ACCORD ON FRENCH T DEBT BELIEVED NEAR L ERIC ENGLAND OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST P oincare W ill Ask P a rlia m e n t > R atify M e llo n -B e re n g e r T re a ty . P rin cipal Events of the W eek Assem bled for Inform ation of Our Readers. Pari».—T hat P rem ier Poincare will request parliam ent to ratify the Mel­ lon-Berenger and C aillauxC hurchill debt agreem ent» a i a result of hi» con­ versations last week with W inston Spencer Churchill, B ritish chancellor of the exchequer, and S. P arker Gil­ bert, agent general for reparations, is strongly intim ated in circles close to the French governm ent. Growing belief th a t the United S tates would refuse to aid in floating the German bonds necessary under th e proposed revision of the Dawes plan unless the Mellon Bevenger ac­ cord was ratified, is said to exert much Influence in fram ing the French fi­ nancial policy for the Immediate fu­ ture. It is also pointed out in governm ent­ al and financial circles th at as France now Is m eeting her war debt payments to both America and Great Britain with perfect regularity, ratification of th e records Is only a logical step. Lively interest is displayed by the French press and in political circles over the renewal of conversations on th e debt question by M. Poincare, Churchill and Gilbert. The fact th at J. P. Morgan was a luncheon guest of Chancellor Churchill and Mr. Gilbert a t the British em bassy is pointed to by many as having great significance. In well-informed circles it is gener­ ally conceded th at th e total sum to be paid by Germany as fixed in 1924 is im practicable and m ust be consider­ ably reduced. A 30 ton carload of lime arrived In Tillamook a few days ago from the state lime plant and was distributed to the farm ers and dairymen of the county. . A new telephone book containing 8000 names is being made up by tha Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com­ pany for distribution to patron« In Lane county. The first Issue of The Elevator, semi-monthly publication of the Ore- 1 gon City high school, made Its appear­ ance recently. Mis» Clarice Murray Is editor-in-chief. ZEPPELIN SERVICE PLANNED BY ECXENER New York Dr. Hugo Eckener, pilot of the trans-A tlantic dirigible Graf Zeppelin, hopes th at the flight front Frfedrlchshafen to L akehurst will in­ terest American capitalists to the ex­ ten t of $14,000.000 in a plan he has for regular trans-A tlantic airship serv­ ice. He want to have four ships run­ ning on a 50 hour schedule, with the European term inal in Switzerland and the American port somewhere near W ashington or Baltimore, believing that the best w eather conditions pre­ vail at these places. The 114,000,000 would be Just enough, Dr. Eckener estim ates, to build the ships and the hangars to house them. He would spend $2,000,- 000 for each dirigible and the hangars would cost $0000.000. The trip ju st ended has convinced him th at t(je Graf Zeppelin is not fast enough for such service. T h ip s he hopes to build will be only slightly larger than th e Graf Zeppelin but would have a cru ising speed of 80 or $5 miles an hour. „ Erie England, recently appointed chief of the division of agricultural fi­ nance in the bureau of agricultural economics of the Department of Agri­ culture. SINCLAIR CONTRACT HELD TO BE INVALID W ashington, D. C.— Secretary West ordered delivery of governm ent royal­ ty oil to the Sinclair (’rude Oil Pur­ chasing company from the Salt Creek field in Wyoming stopped after a ruling by Attorney-General Sargent th at the contracts negotiated by two ex-secretaries for the sale of the oil were Invalid. The order was issued within 24 hours after the attorney-general had delivered his opinion th at the con­ tracts made by ex-Secretary Fall in December, 1922. and renewed for five additional years last February by ex- Secretary Work, were not binding on the governm ent because they were illegally executed. The action is prelim inary to working out a plan for the sale of the royalty oil to the highest and best bidders after