r “.fi agriculture horticulture livestock ifialsi'U Enterprise W E stablished in 1912. Vol- 17. dairying __________________________________ -_______ ______ " ? D evoted ^ ^ ü to ^ th î e ^ In » te t r , o f Ha.-.,. ñl No 26 S O C IE T Y N E W S Drives Over Road Built in 1925 i s S C H O O L N O T E S Mr and — . speut Saturday in Lebaron. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gansle and J , uglier Leila drove toS tav to n last evening and visited relatives. Lester Albertson and sister, Mrs Cecil Dawson, were transacting business in Albany Saturday Mrs. W. A. Muller and Violet Carver of Piua Grove vieited at the Robert Ramsay home near Halsey WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY L.m- Attend District Convention S aturday a num ber o, the mem ­ bers Of P urity R ebekah lodge d rove From Out Rcjul*, CotmeonS»™« Mrä F O Had wee th - to Jefferson to attend the district M O R 'C L L A M « R R F O R T t* L. R. Falk °« tbe Spoon River I of Mrs W. L. Wells of convention which convened in th a t Friday afternoon Mrs. George diatrlct recently enjoyed a drive , Friday. The School ia having W. Lauboer wae hoetees to the city at one o'clock th at afternoon over the lu aik et road to Diamond Mr and Mrs. P. H Freerk.en Mrs Sadie G anale was appointed members of the Past Noble G rand llill which he constructed in 1025. money raising program of the year and granddaughter were Albany .eft support to the chairm an. The club, with Mrs. Louise Porotai, T his was one of the worst roads in Word baa been circulated around business visitors Saturday. Halaey lodge exemplified the b a l­ \sb la u d ) preside it of the Rebt the valley before it was worked th at it is to be an exceptional one. Mr. and Mrs. Buford Morris and . ah Assembly, Mr* Mildred Me loting. and Mr. Falk expressed himself as The grade school is giving a ma- »on Bobby were guests at the Asa Among those going oiity of the program and the high M ahan past president, and Mr», A being well pleased with the wav it E asthurn home in Albany Sunday. were Mesdamea Robins, Robnett, A. Tussing com plim ented guests. is standing op. This was bis first school ia taking its part with Mr. and M u K.B. Penland of H am er. Mae Miller, Salash. Bond, booths, selling sandwiches, candy, Eighteen club members answered trip over the road since its com Halsey left Friday morning for T aylor. Laubuer. G ansle. F rum , popcorn and so forth. to roll call. pletion some three years ago. Pendleton where they were called Monday. Holt. C iark, G orm ley, Tussing The six weeks grades are out A utum n leaves and chryeanthe Charles Weber who has been ill On the return trip Mr. Falk, who and Davidson, M i« Ire n e Q jim b v , by the serious illrees of the former s with typhoid fever at his borne west mums formed a p re tty decoiation was ac^om psuied by Mrs Falk and with many good ones. Those re­ Miss Doris H ow ard, O W. Frum . other, E llie with typho.o .eve. -■ — brother, Elaie Penland. __ hn al to be for the rooms. Following an in­ children, came over the Brownsvilie ceiving “ A” average are Beverly Two more pheasants found their of Halsey • is reported C.H. Davidson and Fred Robins. Isom and Howard T uttle; “ B’ teresting program, which was in G ap road, p art of which is little proving. wav to the home of the editor of im im proving. averages are Nellie F»lk, le a rl charge of Mrs. L ym aa Patton and traveled. Where these two roads Mrs. O tto Neff and nephew of the E nterprise W week. We are Mrs. Bal« Bond, the boetrs. served connect there is a great deal of dif­ Falk, Grace F alk , Ruth Sturtevant Chehalis, W ash., were guests 1»»‘ indebted to Chris Falk and Eliae Alice S tu rtev an t, E rnestine Cole- * delicious lunch. Mrs W . H. ference but there are hopes th a t week at the home of Mrs. J. A , man, G ertrude Robins, Charles Robins for these two. McMahan assisted in serving. in the near future th a t at least K K. Carey and family were Johnson of Pine Grove. * * • Ralph C. Sm ith has bought the Bierly. Lila Phelps, June Layton, good gravel road if