Hoover'* answer to allied statesmen huntiug pheasants in this neigh and others who objected to sending foodstuffs to the famished populations borhood; W hile here they were of Germany and Austria was: 'We ALBANY FLORAL CO. Cut Flowers g tests of A-L. and W ebster Falk. Tbe Oregon H istorical Society (Enterprise correspondent) were never at war with women and (By Special Correspondent) and Plants. Floral art for every and Doris Howard and Grace K irk has eelected “ The T erritorial Gov­ children!’ Mr». Fred Roberts of Salem vis­ all occasions. Mrs. W -D McLaren and dangh "When my post-war proposals for attended the teachers institute at ernm ent of Orefcon” as the subject Flower phone 458-J ter Dorothy, carne vp from Cor­ ited at the W A- Falk home last Albauy last week. They were ac­ for tbe 1929 C. C. Beekman history sending food to starving Central Eu­ rope were up before the Congressional EAST ALBANY BARBER SHOP Saturday while Mr. Roberts went vallis Friday to spend the week The prizes aie Committee, It was suggested that Hoo­ companied borne by Grace 1 arr and prizes and niedale Charles R Goltra. Proprietor 1 pheasant hunting. e,.J at their hom e. mother who vitiled at the Kirk four in num ber, viz., first, $t>0; ver. America's food expert, be called. Member of Master Barbers' Association One may Imagine ray Joy and delight Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Bierly and Mrs. Fred H einrich leftW ednee. home for several boors, iclurnir-g second. 150; th iid, $40; and fourth, as I listened tor one hour to the force­ Specializing in Ladies’ and Children's ,1 iy for Colorado being called there family ai d Ava, E dna and Charles to th eir home in Corvallis late F ri­ $30 and will be awarded for the ful. masterly, unanswerable presenta­ Hatr Cuts and Bobs. Work guaranteed. Albany. Ore. best four original es»ava on the tion which Hoover made tn favor of 1029 East Second St. bv the serious illness of hea father. F alk attended the revival meeting day evening. relief for the suffering, huugry and at H arrisburg Tuesday evening. above named subject w r'tteu and ALBANY STATE BANK - We invite Misses Eunice Sylvester, Agnes Mr. and Mrs. M B. H arding and starving people.'' ________ your business. Savings and commercial R. E. B erly and family were subm itted by girls or boys over 15 Mr. and Mrs. J II. Vannice motor- Chandler aud Grace Pehrtson nt- accounts. Capital, surplus, undivided tended th e teach ers’ snslitute at visitors at the home of bis mother, -id to Silverton W edneslsy to a t­ years of age and under 18 year* of profits, $100.000. _____ JIM HORNING Mrs. Ma'v Bier I v, aud also at the tend the big lfolsiein sale of the age, attending sny public r r p ri­ Albany T hursday and Friday EASTBURN S GROCERY General Blacksmithing W illi tin Pence home near Rowland K irin brothers Mr. H arding pur­ vate school, acadeii y, Eemiuary. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Chandler 4th and Lyons Street college, university, or other ed' • Sundae. Acetylene Welding. chased several heifers which he and The place ter buy good groceries at the were Albany business visitors F r i­ cation <1 institution within tbe state C oli l i lie. Ure Hirst A Adst right price. On the corner, plenty of Mr. and Mrs. L. R Snyder ol C hailrs Fslk Sr. brought homo in day- of Oregon . Each of tbe four prize room to park. Albany. _ the la tte r’s truck Saturday. Salem spent the week end at the Mrs M yrtle McManus of Jeffer­ winner* will al-o receive a band FORTMIU.ER FURNITURE CO . fur­ Mrs. Edna Ritte was pleasantly Merwin Vannice home and while son attended tbe funeral of Mrs. ' DELBERT STA RR some bronze medal. niture. rugs, linoleum, stoves, ranges. Baum gartner at Pine Grove Thurs here the men enjoyed a pheasant surprised last Tuesday when her Tbe essay subm itted in com peti­ Funeral Director and Licensed Funeral directors. 427-433 West First parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Han e g o n . stock. I he visitors returned home ROSCOE AMES' HARDWARE H O W A R D ’S W- E. H ovir and family of Har here hunting pheasants. Why not accept the Literary Wedr.sf LINN BUTTER amt Buyers of Eggs Enjoy the Silver Grays” A Farm ers’ ('o-operativ© Creamery fr E. L. Stiff Furniture Co. 422 W e s t F ir s t S tre e t A lb a n y , O re g o n Complete Home Furnishers Universal & Cclcnial Ranges IL These fine motor-coaches are built and equipped to give the utmost in comfort and safety for highway travel. Use them on your next trip. A great network of hnestover Western Oregon. In addition to service to and from Portland, branch lines radiate from many points- for example: from Salem to Silverton, Inde­ pendence and Monmouth; D allas; f rom Albany to Lebanon and to Newport; from Roseburg to Coos Bay points; Medford to Kkain atb Falls and W eed; Grants Pass to Eureka, etc. Buy 10-ridc and round­ trip tickets They save you money Rail tickets unless specially restricted are also good on motor coaches. S o u th e rn P a c ific Motor Stages call at Morris Pharmacy Are your children’s eyes Ready for school work? That children may develop pliyti rally, co ordin»lviy willi the pre« •ure id their «.head work, their ey es must have immediate atten lion. . . . ... It it very important lii-tt children tee clearly an 1 couifortablv Yon will find the correction of imper­ fect vixion will reduce nervous nesa and