it is readvertised for sale, Secre­ ta ry W est said. The geological survey announced that during the current year ending August 31 the production from the Salt Greek field totaled 1,281.1)00 bar­ rels, tor which the Sinclair company paid the governm ent $1,638,000. BRIEF GENERAL NEW S Stanley "Bucky” H arris has been appointed m anager of the Detroit T i ­ gers for the season of 1929. • Benjamin Strong, governor of the federal reserve bank of New York, died In a New York hospital. President Coolidge has issued a pro­ clamation increasing the duty on fluor­ spar from $5.60 to $8.40 a long ton. It is u sed lu in cip ally as a flux in mak­ ing steel. j f —’ ” • «•f* *—- j T~*~-------------------------- - “ C. T. ^ ’ang. nationalist foreign min­ - H ICKM AN ENDS CAREER ister, has addressed a note to the treaty powers, in which he demands Young Slayer Pays Price of Murder­ their im mediate relinquishm ent of ex­ ing Girl, tra te rrito ria lity rights. San Quentin, Cal. In a state of j A dividend of 5 per cent on the cap­ physical collapse, his bravado and pre ital stock of the Panama railroad coin tended coolness gone, William Edward pany was declared by the board ot Hickman, 21, of K ansas City, Mo., was j directors, according to announcement hanged h ere for the kidnaping and at the war departm ent. m urder of 12 year-old Marion P arker Of Los Angeles. Nationalist China Wants Advisers. Twenty two seconds after the con Shanghai. The newly organized n a­ detuned man entered the death chain ber the trap had been sprung. Fif­ tionalist governm ent state council, teen m inutes later he was declared headed by General Chiang Kai Shek, dend by prison doctors. Hickman's which is seeking to bolster the nation­ nerve fulled him ju st as death beck­ alist governm ent's China wide recon­ oned. lie fainted Just before the trap struction program, has decided to ask was sprung. This declaration was five prominent Americans to act as made without qualification by Hubert "honorary economic advisers to the nationalist governm ent." The Ameri­ Hognhoom, the official executioner. The executioner had hardly raised cans selected for the invitation were Henry Ford. Owen I). Young, Robert his right hand as a signal tor the trap Harper. W ashington banker; Edwin when the tense spectators saw Hick m an's knees begin to bend. Ilia body Seligman and Jerem iah Jenks, econo sagged and he was virtually hanging mists. from the noose when the three con­ cealed n o n In the boxlike room sprung the trap. Coolidge Approves Reservoir Project W ashington, li. (' ( on-lructlon ot U. S. Infantry to Have New Rifles W ashington, I). C. Paving the way for ultim ate arm ing of Uncle Sam's Infantry with sem i-autom atic rifles and spelling the end ot the historic III calibre Springfielcs. the war de­ partm ent has approved the r» com- in ndation of a Joint army, navy and marine corps board to cut the bore of the au to m at» « from .30 to .276. I a $1,200,000 re- ervoir on the !>• adwood riv e r, 60 mill s northeast of Boise Idaho, has been approved by Presl d e n t Coolidge A div ersio n dam and pow er plant already hav> been built on this project at s i -it of $1 949.000, | th e interior departm ent said In an n o u n rin g th e new work California M.iy License Airplanes. San Francisco, Cal P roposed s ta te law s to govern th e licensing of a ir ­ p lan e s snd |'il» w ere discussed a t a m eetin g held here u n d e r the au sp ices of the stu le ra ilro ad com m ission, and pro b ab ly will lie p re se n te d to th e leg ialu tu re next J a n u a ry , co n ferees said Admiral Grayson Would Quit. W ashington I) C Hear-Admiral G T. Grayson, who attended Presicenl Wilson throughout his Illness in the W hite House and until his death, has made application for retirem ent from the navy und ?r a law providing for th e retirem ent of perm anent adm irals of the world war period who have served ten years since 1918. Lindy to Hunt Bears in Mexico. Mexico City. Colonel Charles A Lindbergh has accepted an invitation to hunt hears In the Male of Coahuila