Halsey Enterprise. llalscv. Oregon. XoyemberL-lflgg. Boyd Thrift a n d D o n a ld Cormick. W Nichols and George McNeil guests for the aftern.on also, W arm Coats For W inter • * • SPOON RIVER Before you buy a warm coat for winter, take the time to inspect our wonderful display. They are made from [the best of m aterials and are comfv. Priced Right N ifty, N eat R aincoats Those waterproof coats th at are so popular with students everywhere, are on display in all the most wanted colors for your selection. Priced to Sell Men’s Fancy Dress Shirts Here are shirt values of exceptional quality, and the longer you w ear the shirts, the more you will appreciate them , Cut plenty full to give roomy comfort. M aterials that are tub fast. P atterns th at are attractive. > , ■ M. V. Koontz Co. GOOD GOODS The Enterprise $1.00 a year. SOCIETY NOTES C o n tin u e d fro n t p a g e 1. W hiteside & Locke Hardware, Implements and Sporting Goods. Hudson and Essex Alitos 3rd A Madison Sts., Corvallis. Ore. Dana C. Rossman m. MNiiiiiiiiiuiiriiiiiiutiiHdi'iiiiuimmiitiitMiiniNMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiitinM aw FUNERAL D IR E C T O R Lady A ssistant All calls answered day or night 1‘hotie 235. Halsey, Oregon h a d p la y e d g a m e s fo r s e v e r a l h o u rs M rs. E a g y se rv e d d a in t y re fre s h - m e n ls. T h o se a s s is tin g L v le to c e le b r a ie h is n a ta l d n y w ere E m m a J o h n s o n , T h e lm a K n ig h te n , M a ry , F re d d ie a n u R ex M cN eil, G e r tr u d e , G le n a n d L a u re n c e N ich o ls, D o ris B ro ck , J o h n a n d Rose M cN eil a n d Iv a T ano. M esd am es A .L . K n ig h te n , R ay H o v e r. J o h n M cN eil, F lo y d H ot W a te r B o ttle s M rs. J.C . D aw so n serv ed a c h ic k ­ en d in n e r to th e s e c tio n crew of F r id a y e v e n in g th e K irk sch o o l th e O re g o n E le c tric ra ilr o a d T u e s ­ h o u se w as th e scen e of a H a llo w , cn I d ay e v e n in g . T h o se s e a te d at th e fro lic w hen o v er a h u n d re d p eo p le ta b le w ere M essrs. M a ssy , W illia m fro m th e S p o o n P.iver a n d B ra n d o n S w a rtz , B lo o m er, D a w so n , a n d c o m m u n tie s m et for a social tim e . M rs. D aw so n . F o r tu n e te llin g w as th e firs t M iss E liz a h e 'h B t r t o n e n t e r ­ th in g o u th e p ro g ra m a n d w as f o l­ ta in e d a g ro u p of frie n d s a t d in n e r lo w ed bv a g ro u p of m u s ic a l n u m ­ S u n d a y . T h o se e n jo y in g th e bos- b ers. T h e y o u n g p 'o p l e th e n w e n t p ita lity of M iss B a rto n w ere M essrs to th e p la y sh e d w h e re g am es w ere an d M e sd a m e s P a lm e r C u r tis . G le n p lt y e d w ith M iss D o ris H o w a rd in C u r tis , G e o tg e W iR e t, a n d C . E . c h a rg e . A t th e s a m e tim e th e B a rto n , a n d B e tty J e a n C u rtis a n d li tt le fo lk s in c h a rg e of M rs. G ra c e M a x in e W il 'e tt . V a n n ic e p la y e d g a m e s in th e * * • sc h o o l b o u se w h ile th e g ro w n -u p s ALFORD e n jo y e d a s p e llin g m a tc h . D u rin g A p r e tty h o m e w e d d in g took th e e v e n in g a p p le s , d o u g h n u ts a n d p la c e la s t S u n d a y w h en L e n a p u n c h v a s se rv e d . E v e ry o n e K ro p f b e c a m e th e b rid e o f O rv a l p re s e n t voted a good tim e. S m u c k e r a t th e h o m e of th e b r i d e ’s • . . p a r e n ts . ______ FAYETTEVILLE A s u r p ris e d in n e r w as s e r v e J a t th e c o u n tr y h o m e of M r. a n d M rs. W . B. M cC o rm ick in h o n o r of M r. M c C o rm ic k 's b ir th d a y T h u r s d a y e v e n in g . A fte r a b o u n te o u s d in n e r c o n v e rs a tio n a n d ra d io m u sic w as e n jo y e d u n til a la te h o u r. T h e g u e st lis t ¡D eluded M». a n d M rs. N e v in M c C o rm ic k of W a te r , loo, M r. a n d M rs. J . G ib so n of A l­ b a n y , M r, a n d M r s . J. A C o u ey , M r. a n d M rs. R. C. M cC o rm ick , M r. a n d M rs. H . F . C o u ey a n d c h il d r e n , R o b e rt W . M c C o rm ic k . on the highway. Fountain Syringes and Combination W ater Bottle and Syringes. Short Order Lunches Groceries Meat M arket Gas and Oil, Camp Grounds