/ V, r t si Ifalgeu îâ tte rjjrto AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK E stablished in 1912. y Voi. 17. LOCAL OFFCIAL MAKES HIS ARRESTS _______ IN CLEVER STYLE Halsey, Oregon, T hursday, November 8. 1928. No. 27. City Election vote. DAIRYING WOOL. MOHAIR POULTRY Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County = t 1, ARMISTICE DAY PROGRAM HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES Ir S O C I E T Y ' N E W ’S MONDAY EVENING NOV 12 The city election Tuesday was Mi-, \ , ¡ ■ l.-ep:-r and daughter i Mr. ai, 1 H ra Biffini M onis snd not forgotten .n tue excitem ent of Front O u r Regular Corretpoofcnit Mis. l.loyd Byerly of Albany were I email aon spent Sunday in Port- Under Auspices o f W oman’s Study Gathers Them in When Hailed for the nationcl and state contest, and H aiset business visitors W ednes­ laud when- thev weie tbe guests of a heavy vote was polled. Follow­ Ciub of Halsey relatives | Thursday afternoon the members A Lift Out of County day morning. ing the vote: H erm an Steinke and family of of the Halsey Study club were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hayes and Next M o n d a y e 1 s u in g th e re w il Mayor— Bert S. Clark 8$: H. C. E tr ly Tuesday m orning two Salem were Sun lav visitor« in pleasantly entertained ly Mrs. lie an a r m is tic e d a v p r o g r a m g iv e n family visited at the C. R. Weber young men driving a Chev coupe Davis 49. lumie near Halsey Sunday. O ther Halsey at tbe home of Mr. and M artin t illuming* at her Lake , at tbe c it y h a l l , under the auspii're Recorder—Carl J. H ill 135. drew up to the Arrow G arage in The guests at the Weber home Sunday Mrs P .11. Forster, parents of Mrs. Creek home w ill. 1 I members l'r, s- ()( , he W„ IIian>H study d u b T reasurer— Ü. T aylor 131. the early hour*, seeking the elixir M a r s h a l- J W. Rector 58; W .l- were Mr' a,,d Mr#- Eois “* Brown‘; Steinke. program will begin at 8 o’clock and of life for gas engine. Night Mar Frank Gansle and W orth B a ss'« » “ ••**«» l * t u i n ‘n6 i lis Sotberio 80. *i,,e- Mr' Weber who has been admission it free. (dial Sotherin, who's always about C ouncilm en-G eorge Taylor 63, I whh lever .« now „ble to of Halsey spent Sunday at M 'ple- day. . . In addition to tbe program there when a feller's in trouble, was , l)uri,’R ,h? buMr,e,iM ’if8K’0 “ ¡will hoone b o o tl.o f w ar re lc s in ton ___________ on a fish in» trip. F. Gansle 8!; A. J . H ill 64: E. C ¡ #il UP * bours *aeh day asked to aid them and Sotherin Monday evening M esd.m e. C .P .' wa8 voUd * ? “«*»* ,or “ 'charge of a w ar veteran and a Red Mrs. Lou Browne of Portland got F rank Gansle out of bed to Miiler 104; B. Morris 41; C. I 7 library building which M ayor' Cross nurse. During '.be evening spent tile week end in Halsey on a Moody, Beit Clark ar.d A. A. I M ody 54. w ait on them . lleit 8. Clark has offered just south club members will sell candy, pop visit with her mother, Mrs. Mary bussing drove to Brownsville ai d The vote was the largest ever W hile waiting for Gansle to get of his confectm iery store. Plans for corn, punch ami ice cream from E. Allan. attended a meeting of the E asteru up Sotherin got to asking questions polled in the city, 80 to 110 being ^the building were also discussed. attractive booths. S tar. Mrs. Buford Morris will be host­ the usual vote. of the boys and the more questions ' Mrs J. W D iinkard had charge The program will consist of an ess to the members of tiie Thim ble Tuesday evening the members of of (he kgM n whjch w„ on he asked th e more he suspicioned address liy Rev. Oscar Gibson, club Friday afternoon. It is hoped the 1.0 0 F Cam p met at their ' gc.h(,oU of Oregon - them of hiding Eotne tru th regard­ music bv the Pine Grove