E E. Hover and family visited of this state of affairs. How can at the E verett Hover home iu H ar­ the schools help to tra in the next ALBANY FLORAL CO. Cut Flowers risburg Saturday and attended the Brownsville, Nov. 8 .— The enter* generation for higher types of and Plants. Floral a rt for every and A cetylene W e ld in g . taium eut at the R ialto T heatre com m unity sale. eojoymeut? all occasions. F ir s t & Adam s, C o rv a llis . O re Ray Hover was an Albany visitor last Friday night in which three Flower phone 458-J Requests for rew spapers pub-] ‘ F irst. There is the source of W ednesday. He w .s accompanied one-act playe w ire given by the EAST ALBANY BARBER SHOP h a te d in t i n t section of O regjo in , readii g. N <1 only in biographies, on the return trip by Mies Georgia students o f the high school, was Charles R. Coltra. Proprietor which prospective settlers conleiu- novels, and books of travels uo we Overton who visited her mother, well arranged and carried out. Member ol Master Barbers' Association p la 'e locating are received every have a sure refuge against a burden, Most of the players were new but Specializing in Ladies' and Children s day a t the office of the Oregon I but also in genuine love of poetry until Sunday Hair Cuts and Bobs Work guaranteed. a9 T he following is an article by I Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck Linn County, State of Oregon, th at a School Meeting of said district will be Dr. H enry Davidson Sheldon ol I . present time a great moral roeource spint Sunday evening at the Ches­ held at Schoolhouse, on the 24th day of November, 1928. at 2.00 o clock In the of O ., touching on themes in bar in building up the lives of young Fisher-Braden afternoon, for the purpose of discussing the budget hereinafter set out with ter C urtis home. people. W e of the older generation mony with educational week. the levying board, and to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax Funeral Directors Theron Seaver of Corvallis visit­ •‘One of the great problems of can promote this great work by The total amount of money needed by the said school district during tthe fis7 Embalmers modern life is the proper use of seeing th a t th e libraries are proper­ ed at the ], H. Rickard h o n e sev- cal year beginning on June 18th, 1928. and ending June 30. 1929. is estimated Lady Assistant. in the following budget and Includes the amounts to be received from the Phone 95. Albany. Oregon J leisure tim e We frequently set ly supplied w ith books, th a t the eral days last week, county school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, special district teache-s of dram a have proper Mrs. E. D. Isom and Beverly quite successful men and women ...................."Z-------- ' I '.-"a t who are no longer compelled to facilities for performing good plays called at the B. E. Cogswell home tax and all other moneys of the district: BUDGET Call At earn a living, who have achieved and th a t sufficient time and setting Sunday evening. ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES __ Davenport Music House affluence, and are at the same time be given to the m usical interests. Mr. J. II. Rickard and sons, Sal. per yr. For New and Second Hand Pianos No. Personal Service: bored. The fast night life of our Jesse and E m ery, spent Saturday »1700 00 $1700 00 ± C Pianos for Rent. 2. Principals Pine Grove Items large towns and cities is the result evening at the Chester Curtis home 2340 00 1170 00 Albany .Oregon Assistant Principals 2700 00 900 00 listening to the radio. (Entsrprles O orrsspon«snc.) 3. Teachers .......... TÍ 10 00 T-i 10 00 4. Janitors M, E. G ardner and Chas. G ansle 10 00 10 00 Clerk KIRK Haskins & Talbert built a garage for N E. C handler Sears' Grocery JE W ELR Y STO R E »7470 00 last week. Total A Service and Cash Store Mr. and Mrs. Earl Albertson of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks Farm ers ol this country are re MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: Ask for prices i M onmouth spent the week end al ceiving appreciably higher average $150 00 Silverware. 1. Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, etc.) 100 Û0 the A. F. A lbertson home. prices for products th s year than 2. Supplies ichalk, erasers, etc.) 25 00 N EW ST O R E Eunice Sylvester was home for last, according to tho departm ent 3. Library books A lb an y 10 00 4 Flags N EW S T O C K the week end. of agriculture. 