3 f agriculture HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK Established in 1912. Sfalseg ïn te rp rîse Voi. 17. No. 25. Halsey. Oregon, Thursday. October 25. 1928. STUDENTS GO INTO O11CH Fua" al s» ’ ice! H' ld ' * Mrs HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES W | W .I - w a a tb . guest l - t seek s„.l the crew and ma- WHILE ON WAY TO PORTLAND1 Mrs. i of Mrs. L. V. Chance of Route 1 chinery were taken to Portland. DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County HALSEY GIRS WRITES GF TRIP THROUGH EASTERN STATES F. Buford Morris, local druggist and p ro p iie t >r of Morris Pharmacy | Funeral services fur the late Mrs. has resigned his commission is In w ritin g to a friend in Halsey The rood has been grovelled and i t g F r id a y afternoon a“ M. Tread- John C. Bramwell were held S i t ­ F irst Lieutenant i i the Oregon Miss Nora C oldiron, who left litre , „ J greatly improved, hut there is s tiil w ell, John Dodds and Dave W Ison urday afternoon a the Pine Grove ' Mr. and M r. Robert Ramsay of * about six weeks ago in company J f <<>rk 0 be do#. t0 1 N atio na l G uaid. of Eugene were on their wav to church. A large number of friends Halsey were look. ng after business ; w ith her fa 'lie r, O G C oldircn, | Mr. Morria has been 1st L*. in gjme c)#M „ I put the road in the same class as P ortland to witness the big fo o t-1 of the fa m ily »ere present to pay for a visit at their former home in Battery A 249 coast a rtille ry since : interests ¡a Corvallis luesday. those in the n o ith *rn part o f the ball game Saturday they met w ith ( tha'r last respects to one who was Pond Creek, Oklahoma, says she last Deceinbe- when be was ap­ Mrs. C all S efeld and daughter county. on autom obile accident about a 'u n iv e rs a lly loved and respected in pointed from 2nd l.t He enlisted has just returned to Pond Creek pent, Saturday in Albany where m ile north of Halsey when th e ir ' the com m unity in which she had Thomas Miller who is atteudiog in the national guard in Albany after an extended auto trip through the former had some dental work O.S.C. at C orvallis spent the week O akland coupe went into the d itch lived for so many y e irs . Mem- when they were organised in 1921, the eastern part of the U nited and turned over. ! here of the Vine Maple Circle done. end at his home in Halsey. aa n private and was promoted first States where they visited many J.C. Walton moved from Halsey W ilson was inju re d the worst as Neighbors of W oodcraft and of 1 atn a citizen before I a m a part- to c o ip o ia l, then sergeant, firs t points of interest which included the car was said to have pinned him ! P urity Rebekah lodges, both of last week to Route 2, Shedd, where «¡an. Vote for John P. Cooley for W ashington, I). C. sergeant, 2nd L t. and 1st l.t. __n _________„ ..II « ... „ he w ill make his home w ith his Iu commenting on d ilie re n l sub­ state representative. Paid adv beneath it. He was brought to which orders Mrs. Bram well was a The resignation was due to the brother Lee on the farm . member, attended in a body. jects made interesting by her tr ip Halsey where a local physician a t­ M r. and Mrs. F ru itt and Karl fact that too much time was taken Mrs. Charles Lusby and Mrs. A m ixed quartet composed of Miss C oldiron eays: ' Here 1 sin tended him , and later he was taken and W illia m Sm ith ol C orvallis from his buainesa in attending. !• a to his home in Eugene in an a n- Mrs. E. A. P. L aF ollette, Mrs. Sarah Johns of Springfield visited spent Sunday at the George F ru itt duties at the arm ory io A lb m y ns again after about three weeks of wandering and I atn glad to stuy bulance. Dodds had one w rist se­ E d ith Robnett, Rev. Ted M itzuer at the home of Mrs. J .F . Isom of home near T w in Buttes. well as at the encampment. in the same place for a while, l t is verely spraiued, while Treadwell and T .J. Jackson sang “ Asleep in Alford on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Kate Belts a resident i f Jesus,’ ’ “ Some Sweet D ay,’ ’ and Mrs. O. M a rlin and daughter To perpetuate constitutional gov lota of fun to travel and see the escaped w ith m inor injuries. H arrisburg and who died at her “ Jesus Lover of M y Soul.” Mrs. nd Mr. and Mrs. W. A. M uller The accident happened i t is a l­ home in that c ity was buried in the ernment abide by the constitution sights hut you