a m arket road pleasantly surprised W ednes- Miss Bessie Sm ith in com pany One of the pleasant memories ;U v evening when the forme, a is not possible will be constructed Roger Fairfield, Donald Bramwell, Chester Sickels transfer business with her m other, Mrs. Sarah Smith W anda Veatch and W ilma W ahl. and has assumed posfession. Mr. th a t Louis W ilson, one of H alsey's brother, Clifford, and fam ily a r ­ to B r o w n s v i l l e . ________ T w enty-three pupils in the school S m ith has lived in this vicinity for and Mrs. W illiamson of Corvallis, highly respected citizens and one rived from Ohio where Mr. Carey were guests of W anda Veatch Sun­ are taking music this year uuder the past six years and 1» well S h ed d P ersonals of the rapidly thinning rank ol and wife have been attending known here. He is prepared to give day. direction of Mrs. Donna Cross of Civil war veterans, will carry school the past year, 1 hey mat - (enterprise Correepopdencel Election r.tu rn s will be received with him the rem ainder of his life The senior clast has selected the good service. the trip by auto, being on the wav "“Marie Jensen"»« assisting in me characters for “ T hat's One On E dna Falk is assisting Mrs. at the Morris Pharm acy Tuesday was the dinner given at the home three weeks stopping at K ansas telephone office. Bill,” the class play. The charac Charles Blake with her household night Mr. Morris announced today. of Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Curtis of City to attend a convention. H e M r. and Mrs. Mabeu were Salem ters are: Uncle Jim m y, Elias Roh- duties. The Blake family recently The store will b e k .p t open all Lebanon, T uesday, in his honor at bad planned to be at the C hristian ins; Billy Hailey, Jack Underwood; moved on the O.W . F rom ranch visitors Saturday. having reached the 87 milealone of church at Halsey last B u n d e r night. Jack C ornett, who has teen sick Harry Dover, Horman K oontz; which wue vacated by the I. S. W A E astburu and daughter hie life. . . where he was pastor lor some inis in bed with th e H u is able to te Ned Collins, Daniel Wealey; B at­ Fitzm orris family «ho have moved in la w Mrs Aaa E asth u m and Mr. W ilsnn accom p . an ied h is but was called on to preach at tling Bennie B oio,(to be assigned) to H arrisburg ■ons Carlton and Donald, of Al- to n .in .,aw and daughter, " Mr. and am Silverton both m orning so d eve- working again. their at the Mfg ftiiaw E l, , woHb Dr. and Mrs. Ed Margason from Patricia Niles, W 'lm a W ahl; Lil Mrs. A H Quimby left Tuesday banv bany were were guests g u o ,. -- -- - Buford 1 , Mrs ui.u Curtis ------- and the. ming services. Oregon looks goo Mab for P o rtland to attend the annual M orris home in Halsey W ednesday. (gmi,y #nd P o rtla n d spent the week end with Hailey, Ruth S turtevant; Mrs ,0 the C arey’s but they h»ye not snd Mr. M r. C urtis’ sister, Mrs. Allen, Nellie Falk; Mrs. Hailey. yet decided where they will locate. u and Mrs Guy Perrin aud Bert Clark of Halsey to Lehanom convention of the Parent-Teachar Mrs. R C. Margason. Jennie Nicewood; Rosie, tra n c e s They may go to California Mr‘ i , Of Roseburg and Bright colored chrysanthem um s association which convened jn that The DC W. II • C. e T. - • U. • held a chicken JID supper followed by a pre-elec N orton. city Tuesday and closea today. FO R SA L E at Sunnyside orch­ The W orld History class was Mrs. Quimbv is the delegate from “ T , ! « t b . C « r t l < V ,.tc h e l ,e ..l u l .e „ ol U » ™ ion lecture at the M. K. church S „ o d .» 