HALSEY ENTEHPHISE, HALSEY, OREGON. OCTOBER 2.~>, 1928 A ncient Pistol I The R ed R o a d A Romance of Braddock’s Defeat By ! C op o p yr y r ig h t H ugh P e W dexter by H ugh P e n d e x to r . z^x**z.zz.zz zz*****.r*zz .z# IDustrationf by Irwin Myers W H U Be i t ic e *d **^> *# *# ^^# ***.***# *^# ************ **** *** * * * * * * * * * * * * J IL M. Raab, of Dallastown, Pa., col- 1 lector of old horse pistols manufac­ tured in the United States, recently came into possession of a weapon which was manufactured In Virginia In l 1803. The weapon Is said to be the oldest of Its type In existence, as the oldest previous date fo r the style was 1803. PIRIH Dorothy ’s Mother Proves Claim Children don’t ordi­ narily take to medi­ him the girl could not fly like a bird black facings that distinguished the cines hut here's one marines from the troopa of the line, and that any plans we made must In —20— that all of them love. “ Run fa s ti" be hissed. “ To the elude her. I told him of my efforts whose facings were blue. As the buz­ Perhaps It shouldn’t to shield Allaqulppa’s village from at­ zards bad not commenced to gather water-gate I" be called a medicine tack and expressed my fear that Beau­ It wus plain be must have met death 1’oriilac’s voice thundered a com at all. I t ’s more like vais would now do the thing I had twelve hours back, or In the evening. Viand. The Ouondaga muttered: a rich, concentrated “ The Ottawa chief tells Ills children convinced him he should not do. This An ax was tightly gripped In the Unless you see the “ Bayer Cross” on tablets you are fo o d . I t ’s pure, te watch the gutes and the stockade furnished the Ononduga with a double right hand and there was a gasb In the handle where another blade had ' wholesome, sweet to the taste and errand to the Delaware village: he not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe and k ill anyone trying to get out. Once outside the lodge and we were must warn the woman sachem and tell struck. In the darkness he and his ! sweet In your child’s little stomach. by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. ■ It builds up and strengthens weak, In darkness. T hirty yards away and Cromlt to carry my warning to the assailant had fought blindly. I overtook the girl, who was stand­ puny, underweight • children, makes we bad lost ourselves In a wild crowd army that the Turtle Creek route, o f Ravages. But as we »pressed on though rough, would be free from suc­ ing before a thick tangle of pea-vines them eat heartily, brings the roses nnd trailers. When 1 would have back to their cheeks, makes them Pontiac’s stentorian voice gradually cessful ambuscades. “ You w ill take the same talk, but taken the lead In striking this bar­ playful, energetic, fu ll of life. And reached an Intelligence here and rier, she motioned me to wait. Time no bilious, headachy, constipated, there; and from different points and separate from the bonebreaker,” I tn all the dialects of the northern and added. ’“The woman and I w ill leave was too precious to wait, but before feverish, fre tfu l baby or child ever Accept only »Bayer” package Ohio tribes, the word was passed to you at the moutb of Turtle creek and I could say as much I beard a faint ! failed to respond to the gentle Influ­ which contains proven directions? follow It up for a bit and seek the cry. ence o f California Fig Syrup on their guard the stockades and gates. Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets army In that direction. Surely one of little bowels. I t starts lazy bowels “ 1 knew 1 heard It,” she muttered. “ Take the man Beland alive I” roared Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists, quick, cleans them out thoroughly, a voice; and I knew that Beauvlas at the three of us men w ill take the talk “ But ’t Is only the howl of a wolf.” Aspirin lx the trad« mark of Bayer Manufacture o f Monoece U cart dee ter o f Salic;.icacM last bad connected my Identity up through to Braddock." “ Indian lungs are behind that tones and strengthens them so they with my French name and that Beau howl,” I told her. “ I t ’s up the creek." continue to act normally, of their own P a th e tic Faith fu ln ess CHAPTER VIII Jeu now understood all. “ Yon think a Injun made It, mis­ accord. A setter dog that refused to leave Millions o f mothers know about a canine pal in death caused motorists Since 1848 Has Healed Woondsand "Why this way?” 1 asked the Onon­ ter?” Sores on Man and Beast daga as we reached the stockade on The howl was repeated and sounded California Fig Syrup from experience. at Beaumont, Texas, to send a hurry Our Orendas Are Strong M o m , back for drat bottl, 1 f notntted. A Western mother, Mrs. J. G. Moore, call to police headquarters. The dog the river front. clearer. H alf a mile below the moutb