and to seek cliff dwellings in the S erra Madre m u n ta in s of Chihuahua F ire originating in a defective chim- j ney caused $1000 damage to the ; Claude Davis furniture store in K lam ath Falls, and for a tim e threat- ened the entire town. Bob W est, Baker county sheepman, accidentally shot him self through the body near Durkee while ejecting a cartridge from a .25 35 rifle. It Is thought he will recover. The offices of the Siletz Indian agency have been officially closed and *the records taken to Chemawa. The agency was established following the Rogue Indian wars in 1850. Jew s of Eugene are planning to erect a synagogue there, and a fund has been started. More than $1000 has been subscribed by members of the Jew ish Social club there. A new river steam er to take the place of the ancient Julia B., grown old in the lower Columbia river service, will he constructed this fall by the Astoria Shipbuilding company. Surfacing of the Algoma road, a three-quarter mile stretch of highway near Algoma, has been let to the Dunn & Baker Construction company of K lamath Falls, it was announced. A financial statem ent issued a t the close of Septem ber shows th a t the w arrant Indebtedness of Tillamook county has reached $150,358.27. At the close of July it was $126,193.75, The Oswego school house was dedi- cated last Monday evening. This building recently was completed a t a cost of $65,000 and is one of the most modern gram m ar schools in the state. Because police officers found 40 gal­ lons of liquor cached in an abandoned barn at Myrtle Point the city council revoked the license of W alter P erry for operating a pool hall. P erry lives near the barn. Flour shipm ents from Astoria during the month of Septem ber aggregated 10,242 tons, the heaviest shipm ents from (he port ever recorded in a single month. W heat shipm ents reached 6533 tons. The state highway commission, at a m eeting to be held In P ortland October 30, will open bids for construc­ tion of a bridge across Agency creek on the McMinnville-Tiilamook high­ way near Grande Ronde. Salmon trollers on Yaquina bay have been bringing In the largest catches brought to Newport in many years. Prelim inary reports received by F. A. Elliott, state forester, show th at a total of 738 fires during the past sum­ m er burned over 80,871 acres of forest j land in Oregon and caused damage to m erchantable timber, logs and logging , equipm ent, and to settlers' improve­ m ents, in the amount of approxim ate­ ly $220,000. Total registration of voters In Ore­ gon for the general election to be held November 6 is 427,446, as against a registration of 359,236 prior to the general election held on November 2, 1926. This was announced by Hal Hoss, secretary of state, following compilation of retu rn s from every county in the state. E M IL IO PO RTES GIL FIRST PHONOGHAPH In v e n to r R ecalls That Talking Box W orked F irs t T ria l on N u rs e ry Rhym e. One of the most phenomenal yields of w heat on record in southern Ore­ gon has been reported In the lower K lam ath basin country by H. Liddell, a Tule lake hom esteader. Liddell har­ Emilio Portes Gil, who was elected vested a ten-acre tra c t of w heat which provisional President of Mexico by the yielded 91 bushels to the acre. The congress, to take office on December 1. average yield from the homestead land section of the Tule lake Is from 40 j to 60 bushels. The Grand Island cannery complet­ ed the canning of tom atoes and will begin canning Boston Marrow squash soon. Five farm ers will furnish about 100 tons. Approxim ately 25,000 cases of beans, prunes and tom atoes were canned this season and are stored In the warehouse where labeling will goon begin as practically all the pack has been sold. His neck torn by th e fangs of a coyote, C. E. Hamilton, central Oregon trapper, Is in Bend receiving surgical attention while the head of the anim al is on its way to a laboratory in P o rt­ land. It is believed the coyote was rabid. N ineteen stitches were needed to close the wounds. The coyote, in a trap, leaped at th e man. The man choked the coyote to death with one hand. tiJISoN RECEIVES POSSE CAPTURES SLAYER OF DEPUTY Dayton, W ash.