I’d change place. 2 would have persisted longei sections of thick bark, which In turn had she not run out to upbraid me. was held In place by poles running you Into n boss, or a bird, aod you’d I git clear of all this." scolding like a vixen. Then began the lengthwise at regular Intervals. “ Sit here, Just Inside the door, white phase of warfare I had been dreading, drew my knife and gently Inserted 1 stand watch I've never had a the sending of tire-arrows. None hit It between two of the poles, then de 2 2 IZ “ Bayer” package the ro o f; and while they were prepar­ sl8ted, as at the most I would only chance to wait on such a brave little » ■ which contains proven directions? prick the fellow and pul him on hl» woman before.” Buby has little upsets at times. A ll ing more Are I rushed forth and fin Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets ■‘B o o ! T h a t’s fo o lin g ," she wolfed, guard. L r Also bottles of 24 and 100—Dru^.st». your cure cannot prevent them. Put you Islied one side of the roof. A s p in a U ths trade m a rk o f B ayer M a n u fa c tu re o f M onoace tlcacldeite r o f S a llc j iica d d and eyeing me in surprise. “ You've Regaining the floor I moved a rough The girl scolded me as if I had been cun be prepared. Then you cun do what any experienced nurse would do—what a wayward child. Her gravity and table, which Frazier used for dis- been iu big se tlle m e iits. You ve seen most physicians would tell you to do— seriousness became her prettily. The playing his trade-goods, close to the women, niehbe, who never see a Injun. give n few drops of plain Castorla. No little lectufe was Interrupted by an­ chimney, and gave the girl an Iron All they have Io 'Io Is he brave. If 1 eooner done than Baby Is soothed; re­ other flight of burning arrows This prod and directed her to stand on ihe had a pair of shoes like what some of lie f Is Just n mutter o f moments. Vet time they had the range and we heard table and pretend to be making an them settlement women most likely A post card brings ou r price list. wear. Id die fighting to keep ’em." you have eased yobr child without use two strike oir the roof. Before I knew opening through the roof. She hesl W r it e f o r it i W e pey w h at w e quote. “ If we get out ot lids, you --hull have o f a single doubtful drug; Castorla Is what she was doing she had stepped tated and asked: Shipm ents held separate w h en re­ “ You're going out?" the gayest pair ot shoes to tie found vegetable. So It's safe to use as often out to observe bow her scheme was quested, a n d r e tu r n e d a t o u r iu Alexandria." I promised, and I working. I followed and picked her “ He'll be watching the chimney." as an infant has any little pain you ex p en se, if ou r valuation is not thought of Josephine unit her love of "There muy be two of 'em.” cannot pat away. And i t ’s always up and carried her Inside. satisfactory. Bo sure end get our luxury and wondered how she would "Anyway, mister, there ain’t any ar- 1 shook my head and held up a ready for the cruder pangs of colic, or prices before you ship. have endured the ordeal of being cor­ constipation or diarrhea; effective, too, rers on the roof,” she told me as I finger and directed her to keep talk­ fo r older children. Ttcenfp./Ire million stood her on her feet. “ Points ing in a loud voice as she assailed nered in a trader's cabin at the mouth DENVER RAW FUR COMPANY couldn't git any hold on them skins, the roof. Then taking the short rifle of Turtle creek. bottles were bought last gear. D ep artm ent S. ” 1 ain’t used to have folks give me j Just slithered off,” and loading It I tiptoed to the door 1S30-32 Blake SL Denver, Colo. Between volleys was the golden and noiselessly removed the bar and things,” she gravely told me. “ We’ll have to think about that.” Then shy­ time for work. I begged her to keep waited. under cover and went to finish patch- The girl began Jabbing the Iron rod ly : “ Is that where you want me to Cycles Through Hoops J lug the south side. This time the foe between two of the poles and calling go? To Alexandria, a real big settle­ At a recent motor cycle show In ment?" ! was awaiting my appearance and de- down to me to mount the table and London, a rider demonstrated Ills skill • llvered a crashing volley the moment help her. She made much noise and In truth, I had given no thought Was Your by driving his machine through a dou­ I cleared the door. Some of the lead yet I believed I caught a fain' sound as to Just where ehe should go did we R iver Changes Beds ble paper hoop while going at high Grandm other's Remedy whistled unwholesomely close. A voice escape. Yet how could I give her a from over the door. L ifting the door The Drucat river In France, a smnll speed. The stunt required a sternly For every stomach I shouted loudly and ten Indians, select­ so It would not sag and scrape the pair of shoes in Alexandria If she hand at the take-off, since the obstruc­ tributary to the Somme, did the un­ and Intestinal 111. usual thing of reverting bnck to Its ed for their fleetness of foot, came floor, 1 worked It open wide enough were not there to receive them? tion was of considerable length, and This good old-fash­ " I f I go back there, yes. I have no original bed of prehistoric times, racing across the opening. It was for me to pass out. there was danger of turning the front ’ grimly significant that they were ioned herb horns home there now. Like yourself. I am “The rod’s through the roof!" cried which meant the lengthening of Its wheel so as to make landing hazard­ homeless.” remedy fo r consti­ course from three to nine miles. In j armed with axes only. They were de­ the girl. ous.—Popular Mechanics Magazine. pation, stomach HU At the same time a shout rose from This pleased her and she snuggled the operation It flooded the country, termined to bring the fight to close and other derange­ fields, farms and gardens, cut the quarters. I entered the cabin as the the forest. I darted through the nar­ against my knee and murmured: ments of the sys­ row opening and whirled about and “ I’m thinking It’s mighty good that highway In two points and surrounded girl began firing from the rear loop bole. tem so prevalent these days is In even raised the rifle. One savage was you’re like that—no home. You can a number of houses. When the flood greater favor as a fam ily medicine “ Here they come from all direc­ there and had been on the point ot build a home anywhere. All you need subsided the river was running In than In your grandmother’s day. the ancient course which had been tions! They mean It this time I" she crawling to the ridge-pole to Investi­ Is an ax aud pome trees. If you’d had gate the several Inches of iron rod a home, you'd never have come poking previously traced by geologists It cried. M E D IT E R R A N E A N S » 1* ’ The attack was persisted In until showing through the bark when the rouud Great cove. Lor’s love I What A F e w Cents Invested in “ D a n ­ was believed that the heavy rains s s “ T ra n s y lv a n ia ” sailin g Jan. 3 0 had revived the ancient springs which one brave was hacking the door with yell from the woods had warned him would have happened to me If you delion B u tte r C o lo r” W ill P u t C la r k 's 26 th c ru ise . 66 days. in c lu d in g Madeira. were the original sources of the Dru­ his ax. It tg a peculiar fact that with to be oo his guard. He must have hadn't come along? At W ill’s creek, C a n a ry Island», Casablanca. R abat, C apital of D o lla rs in Y o u r Pocket. them at such close quarters none of connected the outcry of his friend» too. And In that other cabin, when I cat. M oroçco. S p a in . A lg ie rs . M a lta . A thens. Con- s ta n ti nop le, 16 days P a le s tin e and E g y p t, Ita ly their number was mortally wounded. with the sudden appearance of tbe run away. And now here.” R iv ie ra . C h e rb o u rg . (P a n s ) . Includ es ho tela,’ Top prices fo r your Doubtless we were nervous and a bit rod, for he was on all fours and guid e s, m o to rs, etc. “ You have nothlDg to thank me for,” W ill C old W o rry butter are possible the h o rw ay-M ed iterran ean . June 2 2 , t S S S f WOO up confused by tbe attack being pressed staring over bis shoulder to where I sadly told her. “ At all those places year ’round w ith the You This W in te r? oq three sides while some of them Ws friends were I d hiding. FRANK C. CLARK, Tim e* Bldg., M.T. you name, you have had trouble be­ help o f “ Dandelion B ut­ Some men throw-off a cold w ithin a actually climbed on to the roof and When he saw me the rifle was at my cause I did go to the cove. Now we'll te r Color.” .P ut in Just ^ l I F O R N I A <'‘ " 5c few hour» of contracting It. Anyone dislodged some of the skins. I have shoulder. He made a convulsive effort close the door while I take a look at a halfrteaspoonful fo r can do It with the nld of a simple com­ no clear recollection of details. I to hurl his ax and roll off the roof, the woods from the back of the cabin. Magazine, 300 Broadaray Areade, Loa Angele,, Caia. each gallon o f cream pound which comes In tablet form, and know we darted f-om side to side and but he was dead before he could The Indians are too quiet to suit me." before churning and out Is no trouble to take or to always discharged the two rifles and the mus­ throw It. I bent down to the loophole and W. N. U., PORTLAND, NO. 45 -1928. have about you. Don’t "dope" your­ kets. The room was thick with smoke comes butter o f that From the Indians' point of view Immediately called to her to make Golden June Shade. I t ’s self when you catch cold; use Pape's and 1 recall my fear lest those on the there should have been but one thing sure the bar was firm ly I d place. Snake-Saving C am paign purely vegetable, whole­ Cold Compound. Men and women roof should make an opening and "Another tight,” she sighed. “ And for them to do—return at once with To save harmless snakes, from be­ some and meets all everywhere rely on this amazing little Jump down upon us. we was having such a talk I” their guns and endeavor to shoot us tablet.