HALSEY KXTEHPRISE, HALSEY. ORELOX. NOVEMBER 1. 192* CAMPAIGN EXPENSE FIGURES GIVEN OUT Miss Marion Voorhies. daughter of PAUL V. M cNUTT Colonel Gordon Voorhies, Medford orchardist, received six priceless bulbs ; of the new yellow tulips which bear her name as a gift from the De Graaf ; Bulb company of Holland. C ollections and Expsnces Re­ S e c re ta ry of A g ricu ltu re Anti* Elmer L. Shirrell, dean of men and ’ P rin cipal Events of the W eek associate professor of political science, ported by Republican and cip ates an In c re a s e in Assem bled fo r Inform ation has resigned his position with the Uni­ D em o cratic Com m ittees. versity of Oregon to enter business in i P rice L a te r. of Our Readers. California, it was announced recently 1 from the president's office. Washington, D. C-— The national re- Washington, D. C.—Secretary Jar­ Road expenses In Coos county for Five and one-half tons of Boston ' publican congressional committee re- dine reiterated his opinion that farm­ September amounted to $86.183.75. In Marrow squash was produced on up­ ported receipts up to October 20 of ers should hold their wheat in antici­ August $101,046.37 was spent. land this season by Royal Hibbs near $235.034, all but $25 coming from the pation of a rising market, noting that The regional convention of the Ore­ Dayton. Ten dollars a ton was re­ be had previously said that the “large 1 national committee. Disbursements to gon State Parent-Teacher association ceived for them. Mr. Hibbs plans to amount of wheat thrown on the mar­ October 18 were $150,905. most of it was held in Roseburg recently. plant 10 acres next season. kets was unduly depressing the price,” ' going» in sums of $500 each to republl- The steamer Memnon has reached 1 can candidates for congress. Frank E. Hodgekins, 82, early Ore­ and that "this year's increased supply I Astoria from Alaska carrying 45,627 gon resident, identified during the 30 of wheat would be offset by increased The democratic national congre», cases of canned salmon valued at $379,- years between 1870 and 1900 with demand and other factors." sional committee reported rece'jts to 325. many Oregon newspapers and public Mr. Jardine in a statement said: “I October 8 of $57,472. all from the na- see nothing in the situation now to tional committee. From September 1 About 150 Rebekahs from lodges of offices, died in a Portland hospital, change this advice." to October 17 It reported disburse- the county gathered In Freewater for victim of a stroke of paralysis. The Canadian wheat crop last year ments of $50,903. A large number of Bears have been killing sheep in I the 21st annual Rebekah convention was apparently underestimated, he its disbursements were of $500 each band of about 60 of the Rosa Dahl last week. said, declaring that the Canadian to democratic candidates for congress. flocks at Wild Cat mountain, near The assessed value of the real prop­ bread wheat available for all uses to­ The republican national committee erty in Wasco county, as revealed by Sandy. When the herders went out taled between 445,000,000 and 465.000,- , reported to the house special campaign to Tygh Valley with the sheep a por­ the 1928 tax roll, is $15,396,430, nearly 000 bushels. The crop this year, he tion of the flock was overlooked. funds committee that there had been $2,000,000 less than in 1927. Bald, minus durum wheat, will furnish collected a total of $3,811,580.20 for Work has been started by Guthrie Paul V. McNutt of Bloomington, Ind., Mrs. Walter B. Sellmer of Fairfax, The Salem high school athletic field an equivalent bread grain supply of the campaign but that $1,049,641.7» & Co. on the new bag factory to be Calif., who is the only woman state who was elected national commander was dedicated last Saturday with a about 475.000,000 bushels. operated by the St. Helens Pulp & Pa­ of the American Legion at the conven­ was collected for the state republican "Also the latest information from game warden in the country. She was football game between the Salem and per company. It will require about tion in San Antonio. He is dean of the committees and was returned to them. appointed in 1927 and since then has Albany high schools and other events. Europe makes it clear that the crop In addition the national republican three or four months to complete the law school of Indiana university. arrested 40 violators of the fish and of the Danublan region must be re­ The First Presbyterian church of building and install the machinery. treasury received for Its own use $2,- game laws of California. vised downward. This correction may Oregon City celebrated Its 40th anni­ 261.506.93 and expended $2,123,894.64, The Douglas County Co-operative amount to some 40,000,000 bushels. versary Sunday and Monday. Several leaving a balance on October 24 of Turkey Growers’ association has is­ This means that Europe must look ex pastors took part in the programs. $137,811.29. sued a call for bids on the first ship­ more to overseas countries than was Many of the contributions were of A number of Hood River men, en­ ment of turkeys from that county un­ thought to be the case. This makes , small amount. The democratic nation­ thusiasts in boating on the Columbia, der the newly formed organization. the adjustment of supply and demand al committee in a report filed with the will make an effort to have an out­ About 6000 birds will be included in In northern hemisphere wheat more | house special campaign funds commit­ board regatta in that city next sum­ the first pool. close than can be expected.” Prague, Czecho slovakia.—One hun­ tee showed that its total receipts from Salem, Or.—Complete revision of the mer. There were five fatalities in Oregon dred cannon thundered forth Sunday An estimate of the cost of conduct­ due to industrial accidents during the from the Prague garrison to announce June 1, 1928, including balance carried ) tax laws of the state, as far as they j apply to banks, investment bankers, ing the schools of Tillamook city dur­ week ending October 18, accoruing to the tenth birthday of the Czecho-Slo- over from the old committee, had on ftnance corporations and similar cor­ ing 1929 has been placed at $140,000, a report prepared by the state indus­ vakian republic which Woodrow Wil­ October 22 reached a total of $3,065,- 038. During the present campaign up porations, probably will be recommend­ an increase of $3032.71 over the cost trial accident commission. There son helped bring into the family of to October 22 the committee had paid ed by the state tax relief commission ■ for 1928. were 861 accidents reported to the nations on October 28, 1928. Simul­ out $2.951,032. ----------- as the result of two conferences held Edward Vandecoevering, 3-year-old commission during the week. taneously a great marble monument The report pointed out that the re­ Cleveland, O.—Removal of the Cuy- l *n Salem. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Yande- A joint 4-H club meet and the school to the author of the historic 14 points, ceipts included the $500.000 loan which ahoga county board of elections and I The conference was called by the coevering, Forest Grove, died from fair was held at Main River Grange facing the main railway station which Its employes with the exception of a I tax rellef commission to discuss means ! burns suffered while playing with hall in Cushman last week, at which also hears Wilson’s name, was decor­ had been previously reported as nego­ tiated, interest on Its bank account single member before the November for taxing banks, which under a recent J matches. all the schools of the vicinity were ated by the government with fresh and collections by state officers which 6 election, because of their part In al­ decree of the United States district wreaths and the Czech national flag Farmers of Clackamas county have well represented. Sheep, calf, poultry, leged election Irregularities, was courts were relieved of their capital ordered from the state lime plant two cooking and sewing ciubs put on the entwined with the stars and stripes. had not been tabulated. stork tax. recommended by a special grand jury Throughout this week of celebrating carloads of lime to be delivered at exhibits and won numerous practical The banks of the state, through Oregon City and Clackamas in the which investigated fraud charges in the United States and American visi­ prizes. their organization, made it plain that near future. the August 14 primary. R. A. Merchant, near Carlton, had tors will come in for particular honors. Secretary of State Clarence J. they were not opposed to paying a The endowment of Linfield college been In the hospital for several weeks Czecho-Slovakians have ro t forgotten Brown, noUfied at Columbus of the just and fair tax. but they were not at McMinnville is now more than $1,- and was unable to take care of his that it was on American soil that the Jury’s action, said he would start ac­ inclined to pay a tax in excess of 000.000, approximately $810,000 more farm work. Neighbors with 13 tractors Independence of their country was tion for removal fo the board mem­ that imposed on competing capital. than in 1906, when Dr. L. W. Riley and four four horse teams plowed, first declared by the now president, While members of the tax relief Walla Walla, Wash.