HALSEY ENTERPRISE, HALSEY. OREGON. OCTOBER 18. 1928 climax, whatever 11 might be. Beau- HOOVER CONDEMNED Jeu whispered: The area of Alaska, Hawaii, the "I think It is oar friend, who stands BY HIS OWN PARTY Philippines, Porto Rico, the Canal at the door talking with the young lone, Virginia Islands, Guam, Ameri­ Englishman with the French heart. can Samoa, Wake and Midway Islands The young man Is timid. He w ill not Was Bitterly Criticized as is equal to that o f seven American come In unless strongly urgeiL Ah 1 states as follows: Washington. Oregon, Food Administrator. Excellent. It Is our friend, the good California, Nevada, Idaho, Utah and T aka 8a Its to Flush Kidney« |f Beauvais He presses the young man Arizona. Bladder Bothers or The big guns of the Republican to enter. When this damnable march­ Back Hurts ing und yowling stops I w ill call out party, now going Into action In defense D eth ro n ed H i» Id o l for the stranger to Join us and be­ of the Republican candidate for Pres­ ident, were engaged not long ago In come better acquainted.” Beethoven originally Inscribed his Eating too much rich food may pro. I turned my bead slowly, my heart very different service. Their attack, third symphony to Napoleon. The com­ duce kidney trouble In gome form thumping like an Indian drum. Beuu- before political expediency took com­ poser regarded Napoleon as the cham­ Bays a well-known authority, became v.ils stood with his back to us. llo mand, was directed at the very man pion of human rights. History records the acids created excite the kidnev, was speaking very earnestly to the that when Napoleon became emperor they now try to defend. Then they become overworked, K Dluwold girl, one hand resting on her Senator W illiam E. Borah Is cam­ Beethoven tore the title page from slim shoulder, lie was trying to In­ paigning In behalf of Herbert Hoover sluggish, clog up nnd cause all sorte his manuscript and threw It to the o f distress, particularly backache tad I r w i n ground. duce her to enter und she was d rivin g His sincerity must be doubted by all O t to detain him. 1 gathered my feet un­ who remember how scathingly und misery In the kidney region rhea- der me and made ready to leap over how repeatedly Mr. Hoover was de­ matlc twinges, severe headache«, acid N o t a Chance the table and to trust to luck In plung­ nounced after the war by the senator stomach, constipation, torpid liver Another thing a man can’t under­ sleeplessness, bladder and urinary JnG C opyright by HughP»r\dexker ing through the window and Into the from Idaho. stand Is why his wife always is look­ tatlon. red mob. Beauvais straightened and In a series of speeches which have ing in his direction when he spills The moment your hack hurts or kid. voice of the first of all grandfathers removed hts hand from the girl's been called the most vitriolic ever de­ • C H A P T E R V I I — Continued ashes on the rug and he gets no neys aren’t acting right, or If bladder spoke, saying: shoulder and started to turn about —19— livered in the senate. Senator Borah chance to take his handkerchief out “ L ittle Wolf Is a mighty wizard. He and enter the room. The girl seized challenged the food administrator's bothers you, begin drinking lots of From his belt the wizard next pulled and dust them around so they won’t drives away the bluck spirit that bis arm and frantically essayed to good faith, asserted that he was con­ good water and also get about four a long arrow and apparently thrust It be noticed.—Cincinnati Enquirer. down his throat up to the feathers. I wants to stop my mouth. 1 am the bold him back. He was motionless trolled by the meat packers and ounces o f Jad Salts from any good bad accepted the knife-swallowing ns first of your grandfathers. I tell you fot a moment, as If amazed at her charged him with “ violation of the pharmacy; tuke a tablespoonful In» M ix e d M eaning» being genuine, for 1 had seen a white this—the floor of the forest w ilt be action; then shook off her grasp and most fundamental principles of the glass of water before breakfast for a few dnys and your kidneys may the» A New York city school teacher man do It ; but the barbed arrow 1 red with the blood of the Ingellsb. stepped backward through the door. Constitution.” tells about a little boy whose coat was could not accept. Beaujeu whispered The Manito ts angry to see hts red The Onondaga’s terrible war-whoop Fighting a measure which would act fine. This famous salts Is niada children losing their villages and Jerked my gaze to the window. The give Hoover uncontrolled authority to from the acid of grapes and lemon so difficult to fasten that she went to to me: his assistance. As she tugged at the “ L ittle Wolf Is a cunning rogue. land. Let the arrow find