orcbealia th at every member will be present. hall and listened to the election re.', ¡.Allowing the close of the lesson ing ow nership of the Chev coupe. and lea lings. He asked G ansle to detain them a Mrs. R ibert Ramsay was tbe turns over the radio. A "feed” hour Mrs. Cummings invited her Funeral services for Charles L. The proceeds will go to the li­ m inute while he looked up the Fclk, who died at his home east of guest of Mrs. K enueth Arnold of was also a feature of the evening. guests to the Hiding room where brary fund. C. R. Weber scored another vic­ they louml p'aces nt an attractively registration of the car. Halsey Sunday m orning were held Shedd Tuesday. tory with his I’ercberon filly J u a ­ The boys about this tim e began at the Church of C hrist Wednesday Clarence Evans ¡s having a furn­ to do rorne thinking too and it afternoon at one o’clock. J. M. ace installed ibis week at bis home nita at the Portland Intel national Stock show where she won firs', b o » ., » „ b tb . .,.r ,i , " d i.,, I., seemed to be along the lines of Shelley, pastor of the church, at Lake Creek. ■■ Mrs. Evans is prize in her class ami also clasi-e 1 oh it, and children c u t from card m aking themselves scarce in this preached the funeral sermon. still at Silverton assisting in tbe neighb irhood and the thought took A mixed quartet composed of e v e of her m other, Mrs. Wood­ a reserve G rand Champion mare. board arranged arou id it. At each Tbe annual election of officers root right in the hard pavement M-s. E dith Roboett, Mrs. Clara ward who has been very ill. She Ellie Penland, brother of E. B, plate was a paper bouse carton of Vine Maple Circle, Neighbors of there in front of the garage an.i L aFollette. E C. M 'ller and J. M. is reported to be im proving now P niaud of lia isry , continues to he and upon the inside a dainty lunch W oodcraft, was held last evening in one secoud tha Chev was an Shelley sang "'W hat a Friend We and it is hoped she may be brought very ill at hie homo in Pendleton, was found. School day stories at the tegular met tin ’ of t he lodge. were told by those present ns well abandoned car. G ansle im m ediate­ H ive in Je su s,” •’Face to Face,” according fo word receive I here. Ada Corcoran was reelected to home before long. as the name of the first school each tbe office of guardian neighbor. ly called h alt, and at the same and “ In the Sweet Bye and Bye.” tim e reached behind the garage M bs Mary Sm ith accompanied atten d ed . The ether officers are Eden Thom- S h ed d P ersonals Mrs. Chester Sickela was taken son past guardian neighbor; I lia door for his idle and punched a them . Mrs. C .P. Moody and Mrs. into the club a» this meeting. hole in th e m orning atmo ph*re D C . Rossman had charge of the iK nterprie« C orcaapondencs) Boatman adviser; Blanche Morris * * * Conn Malson and C. II. David hut th e hoys kept close up behind flowers. magician; Nellie l-oni clerk; Cl»ra F uneral services for Mrs. Jacob son drove to Portland Sunday and their uoses and were soon out of The pall bearers were W ill K irk, Last Saturday was tbe eightieth LaFollette banker; Mse Miller, sight. Bert C lark , Frank Kirk. Fred D innen, who died at her home near attended the funeral ot Mr. David­ anniverary of the b irth of Mrs. Elizabeth W hite nod Lila Miller Gangle run the car into the g a r ­ Tem pleton, A. A. Tussm g and Corvallis Tuesday m orning, were son's cousin, also an old friend of Mary E. Allan and on Sunday her managers; Media Muller a tte n d a n t} age and went back to bed and Fred Keen. Burial was in th e A l­ held nt the M ethodist church in Mr. Ma Ison's On Monday they daughter, Mrs Fayette Lake was Anne Lake captain nf guards; Alma Sotherin to patrolling the streets. ford cemetery. The funeral a