and Cabins. We are here to serve the Public. M o rris P h a rm a c y Pursuant to a petition signed by a legal number of resident freeholders, taxpayers and legal voters of Road Dis­ trict No. 4 of Linn County. Oregon, Notice is hereby given th at a meeting of the legal voters of Road District No.4 of Linn County, Oregon, will be held at the hour of 2 o’clock p. in . on the 17th day of November 192«, at the Pine Grove School House in said Road Dis­ trict, to determine whether or not said Road District shall vote a special tax of $3000.00 upon all the taxable Property within said Road District for the im­ provement of the roads therein as fol­ lows, to-wit, grading, gravelling, drain­ ing and repairing said roads. ■M O V ■ ■ ■ ■ ’■ ■ By order of the County Court of Linn County. H For General Hauling ■ Dated Oregon. this 29th day of October, 1928, ■ Transfea and Drayage ¿ Attest: B. M. Payne, ii Business. Orders for Wood, ? R. M. Russell, B County Cleik. County Judge. ■ Sand and Gravel. Jos. Hume, county commissioner. II.A. Remnger, county commissioner Ralph C. Smith Phone Morris Pharmacy 2C3 ■ Posted this 29th day of October, 1928. ■j Trips made anywhere. « by C.W,Nichols. appointed bj the Court. Nov. 1-8-15 1828. m m 1 amia Estimated Budget for the City of Ilalsey tor the Year December 31. 1929, to December 31. 1929. y w *r ■ y , a > 1929 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1928 $ 72 00 12 00 334 00 50 00 750 00 1083 40 85 00 136 60 $2520 00 ESTIMATED R EC EIPT8 » 20 00 .............................500 00 2520 00 License fees Road tax $ 72 . 12 500 . 50 750 850 ,............... 100 186 $530 00 $ 20 00 V7cH-Madc— Big V alues These full - cut, r o o m y shirts are made of stout, dur­ able Khaki Flannel, with double elbows and two army flap pockets. Built right and priced right, every one of these shirts is a decidedly worth while value. We welcome your inspection. $J-98 Other Numbers 9>c to $4.49 Ik : said court for the hearing of objection» to said final account and the settlement thereof, at which time any person in­ Notice is hereby given that the final terested in said estate may appear and account of Leonard K. Wilson as admin­ file objection» thereto in writing anil istrator of the estate of Oscar H. Wilson contest the same. Dated and first published Oct 25th, deceased has lieen filed in the County Leonard R. Wilson, Court of I.itin County, State of Oregon, 1928. Administrator Aforesaid. and that the 26th day of November, 1928 at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon Tussing & Tussing, Attys. for Admr. of said day lias been -Inly appointed by Oct. 25 Nov. 1-8-15-22, N O T IC E OF H EA R IN G ON FIN AL ACCOUNT. nnroininiiiifffl a IIIIIIIIIOII H A L SE Y TH EATRE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to th e legal voters of School D istrict No. 41 o') Linn County, S tate of Oregon, th a t a School M eeting of said district will be held a t Schoolhouse, on th e 24th day of November, 1928, a t 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, for th e purpose of discussing the budget h erein after set out w ith th e levying board, an d to vote on th e proposition of levying a special district tax T he to tal am ount of money needed by th e said school district during tth e fis-, cal year beginning on Ju n e 18th, 19:28, a n d ending June 30, 1929, is estim ated | A sweet country girl and JA 45» . _ AB * A In the following budget and includes th e am ounts to be received from the : a New York crook. You’ll aH B * * county school fund, sta te school fund, elem entary school fund, special district | cheer Colleen. I t’s her tax. and all o th er moneys of th e d is tric t: BU D G ET □mini.... on.... iiiiidiiiiiiiiiiiidiiiii .... ......................iiiioiiiiiiniiiioiiiiiiiiiiiinii:.......oiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii« ESTIMATED E X PEN D ITU R ES C o lleen M o o re in ] “ H ap p in ess P ersonal Service: 2. Principals A ssistant P rincipals ...... 3. T eachers 5. Clerk Sal. per yr. $1700 00 ...I 1170 00 .2 900 00 3 10 00 1 10 00 ..... . .1 No. •• Reduce Taxes by Reducing Expense $1700 00 2340 2700 10 10 00 00 00 00 LEE G ID D IN G S $7470 00 Democratic Candidate for County Assessor Election Nov. 6, 1928. Assessor 1922 to 1924. MATERIALS AND SU PPLIES: N $150 00 1. F u rn itu re (desks, stoves, c u rta in s, eto.) . ................... $150 100 M 2. Supplies (chalk, ernsers, etc.) ........................................... 