50 00 5. Playground equipment E verett Mason is building a The most pronounced gain is io 100 00 Creamery Association 6. Janitor's supplies Repairing of all kinds. 350 OO chicken house on the Shepherd cotton which shows a 35 per cent 7. Fuel M anufacturers of (Over 6 years with Pratt s) 25 00 place occupied by Ray Hover. increase in a year. Beef cattle art 8. Light 22 50 9. Water L. E. Eagy and fam ily and Mrs bringing 29 tier cent more than 50 00 135 South Second Street 10. Postage, stationery and printing last year and hogs 12 per cent. E. E. Hover attended church at Corvallis. Oregon. »882 50 G rain, corn and poultry are also Peoria Sundav morning. Total and B uyers o f Eggs up, from two to 21 per cent. A F a rm e rs C o-operative A few products, including wheat MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: »400 00 School building and grounds C ream ery are to some extent below last year’s prices. But these are exceptions to moo oq Total =ñl the general trend which undoubt $ 90 00 edly is toward improved agricultu INSURANCE: HOWARD’S ral conditions. MISCELLANEOUS: Auto Sheet M etal Works $10 00 1. Premium clerk's bond 129 N. Second S t C o rv a llis 2 50 3. Audit of clerk's books G irls see little setise in th e rule Radiators, Penders. Body R e p a ir­ 12 50 vhich penalizes a fe'low ||l o r Total in g . A u to m o b ile W oodw ork also I holding. W e ld in g . U p h o la te riu g , Glass Allphin Auction House Tulips 40c doz. FARM LOANS E . L . S t i f f F u r n itu r e C o. 304 West Second Street Albany, Oregon. Themes in Harmony With National Educational Week NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Receiving Belter Prices LIN N'BU TT ElF EM ERGENCY: C u ttin g and G rin d in g . »172 5« $ 172 56 Total estimated amount of money for all purposes during the year $9027 56 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Prom county school fund during the coming school year »876 70 From state school fund during the coming school year 15« w From elementary school fund during coming school year 971 73 Estimated amount to be received from all other sources durl'^ the coming school year _________ there's M ing LikeiheBridgeSeacfi WOOD SUPERIOR CIRCULATOR B u il‘ L ,k H The cold air enter, at the b o tto m ,» h*«‘ through the top, the fire pot and the outer cx.ing , . roo, t dutsni CIRCULATING the warm, tnot.t, heating £apicity - co m en of the adjoining room . a colde.t weather. Burna will heat several room , com fortably in the up S d wood, ch ip ., block,. k n o t s - is e , « V ■2-.V T h e W ay to H tr H eart quickly in the morning. C om e, in beautiful - Z l .¿ o in plain black with Wellaville polished «eel body^ „ W onderful In Reaulti ~ ~~ Rcasonab HILL & COMPANY i H ard w are, F u r n itu r e , S to v e s, P lu m b in g » »4787 56 Total estimated receipts, not Including pro|josed tax Give her, on Halloween, a box of our wonderful can- oies. She will appreciate the gift if bought here. CLARK'S Canfestioner RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for the year Total estimated receipts not Including proposed tax Balance, amount to be raised by district tax »9027 56 4787 56 »4240 00 Ttie Indebtedness of District No. 41 is as follows None Total bonded indebtedness - ............ ............. None "• Total w arrant indebtedness - ............... None Total amount ot other indebtedness None Total amount of ail Indebtedness Dated this 2»tth day of October, 1928. Bert S. Clark, Attest: B M. Bond, Chairman Board of Directors. District clerk. "J ’ M r Jennings, fo rm e rly of A lb a n y i t in charge of o u r A u to 1 op and C u rta in Repair shop. Are your children’s eyes Ready lor school work? T h a t c h ild re n may develop p h y s i­ c a lly , c o -o rd in a te ly w ith the pres­ sure o l th e ir «cliool w ork, th e ir e ye . m ust have im m ediate a lie n - tio n . . , .. . I t i t very im p o rta n t th a t c h ild re n see c le a rly and co m fo rta b ly. Yon w ill fin d the correction o f im p e r­ fect v isio n w ill reduce nervous ness and crossness, and b rin g about a w illin g n e s s to do and new a m b itio n to accom plish in study. VOUSnal a dvantage, are ottered here. You receive the e x p e rt ser­ vo es. N o th in g Is spared th a t y o u r c h ild re n ussy see as N a tu re in te n d ­ ed them to, Do not neglect y o u r c h ild re n s eyes. Have them exa m in e d now; Harold Albro, Jeweler end < Iptoraetrlst, I I ! West H irst Street A lb a n y ,O re