1..." • “ £ bom ei ¡„ d i„ „ „ t , b |. « „ „ „ J .1,1, . ard till fu rther notice, Johnolhans, shown slides of Rome Tuesday af- M onday night. the Halsey association. home, returning t 1 birth Jay cake decorated with Spi.zenhurgs, New Town Pippins. ternoon during their class hour. , Raym ond Shedd left Saturday Mrs. E llaC rew seo f Peoria spent the evening. The seventh and eighth grade candles and Hags. • «‘«I «rouo lbe 75c .50c and 25c. Bring containers for Portland sfter having spent the classes met at the school house several days last week in Halsey M r. and Mr". Frank k V” ) * G . A.R. ladies of A ffiant. P lace, W ednesdays and S aturdays. Ed last six weeks with his parents Mr. W ednesday evening for a masque whore sho was the guest of former and son, and Mr. and Mrs. W alter oiarked for Mr. W ilson, Mr Holloway. Mis. Thompson and daughter ol near , a n a Mrs. C. J. Shedd. A 1Uy Mf j j W eaver Mt rade ha'lo-veen party They were schoolmates and friends. to leave “ - about the Albany were visitors »1 the o> To perpetuate constitutional gov. Mr.Rice and Mrs. Burgram from much mystified when they fell in Crewse plans piano iw Edward Myers, each oue a Civil ........... A shland visited with Mrs Gregory line for the first game, “ Follow firet of December for Caldwell. Ram say - home uesr H alrey Satur-1 war veteran, Mr. W „ H. v i„ Klum a« ernm rut abide by the constitution. W ednesday while on their way to the Leader” which led them fedian war veteran, Mrs. Alley, Vote for John P. Cooky far stats day. Paid a Iv Portlcnd. They formerly lived here. through m any by-ways which Mr. R. F. Allen, Mr. E ’- lsworth representative. A cafeteria dinner will be served finallv led to the home of Mr. and Curtis and Mr. and Mrs. W ill’» "1 NOTICE ( in th e new Masonic hall next Tues­ Mrs. A rth ur Foote, where the eve- F C urtis. Chicken Pie and “ trim m ings'’ day, election day, under the ning was spent in playing hallow- The dinner was served by Mrs _ -L. ... .n uarVMll auspices of the local chap ter of e’en games. « Lunch wss served fit at Curtis and Mrs. Clark of Halsey to be served by L sd i.s Aid of the Allen and Mrs. Lotta ,C hristian church in the Hotel d in ­ an early hour. E astern Star. ing room Election day. Everyone in the high schoo was M r. and Mrs. Louis Carson, Mr. Bahrke of Lebanon. an d Mrs. M. G oldstein from Seat- the recipient o, a nice green or tie spent Sunday and Monday with purple pencil from Mayor Clark B ysta lento of Halsey Public School, ... Mrs. Nora Coatee who accompanied W ednesday. again as they lecalled scenes in and fortune telling For Benefit of School. them to their homes for a two history of th e ir country in the diversions^______ weeks visit. Booths. [Sandwiches. Hot Dogs Tuesday evening the grade pupils each faithfully did their Mrs E lla Robertson of Portland 7 I A Candy, Popcorn, Etc >f the school enjoyed a Hallowe en November 7, 8 and 9 there will spent a few d a y . v i.itin g f n e . d . party at the school house. be a Holiness convention of L inn, PuDils of Grade Schools will be asked here as a guest of Mrs. Agnes LAKE CHEEK Clarke. Mrs. Robertson was form- Lane and Benton counties held in Saturday members Q an admission fee of 10 cents, an 1KIUIUOJ eveuing v -------- the - The beautiful home of Mr. and erly Mrs. Fate Thompson and re- Halsey at the Methodist church, Adults will be charged 25c. SI V N ib . according to announcm ent made \ . h b , l H i . u . 1 1 ..-1 11.11..«« e„ P ..'y >“« ,b“ ' " eided here for several years. Jean Moore, Bmall d aughter of by Rev. J.8. Miller. “ “ • • “ ’a C x . . ........M .¡cian in Corvallis to have the 7 < » , » C b r i.il.« 7 P ' J.M . Shelley, minister. bum s dressed. She is getting along 1 as well as could be expected. " notice Mrs. Maud P ra tt Sm ith, reader Every n u m b er of ' i° e J141’'* Circle. Neighbors of W oodcrs, . and w h i.tl.r from C o rv allie.v n ,ted Methodist; 10 a. in. Sunday school 1100 a m. morning wors ip Sermon : - “ G«od C itizen.. 6:30 Epw orth League 7:80 p. m. evening Topic;—“ Where there I ’ L ite r Wai, till ,« « > e .r the j - c « , for our picture shows fr orchestras organ music, and the best y P i( all played on the wonder MAGNOL . Everybody likes good motion pic- the Halsey T h e a tre -a n d see the best tures that are produced . , oil fo lk s the prices will remain in P a r s o f age, be 15c and 35c or 25c and 50c. “The King of Kings’ G reenbf g a : e 7 ' n o X ‘ o«:e.ec'- “ T T h n 'r . And th a t’s not ail folks W ll, » , show n here EVERYBODY COME! , ; Ä > _1 V La “ •