the false front of the lodge bulged fur out, und expend $100,(XX),(MX) to feed the starv­ Juice, combined w ith lithla, and has hook, she asked: "D id your mother The reed shaft Is made of short sec­ Wolf and then go Into buttle without the Frenchmen, as well us I, exclaimed ing people of central and eastern Eu­ been used fo r years to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activ­ hook this coat for you?" "No," was tions which are driven together when fear.” in astonishment as a fluttering mass of rope, Senator Borah declared : the reply, “ she bought It.” Silence again, and Beaujeu wiped something that looked to be’ neither he holds the barb between his teeth ‘‘I say here upon the floor, and I ity ; also to neutralize the acids In and presses down. But applaud him the sweat from tils brows and mut­ beast Dor human, emerged from the challenge successful contradiction, that the system so that they no longer B utinest Y ear structure and dashed through the fire­ three of ttie vast monopolies which Irritate, thus often relieving bladder generously. Should he make the tered : “ Norn de D leul What deviltry Is light and came flying through the control food In this country have, with disorders. Voice In the lodge tell the Indians A fiscal year is the time betwee» Jnd Salts cannot Injure anyone; relation to their commodities, directed one nnnual time of settlement of bal­ not to fight against Braddock, we he up to? It's some of Pontiac’s work, window. A startled cry at the door caused and controlled the food administration makes a delightful effervescent llthia- ancing of accounts and another. Un­ would find ourselves without a red lie should have told me firs t Getting water drink which millions of men a fight out of the Indians Is condl my head to swing In that direction. since Its organization." less otherwise specified the flecal year force.” Beauvais, now glaring at the table, We clapped our bands and pressed tlonul on their killing the ‘false wolf. He charged Hoover with permitting nnd women take now nnd then io help regularly ends on December 31. The disgraceful profiteering lu food sup­ keep the kidneys nnd urinary organs United States government's fiscal year them to our lips, and Little W olf was Monsieur Beland, I fear you are rig h t was pointing a finger and yelling: “ Seize the Englishman I Braddock’s plies by the meat packers "when the clean, thus often avoiding serious kid­ i much pleased, rickin g up the bow L ittle Wolf has a rival. If so he must ends June 30. , and red-tipped arrow, he sang a song kill him, or el9e the flag of France spy I" people of this country are hungry, ney disorders. Several things were happening when our own people are suffering,’’ In which were repeated several times. must be lowered.” Sweet W ord» Babies are merely tittle domestic lie became silent ns from the lodge simultaneously which I can narrate and asserted that the food administra­ Passengers In a crashing plane w ill "Scarlet Is Its bead.” cnine the voice of Little Wolf. It only as separate Incidents. Sly cora- tion was guilty of gross extravagance. squalls that cause men to walk the I became keenly Interested when, find comfort In the War department floor at night. puIons sat stupefied as Beauvais called "Whatever may be the great ability after a slight pause he fiercely shout­ assurance thut a man cannot fall out, for even as he was sounding the ed: “ It finds Its way Into a W clf.” of Mr. Hoover,” he declured, “ there Is faster than 118 miles an hour no mat­ al.eople. He has no conception ble refers to Tubal-Cnln, "un Instruc­ dead bear had been accepted as a him over and with a quick turn raked of the existence of the taxpayers, and tor of every artificer In brass nnd symbol for Braddock's army. the candles from the wall behind me, his distribution of foods is utterly re­ iron." Brass Is a copper alloy.—De­ leaving the Illumination of the room gardless of their existence." I did not believe the sachem meant tro it News. confined to the light from the fires Asserting that Hoover had per­ ' the English when he promised death outside. mitted ngent9 of the meat packers to a wolf. But I was convinced that Barbarou» P en alty Beaujeu’s brain resume^ working. w ithin the food administration to "de­ the fellow for some reason Intended "Treachery I” he screamed. After the Norman conquest of Eng­ harm to the OnondHga. There must stroy competitors and build up private I heard his chair tip over as be fortunes,” Senator Borah exclaimed : land mutllutlon ns a form of punish­ be a logical cause for this professed sprang to his feet But none at the ment appears to have been substituted enmity, and naturally 1 believed my “ No man with such perverted views table knew wherein lay the treachery of