HALSEY ENTERPRISE. HALSEY. OREGON, NOVEMBER I. H»2X The Red Roa A TTW T flC A viatort Have Found Use for O ld ’Chutes Muffles for aviators are being made from wornout parachutes used iu the aviation branch o f the Cnited States A Romance o! Braddock's D efeat ------------------------------ * 8> Hugh Pendexter C H A PTER VIII— C ontinued I llu tlr a tio n a b y army. RIGHT FEED FOR A DAIRY HEIFER Parachutes are made o f the finest, softest Japanese silk. They are made in many pieces, so that i f a break occurs it w ill not-run the entire length of the cloth. A parachute usually lasts about five years. The silk Is then turned In and the larger pieces are used to make mufflers fo r pilots. The soft silk serves a valuable purpose in protect­ ing the throat of the wearer front chafing of the helmet strap, especial- ly on long hops. A fter the World war the discarded covering of airplane wings was much In demand by both men and women for outing shirts. ! i and talking to herself as she worked •« —-21— I r w in M y e r « She asked herself If she could Und Dairymen should become more fa r­ * "Keep ahead of me," I directed O s e x r lw h t by H u s h P s a d e z ta r . some rawhide strips and In the oext sighted la raising young stock, fo r tiie W ere almost at the mouth of the W N U bUsrvic« breath told herseif she could at least quality of the future herd depends creek and the cabin la close by.“ make some. Then she was cooing In largely on breeding and Inherited pro­ Front the opposite bank of the creek With the door secured, 1 surveyed delight. I stole to the door In time to ductive cupacity. 1C the heifer Is came a demoniac shout, and I believed we had been sighted. Yet the cry was the opening from the rear loophole. see a bush move near the mouth of stunted by poor feeding und neglect different from a discovery-call. it Something bronze od the grace, a dog- the creek. I stopped its agitation wltn she » ill not become the kind of anl- SAME PRESCRIPTION was too ferocious. They had come en rods from the forest, attracted my a bullet from my rifle, but doubted If inal we want when she calves. She upon the scalped Frenchman and attention and Anally resolved Itself I had done the enemy any damage w ill be lacking in capacity, and as Several shots from the opposite end the consumption of roughage is neces­ Into an Indian. HE WROTE IN Were voicing their rage. I urn con of the cabin took me to the rear loop sary for economical milk production. vlnced the dead man served us well "Quick with a gun I" I told her. hole. I stumbled over a pile of skins It w ill be found that In the end It does by slowing up the pursuit until we “ There'» one out there In the grass.” When Dr. Caldwell .Urted to In passing, but bad no time to ob bad entered a natural opening. In the She sprang to my ride with my serve the girl. Two or three balls not pay (o neglect the young stock. C old N ee d Cause odierne kn- 1' — w In . i8'75. One cause tor the marked difference middle of which stood Frazier's cab­ rifle and gave a glance, and then said: laxative were not a a cftda i . — chunked Into the logs, but there was In the size of cows of the same breed­ N o inconvenience in. The girl gasped and stumbled, People lived normal lives an. “ La mister I He won't hart nobody. no Indian In sight. Fearing It wag » ing as found In different herds Is this wholesome food, and got p U n U rih S ■nd I almost fell over her. Once more 1 hat wus my first »hot when you was Singers can’t always keep from ruse to hold my attention 1 darted to factor of ration when young, says J. 1 picked ber op, this time carrying gone for water. ’ catching cold, but they can get the air. But even that “ early > the door again and remained there P. LaMaster, chief of the dairy divl- I best of any cold In a few hours—and drastic physics and purges for the ber cradled In my arms and then My heart stopped pounding when while I reloaded my rifle. threw all my energy Into my legs. you went with them kettles," she sion. ut Clemson college, South Caro- so can you. Get Pape's Cold Compound Lawful heart! I f you wouldn't tinj«- Howls of triumph sounded In the whispered, winking her eyes very fast. j comes In pleasant-tasting tablets. keep hypering back and forth." she woods behind me and on my right. During the summer, on good pas- J one o f which w ill break up a cold so "There was no danger. We must complained. “ Now you can look.” Guns were fired, but I heard no sound have water. We’ll be choking with ture, little If any, grain Is needed If quickly you’ll he astonished.