— C. Payne Shan- bers provided he is given “clear and was made president. harrowed and seeded 60 acres in one T. G. Masaryk, who was at that time gle, principal of the Sedro Woolley convincing evidence of misfeasance. commission refused to divulge .any Edward H. Raines last week signed day. Mr. Merchant is the son of a an exiled professor who found a friend­ high school, was unanimously elected or nonfeasance in office.” recommendation they would make to ly refuge in the United States. checks for nearly $1,000,000 to pay off pioneer of '47. The sole member exempted from the Governor Patterson and the legisla- They also recognize that their hard- president of the Washington Educa­ the creditors of Fred Herrick and clear Ground was broken In Madras for dismlssal recommendation was Mrs. I ture> 11 waa evident from the discus- fought battle for liberty never would tion association for the coming year. Bernice S. Pyke, democratic national sion at the conference that the ex­ title to the Herrick properties in Grant the erection of a fireproof building, have achieved such definite results The election was at the annual meet­ 50 by 60 feet in dimensions, for the committee woman from Ohio, appoint­ cise tax which is now proposed in the and Harney counties. without the famous Washington dec­ ing of the representative assembly Robbers broke In the front door of Chestnut Motor company. The new laration of President Wilson in which here. ed to the board last May 1. The Jury state of California was favored in Ore­ the John E. Schaut pool hall on Main structure will be built of hollow tile, The assembly approved three rec­ said she had “eo-operated In the in­ gon. he enunciated the principles of self- j Street in Wallowa and carried off a with a full cement floor, and will con­ determination for small nations. The ommendations for submission to the vestigation” and that “she Is honestly 600-pound safe containing $250 cash tain store rooms and machine shop, endeavoring to bring about better AWARD HONOR M EDALS school children in Czecho-Slovakia are legislature, as follows: To increase as well as display rooms. and valuable papers. methods In the board.” ♦aught to regard that declaration as the maximum amount local hoards The report said that in 200 pre­ Huges, Lindbergh and Chapman Get may levy without a vote of elector» The old wood bridge across Lake 'ie ir charter of freedom. The Port of Coos Bay budget for cincts more votes were tallied than from 10 to 15 mills and that the maxi­ Roosevelt Medals. | next year has been set at $119.245, an creek, on the Little Butte market road, there were electors In the precincts mum the people can vote be left at New York.—Charles Evans Hughes increase of but $667 over the past which has served the old wagon and B R IEF GENERAL NEW S and that "there Is evidence even of and Dr. Prank M. Chapman, ornithol­ year. The revenue from the port dock modern highway for the past 38 years, 20 mills; that existing certification horse play on the part of the board of ogist, received the Roosevelt medal of­ is estimated at $15,151. has been replaced by a modern struc­ laws be modified to permit graduates George Barr McCutcheon, author of election uuditors in making up the of­ fered annually for distinguished serv­ Edgar McDaniel, editor of the Coos ture. Due to its narrowness and weak "Graustark” and almost half a hun­ of two-year normal courses to teach ficial count." ice in American public life. A third J Bay Harbor, has agreed to fill the va­ conditions for several years It has be­ dred other novels, died in New York. in grades 1 to 9, and graduates of uni­ medal awarded Colonel Charles A. cancy on the municipal ballot caused come a menace to the traveling public. The two world's largest dirigibles, versity and state college be allowed A survey of the Oregon turkey crop to be constructed for the United States to teach in grades 1 to 12, the effect NO CORN T A R IF F IN C R EA SE Lindbergh was received by Colonel by the withdrawal of Dr. Phil Geizer made by the Oregon Agricultural col­ navy a t.a cost of $8,000,000, will be being to permit graduates of higher Henry Breckenridge as the flier's rep­ as a candidate for mayor. institutions to teach in junior high President Regards Plan to Raise Rate resentative. Double-deck autos have been going lege indicates a general increase of built in Akron, Ohio. of Little Concern. Janies A. Oarfield, president of the through Canyon City all fall en route about Ppr c«nt 0Ter la9t year- or The Carnegie hero fund commission schools; that the association indorse Washington, D. C.