r­ Shedd W ednesday afternoon. Rev. were called to Lebanon on account hostess at a dinner party honoring H am er flu: bes.rer; Edith Robnelt W ednesday m orning they picked rangem ents were in charge of Dana Ralph Ceil of Brownsville was in of the serious illness of Mr. Mai- tbe event. A large birthday cake, correspondent; Cuma Munson m u­ charge of the funeral serv'ce. son’s mother who is quite sick. up a clue and driving south on the C. Rossman. covered with white icing and bear­ sician; Ida D vkstra inner sentinel; Burial was in the l’ugli cemetery. highway about five miles overtook M rs.Hobbs and tw osm all daugh­ ing 8tl pink caudles in yellow rose nut I M«ry Smith outer sentinel. Charles Ludwig F alk was bom M rs. Damien wsa born ia Illi­ ters returned from Ashland Sunday holdeis, formed the centerpiece for their guests of the night before who in G erm any November 8, 1854. The new officers will be installed hailed them for a ride. G ansle At the age of three years he came nois January 27, 18«6, but the after spending a w-ek visiting the table with the same color January 2. Edith Robnett will bn stopped and picked them up and to the U nited States with his p ar­ greater part of Her life was spent ir, Billy Hobbs who is attending school scheme carried out in a bouquet of installing idlicsr. then drove on up the highway for ents. The fam ily located in W is­ Iowa where her parents moved &nd gtaying wit|, Mrs. JIahbs’ par- larye yellow chrysanthem um « and a short distance, turned around at consin, and her» Mr. Falk grew to when she was but two years of age. ents there. pink carnations. Place cards were a crossroad and headed for Albany, manhood. On October 22, 18i4, In 1912 Mrs. Dannen and family Mrs J. C. Clay left Monday for small yellow faced pum pkins with A* soon as G ansle tu rn ed around Mr. Falk m arried Delia Rike, also came to Oregon and »or several P ortland to see her daughter Hope tha fortune of each guest p rin t'd Mrs. David C. H olt, i L di d at the boys realized the fact th a t they of W isconsin. In 18^5 Mr. and years lived near Shedd. Later who is there for medical treatm ent. on the back. her home in H arrisburg at 2 o'clock had been cleverly trapped and re­ Mrs. F all’' moved to Iowa in which they moved to Biow niville ami , Mrs Dave Forbes accompanied Seated at the table were Mr. and W ednesday niorni g followicg a signed them selves to their fate. state they lived u n til 1908 when three years ago Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Jensen anil Mrs Carothers Mis. Charles R. Goltra, Mrs. Lou lingering illness. Mrs Holt, who At Albany wc understand they they came to Oregon locating on a Dannen moved to Corvallis. Mrs. J Albany Tuesday where they | Browne, Miss Muriel Lake, Mir» was M attie J. Johnson before her coufcssed to the taking of the car arm near llaleey. M rs. Falk died Dannen had been an invalid for 10 Coenia G oltra, Mr. If. I*. Lake, marriage, was horn io Lebanon the past two years, following a ™ 'ted »r“ !ndi- from its parked position in East une 20, 1920. On November 24, M r.Elias Robins, Bob G oltra, Mrs. November 23, 1S57. She was m ar­ stroke . f paralysis two years ago. Mrs. M atilda Spillm an who has Portland. ried to David C. Holt December 2 t. 1922 Mr. F alk was again married, Allan and the ho-tess. Besides her hnsband Mrs. Dan- hem visiting her sister-in-law ,M rs One of the pleasant features of 1879. For tbe p is l 28 years Mrs this tim e to E 'izabeth K aster of nen is survived by the following R- C Margason. left for her home the dav was the fact th a t all of H olt ba* n u d e her horn« in or ’ortlaud, She died November 3, children: Mrs. Earl Oxford and in Portland Monday afternoon. Mrs. A lla n ’s immediate family near Harrisburg. 