are always glad to F. Buford M orris accompanied were among Halsey residents trans­ Vote for John P. Cooley f j r state get heme. leged when Treadwell, who was Alford-cem etery last F rid a y. “ Oregon e till looks the best to them on the organ. Rev. J S. M il­ acting business at the county seat representative. Paid adv d riv in g , started to pass another Mr. and Mrs. D C. Rossmau me ol any place and I am m ighty Saturday. car w hich turned out at the same ler preached the funeral service. M r. and Mrs. F. Buford M orris drove to Momoe Tuesday evening The Bowers of which there were Helen Carter returned to Mon­ to v is it the lu tto i’s m o th .r, Mrs. and boii drove to Portland Monday proud th a t I have moss on my tim e to avoid lo ttin g a th ird car which was said to have been parked many lovely pieces were in charge mouth where she is attending the Lamb, who is reported to be quite afternoon on a bu«iness trip , lhe y hack and webs between my toes, on the highw ay. Treadwell said of Mesdames J.J Corcoran, Fayette state normal Sunday evening after ill. T h iy plan to b ring her to returned to Halsey late th a t night as they say of the Oregonians. “ We certainly had a fine and he run his car in to the ditch rather Lake, Charlee Hamer and Fiank pending tha week end at her home the Rossman home soou. Mra. Sam C ollina of the Oak , interesting tr ip A t Cumberland Gausle. The pall bearers were C. near Halsey. than h it the other car. Mrs. Wayne Dawsou and mother Plain com m unity is reported to bo Gap in the Cumberland mountains H. Davidson, F rank Ganale, John The wrecked car was brought to Sunday evening M r. and Mrs. Mrs. J.A . M cC ullough, Mrs. S. E. slowly im proving frem her recent I walked around the cornerstone of the Arrow garage where repairs Bressler, Frank K irk , Charles G. Balf Bond and son W ellington, Young and M is. Fiances Gibson, illness. Mrs. C arrie E Harrison tha sta'es o, Tennessee, Kentucky Hamer and Chai cy Shekels. were made and later Treadwell and Mrs M.C. Bond and John I.a Rue a ll ol A lb an y, were guests at the of Lebanon is nursing her. The funeral arrangements were and V irg in ia . You are pretty fast Dodds continued their trip to Port drove to Bellfountain wheie they D.S. M c W illia m s home Friday- In W alter Sm ith was taken i l l last when you cau he iu three states in in charge of Dana C. Rossman visited at the home of F .E . Slew the afternoon the party called ou Sunday and is s till confined to his land. h a lf a m inute, a re n't you? art. Mrs. Sidney S m ith and iu fa n t home. His daughter, Miss Cleona, “ We visited some frieuds in is nursing him and Miss Alberts Church Officials Installed Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kendall of daughter, K a th erine Carol. Louisville, K e ntucky. » " ‘I j U il Koontz is teaching hor classes in A lbany were euests at the home of M U R IE L L A K E . R E P O R T E R John Bramwell received a letter across the street was an old slave A t the recert R ally day eerviceB the la tte r’s parents, M r. and Mrs. this week from his nephew, H ow ­ the Shedd hig h school. m arket. Oil the same grounds was at the M ethodist church the fo l­ Among Halsey people attending W L W ells of Halsey Tuesday. ard C. Bram w ell, in which he tells a big, throe story, w hite house in F ra n klin H aw kius of Stayton, low ing officers were installed io the W hile here Mr. Kendall enjoyed a ol being badly crippled w ith rheu­ the Firestone T ire company show which Jefferson Davis, president several departments of the church : who is staying at the Robert Lyons in Albany Tuesday evening weie pheasant hunt. matism. H ow ard, who w ilh h>s of the confederacy, was married. A Trustees— IL C. Davis, F- H ad­ home on the Straley farm east of Frank Gansle, Chester Sickels and Raj mend Craig who has been brother Charles A ., publishes the bachelor and hia old n aid aunt live ley, I L L . Struley (2 years), E.B Halsey, has entered the realm of Charles Hamer and th eir fam ilies. working w ith the road crew on the ColRpt (W a sh .) Gazette, was born there now, loo poor to even have Penland, Sidney Sm ith, W . L. Halsey H l as a freshman. The show consisted of the m aking Pine Grove— H ahev road left the in lla le e y a n d spent the early years electric lights and too proud to Mary Ann Perry has been trans­ W ells (0 years), B M Bond, 11 E o, tin s . latter part of