—President Cool- I Roosevelt Memorial association, made i to the railroad in Bear valley. They about 260.000 birds. Reports Indicate at its fall meeting awarded 56 medals junior colleges. ldge does not regard the possibility of I ,h ® presentations In the brown stone I have been loaded with sheep and have that 50 per cent would be available in recognition of acts of heroism in for the Thanksgiving market, 35 per the United States and Canada. raising the tariff on corn as an urgent house in Twentieth street, where The- delivered 35 cars to the railroad. FO R EST F IR E S INCREASE cent for Christmas and 15 per cent matter and the report of the tariff I odore Roosevelt was born 70 years Net earnings of the General Motors The budget committee of the Leb­ commission on the question will be ago. The ceremony followed a city­ anon school district has fixed $42.745 later. corporation for nine months, ended Smokers and Campers Are Careless handled in the usual course and a final wide celebration of the late president's 1 as the amount needed to run the But Cosmopolitan Group. The Alicel-Cove market road, com­ September 30. were $240,534.613. an In­ decision will be reached In due course birthday and of Navy day. Olympia. Wash.-Smokers and camp­ j schools in 1929. Of this amount $22,- pleted by the county recently, marks crease of 24.1 per cent over the cor­ on the merits of the case. an event of great importance to the responding period Inst year. ers who "set the woods on fire" during I 714 is to be raised by district tax. • President Coolidge has been inform­ Stock Exchange Seats Lower. whole community of the town of Cove, A picturesque figure in Irish poli­ their sojourns In national forests are A report just completed by Supervl- ed that corn Imports into this country New York—A New York stock ex- as It concludes the last of the four tics in the old Fenian and Parnell a most cosmopolitan group, judging for the last few years amounted to ’ change membership was sold for $470.- I sor Fronime shows that 92.000 persons roads connecting with Allrel and the times disappeared when John O'Con­ from the fire law enforcement records I visited the Deschutes national forest about 2,000,000 bushels a year. The j 099, This is a drop of $5000 from the lower Cove grain ranches. I'nion and nor, ex nationalist member of the on file in the district office of the tariff at present amounts to 15 cents j preceding sale and $10,000 from tha j during the past season, an increase of Union Junction, Island City and La house of commons for South Tipperary United States forest service in Port- more than 20,000 over the 1927 record. a bushel. In view of the relatively ! record high price. Grande. and North Kildare, died at his rest- land. Or. Among those who ran coun- Protracted dry weather in July and light imports in this commodity and A party of archers consisting of dence in a London suburb. He was ter to the fire regulations (luring the of the slight change which is possible Former Chief of American Legion Dies I August so badly Injured the potato Earl Ullrich and Ward Cummings .of 76 years of age. j season just passed were merchants, | crop that a yield of only 5.200,000 in the tariff schedule. President Cool­ 1 lawyers, a gypsy king, a Boy Scout­ Cleveland, O. — Brigadier-General bushels Is expected this year, as com­ Roseburg and B. G. Thompson of Cor­ idge regards the whole matter as of John R. McQuigg. national commander Non Stop Flight Sets New Record. master. stockmen, a logger and hunt- vallis returned from the north Ump­ pared with 6.240.000 bushels last year. no great Importance. Los Angeles. Cal.