of “ Stand on my shoulders, white T urtle creek the Monongahela grew I'm positive,” I said. As If to 119 C liff Ave., Sun Antonio, Texas, was sitting beside the body of his brother, and go over,” he directed. very shallow with scarcely more than guarantee the certainty of my words saysf “ California Fig Syrup Is cer­ stricken comrade in the center of the "There’s the witch-woman—’’ ripple of water I d places. The the signal was answered on our left tainly all that’s claimed fo r It. I highway, defying drivers to run him “ She's on the other side. Shall we three of us held a brief conference and again from the direction of the have proved that w ith my little Doro­ down as they had the other dog. One W A N T S Y O U R F tIR ç thy. She was a bottle baby and very automobile had been thrown into the Join her, or fuce about and die like river. L ib e r a l G r e d in s . B ig D ro fitx fo r you I chiefs?" 'They are close after ns.” 1 whis­ delicate. H er bowels were weak. I ditch to avoid hitting the setter. It _ t o p - n o t c h price« P a - y in g p rices f o r 50 years. year a. . F _ ur m a r k e t b o o m in g . S e n d to d a y for price ii«t. pered. “ They’re calling to each other started her on Fig Syrup when she was not until the dead dog had been 1 scrambled to his shoulders and was a few months old and It regu­ T r a p p e r .’ G u id e L. to meet on thia creek. They’ll find went to the top of the Umbers. 1 moved to the side of the road that the _ * W O® 1 C a ” FREE to ship p ers our trail. There’s but one way open; lated her, quick. • I have used It with other permitted traffic to move nor­ Minneapolis, Yl!nn, reached down a hand, but scorning all we must double back by the Frazier her ever since fo r colds and every l it ­ mally. assistance Round Paw sv armed over W E PAY YOU ’ «S2Z S P O T CA SH cabin, and, If sighted before we enter tle set-back and her wonderful con­ •be barrier. The two of us dropped the forest below It, we can take shel­ dition tells better than words how It Io the ground within a few feet of the S C H O O L F O R MEI F o re w a rn e d river. ter there and try to stand them off helps.” Truaiex for BUSINESS, TRADES er PROFUSIONS “ This Is a cynical age,” declared till n ig h t” E n r o ll a n y t im e . S e n d fo r lite r a tu r e . Don’t be Imposed on. See that the It was very dark and 1 was com­ OREGON IN S T IT U T E OF TECHNOLOB George Bernard Shaw, “ and It all Fig Syrup you buy bears the name, “ I f we can find the cabin, we can pletely bewildered. ¥ . 5 1 . C. A . B l d g . P o r t la n d ,O r e g t make a good fight," she stoutly de­ “ California” so you'll get the genu­ comes from the young people know­ “ This way, mister,” called a low ing too much. I was strolling through ine, famous fo r 50 years. clared. irolce. CALIFORNIA So the lobby of the Carleton the other John Frazier, trader and black­ The Onondaga dragged me after for California Home Seeker«. Bend 5c for 3 mootha'trlal aubsrrlptloo QuMtlons an i we red free. Little Fare« day when I heard a debutante say: smith, was a stanch supporter of the Win. My bund resetd on a canoe. Im m ense M o n o lith M .i u l a t , 300 BrgM viy Artaila. Laa A>|aln, cull. “ ‘Erwin says that I am the hand­ English. He had served the colonies “ Who's there?” 1 whispered. The largest marble monolith In the somest and cleverest girl he has ever W . N. U., P O R T L A N D , NO. 43-?1928? more than once as an Interpreter, nnd "Duughter of witches," was the half­ before coming to the month o f T urtle world, standing slxty-flve feet high, known.’ laughing, half-sobbing reply. “ But "To which her friend replied: 'My creek had lived for twelve years at measuring eighteen feet across and please don't stop to talk, mister.” Youth and A g e in Legion Venango, or until driven out by the weighing forty tons, has been extracted dear, you should never marry a man It was time I scrambled Into the The oldest and youngest member« from the famous marble quarries at who dt-elves you during your en­ French In 1753. He had been o f as­ canoe, for a chorus of yells was now of the American Legion live at Miami, sistance to Colonel Washington In Cararra, and w ill be presented to Mus­ gagement’ " raised on the other side of the stock- Fla. They are John W. Boucher, 1754 and was commissioned a lieuten­ solini for the new Fascist stadium to ode and only a few feet away. I eighty-four, and George E. Mackenzie, be erected at the Farnesina outside of ant In Trent’s command when It was U n decid ed tripped over a rifle as the Onondaga twenty-three. Boucher served In the Instructed to fo rtify the forks of the Rome. pushed the light craft Into the cur­ “ So you call your canary Joe? Does construction forces of the A. E. F. tn Ohio. rent. I picked It up and found It It stand for Joseph or Josephine?” France, getting Into the Pershing army “ I can find the cabin easy enough,” Sister’s Bob? fam iliar to my bonds. "We don’t know. That’s why we when he was seventy-three years o il 1 assured her, and we swung out from V isitor (speaking of little boy) — call It Joe.” —London Opinion. “ Whose rifle Is this?” I whispered. Mackenzie ran away from home to the creek and doubled hack. As we He has his mother’s eyes. “ Hush I” cautioned the girl. Then enlist when scarcely thirteen. ran we could hear the “ wolves” howl- Mother—And his fnther’s month. proudly, “ It's yours. 