the week for C alifornia of hia life here. ferred from the fifth to the sixth G arnder, J 8. Nicewood (9 years). Mrs. F ra n klyn Stafford who earn a dollar. »heie lie w ill work w ith the Pur re ‘ A t B ristol, Virginia-Tennessee, grade. H er work has been splendid Mr. and Mra. J .H . Messinger of Stewards— F, Hadley, A J, H ill, opercted the Haleey telephone ex­ C ontracting company. P ortland have recently moved to change up to a year ago, recently I saw Herbert Hoover and Mrs. John Standish, Miss Beulah M ille r and she merits the promotion W ilm a , Wayne and Fletcher Mrs. Vi’ .C. Sickels and son Dale bos Angeles accord'ng to word re accepted a position in the electrical Hoover and H enry Ford. In St, ami Meadamea Daisy W ahl, Ruth Crabtree are to attend the Powell Foote, Gertrude S m ith, George of Halsey and Mrs. E .I). Isoua and ceived here by friends of Mrs. Mee- departm ent at Olds and K in g in Louis, M issouri, we got iu to a d is tric t school instead of the H al daughter Beverly of A lfo rd spent singer who is better known iu H a l­ Portland, according to a letter re­ Sm ith parade but Al Sm ith bad Starr and Ruby S ta 'id :ah. ilre ad y passed by, so we did not Communion stew ards- Mesdames sey school. Thursday and Friday in Albany at sey as Mrs. Alex Powers a form er ceived here. E liza Brandon and J.S- M ille r. The Oregon H is to ric a l Society the home of Mrs. Luuiee Bond. resident of th is c ity. M r. M y s in g ­ see him . Some of the Parent T ea chir Epw orth League president —Nel­ is again ready to receive m anu­ “ In W ashington, D. C : I heard Mrs Isom attended the teachers’ er is sales manager for the U pjon membership coinmiti.ee have heeu lie Falk. and watched the supreme court iu scripts for th e ir aunual Oregon institute while there. Wholesale Drug company. busy s o licitin g members for the or­ W omen's foreign m issionary session. I t surely was interesting. history contest which closes March Dues to this rea'ly Saturday evening E. K. Carey ganization. society president— M rs Emma Guests at the E.C. M ille r home We could have seen President and 1C, 1929, The title of the theme is Hussey. in Halsey Sunday were Mrs. T .M . and fa m ily enjoyed a v is it from worth while order are only.25 cents Mrs. Coolidge il we had ouly been to be “ Oregon H istory. ’ T his Ladies' Aid president— Mrs Ruth Bennett, Mrs. Opal Higbee aDd his grandfather, M r. Stone, of S>- so why not bring your quarter to a b it faster aud I am sorry. contest is for the purpose of pro- Foote. sons and Ted Mullens of Lebanon, lam. M r. Stone is 88 but his ad- the next meeting and become a “ W ashington is surely a wonder- K in g's Heralds— Lavelle Palmer m otiiig the reading and fa m ilia r­ and M r. and Mrs. J . 11. G riffith of vauced age did not deter him from member. ful and interesting place. I cannot L ig h t Bearers - Mrs. A J. H ill- izing by the boys and girls of the Fred Roberts and fa m ily of Sa­ Eugene. At noon a pheasant oiu- m otoring down alone. He also begin to te ll you anything in a let­ Standard Bearers— Mrs. J- 8. history of th e state. ner was enjoyed and Claire says visited his granddaughter, Mrs. C. lem came up F riday for a visit at ter but w ill mention some of the There are four cash prizes in this M ille r. E. G ille tt Sunday, retu rn in g to the the Phil Forster home and on Sat­ the lim it of birds was served. places we visited. We went through contest which is open to a ll stu­ home of his daughter, Mrs. W. A. urday M r, aud Mrs. E- G . Sweet c the C apitol, also the President’ s W ork was completed on the road Peoria News dents of Oregon schools, public or of Eugene were visitors at the same Carey of Salem later in the day. room, which is re a lly th« m u t private, between the ages of 15 and between Halsey and Pi .e G row place and on Sunday they hsd as (By an Enterpiise Reporter) wonderful room in Ihe C apitol. 