—The monoplane ‘ ers, who constitute a truly cosmopoli­ I of the American Legion In 1925, died qua district with three cougars and a A total of 2.598,480 rainbow and lynx cat which they had killed in the Yankee Doodle, with Captain C. B. D. tan group In themselves. Smokers' i at his home here. He had been 111 eastern brook trout, hatched out In Big Camas section and which were Collyer at the controls, and Harry fires increased throughout the district England Proposes to Ban Submarines. } a year. the Klamath hatchery, have been dis­ the ones that had been preying on the Tucker, sportsman and owner, in a from 143 in 1927 to 279 in 1928, while Blackpool, England Great Britain 1 tributed this year In the streams of goats of H A. Best, a homesteader In passenger's seat, landed here, complet­ campers’ fires show a substantial, if proposed complete alsdltion of subtua THE MARKETS Klamath. Lake, Douglas and Jackson .that section. But one shot was re­ ing a non stop flight front New York unwelcome, gain from 157 in 1927 to rines In consulting with France re- I Portland gardlng further naval armament lim city. The unofficial time of the flight, , 242 in 1928. quired to kill ea»h animal. Wheat— Big Bend bluestem, hard 1 counties. ttatlon. Lord Cushendun, aiding for white. $1 I4'v: soft white. $1.18; west­ While there are large beds of mus­ Lightning fires In the national for­ which constituted a new east-to-west elgn secretary, revealed in an address j ern white. $117; hard winter, $110; sels or fresh water clams in Rogue ests of Oregon and Washington show non-stop record, was 24 hours and 51 New Government Oil Case Pending here on the Anglo-French naval ac northern spring. $108’i ; western red, I river, there are but few Gold HUI peo­ a decrease of nearly 100 per cent for minutes. The best previous time on a Washington, I). C.—An Elk Hilli, cord. However, as France would agree $1.11. ple who are aware of their existence the 1928 forest fire season as com­ flight without stop was 26 hours and Cal., oil land case, arising under tp only to limitation of the larger ocean Hay — Alfalfa $18318 50; valley and supply their tables with these de- pared with 1927, according to a report 50 minutes, made in -1923 by Lieuten­ administration of Albert B. Fall A« going underwater vessels, this was ae i timothy $17317.59; »-astern Oregon licious shell fish. Issued by the forest service headquar­ ants John MacReady and Oakley secretary of the Interior, was hrotght crpted by Britain. timothy, $20.50921. to the attention of the supreme eurt The Benton county assessment roll ters in Portland. This year 1237 for­ Kelley. Butterfat —55c. for 192S was completed last Monday est fires were started in 22 national by the government in an effort *> Tt Forty Stricken When Gas Escapes Eggs Ranch. 25@49c. , and forwarded to the state tax com- forests In the two states, and of these Three Bandits Get $28.000 in Holdup. cover valuable oil land in Ker»s of the Jefferson county court stem. $1.46. Crook and Deschutes counties are Considerable iand has been pur» hased consigned to the Flank of Italy branch South Bend, 1V» i ) V m reelected house. president of the P IGc Legg,ng con­ Hay Alfalfa. $22; timothy. $28 joining. Clover seed is quoted at along the highway, the Christian at Tracy. Butterfat -54c. gress at the clo-'nc session of the $27.35 per loo pounds and alsike at church moved and several houses re- Sebert W ill Shows 5500.000 Holdings. Nov. 29 Des.gnated Thanksg.ving Day. convention h e r The meeting was E ggs Ranch. 299 47c. $28 65. shingled. Washingtno. I). C. President Cool­ voted one of R® most successful In I-»»s Angeles, The will of George Cattle Prime steers. $11911 75. Reappointment of Clyde Aitchison Roy Herndon of Fr, ewater has been Hogs Prime. $9 753 9 85. Behan, film actor, was admitted to j as member of the interstate commerce named chairman for the 1928 home­ idge issued his annual Thanksgiving the history o,he organisation. l-a in h s Choice, $1191150. probate recently The estate in Cali­ I commission on the expiration of his coming c lebration to tie held on the proclamation railing upon the people Spokane. fornia was estimated at more than Coolid t0 9 ° Home to Vote. i present term, December 31. is urged university rami us November 23 and to offer thanks on Thursday. Novem her 29. for prosperity in agriculture, in $500,000. and it was said there W». Hogs Good, and choice, $9 50 J by the Oregon public service contmis WasUlt'on- G President Cool- 24. It Is announced by Joe McKeown, , , gy cta io go io Nor.hamptcn, additional property in the state e. 9 61). slon in letters sent President Cool­ Marshfield, president of the A so cial •lustry and commerce, and for the pence which has existed in the ._»• Masa cvember 5 to cast his voW in N«» York. Cattle Steers good. $10.75011.59 idge. ed Stucents. year. I tha v‘ i< n on November 6. JARDINE ADVISES FARMERS HOLD WHEAT MRS. W A LTER S E L LM E R REVISION OF OREGON BANK TAXES SOUGHT OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST CZECHS PAY HONOR TO U. S. AND WILSON OHIO PRIMARY BOARD REMOVAL ADVISED SEDRO WOOLLEY MAN HEADS EDUCATORS