-A . AGRICULTURE horticulture livestock Walseu îzixtrr prise DAIRYING WOOL. MOHAIR POULTRY PARENT-TEACHERS HOLD HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES Relative of Halsey People NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRA.-T Oakville Farmer Dies of Called by Death Saturday FIRST MEETING LAST FRIDAf ENTERTAIN AT MEETING Heart Trouble. Found Dead Mr. and Mrs W ill M uller were Mr. and Mis W L Wells were visiting relatives and friends in A l­ Eugene business visitors Friday. Funeral services for the la te M E dw ard Potnpe, a well known Visitors From Shedd and Browns­ Mrs. M M Ward of Halsey went E. Bilyeu, who died at Lis home in bany Saturday. farm er cf the Oakville neighbor­ to Albany the first of lb « week to A lbiny Saturday afternoon at 3 TO ville W ere Present Ilarry Ch a lice was a guest at the hood was found dead in h's au to ­ Man bership ¡Growing and Work Being Planned (or Year The first Dueling of the P arent- visit relatives in th at city for a o’clock were held at the Fortm iller i Teacher association for th e ne« Last evening th e 1.0 O F. ball mobile Saturday afternoon by Mr home of his son, LA • Chance o, few days. chapel in th a t city Tuesday alter- year was held Friday evening. A «as tbe scene ot a gay party when and Mrs. A.M. Hammer of Albany Route 1 Monday. Mis. Carl Setfeld and daughter noon. Dr. Leech, pastor of the the members of Vine Maple who were in that vicinity putting Mrs. Cecil Dawson of lfalsev was and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramsay M ethodist church, was in charge of large num ber were present and the Circle, Neighbors of W oodcraft en­ up tre-spass notices on their furm. a visitor at the Carl Secfeld home were transacting business in A l­ the services. Burial was in the new oflieers preside.!. The Hammers notified Mrs. \\ on Route 1 Monday. During the business meeting Mis. tertained member» from the Shedd F ranklin Butt r cemetery at Scio. bany Saturday. L.W . Patton res gi ed as president S. Dense who passed shortly after, and Brownsville lodges. The rit- Mrs. E dith Robnett spent several Helen C arter who is attending The services at the grave wero u n ­ of the association and after tom e ulistic work was exemplified by the wards and she in turn called E. C days lastjweck in Albany where she the state normal spent the week der the auspices t f the K n'gbts cf discussion her resignation was ac­ guards and oflieers of the home Fisher, county coroner. was the guest of relatives. eqd at her home near H alsey. Ou P ythias of which order Mr. llilyeu cepted. A new president will be Death, it is believed, was caused Circle. Short talks were given by had been a merubet for 35 years. L ast Monday Mr. and Mrs Karl Saturday she and her mother, Mr»- elected at the next meeting. from appoplexy. the .visitors. M artin E. Bilyeu was the son o, W. F C arter visited in Albany at Bramwell and Mrs. J . A. Miller The treaatrer announced 30 paid Beddes his widow Mr. Porape is Donna Cross and Anne Lake w ent to Albany where they heard the home of the la tte r's sister. Mrs Oregon p :oneeis, Mr. and Mrs members and 16 pledged. survived by one daughter, Mrs. H. were in charge of the entertainm ent Ge..rge Bilveu, and was horn near E. A. Baldwin. Culver speak. T he social com m ittee then took for the evening and bad arranged E hrlich of A lbany, and two sons, Jordan Julv 28, 1858 On Febru­ The E nterprise fam ily have en charge and those present were led Leo and H ubert, at home. Doris D ykstra was among the »¡short program of music and con­ ary 28, 1886, Mr. Bilyeu was m ar­ to a witch'» cave where Mrs. C .P. Funeral services were held a’ 2 college students spending the last joyed two pheasant dinners this tests. T he first contest was a med- week. The first was Tuesday when ried to Lulu Osl orn of Scio. Mrs. Moody as a witch told the fortunes o’clock this afternoon at the Fisher week end at her home near Halsey. ley of old tim e songs played by D. C. Rossman presented them Bilyeu died in 1901, and on October of all who wished to know what Mrs. Cross. Mrs. Melba Muller Braden chapel, A 'bany, with Rev She is a student at the state nor­ with a fine pheasant rooster and 6, 1915 he was again m arried, this the future hud in stole. Later the slid Mrs. H, Bressler tied for first Propst in charge of the services mal. the second w as today when C P. time to Mrs. J G arland of Albany, com pany was led through dark and Burial was in the Riverside cemc- prize, the la tie r winning in the Mr. and Mrs Chris Pe‘eraon who Moody sent one over. who survives him . Mr. Bilyeu is dismal caverns and past many gob­ draw . Mrs. E lla Rebhan won the tery at th a t city. have been living at Oak Ridge, also survived by two eons, Carl Miss Agnes Hayes, who resumed lins aud witches until they reached consolation prize in this contest were visitors Monday at the home and Merle, of Los Angeles, and her studies at Oregon Normal this a lighted room where sandwiches, T he com pany was then favored