1 was at the To hurry too much shows that you Ing from three points of the compass, Child—And his brother's trousers. are not the captain of your time, tfoor when the trouble began. I The wedding tour Is often the calc their signals sounding clearer each —Tlt-Blts. reached In and took It when Mr. Beau­ though you may be of your souL before the storm. “ Set Me Down I Set Me D ow nl” minute and proving that several vais commenced calling you a spy.” bands would soon come together at t n t h . K n ig h t .m a in ., I»O .llr f ln g ’ f “ Talk w ill k ill us," grunted the On- and decided that Round Paw should the creek. I began to doubt the wis­ in e ac h c y lin d e r r o tn b in « W ith t h e sp h e ric a l c y lin d e r hea d pndnga as be pushed a paddle Into take the canoe to the western bank dom of proceeding farther toward the t o fo r m a p e rfe c tly e e a lrd com ­ any hands and began working des­ and make Allaqulppa's town afoot cabin. I feared we would be cut off b u s tio n c h a m b e r — ass u rin g h ig h ■ a if o r m com pression a t e ll tim e s . perately to reach the slack water along The girl and I waded to the eastern and surrounded. To turn our backs •« aU speed« aad w ith t i y g—. the opposite bank, ills warning wus shore. to the creek and plunge through the We left the river In the first gray timely for I could hear the plop, plop forest and trust our lives to our of heavy bodies dropping over the light of morning and ran swiftly, the dense legs appealed as being the best plan. Stockade. There came an explosion girl's thin face revealing her deter­ "Are you able to keep going all day of mad rage that made my heart mination not to hinder my progress through the forest?” I asked her. by any display of weakness; and as grloce. The Onondaga proudly In “ I am very tired,” she confessed. formed us: - • —» we run she spied out (lie country ! l 4 ?° 1° D8 since I had a good sleep, "They have found Little Wolf In the ahead wfiTTe I Cept watclT ov?r our " mister, ’flfere was last night—" lodge. 1 crept under the wall and back track, £ y e rj time I glanced be­ “ I know,” I broke In, for time was •hot him with Ills own arrow. He hind me 1 fully expected to behold a all to short. “ Yon couldn’t do IL” made a choking noise. The Wolf man flitting form o? a savage. We arrived A glance at her pinched face told thought some of those outside would at Turtle creek, a short distance me she was fa irly exhausted. And in above Its mouth, without hearing the •mow the truth. There was Pontiac our haste to make good time we had lie talks with ghosts and they tell Indians' cry of discovery. In spots left signs the savages could We forded the creek and paused easily follow at a run. him secret«. It was he who told L it­ tle Wolf to k ill me. Pontiac saw me for a minute for her to rest. Our “ The cabin It must be,” 1 said and at Detroit and knew my heart was breathing spell was terminated by a trying to speak cheerfully. "Frazier •warm for the English. L ittle Wolf faint halloo. The voice cam« from w ill have plenty o f powder and bul­ was to shoot me through the hole In far off, and at It was not repeated we lets. Perhaps some spare trade guns!” the robes when I danced by. If my did not agree as to the direction. The “ You could make it alone through girl Insisted It was north of us, while ■white brother had not been In dan the woods to the army,” she said, her jger, I should have shot Pontiac after my ears placed It as coming from the words coming in Jerks. telling him to march by with the northwest, at about the point on the “ I can make It no faster than yon ethers.” Monongahela where we bad aban­ can." “ They are over the w all; they will doned the canoe. Thankful It was not “ I'm thinking you're telling a He, take canoes and follow us!" I warned. ahead o f us we resumed our flig h t mister,” she gravely rebuked, but re­ We had not proceeded more than fifty "Mister, I spoiled all the canoes I sumed running. «ould find before going to the house rods before the girl, who was In the “ A quavering cry np the creek where yon was eating. They can't lead, gave a little cry and came to a made my skin prickle. b a it catch us with boats." “ Hang on to your rifle,” I