—Adv. he put in drug store« in 1893 under And she proudly dragged forward the heifer is at least ten months old; o f the lead. name of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup £ £ two deerskins, looped together by to a liquid vegetable remMv. inS “ I ’m all right I Let me down I she but when pastures are poor or dried C lung to G erm an M a rk s fflijiiV -’ short sections of rawhide. for women, children and eldirlv pZk begged. up, a little grain Is necessary, in " hen the w ill o f a wealthy out-of- W ell saddle the ridge-pole with and they need just such a n h lT i? But the goal was too near. The sav­ winter, however, to get the most rapid state man was filed with Assistant A t­ bowel stimulant. ‘ these Just tbe same as you'd saddle ages began to show at the end of the growth it is necessary to supply a torney General Stubbs, of Maine, for or blanket a hoss,” she explained. woods Just as we gained the door, considerable proportion of the n utri­ That’ll be better than pegs. I’ll git assessment o f taxes on financial Inter­ ¡ - V ” -> ■ >h.” M ' S with me yelling for Frazier to open up on tbe roof and throw them over ents In the form of concentrates. ests of that state, an unusual clause for us. There was no response and People who needed it to get relief ?rnm Where even the best roughage is fed the ridge-pole as fast as yon pass em was found In the will. That part of headaches, biliousness, flatulence nd? my heart sank as I pictured a locked alone, the growth wilt not be us much the document referred to 143,000,000,- up to me.” £ * °h n' , l0"8 ot. aPP-tlte and sleep,'^ door and the savages doing us to The scheme was feasible. It was as where grain is fed also. 000.000 German marks which the mnn breath, dyspepsia, colds, fevers. At voir death while we made a last tight. Then 'J he following are suggestions for simple. It would require but a few bad bought during the war, and In­ druggist, or write "Syrup Pepi^I my heart beat high as I beheld the rations for heifers In winter: Dept BB, Monticello, Illinois, for fX minutes to saddle tbe boose with structed the executor to retain the rawhide latch string. In another mo­ 1. When silage and legume hay are tria l bottle. hides. There would remain a strip on currency until It could be redeemed ment we were Inside and I was thrust­ — — w each side, bnt these I could reach available: corn silage, alfalfa, cowpea at a “ reasonable price" rather than ing my long rifle through a loophole. from the ground with separate hides. or soybean buy at will. For heifers appraise It as practically worthless. 1 spoiled a brawny Huron as he was However, I objected to her mounting less than ten months old. two pounds ! The man bought the m „ r t 7 ° ’ . scrambling back to cover. of grain daily In addition. The grain | $0.000 8 kS f ° r ab° U* the roof. W ANTS VQUP c “ You're powerful strong, mister." "Your Job Is to pass ’em up to me,’’ must be equul parts of corn and oats. the girl shyly remarked. L ib e r a l G r a d in g . B ig P rofit« she sternly retorted. “ My part Is as For heifers within three months of P a y i n g t o p - n o t c h p r ic e s f o r 5 0 y e a rs V * * F ie ld H o ckey O ld G am e There was a quality In her voice calving. In order to Insure good flesh m a r k a t b o o m i n g . S e n d to d a y ¿ " Fur easy as slipping off a wet log. I can P r ic e lis t . Everyday discoveries are being made I had never heard before, aDd I glanced be up there before you could git start­ at that time, three to five pounds of T rs p p e ra ’ G a ld e M cM illan Fur with regard to ancient people. h ip ip p p e e r r « ut ber tn surprise. The face was en­ a Wool e». • F R E E t t o u » s n « » t RSV ed I f they come at us, I can be down grain should be fed depending on con­ Minneapolis, Mina. When some workmen were clearing livened with color. She threw off her and Inside the door In a Jiffy. Git ’em dition. SPOT CASH bat and allowed her brown hulr to 2. When corn silage Is available out the rubbish from one of the walls separated out so’s we can work fa s t” tumble about her shoulders. but not legume bay: Silage at w ill and of the Acropolis In Athens, for which, Then she unbarred tbe door. C A L IFO R N IA „»•* e 3 0 . "You're a mighty brave little worn Before showing ourselves we re- ' hay or fodder. Two or three pounds by the way, Tbemistocles used any­ a»CaHhmt.Bl >i im > «t Hranrmtg In California were swept by Are re­ most mortal." l-h. ni. w k, „ T all fear of the torture-stake. she was scrambling up to the ridge­ all they w ill clean up. a grain ra F L O R E S T O N S H A M P O O —Ideal for la Leaving her to stand watch, 1 se pole before the watchers could guess tion fo r mixed hoy w ill have to be cently, the blaze being started by I took time to glance about the sparks from a horse’s hoofs, accord­ h connection w ith Parker » Hair Balaam Make»the c _ r > o ..„ 4 fluffy. 80 c e n t, by „..“ ir a* room, at the shelves and stock of cured the muskets from the wall and our purpose. I passed up two skins somewhat higher in protein, such as ing to the report of the state fo r­ BlsU. t iu c o z Chemical Work», Patchogue, N. f . trade goods, at the smith's tools In the rummaged the traders stock until I and she deftly draped them over the three pounds of a mixture of two ester, says Popular Mechanics Maga­ corner, and some guns hanging from had found powder and bullets. I load parts of corn and one part of cotton ridge-pole. 1 passed up two more Tbe zine. This Is believed to be the first W. N. U., PORTLAND. NO. 44-1928.’ one wall. In surveying the room I ed the weapons and set them aside. Indians woke up and began screaming seed meal. verified Instance of an occurrence of discovered a most vital necessity was <>n a shelf I found a small quantity of like demons. Guns began banging this kind, although other fires, start­ lacking. There was no water In the smoked meat, tough as hickory bark, and 1 called to tbe girl to come down A Cool Proposition ing In this manner, have been re­ G reat Care R equired in cabin. yet a food one could manage to chew Editor—I'm afraid these Jokes ported. “ Throw 'em along I I won't budge I told the girl to eat while I took her till you do!” she cried. I picked up two kettles and un leave me cold. Selecting Record Cows place at a loophole. barred the door. Would-Be Contributor—Then why I tossed up some more and ducked I f the farmer wants a record cow Poor M arksm an sh ip "You mustn't go out I she shrilly “ I'm thinking,” the girl rem arked- back to tbe door and aren't they the very thing for your he must buy a cow with a record, and secured both ■creamed. Cub Reporter—Don’t you think my summer number? the branch of a tree moved slightly rifles. a good one, too, says the New York "We must have water. The creek and I watched It suspiciously—"I'm j State College of Agriculture. Time is articles have a lot of fire? "More I M ore!" she cried. I roofreader—Yes, considerable fire, la near. The Indians haven't had time thinking there’s more'n one way to I handed them up, but warned needed to make good selections, and A t the Side Show but no aim. to circle around to the south of us stop a Are," she went on, raising ber her: it is well to seek aid from competent “ The Fat Lady Is in love with the You have the two rifles Watch from voice to attract my attention. “ Jump down at once. Thev’rp com- and trustworthy persons. Armless Wonder.” the back of the cabin. Don't fire un Tears are the war cry of an angry “ Im thinking there's an Indian Ing I” f e I f a dairyman is buying his cow woman. I f he can make love without arms J less more than one breaks cover ” climbing a tree, but I can't see any he's a wonder." She took time to fix them properly through u cattle dealer he should be " I'll follow I" tblng to shoot at." I grumbled, " i f it and then dropped lightly Into my | able to trust him, and when he does “ Watch out for me." would only rain !” arms. Some fifteen savages were not know a trustworthy dealer, he I was through the door with the ket •T'm light and spry as a cat, and breaking cover at different points I should seek assistance from a county ties and running towurd the creek be there wouldn't be any danger ” she Picked out the leader of the nearest breed association or the cattle sales continued. fore riie could offer more objections band. He commenced leaping from company of the county in which the I reached the water and dipped the “ Wbat’s on your mind, little worn side to side, but I was patient and animal Is to be bought. The names kettles full before the savnges opened an? I asked without turning from shot him off his feet The moment I and full Information about these or­ lire. My dash to the creek had either tbe loophole. tired, she had taken the empty rifle ganizations may he obtained from the taken them by surprise, or else 4hev "These contrnptlous hides Is on my and had pressed the short French one county agricultural agents. In case had withdrawn a bit to hold « p„ w‘ mind most heavy, i f we C(1U|d USt> into my hands. I fired It and missed there are no such organizations, coun­ wow. I believe they had withdrawn em they'd save what water we've got." \\e entered the cabin and dropped the ty agents an supply prospective buy­ w ith a few men standing guard; for Now I was Interested. She was ers with the names of reliable breed­ the tiring did not become general until standing by a pile of dried deerskins The Indians advanced sw iftly know- ers. dairymen, or dealers In the county. I was half way back. At that distance She explained: The New York state college says Ing our rifles were empty. Could they from the cabin I heard the girl's rifle If (hey was on (he roof the fire- close In before we could reload they that too much caution cannot be used go off. arrers would slide off. They’re hard planned to thrust their guns through In buying cows for, although extra Running gently so as not to spill and smooth.** the loopholps and stop our fire while '¡me may be tieeded during the pur­ any of the precious water, 1 wus pro Her wit gave me hope, and I asked: they battered down the door. But chasing, mqch time and money can Bouncing my race won when a tall How to make them stay? We haven't they had not counted on the trade be saved la'er on. Dairymen who have savage emerged from the woods on time to peg them on. If we try that muskets. We emptied these rapidly . >st |i-.