—Adv. ing killed by small boys, hunted by It was not until they began to fall I heard her reloading her rifle, but State and National Food Laws. A ll through the loopholes. Luckily for j back that I discovered the gtrl had large creameries use It to keep their picnickers and destroyed by farmers, did not remove my eye from the hole. j been more calm than I, for she had re­ us, they were not Inclined to risk any product uniform. I t ’s tasteless and C. Edward Roehrlg, a California Good Cause more of their men. I could hear their Something was slowly approaching 1 “ Where are you off to In such a fused to discharge her pistol. For a moment I could doesn’t color buttermilk. Large bot­ physician, has started the Uerpeto- leader shouting to them, but If he were the cabin. peered from a loophole and saw them tles cost only 35 cents at all drug or logical Society o f California. Signs hurry ?” exhorting them to charge, they had no not make It ouL and theD glimpsed "The hnt of the man behind has running for the woods and not a heart for IL They renewed the attack the top of a feather showing above grocery stores. W rite fo r FREE have been placed along the road In the society's educatlonnl campaign weapon In the cabin was loaded. One blown off.” with fire-arrows. With loose hides, the strange obJecL Simultaneously SAMPLE. Wells and Richardson Co., Informing the public that the only "What does that matter to you, that of their number had been hit In the I patched the bare spots as far as 1 with my discovery, the Indians be Inc., Burlington, Vermont. dangerous snnke Indigenous to tbe foot and was limping along with two you are running, too?" could reach while the girl looped gau tiring their guns at the front T h e C a t’s M eo w state Is the rattler, and that all 1 men helping him. Probably he had “ I have got It on.” skins together to go over the ridge­ of the cabin and yelling. I paid no j been hit while climbing onto the roof, Myrtle—“ Believe me, there’s no others should be spared because of pole. I had Ignored their musket tire, heed to the gunfire and the shouting fool like an old fool.” Judith—“ What their economic value. his foot coming to range with one of R ep ly o f a Benedict for the real menace was where the j the loopholes as a musket was dls- but when a small bullet whined close have you done now?” —Life. to my head I knew some Indian or feather bobbed and slowly advanced Howell—"Do you believe In trial ' charged. T a k e I t O ff She elbowed me aside and after a Frenchman had arrived on the scene marriages?” Powell—“ I believe that One Americanism Is to assume the I loaded rapidly to get one of the with a rifle, and I lost no time In tak “ I asked her to kiss me without glance Informed me: marriage Is a great tria l.” man Is guilty because he hired such a avail.” three men making off together, but Ing cover. "They've fastened some o f ihe skins good lawyer.—San Francisco Chron­ the moment I opened the door a “ I don’t tike kissing through those "That sounds like cannon," said the together and are holding them In warning was shouted from the leader girl as I closed and made fast the front of them. Wonder If It’ll stop a icle. things, either.” —Montreal Star. In the woods and the wounded man door. bullet.” was dropped In a little hollow, ills It was a rifle. We must be more I fired my rifle. The moving bar assistants raced off in different di­ careful.” rlcade stopped, and then came on rections. The hollow containing the again The savage, or savages, had "1 know a rifle when 1 hear I I I wounded man was too slight effec­ difficulty In keeping It In place and That's what I mean, mister.” tually to protect him, and opening the 1 listened and heard IL It was their approach was very slow. Exult door sufficiently to accommodate my Ing cries resounded from the woods rifle barrel I would have stirred him thunder beyond any doubt. I opened ns the hidden watchers wltnesse 1 up had not the girl thrust her hand the door a crack and scanned the how Ineffective had been my bullet over the flint and at the same time heavens. There was no storm In sight It seemed to he a very long time "It's up the Monongahela, I told her : pulled me backward | opened my It s so far off I fear we won’t get that I waited, and finally noted bow mouth to rebuke her, but she clapped dark the Interior of the cabin was even the skirt of I I ” a hand over my mouth and pointed We needed much