ordered “ Ton have done well, little woman. "Where?” I whispered, glaring as I seized her and threw her over What does Round Paw do now?" about to find what had alarmed her. • (Z my shoulder, holding her with one We were at the opposite shore. “ Among the bramble-bushes,” she arm and carrying my own gun In tny “ We w ill go up the river Instend of faintly replied, pointing her short left hand. With a fine spurt of speed down," he answered “ They w ill think rifle toward a thicket and pressing a 1 covered several hundred yards. She |we went down to the Ohio. If the hand to her side. began kicking and squirming, and de­ I saw It and directed: inan Beauvais had not come we would manded : have shown them some new magic." “ Go ahead a hit and wnlt for me." “ Set me down! Set me downl “ Too knew Rbout Beauvais!” I It was no sight even for a border- You'll git ua both k l lt l ” HE p a t e n te d W illy s-K n lg h t d o u b le sle ev e - asked Round Paw. bred woman to behold unless grim I did as she requested, not because valve e n g in e is a s fr esh a t t h e e n d o f a hard “ The witch woman told me. She necessity compelled. After ehe had I was too weary to carry her farther, d a y ’s ru n a s a t t h e s t a r t —a n d a fte r th o u sa n d s rtf asked my help. She waited outside passed on I examined the dead man. m ile s you w ill find th ia su p e r io r m o to r e v e n sm o o th e r ¡Ilia house to stop Beauvais from see­ He bad been shot through the body but because her rifle was swinging a n d q u ie te r t h a n o n t h e d a y y o u to o k d elivery. ing yoo. It was the witch woman who and scalped. He was a Frenchman, wildly nnd striking the bushes and leaving a trail an ox could follow. •aid we would leave by water. She for he wore the white uniform with (T O B S C O N T IN U E D » Its s im p lic ity o f d e sig n in su r e s r em a rk a b le freed o m ¡was to be outside the stockade by the from carb on tr o u b le s a n d rep a irs. T h e r e are n o valve* water-gate. She has a very strong t o grin d , n o valve sp rin g s t o w e a k e n . A t t h e lo w e st pale« gnedlclne." tn h isto r y , t h e S ta n d a r d Six is b r in g in g t h e ad van tage* o f “ Ho It was you who saved me, little W illy s-K n ig h t's sp a rk lin g a c tiv ity , su s ta in e d b r illia n c e a n d woman," I said to her. e*«e o f c o n tr o l t o th o u sa n d s o f n ew a n d e n th u s ia s tic o w n v a . "L o r’s sake I Don't believe nothing Ancient cloisters, or parts of them, stroyed with the fabric of old St that Injun tells you. He saved you; W I L L Y S - O V E R L A N D , I N C ., T O L E D O , O H IO pot m«. And now I can't go to Can­ are still to be‘found In many parts of Paul s In 1006. It la at Westminster Loidon; they are reminders of the abbey that you may see the finest ada." "Watt until after the war. It w ill days when the city boasted spacious cloisters In London. Besides the Great monastic establishments. be a short war," | told her, little real cloisters there are the L ittle cloisters, In St. Bartholomew-the-Great at Itln g my (aliaItlllty as a prophet. "We must leave the river before the Smithfield—relic of n wealthy priory where the monka* Infirmary once first light,” spoke up the Onondaga. —are some bays of the old cloister. stood, and the Dark cloister that leads "Pontiac w ill lead the chase. He Is A Zeppelin bomb tn 1915 helped to to the Norman undercroft. ■ very great man. He knows we took reveal a further portion of this, to water. He w ill send men along burled under the present ground level P ain t Top and Bottom both shores to find where our troll Cloisters In miniature, with wooden In order to last, »helves should be leaves the river. He w ill throw many archings, may lx» seen at Ely plnce protected with paint or varnish on the ynen between us and Braddock. If the adjoining the chnpel—all that remains bottom as well as the top and sides witch woman takes tn the air and flies of the pnlnce of the bishops of Ely Decay Is no respecter of surface«, and like a bird, then Round Pnw and his The cloister garth Is planted with tig will attack and wear away one side TOLEDO, OHIO brother can walk slowly and laugh at trees. as well ns another. Therefore. It la the wild Ottawas." St. Paul’» has only a few fragments best to paint or varnish th« entlr« Hs » as disappointed when 1 told of Its old cloisters. They were de shelf as soon as it Is put up. CHAPTER VII— Continued SAY “ BAYER ASPIRIN” and INSISTI DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART ) Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh y—MsMILLAN CRFORIbfAlWCC always at its best s n o re s u rrt A lie n e e a n a f e w e r se co n d J o r t fe ic e & a t T Many Old Cloisters in City of London W'iLLY'S-KNBCHTc/Zt W IL L Y S-O V E R L A N D , Inc.