—Emile Pfaff, 25, charged by police with killing Jam es Smith, a deputy sheriff, when he es­ caped from the Starbuck, Wash., jail, was captured in the Snake river hills about 40 miles from here. Sheriff Moody of Columbia county and a posse of six men found the fugi­ tive hiding in an old well on a farm . [ Alonzo Hayden, who Is alleged by police to have supplied Pfaff with the j death pistol, Is In jail here. Police said he had confessed. A charge of first degree m urder will be filed against Pfaff. An investiga­ j tion of the Starbuck jail revealed evi­ dences of a struggle betw een the offi­ cer and his prisoner, and it was thought th a t each had fired one shot. Police have not yet learned exactly how Hayden smuggled a second gun in to Pfaff. Pfaff lives a t Odessa, W ash., police said. West Orange. N, J.—Thomas A. Ed- Ison recalled h ere how, more than 56 years ago, he stood before a flimsy lit- tie contraption of his own invention, recited "M ary Had a L ittle Lamb 'and' heard the inanim ate machine repeat his words, the w orld’s first phono­ graphic reproduction. The occasion of his recollection» w as the presentation to him of a con­ gressional gold medal at exercises at which the B ritish governm ent return­ ed to him th at sam e first phonograph. “ It is Indeed a source of much grat­ ification to m e,” he said, speaking over a nation-wide radio hookup over which the laudatory rem arks about him had already been broadcast by P resid en t Coolidge and Secretary of the T reasury Mellon, “to regain pos­ session of my first and original model of the phonograph, which I loaned to the B ritish governm ent some 45 years ago for exhibition in its patent-office museum at South K ensington, London. "T his little m achine, which was m ade from my sketch by my faithful associate, the late John Kruesl, more than 51 years ago, brings to my mind many pleasant m em ories, especially th e rem em brance of the fact that it worked perfectly on the first trial when I shouted into It 'Mary Had a L ittle Lam b’ and heard the reproduc­ tion of these w ords.” POLICE OFFICIALS GUILTY OF BRIBERY Philadelphia, Pa.—M atthew P atter­ son, republican ward and state legisla­ When the Rev. Fred C. Taylor, pas­ tor, and Charles W. Schoenleber, sus­ tor of the F irst M ethodist church at pended police captain, were convicted Salem returned to his home, he found of conspiracy, bribery and extortion on tile doorstep a basket Jn which In taking money from saloonkeepers som ething moved. A blanket was over for police protection. The jury was the basket. Attached was a note: out an hour and 47 m inutes. "Keep the baby. All It needs is a Judge Gordon commended the jur­ bath and som ething to eat." Open- I FORD PLANT M O VED ors for th eir verdict. ing the basket the m inister found a P atterson and Schoenleber were In­ puppy, which he gave to his 10-year- Fordson Tractor Branch Going to 1 old son. dicted by the October grand jury on Cork, Ireland. , D etroit, Mich.—The principal seat evidence uncovered by the special Alfred Dimbatt, who operated a farm near Stafford, was drowned in of the m anufacture of Fordson tracto rs grand jury which Is investigating gang the W illam ette river across from Wil­ by the Ford Motor company will be m urders, bootlegging and police cor­ sonville when he drove his automobile transferred from Fordson, Mich., to ruption. They heard the verdict with­ onto the ferry slip ju st a fter the ferry the com pany’s plant at Cork, Ireland, out any show of emotion. The two were convicted on 37 bills had pulled out. A trailer, carrying a by next January 1, it was learned here. M anufacture of the tracto r at Ford­ of indictm ent, charging they collected cow, attached to D im batt's automo­ $12.195 in protection money. In the bile, swerved when he applied the son was discontinued about a year ago testim ony of the trial, which began brakes, upset, overturned the aOto- to allow more space for the