decency ought to be entrusted with fo r other forms, such ns hnnglng, de- friend had Incurred suspicions. I as was proved by the failure of the unlimited power to spend $100,000,000." capltatlon, burning and pushing from dared not attempt a signal although I rocks. company to lay hands on me. Or pos­ The senator from Idaho was sup­ did glare Into the Onondaga's eyes. sibly all were so dumfounded they ported by a group of Republican sen­ L ittle Wolf gathered up Ills belong­ could not for the moment take Intel­ ators including Johnson of California ings to retire, but Benujeu detained W ith o u t Succe»» ligent action. Something crashed and Moses of New Hampshire. As a rule the most uninteresting him by Inquiring: Children’s stomachs sour, an J need against my ehair, and over went the “ Why does not the great wizard news Is what persons try to get In the an anti-acid. Keep their system! table. 1 felt a muscular arm slip Hughes’ Great Tribute paper nnd the most Interesting Is shoot the medicine-arrow Into the sweet w ith Phillips M ilk of Magnesia! around my waist. A blanket fell over what they Invariably try to keep out. w olf now?” When tongue or brenth tells of acid my head. The next moment we were to Smith’s Qualities The Onondaga allowed two braves —Elisabethtown News. condition—correct It w ith a spoonful tumbling through the window and Into The following comment on Governor to crowd in from each side so only his the midst of the pandemonium now Smith wns made by Charles Evans o f Phillips. Most men and women have head partly showed between theirs. P a ttin g Observation reigning outside. I freed my face Hughes, former secretary of state, Re­ been comforted by this universal “ A ghost In the medicine-lodge will An optimist Is a man who thinks enough to se the Indians scattering publican candidate for President in sweetener—more mothers should in­ shoot IL It w ill find Its way to the the little trunk on the back of the "The Engl 1st. Spy.” voke Its aid fo r their children. It ts a and falling back from the lodga. Pon­ 1016, and the most esteemed man in car w ill hold all his wife w ill want Wolf.” pleasant thing to take, yet neutralizes tiac’s voice was thundering: his p a rty : Those at the window were very sounded very weak aud we had to more acid than'the harsher things too to take on their trip.—Cincinnati En­ "Surround the lodge I” But there “ One who represents to us the ex­ oftpn employed fo r the purpose. No quiet, their eyes glowing as they be­ strain our ears to catch his words. quirer. was none among his followers who pert in government and, I might say, household should be without It. Panting for breath be called out: gan to sense a dramatic climax. “ The Voice ts very far away. 1 can dared to draw close to the sacred a master tn the science of politics. “ Onontlo's sons wish to see the ar­ Phillips Is the genuine, prescrip- L ea p t and Bound» T yp ified structure. “ I f we had the customs of other tlonal product physlclnns endorse for row when It finds Its mark,” Insisted hear It, my brothers cannot It rests The automobile Idustry, says one of My conductor pressed heavily on my lands we would long ago have elevated hut w ill come very soon— W a lt The its executives, Is growing by leaps and Beaujeu. He too had detected some tittle while dog Is barking. He ts lead­ shoulder and we went to our knees him to the peerage. But we have done general use; the name Is Important. “ M ilk of Magnesia" has been the U. S. bounds, which, ns a result of It, Is significance In the fellow's mysterious ing the voice back.” and crawled under a flap of the lodge, better than that. He long since be­ talk. registered trade mark o f the Charles exactly the way the pedestrians are and the light from the fires in front came a member of distinction of the H. Phillips Chemical Co. nnd its pre­ Another pause and then we heard “ Onontlo’s sons cannot see the going. briefly revealed the distorted face of fine aristocracy of public service— the decessor Charles H. P hillips since 1873, ghost Only medicine-eyes can see ibe yelping and kl-yllng of a puppy. L ittle Wolf. His red medicine-arrow American peerage. We have watched th a t Their eyes can see the arrow Then caffie the voice, this time sound­ was through his throat, the bead and him, some of us carefully, all with fas­ C iv iliza tio n when It goes through the W olfs neck. ing much louder. It commanded: several Inches of the shaft showing cination. The title that he holds Is “ What we call civilization,” said n i Their eyes can see that without their “ Have the warriors who danced under his left ear. the proudest title any American can Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "often moving from their places." about the war-post pass around the “ Ila-hum-weh I” chanted my res­ hold, because it is a title to the es­ proves little more than a desire to We crowded closer together so that lodge four times, and let each ask cuer. teem nnd affection of his fellow follow the fnsblon." — Washington all might have a fa ir view of the himself If he Is a true man." Star. The red arrow had been discharged citizens.” lodge, and the savages at the window “ A h i Now It develops. Soon there drew aside. A fire wns lighted on each will be a killing.” hissed S t Therese. In the medicine-lodge even as L ittle Wolf had prophesied, and It bad found T h ere Stands a M a n M oo n ’s Color Change» side of the lodge so as to Illuminate There followed more shaking and Go-getters are those sent out b; One may agree with Alfred E. Smith Tbtv moon takes on various colors b rillia n tly the front of the structure. swaying of the lodge. Pontiac’s voice Its way Into a wolf, but not Into the man of the W olf clan as I had feared. in whole, or In little, or In nothing. the Big Mogul In the arm chair ti according to the condition of the at­ Benujeu whispered: rang out, colling on the dancers to bring in the stuff. mosphere of the earth, through which “ L ittle Wolf Is now Inside. But fall In line and begin circling the We had no time Io linger. From the But there stands a man! A man unflinchingly bold and can­ tlio light must pass to reach us. name of the devil I What did he mean lodge and for men with straight uproar outside, I assumed that the about hts arrow finding a wolf? One tongues to fear nothing. Painted faces Indians were s till bewildered and be­ did. No pussy-footer lie, no timid can never tell how the red mind ts In profile began passing the window. lieving that the startling appearance time-saver. He does not hesitate to T he R eal Toiler» of the muffled figure outside the lodge say what he believes, or fear to fight working." Each savage kept his face averted To purody the rhyme— man has and Its flight through the window was for It. He Is not out to win an elec­ “ He may have an enemy he wishes from the lodge and each seemed to tried everything under the sun. but but the workings of the wizard’s, tion by offending none nnd currying to k ill and credit the killing to a step In greater haste when abreast of woman's work has Just begun.— mnulto. favor with all. He Is out to champion ghost," I suggested. the small opening. 1 sought the Onon Home Companion. Even qow , with the Frenchmen his convictions, and to stand or fall Maybe. I hope not. If their minds dagn In the long line, but failed to start running away with them they'll behold him. I took note of the first stumbling about in the commandant's with them. It Is this quality that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Illusions W o rth W h ile outrun a wolf-pack In getting back to man to pass the window, and when house aud cnlllog for lights, with makes him the Happy W arrior he Is. Compound Helped Her So Much Don't part with your Illusions. When their northern villages. However, It he appeared for the second time there Beauvais madly shouting that there lie does not fear Ills fate too much. they are gone you may still exist, but ca n t be serious. Pontiac must know sounded a gurgling cry from the In was an English spy Inside the stock­ He “ dares to put It to the touch, to Kingston, Mo.—“ I have not taken you have ceased to live.—Mark Twain. what he meant and approves; and terlor of the lodge, after which the ade, and with Pontiac darting among gain or lose It all.” And so he goes anything but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ Pontiac Is one lender I w ill count on.” sides flapped and fluttered violently the terrified red men and fiercely ex­ into battle rejoicing, self-reliant, ban­ pound for 19 T rib u la tio n ’s Danger» The drum thudded monotonously for und the long drawn-out howl of a wolf horting them to catch my friend the ners Hying, a song In his heart.— months and I Tribulation w ill not hurt you unless two or three minutes, gradually In rook the place of the puppy's yapping. Onondaga, we yet had time to take Omaha World. cannot praise it advantage of the confusion and make It hardens yon and makes you sour creasing In volume, then abruptly The savages quickened their pace uu enough. I weighed R oot’» Praise o f Smith about 100 pound) censing. A weak voice, talking in the til they were moving almost on s' off Into the darkness that encroached nnd narrow nnd skeptical.