18 yearBjof age. The prize:) are »60, th e ir guests Charles Talk jr . and Rev.Oscar Gibson was a Sunday They w ill have to enlarge the ¡150, $40, »30. There w ill be three ¡fam ily from east of Halsey. dinner guest at the bora, of Mrs. House of Representatives and in judges from the society and themee The Halsey correspondent to the order to do so the President’ s room Bha/cr In The CincinnatiTim etB tar. A lic e Barcu*. are not to exceed two thousand A lbany Democrat has Frank w ill have to be destroyed or moved George Githeus visited w ith his words in lenghth. Gansle deserting friends, neighbors away. The Freuch artist, who p aint bro the r-in -law Jsss Liggett in P o rt­ Miss Nelson has given the grade "HE knows and food and espousing the cause ed the room is dear! now and peo­ land over the week end. pupils the use of a phonograph to WHAT HE IS * of aviation, whole soul and body. ple from Europe and all over the J. W . Lamar was a business vis­ , HW I» V«. TALKING AIWVT. march by, and M r. Forster has The Hights he has taken so far have world ssy that it is as good or bet­ views on ito r in A lbany Monday for Lamar made a stand on which to set it so tarm xeutFl been juat “ fancy” so M r. Gansle ter than they have seen anywhere. & Lam ar, a ll m ay hear. atatea, and ha w ill continue in hi« It surely w ill he terrible if they Mrs. M- M. F ru it had as guests The freshmen return party given garage and give the best of auto have to destroy it. Tbe table th a t fur dinner Sunday, Guy Eachos last F riday evening, October 19th, repair service in the meantime. and fa m ily o f Alpine. Mrs.Eachus as first used by L in c d n is s till was a decided success. The fresh ! L. Dorman who conducts the used today. is a niece of Mrs. T ru itt. men were very cordial, and after W. D. Porter of Shedd visited m oving picture theater in Hsleej “ We rode to t i e top ol the Wash- an evening of playing games a light bis m oth er-in -la w ,'M rs.A lice Dunn inform s ua th a t beginning Novein- uigion m onum ent, 5o5 feet high, lunch was served. her 20 he w ill have Movie Tone in an elevator, and looked around M onday. Slides were shown Wednesday M r, J. R. Mode w ilh bis belPer8 afternoon in place of the regular reels, This means th a t the people over the c ity . Quite a sen- harvested his field of potatoes last of Halsey and v ic in ity are to er.joy salion. We visited several Sm ith- program. The pictures were of the f the beat music to le had while at sonian In s lllu te s and iu the Na­ F rid ay. gsjsers, lake«, rivers, falls, animals I z ì i Rev. Oscar G ibton was a dinner and hotels of the Yellowstone Na­ the show. Thia music is produced tio na l Museum was Lindbergh s guest at the home o f Mrs. Alice w ith the ta king of the film and is “ S p irit ol Bt. Louis’’ on display. tio n a l Park. recorded on the side of the reel Then there was the Lincoln Mem- Dunn Tuesday. The best of musicians ere secured o rie l, part ol the W hile House: Ar- In Interest ol Rod Cross .Xfc CARD o f T H A N K S to furnish th is part ol the enter­ lington Cemetery; P -n American M .H Acheeon of Albany was in For the many acts ol kindness ta inm en t anu patrons of the local Union B u ild in g ; M l. Vernon, Zoological and the sym pathy shown by our Halsey Monday in the interest of theater, especially to those who love W ashington’s home; Park. Library ol Congress, and » frieuds and neighbors and to t i e the tw elfth Red Cross roll call of music, w ill enjoy thia innovation. lot more, too many to m ention. members of tbs Rebekah and the which he has been appointed chair- This added feature entails quite an Neighbors of W oodcraft lodges, man. The committee for th e d rive expense in the production of pic­ M r. and Mrs. Charles Hamer d u rin g the long ¡Hesse and follow - in Halsey has not been appointed. | tures and the equipm ent necessary and fa m ily spent Sunday at the Miss Deborah Pentz of San Fran- la g the death of our loved wife to reproduce is also an item of Cheney Sickels home near C ha rity ¡cisco has taken the place of Miss and mother, and also for the lovely many dollars. I l is hoped th a t the Grange. _______ theater goers of Halsey w ill sho fio ra l tributes, we take th is means 'Cameron as executive secretary. The Halsey Study club members M r. Acheeon expressed the wish of expressing our appreciation. th eir appreciation ol Mr, Dorman s * r e p lahning to celebrate the sign ­ J C. B ra m w ell and son Guv ! th a t the appteciation of thecom m it- efforts to furnish Halsey w ilh the ing ol the arm istice w ith a program Frank, D orothy and Howam 1 tee in charge of the recent drive heat in entertainm ent by their u n ­ - „.Si»«'-/.' for the Disaster Relief ca ll, for the at the c ity hall. ;. v a • " ' ' '( j . stinted patrocage. Teroan way the people of Haleey respond- M r. and Mre. W E . Hover SCHOOL NOTES Listening In anJ fa m ily ed.