manufac- j Tuesday, Joseph L. Ehrenreieh. a law­ ture of the new model "A" Ford car. j mobile and threw D im batt into the The principal reason for the trans- ' yer, said P atterson hired him to get a water. fer, as explained by officials, is th at saloonkeeper's fund from William Pe­ Jam es Whitford, probably the oldest increased dem ands for tracto rs in Eu­ ters, who ran a saloon. living m em ber of the Masonic frater­ rope has made increased production nity in the United S tates, affection* overseas advisable. Approximately KING PO SSIBLE ately known to the craft as “Uncle 80 per cent of the tractor-m aking ma- ; HUNGARY Jim ," is about to celebrate another chinery and equipm ent is being re­ Premier Bethlen Indicates That a birthday anniversary. W hen he cele­ moved to Cork in Ford vessels. Change W ill Be Made. brates this anniversary he will be 101 Budapest, H ungary.—A fter a lapse years old, and the event will take Oregon Defeats U. of W. at Football. of 400 years H ungary again is to have place a t the Masonic and E astern Portland, Or.—Oregon made foot­ a national king of its own. Count Ste­ S tar home In Forest Grove. Ills birth­ ball history Saturday afternoon on fan Bethlen, the prem ier, has indicated day Is October 30. the Multnomah civic stadium -gradirou in recent public declarations. One-third of the m erchantable yel­ Reduction 6f rates of the Pacific by sweeping its way to a 27 to 0 vic­ This sudden decision to upset the low pine on the territo ry east of the Light & Pow er company, affecting tory over the U niversity of W ashing- | president regency under Admiral Hor- Bull Prairie ranger station of the Uma­ residential and com m ercial lighting ton team . Nearly 30,000 people saw thy and to fill the golden throne, left tilla national forest was destroyed by and comm ercial cooking, was announc­ the game. The victory was the first vacant in the 16th century by John fire during the sum m er season of this ed by th e public service commission Oregon has scored over W ashington Zapoiya of T ransylvania, who was the year, cruisers have estim ated. a t Salem recently. The new rates af­ in four gam es on the local gridiron. last real national king of Hungary, A dividend of 25 per re n t was paid fect consum ers of Hood River, Uma­ has throw n countries of the little en­ out by the defunct A storia National tilla and W asco counties, and will re­ Clark Girl Now at Riverside, tente into a ferm ent. Much anxiety is bank, according to W. C. Crawley, re­ sult In an annual saving of between Riverside, Cal.—Jessie Clark, sister given to the European powers which ceiver. The dividend am ounts to ap­ $40,000 and $50,000. The new rates of Sanford Clark, 15-year-old accuser | are unalterably opposed to any mem­ proximately $426,000 and was the first become effective October 31. of his uncle. Gordon Stew art North- | ber of the H apsburg family ever again payment to depositors. It was divided W ith 66 carloads of celery, 172 cars cott. alleged to rtu rer and killer of wielding a royal scepter. among 3546 holders of claims. of onions, eight cars of onion sets and boys on his Riverside chicken ranch, M onarchists believe that Archduke The new building erected by Dr R six cars of w heat sent out from has arrived here from Canada. Albrecht, who has Rethlen's support, E. Lee Kleiner and D. J. Jarm an for Brooks since the fall harvest began, has the best chance to assum e the the use of the slate in housing the the 1928 crops are showing up better New York Curb Seat Sells High. throne and will win over 16year-old state printing plant and the state mo than was anticipated during the grow­ New York.