(!s because of random buying 3 tny left and approached at right an­ they'll rush us." an re careful In the future. One man went down with a smashed gles. lie tired un arrow while moving " I ’m thinking,” she muttered, tilting leg Two of his companions carried at fu ll speed, and then dropped his her small head and holding her chin him Into the woods. The others J o p y Milk or Cream Is bow to draw his a i. The girl an In her hand "Course you've saddled streaked back as rapidly ns they bad penred In the doorway with my long a boss many times. Yes, | caliate advanced. Thus fur all the honors Caused by M inute Germs rifle gnd leaned the heavy barrel that would do." were ours. I made the girl drink some | Ropy milk or creatn Is caused by ; “ «»In« the end of a log. As the Instantly she was all energy. From water and posted ber at the back of germs that get Into the’ milk after it whlp-llke crack rang out the Indian the collection of smithing tools she the cabin while I covered the othei comes from the cow. These germs leaped high and catne down In a heap. secured a sharp-pointed punch and three sides. usually live in wfiter from which they 1 S till controlling my stride, I was with the back of un ax began making get into the milk. I f your cow has 1 The Indians, however, had no stom w ithin two rods of the door, where holes along the edge of t< hide. all the things people used to do for headache»? Today nch for another assault lu force nuil access to water in which she stands the girl stood leaning against the "Don't watch me Watch outdoors “ the forest became quiet I told the or stands In a muddy place these I rifle, when a savage turned the cor­ she sharply ordered. girl she was to remain Inside while germs get onto the switch of her tall ner of the cabin and darted between I turne<) hack to the peephole. I I stepped out and covered the lower or on the flanks nnd when dry fall I set down one kettle and pulled could hear ber pulling tbe bides about part of the two sides. Into the milk pall while the milking niy ax To my surprise the Ionian .>XX<>,X>000tXoXRX>0000 g irl. With a scream she sprang back o x k x »: and get onto the utensils from which I t l w h , mus: le c n d 2 S . " X , * X l S S MT ” and he followed, realizing it n u t ex they Infect the milk. O ld Y ear D ead W hen H arvest Is G athered? cellent strategy lo kill my companion Clean ami thoroughly disinfect all { and bar flip door against me. leaving *“ S dairy utensils with boiling water. I bis companions to k ill me leisurely That the calendar by which we take January 1 as the beginning of Clean nnd disinfect the stock tank H llh a bowl of fear and warning Before milking wipe the switch nnd count our days does not fit in har­ 1 dropped the remaining kettle and moniously with the sensons Is pointed the year because Julius Caesar fixed It flunks with n damp cloth to prevent 1 that way and nobody has changed IL” any dirt or dust from falling Into the i leaped after him As niy foot touched | >ut by an editorial In Liberty Maga the threshold, the cabin was tilled ! line. milk. A thorough cleaning nnd dis­ w ith a deafening explosion and much I " It has long been obvious,” explains infecting will usually end the trouble. I Corncob Incense M o to , and the savage was falling By soaking dry corncobs in fragrant the editorial, "that starting the calen lim ply Into my arms. I hurled him ditr on the first of January Is all oils, such as that of aandalwood ciu- Iodized Milk outside, where be fell on his ba. k wrong. The year ends with the har namon or clovee. and then grinding hts face blown away. The girl was At the Kill.) station It was found vert, when the lust grain Is In. the them to powder, an effective Incense crouching on the fl.air, her hair part leaves are fallen, and the earth has has been prepared, says Popular Me­ that where no Iodine was fed to ly concealing her face, the Highland gone to sleep The closing day of chanic. Magazine. White smoke and dairy cows, no trace of the chemical pistol clutched in her two hands, and the calendar might well be that one ashes are pr.aluced, and the auhstauca could he detected In the milk. But ber eye« glaring like a cat s I was on which we turn away from outward D said to be supetor to various other all tests made of aiilk from cows re- reminded of Hie scene on Her tlexen • elving two grains of calcium Iodine things and ask about the chances of kopf. or potassium iodine per day. or two having a little steam heat. lo r Ciliv ycni*w "load the rifle s!" I cried Then ounces of seaweed rich In Iodine. ' It is unlikely on the whole, that Most W id ely-U sed Lett passing from the cabin and falling era -Iiowed an appreciable amount of the calendar maker« will agree to end n r o ta im r a t „ „ „ I r a . The let'er '•« occurs u^re often to discover any of the enemy in the "dine In the milk. It has not m “ \ - v'7,r " j ; 1' r»H arnl begin 't than any other ,n ordinary writing o|M-nlng. | ran back to the kettle l-en determined whether there may | completed my errand. according to Liberty. The le tl.r ............ >e advantages to humans In con.- c m limes me editorial. “ W next in frequency. '•«Hit. n r,. - Pl* fr" i 892 •J ^ millan b a znsza^- S C H O O L FOR MEN ? “i l V IO minutes SPIRIN C iiticiira D iM iM « l, | Nhc