1926. Ralph 11. Dannen of Brownsville, Mrs. Mav Robnett camo Imine was present, ami four generations M U R IE L L A K E , R fc R O R T E R Mrs. Holt is survived bv eight Mr. Falk had not been in real and Mrs. Roy K endall, Jesse T. from Oakridge the first of this were reprerented, the first ueiiig children. One son, B R. Holt, good health for some tim e, but was D uring the assembly W ednesday n o t confined to his bed. Ho was Dannen and George B. D snnen all week. She spent a month with her Mrs. A llan. Hie second Mrs. Lake Holt, lives in HalsaV. m other Mrs. McClain. Funeral services were held at and Mr». Browne, tbe third Mrs. tha school learned to sing the new troubled with asthm a and Sunday of C r v a lh s . Paul Brann who is staying at the G oltra and the fourth Coenia and H ar’isburg th 's afternoon. Mrs. Oregon state song, ‘ Oregon, My m orning be was not feeling well Cornett home was quite sick last Boh G oltra, with a distance of (18 H "lt wi s a member of tbe N eigh­ Oregon.” The gram m ar school as and proposed to come into Halsey week. He is reported as able to be years between Mrs. Allan and her bors of W oodci-'l. well «s the high school sang it very to see his p h ysician. As the morn- out now. well, then all were fa v o r d with tig was foggy, he was persuaded little great grandson. Mrs. Clam ls Thompson accom Church Note« hearing the faculty sing it for them . however to have the doctor come to PEORIA Friday evening is the regular p #njed f ie n d s from Brownsville to Henry K irk visited school Tues­ his home. The doctor had fixed Mrs lk n r y Bales wns a delight some medicine and was visiting for m ie tin g o f the P arent-T eacher as jja |em Thursday where they spent day afternoon. 10 a in. Holiday school T he program given a t th e hall a few m inutes before returning to sociatiop, and several items of lbe ful hostess of Wednesday a fte r­ 11:00* in. morning worship. Friday night was well attended town, when Mr. Falk arose to b isiness are to come before the as J E. T ait spent the week end in noon when she entertained the T opic:—" A n n atice Day." A fter all expenses were paid there take a seat nearer the tire and died •ociat’on. It is anticipated tha po rlJand attending tile opining member« of the V Go I Go -club. 6:30 Epworth League , h(,w Twelve member« were present and was a net profit of $2, 82, each almost im m ediately. Death was M n. A II. Quimby who was a Uy < f (hc 7 30 p m evening worship delegate to the P .T A. convention o i i. grade receiving $4 75. due to heart trouble. Topic: "W h a t Is Your Id le ? ’ ” , , , , i, i Ila rv e y M cC onnell left vveiliies- during the ufternoon l’ollyaiiiuis pres- , , , The tiarm ony class of Mrs. Jere were draw n. Mrs. Mason who ha» G randpa Falk, as he was most in Port and set week will be Bible study clat-e Tuesday« 2:30 . dav to attend tbe stock show for . Cross, composed of the grade stu­ generally called, was highly re­ • nt and will give a report, . ‘ be tbe ' balance of the week. recently been president of the d u b J H. MHIer. pastor. dents gave a program for their spected and loved by the residents entertainm ent committee will hili' was presented with a gift a« a token Mr. ami Mrs. Horace Cl ngman Church of Christ m others and teachers Monday af­ of the com m unity in which he has charge following the business ses­ of near Peoria were Sunday dinner of the appreciation of lo r work, 10 Sunday school. ternoon in Mrs, Eldon Cross room spent so m any years, us was a t­ sion. and Mrs. Will A'-f»liam was given , guests of Prof, and Mrs. A. II 1 L00 a. ni. communion service. The program will include song a handkerchief shower Mis. Ly- at school w t«re the piano had been tested by the large num ber of 7;00 p. m. Christiiin Endeavor G illette. man Graves and