HALSEY ENTERPRISE, HALSEY. OREGON. NOVEMBER S. 192« Now All Tog'etHer, FolRs! R A H ! RAH !! RAH!!! F O R O U R TOW N Holler your heads off, folks—let the world, far and wide, know that we folks are just a great big happy family. A smile, a handshake, a cheery greeting for friend or for stranger. A strong, practical idea that it does pay each one of us great big plus returns on our money to buy everything we can from our own merchants. A pride in our town that will make every stranger wish to become one of us—and that is exactly what we do want. Join us and welcome. There’s room for all—we’ll do everything we can to make you glad you did come here to live. Our Interest in the Welfare of This Community Prompts Us to Sponsor This Message to the People of HALSEY LAKE & LAKE F. G. WORKINGER Halsey Garage Gas— Oils—Tires— Repairing GEORGE HOFFMAN Halsey Meat Market “ First Class Meats Only” HILL & COMPANY Hardw are — Farm Implements Furniture MORRIS PHARMACY Drugs — Prescriptions filled Stationery Soda Fountain DANA C. ROSSMAN Funeral Director Lady Assistant Arrow Garage Gas—Oils— Repairing—Towing TUSSING & TUSSING M. V. KOONTZ COMPANY Attorneys-at-Law Offices Halsey and Brownsville Dry Goods Shoes, Groceries, Crockery HALSEY STATE BANK 0 . W. FRLM W arehouse Buys and Sells Feeds, Hay, Grain and Wool Editors “Enterprise” FRANK G. GANSLE VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY Lum ber — Shingles and Building Materials Commercial Printers T. J. SKIRVIN W arehouse Grain, Clover, Bye Grass, bought and sold Good Luck Egg Mash Capital and Surplus $35,000 Commercial ami Savings Accounts solicited C. G. HAMER Taxi Southern Pacific Stage Halsey to Hrownsvdia Do Your Part to Help Halsey