—Chapin. and was not able langunge of the Delnware, called out: run. The hurklng of the little white up to the rear of the lodge. Round in significant contrast to the attacks to do any kind “ What do my children want? Why dog came back, followed by a deep Paw pulled the blanket ove, my head on Governor Smith by certain Repub­ The Easier Line of work. My aud drew his own covering closer, and lican spellbinders are the opinions of voice chanting: do my children call roe back to this It Is much easier to criticize than housework was seizing my arm raised the rear wall him expressed nt various times Ity one lodge? I am the first of your grand "Ha hum-weh 1” to be correct.—DIsruelL done by my fathers. You have called me over a 1 held my brenth and waited for the aud pushed me before him. of the most eminent of all Republican mother and my (TO U B C O N T IN U E D .) long path." out-of-doors work leaders, Ellhu Root, former senator was not done. I There followed the shrill voice of nnd former secretary of state. As have taken four bottles of the Vege­ a woman, but In a tongue I did not presiding officer of the New York con­ table Compound and now I am well understand. Next the wizard's voice, stitutional convention of 1915, of L am ents P a ssin g o f the “ G ood O ld T im e s” which Smith wns a member. Senator and strong and feel fine. I got my 6 husky and labored, entered the dia­ sister-in-law to take it after her last logue, and In Delaware he asked: Root said: baby came and she is stronger now. Times have changed and people grandmothers any more, or such cran­ "O Grandfather of all the red peo­ “ Of all the men In the convention. I cannot praise it enough.”—Mas. ■ ’* f ", Y F R i rSfrrr-jF. ple. tell us of the Ingeltshman. Is he have grown so serious that the old de­ berries. Alfred E. Smith Is the best informed H attie V. E astin , R. 1, Kingston, 4 strong? W ill he fight strong? W ill light In holidays.has vanished. Is the Missouri. “ Christmas now means bills to on the business of the stnte of New R E C T A F fc » your children be struck In the head?" complaint voiced by the « rite r of au meet," continues the disillusioned York." c ä io iw ’ “ The answer to that can easily spoil editorial In Liberty Magazine. X e tr iv iitT V writer. "Independence day has been all my plans!” gritted Beaujeu. "A p ril Fools’ day was one of the made a Sane Fourth. We no longer T a riff and the F a rm e r SUFFERING ELIMINATED The medicine lodge rocked and bright spots of the year," points out get any fun out of April Fools' day. The American farmer has learned, swayed as If buffeted by a mighty the editorial. “ There wns s brick un 15-years success in treating Rectal and rhose unofficial childish holidays were Cok>n troubles by the Dr. C. J. Dean wind. Discordant noises arose—evil der the hat; the stuffed pocketbook a kind of possession peculiar to the through his post-war experience, that N '> \ s i KCIl \ l m<* m h I rn . force« striving to prevent the Voice with the string tied to It. Breakfast oast. They are not the same now. We the ta riff does not operate on his «N et ua to give WHITTEN A S. from answering. There sounded the muffins filled with cotton were a rare are grown up and serious, and times I products, the price of which Is fixed In SI H W C B of I’ll FS | | JM I. N A 11 l> or |- Ei: REFUNDED. i the world market. Republican protec­ barking of dogs and the scream of the Jest, and -x> was candy shot through •inve changed.’* Send today for F HFE 10© |Mtt< tionists of the stnnd put school have panther and the piping wall of h with cayenne pepper. It was a long Book dearrilttaigcamr« and prop. I C A B I V tn itm r n t «>1 m>h At Intent*. ' Iieen telling the farmer that fable for child. A fearful visage showed for time atdlclpated and long remembered, F or Your Scrap Booh an Instant at the small opening and as were SL Valentines day. Christ­ There are two kinds of writing. years, and the farmer has been be- PRICE $1 SO AT YOUR DRUG S tore RECTAL £i COLON CLINIC was succeeded by another. Then with mas eve Halloween, and the night be­ Doth great and rare; one that of ge I lievlng It, Mr. Curtis, one of the o / s i for a single booming note from the medt- fore the Fourth of July. Gn Thank» ulus, ot the Inspired, the other that I staunchest of the Old Guard, continues ‘ M * » » w «' w r i t i q KOENIG MEDICINE CQ. cine-drum Silence returned to the giving we went to grandmother s house ,«f Intellect and tnste. In the Intervals to prattle that fiction. November w ill 1043 N WELIS ST. show whether the farmer ts still swal lodge. After a few m<>meuts the weak and ate gorgeously. There aren't such ot lusplratiob.—Thorson * lowing it.—St. Louis Post Dispatch. A m erican P o u e itio n i T h e R ed e>4 Romance o f B raddocks D efeat .o a d Clean Kidneys By Drinking Lots of Water H ugh P endexter Hio j+raliorv* by Myens w. M . u. 56-RVICe MahesLife S w eeter P h illips * , Milk of Magnesia CAN’T PRAISE IT ENOUGH » Ï S B c SvfJL? .■■■¡Ss PASTOR KOENIGS N E R V IN E J or Epilepsy Nervousness & S leep lessn ess