Mis. C. Moneoii moved. The program consisted of friends at tbe funeral and the and Hag salute by assem bly; read J M Shelley, m inister. Mr. and Mrs. J A. Cou«y and ing, Jack Underwood; piano selec­ solos, duets, blackboard work illus­ many beautiful floral tributes, were taken into the club a» mem- Mr. and Mrs- H . F. Couey and (Jiinss were played tra tin g wha* the students are learn Mr. Falk is survived by seven tion by W ilm a W ahl; T « a Dee hers. Miss Mary M Bride was a stream ers. children drove to Noli Sunday to Twa. W anda V eatch, G ertrude mil music was enjoyed until a lute com plim ented guest. T be next ing in the beginners harmony sons and three daughters. The class. Several rythm ic orchestra son9 are Fred, Louis, Chris, Henry, Nichole. Clarence W illiams, jr., visit Mr. and Mrs. Ray Duncan m eeting of tbe club will be at the hour when the hostess served a de­ num bers being used in the dem on­ Adolph. C hari,e and W illi« Falk Reger and Lloyd Fairfield. ".Mani Mrs. Duncan is a daughter of Me. hon e of Mrs. H arold Muller on licious lunch. About th irty mem- md Mrs. J. A. C "uev. stration. Mrs. Cross then treated all of H 'lsey . November ‘21, and Friday. Novem­ tiers and a number of friends en­ The daughters are Flags iu Many Lands” tiv ¡be pu­ Mrs. Mack Powers and children ber 23, tbe husbands of tbe mem­ joyed Mi-s F alk ’s hospitality. pils in Mrs. Colem an's room; read the students and parents to candy Mrs. Henry Stefeld and Mrs R E. • • * Mrs. D. H . S tu rtev an t, Mrs Bierly of Halsey and Mrs. M- J- ins by Mis» Ada Nelson and song, if A lbany attended tbe cafeteria bers will he guest’ at a nipper at SHEDD Powell and Mr L W. Patton were Swanson of Richville, Minn. He ‘‘Oregon, My O regon.” assembly. dinner a t the Masonic hall Tuesday tbe Louie of Mrs. Percy T ailo r. • * • Mrs R C. Margason e n te rta in ­ W ord was received hers of the invited guests to the program , is Iso survived by 33 grand child- ren seven great grand children. I A s lendid program has leen m a rria g io f M'ss Helen Ritchie to 8POON RIVER ed a group of friends honoring Mrs. CARD OF TH A N K S and the following brothers and arranged for the H ohnese conven Dr. Philip C. Kyle of Tacoma. Friday eveirng Mie: Nellie Falk Betlor Saturday afternoon. Vases The sons and daughters and the .¡sta r. John of Titonka, Iowa, «¡»n »or to m o rro w -th e last day. W ashington. M « Ritchie i« the entertained the members of the filled with b right colored flowers grandchildren of the late Charles Conrad and Theodora of Salem Ur C C. I’o lin ,, of Salem , pres,- daugbtai of Rev. and Mrs. W. H Fpw orth League of the Halsey added to tbe altractiveness ot the Ludwig Falk take this means cf 1 eanard and Albert of Mt. Angel, d«»» of the slate Holiness conven- Ritchie, former pastor cf the U ni­ M ethodist church at the home of rooms. The Bedors have sold the expressing their appreciation for W illiam of Avoca, W i. , J«l>™ of «< » wil1 ‘»•Hver an address, and ted Presbyterian church here. her parents. Mr. and Mr». H. J Geoerat Service station and a rj th e sym pathy and kindness shown H arrisburg, Mrs. Carrie Drone of there will be other addresses, spec- Oren A gder.on of Albany was Falk. The rooms were prettily dec- leaving for their former home in them following his sudden death nd Mrs A rthur al music and announcem ents, with a business v i.ito r here today. 'o ra te d with yellow and black Kansas. last S unday, and also for the lovely Avoca, W i’.t a basket din n er at noon. Ward of Alg na, Iowa. floral trib u te s C. L Falk, Sr. Called by Death Neighbors of Woodcraft pec[ Officers for New Year Former Sheod Resident Dies at Corvallis Tuesday Mother of Halsey Man Buried SCHOOL NOTES P.T.A. To Meet Friday Night Good Program Arranged a. til.