300 00 . 25 1)0 3. Library books .....- ................... ..............- ......- ............... ... 10 oo 4. F l a g s ........... ............................. ............. ..................... 50 00 5. Playground equipm ent ............ ................................... 100 (1(1 6. Ja n ito r's s u p tille s ................. ... ... ........ ............ 350 00 7. Fuel ............ ............................. ......................................... ... 25 00 8. Light . ........................ .................................. ... 22 50 9. W ater . _ . . . ............... 10. Postage, statio n ery and p rin tin g .... - . 50 00 Expenses of Assessor’s Office for last six years according to records in the county clerk’s office. 1925 ..................$ 7,463.15 1922 ................. $ 6,295.74 1926 .................. 7.648.95 1923 ................. 6,362.68 1927 ................ 7,963.92 1924 ................. 6,321,63 $23,076.02 Total, 3 years $18,980.05 Paid adv, by Lee Giddings, Albany, Oregon. $882 50 Total ........................................ . $400 00 $400 oq T otal INSURANCE: MISCELLANEOUS: 1. Prem ium clerk's bond 3. Audit of clerk’s bocks $ 00 00 $10 00 .. 2 50 T otal ............... ........ 12 50 .............. ..... ...... $172 56 Total . , . ..................................$ 172 56 T otal estim ated am ount of money io r all purposes during the year $9027 56 ESTIM A T 5D R E C E IP T S From county school fund during the coming sc bool year $876 70 From sta te school fund during the ( » m in g sch<»l year 156 00 From elem entary school fund during coming school year 971 73 E stim ated am ount to be received fri im all o th e r sources during th e coming school year . . 2783 13 T otal estim ated receipts, not i acluding proposed tax ' / / / / ; 11 there's NothingCiite the WOOD SUPERIOR ClPtULATOR $4787 56 500 00 $520 00 RECAPITULATION Estim ated expenses Estim ated receipts S ta u n c h — D u ra b le EMERGENCY: ESTIMATED EXPENSES: Councilmen ........................ Mayor . ....................... H ealth an d Police . Recorder ....................... .......... Lights 8 treet Im provement M aintenance of city property Miscellaneous and labor Imitation Army Shirts j TUESDAY, NOV.Jtb 8 O’Clock NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING MAINTENANCE AND R EPA IR S: School building a n d grounds Special Norwegian Cod Liver Oil 79c a pint. Albany, Oregon Notice of District Road Meeting T otal S tr a le y Bros. “ quality—always a t a saving ............ $2520 00 520 00 RECAI 'ITULATION T otal estim ated expenses for th e /c a r ................ $9027 56 T otal estim ated receipt« not lnclut ling proposed tax 4787 56 B u ilt L ik e a W a r m ’A I F u rn a c e The cold air enter, at the bottom, it heated** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 humidified between the fire p c and the outer ca .in g -a n d r f ° “ ‘ ‘^ ou«h CIRCULATING the warm, moist, h e / , ’ “ J *° th.e most d“ “ nt comer, of the adjoining rooms. H a. . ‘^ ^ “ 1 heating capacity- will heat several room, comfortabl- ‘ .h e Bum. “-i Balance, am ount to be raised b f d istrict tax The Indebtedness of District No 2000 00 Amount to be raised by tax ...... ........ » T otal bonded indebtedner Bert S. Clark. Mayor T otal w arrant tndebtednes C arl Hill. Recorder Total am ount of other ini D. H S tu rtev an t. C om m ittee C hairm an. T otal am ount of all ind( S tate of Oregon, C ounty of L inn: ss. t D ated this 29tth day of October, I hereby certify th a t th e foregoing is a tiu e and correct copy of the budget A ttest; B. M. Bond. of the City of Halsey as accepted by tlte levying board on November 20. 1928 D istrict clerk $4240 00 41 Is as follows: a . s »fctedness •te d n e ss None None None None Si» B ert S. Clark. C hairm an Board of Directors. quickly in the morning. C om e. 1 and .U o in > plain plain black with W W onderful In Results P °ll' hed w- f n ’ ro* »»*• Reasonable In Price HILL - COMPANY Hardware. F niture’ Stoves> Plumbing