of It ; not only to growing. Had I not known the posl toward the room. Then pulling my tlon of the sun. I would have said It ear down to her lips she whispered; drench the cabin hut to cool the ulr was later than the tw ilight hour. \ ■ Inside. With the door closed and the "They didn't all quit the rcof. ” 1 can’t hardly see you. mister,” said stout shutter In place over the one mister. I heard a little noise up small opening that served as a win the girl uneasily. "You look all there.” ----- dow it was blood-hot lu the cabin. humped over like a hear.” and gently closed the door IT O B K C O N T IN U E D .» From Baby Days to Manhood and 1 nodded barred It and cocked my ear. His Mother Guarded Him She nudged me ns the man on the ■■My in n , n o w • g r wn m an. » lilt u i e l roof made a faint scraping sound. T h . i. - o ily be b roken u p and m pped__ began talking to allay any suspicions bis vacation abroad, is one of the most into womanhood she began to VegetableCompound for what c*. m F <■<»• I t t t h t v t d nntkput t . .» i i H m ,/ and be saw—a thousand beds, in crate« on his part, and the girl said; W hooping cough ra»e.l and lig h te n e d <->od feel rundown and weak and a it has done for my fourteen- depressing sights of the Riviera, ac­ fc e u lth guarded by Clr««c.» - a physician*» "He's moving along to git directly cording to Lloyd Morris, writing Io stamped with his name, on the ship friend asked me to get her year-old daughter as well as for » re a e n p tio n , tim e t ile d and p r ven A«k any ping platform of his busy factory.” over the door. We must fool him." Harper's. d o c to r a n y tra in e d nurse— a b o u t it» benefi­ your medicine. She took Lydia me. It has helped her growth c ia l p r | c it i e s , I r y it i . > •<<» .uul Bidding her to move about at th­ " I recall an American whom I met E. Tinkham’s Vegetable Com­ and her nerves and she has a B in w how q u ic k ly , s a fe ly and u u e ly it act*. reat of the cabin and to keep oo on the terrace of a restaurant In the O f ( he C onifer F a m ily 4 hen keep it alw ays at hand f o r e v e ry mem- pound and Lydia E. Pink- good appetite now and sleeps B e r « f the fa m ily , t o a ta in s no opiate« \ u r talking. I step|a*d to the door nn • o. ham s Herb Medicine, Her well. She has gone to school In the notches cut I d the logs, so that wife bad Inveigled him Into taking a localities in Florida, California. Japso nerves are better, her appetite every day since beginning the one might climb to a crevice under winter holiday; It was so much more ami t hlna. They are a genus of con DR. D R A K E S *s S°od. she is in good spirits medicine. I will continue to the eaves and scrutinize the open'ng smart, she said, than a summer vaca Ifer. belonging to the laxlneae or yew before opening the door gently placed tlon. They had come to the Rlvleru tribe Ihe California species, known and able to work every day. give it to her at regular in­ my feet and pulled myself up until my for the winter. I Inquired whether be os Californian nuimeg. is the largest v e recommend the Vegetable tervals and will recommend it C o u g h an d C ro u p R e m e d y •yes were at the crevice My head was was enjoying IL Enjoying It? U —I. reaching a height of 70 feet and oe Compound to other girls and to other mothers who have dose to the roof and as the glri no!’ He spat expressively. Bat I II cnsloually even lilt) feeL to their mothers.”—Mrs. Cath­ daughters with similar trou­ THF I I I M R COM PA NY C D C C chattered along I heard the telltale tell you, he added, his eyes lighting Findlay, Ohio U) I ft L L erine Lamuth, bles-”—Mrs. Eva W ood Howe, Send me * t once a liberal Free T R IA L sound of the savage working his wav up. ’back home my factory has Just In a l lio ttle of Hr. I Wake • t.L E S S C O and « Bristol O ld P o rt down to the eaves and directly over sold a thousand beds New hotel lu U~1‘- 'I« * « « °« liilan'a -nJ Bristol is one of the oldest ports In the donr. Cleveland Had a wire today. Me As I was about to descend. I was etareil off into the distance He didu I Fnglund. It* history Is generally he ileved to go back ’J.tkio years, when further rewarded, for a Mact-aslned it was the terminal place of barter for the I’ hmmlcinn traders. It was late' range of vision The Indian was sit Lfdia F Pinkham Mediçine Co.,_ t.ynn, Mass alila And when he added » istfully used by the Roman navigator*. T h e R ed JR odd _ <•>4 Romance o f B raddocks D efeat H ugh P endexter X T emùne A spirin SAY “ BAYER ASPIRIN” and INSIST1 When your Children Ciy for It f DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART7] CTî-u “/J? x ^ ^ AccePf C The V e ry Highest Prices Sor RAW FURS CASTORI A Garfield T ea Make More Money This Easy Way SAFE! SURE! SCHOOLGIRLS NEED HEALTH B ___ vJ LESS CO Lydia E. Pinkham ’s Vegetable Compound