—A seat on thp New York Archduke Otto, son of the late Emper­ tor vehicle division has been com plet­ ing season. Quinaby has sent a sim i­ curb m arket was sold for $103,000. I or Karl. ed, and the keys were turned over to lar amount of celery, making the total This is a new record figure, and a the secretary of state last week. 132 cars, all of which was raised In $3000 advance over the previous sale. I Amundsen Plane Fuel Tank Found. A midnight fire that destroyed a the Lake Labish section, as were the Copenhagen A fuel tank believed store, the postoffice and telephone of­ onions and onion sets, while the wheat TH E MARKETS to belong to the French Latham plane w*as from the upland farm s. fice at Medical Springs, caused more Portland in which Roald Amundsen and five than $17,500 loss. Lightning was be­ W heat Rig Bend hluestem , hard Twenty-six persons were killed and companions are presum ed to have per­ lieved to have started the fire. Upper 551 persons were injured in a total of white, $1.44; soft white, $1.17; w est­ ished In an attem pt to reach survivors floors used as apartm ents were occu­ 2652 traffic accidents in Oregon during ern white. $1 16; hard winter, $10814; ot the ill fated dirigible Italia, has pied by IS persons who escaped in the month of Septem ber. This was northern spring. $1.07*4; w estern red, been found. The motorboat Keif a r­ th eir night clothes. announced by T. A. Raffety, in charge $1 09*4. rived at W alilersund with the tank, H ay — Alfalfa. $18@18.5»; valley having found it at latitude 64.52 north, Licenses revoked by municipal of the state traffic division. Five of judges in cases w here persons have the fatal accidents were in Portland. timothy $17@17.5O; eastern Oregon longitude 8:50 east, about 200 miles The report of the traffic officers In­ timothy, $20.50if 21. been convicted under municipal ordin north of C hrisiiansund. Norway, B utterfat—55c. ances on charges of driving a motor dicated th at 1056 of the accidents Eggs- Ranch. 24® 47c. were traced to carelessness on the vehicle while drunk, will rem ain re Collection of China Fossils Released. C attle Steers, good. $12® 12.50. voked for a yesr, according to H a1 part of the drivers, while in 136 cases Peking.—The Chinese authorities Hogs Medium to choice, $7.75® the drivers were exceeding the speed lloss, secretary of state. In a letter have released the 85 crates of fossils sent to II. M Tomlinson, judge of the limit. Approximately 197 of the driv­ 9.75. which Roy Chapman Andrews, the Lambs Good to choice, $11® 12. ers Involved in the accidents failed municipal court of the city of Port American explorer, brought back from (o give the proper signal. Ssattfs. land. W heat Soft white, w estern white. the Gobi desert. The fossils were Rain which fell In Union county Through a conference between sev $118; hard w inter. $1.09; w estern seized and held tem porarily and it was eral Eugene banking officials and recently, was another one of those teared th eir shipm ent out of China m em bers of the Lane county court, an ' mlllion-dollar" kinds, as far as wheat red, $1.10; northern spring. $108; would be prohibited. hluestem. $1 46. farm ers were concerned. The ground agreem ent was reached by wihich na H ay Alfalfa. $22; tim othy, $28 tlonal hark s will pay. and the county was extrem ely dry and farm ers were Maikin Mayor of Greater Vancouver, B u tterfat—54c. will accept, one-halt of the am ount ol greatly i i need of m oisture for fail Eggs—Ranch. 34® 47c. Vancouver. B. C.—W ith a m ajority the taxes on capital stock. wheat. C attle Prime steers. $11® 11.75. of 1666, W. H. Malkin, pioneer m er­ K lam ath Falls faces the unusual sit T here v.-ers five fatalities due to in Hogs Prim e, $8® 10 10. chant, was elected first mayor of uation of having one of Its leading lustrial nccldents In Oregon during I jtm bs Choice. $11® 11.50. G reater Vancouver, com prising Van­ hotels, the Pelican, padlocked by th> (hs week ending October 12. accord Spokane. couver, Point Grey and South Vancou­ tovernm ent and closed for a year, at ng Io a report prepared by the state Hogs Good, and choice, $9 50® ver. Malkin polled 18.733 votes, nos­ oriling to a statem ent made recently ndu-itrlal accident commission. There 9 75. ing out Louis I). Taylor, incum bent, by Fran« is E. Marsh, deputy Unite- vere 964 accidents reported to tb« C attle Streets, good. $10.75® 11.50. who polled 17,037 votes. sta te s district attorney. ommissi in during the week.