three daughters, Mrs. Iva Hines of of the la tte r’s sister, Mrs. W. F year after an absence of two years pum pkin pie and punch was served. w ith an instru m en tal solo by Fern Carter of Halsey, whi'.e enroute to Los Angeles, Mrs. Nora Misner of because of poor health, spent the Contestu consisting of draw ing The rally day program at the Lone View, W ash., where they Rossm an. This was followed by Albany and Mrs. Mona Dockstead- jack’o’lanterns on the blackboard, week end at the horns of her , s t ­ those present being divided into Methodist church last Sunday was have bought a home. er of Portland. Mrs. C.C. Jack- with the artists blindfolded, caused ents, Mr. and M rs. E 9. H ay es. groups and each group being given a big success. Miss Lavelle Palmer, Guests la st Saturday at the B Miss Hayes, who is a junior this son of Halsey and Mrs. John Nim- considerablo am usem ent, at least a cut picture to put together. In under whose direction the enter M. Bond home in Halsey were Miss chick of H arrisburg are sitters and year, is assistant sports editor of for the audience. Prizes were this contest first prize went to Mrs. tain m en t p art of the rally was Maude Hand*rson of Albany and R. L . Bilyeu of Halsey is a brother the school paper, The Lamron. On awarded Mrs. E sther Bond, Renee Malson and th e consolation to Mrs. given, offered one of the beat pro­ Miss W d le tta Moore who is teach­ October 5 the four girls from the of the deceased. Another sister, A lford and Mr. O. W. F ruiu. Hobbs. One party was then chosen grams of its kind we have seen for ing at O. S. C ., and who were on W illamette valley gave a vitaplione Mrs. Lizzie H oleman lives la A l­ from each of these groups to par some tim e. It was called ,lThe their way to Eugene to spend the act stu n t at the annual “ Junior berta, Canada. ticip ate in the th ird contest. In Church B eautiful.’’ Mr. Bilyeu had spent his entire week end at Miss Moore's home. M ix.’’ The girls tak in g part were th is those taking p art were seated The program as rendered follows: life in Linn county. Previous to Betty and Frances Coshow from Mrs. Laura Elisal et!» Bram w ell. W ayne Veatch who is attending at one end of the hall, given a tea Song No. 53--C ongregation. Brownsville, Lavina M illholleu of going to Albany he worked in the 58. wife of John C. Bramwell, died U. of O. spent the week end at his spoon and a lemon. They were P ray er—J. S. Nicewcod, Corvallis and Agnes Hayes. 1 he Hour mill at Sc:o. After moving at the fam ily home In E a d H alsey home near Halsey. IT' returned to then told to put the leinou ou the Welcome—W ellington Bond. latter was chairm an of the com m it­ to Albany he becamo caretaker of at 11 o’clock W ednesday night, fol- Eugene Sunday everiug. bowl of the spoon and the handle A Rainbow Carden, the l.inn couuty court bouse, a po­ lowing an illness of several m onths Mr. and Mrs. Arron Dvak and tee for this particu lar stu n t. in their m outh, arise, and with R ecitation—‘We re Not \ ery Big , sition which be filled until recently F u neral arrangem ents are in childien of D orris, C alif., spent c th eir arms at their sides, walk to Song—“ Somebody Needs You. when failing health compelled him S h ed d P erson als charge of cf Dana C. Rossman and several days last week at the home the opposite end of the hall and A Disorganized Class. to resign. D uring his m any years services will he held at the Pine iB n terp ria « C orraapondenca) of Mis. D vak's mother, Mrs. George back to their original position and Solo—“ I Know w h o m I Have service at ibe court house Mr. B il­ Grove cemeti rv Saturday afternoon M r Bedoe is b u ild in g cab in s at F ru itt of Route 2. keep the lemon on the spoon. Mrs Believed.” yeu has made m any friends whose at 2 o’clock. Rev. J. 3. Miller will Isom was the first to accomplish A Strange D isappearance. Mr. ain. passed away. '1 he two sons live m There will he no school Thursday casting a soft glow over the gleam ­ pastor installed the oflieers of the to werk from southern Oregon Stanley Satchwell who is atte n d ­ or Friday on account of teachers’ C alifornia ing while of th e tablecloths and the church with a very impressive ser where they had been called by the ing W illam ette university at S alon E arly in January of thia year institute. This gives the students shining silverw are. Flowers a r­ vice. Rev. Theodore M itzner then death of tbe latter s father, Dave spent the week end with h ’s m oth­ Mrs. Bruinwell h a d a s tr o k e o f p a r ­ who w ish,the opportunity of going ranged in deep yellow bowls com ­ gave a very good talk on the sub Abel, who d u d from heart trouble alysis, from wli'ch she rallied b u t er, Mrs. Nellie Satchw ell. hunting w ithout missing school pleted the table decorations, while jec‘ , “ I am doing a very great on October 6. Mrs. W aggener’s later had a sscoud stroke, follow- The local football team was de­ The English III class is sending in each corner of tin dining room work,” then followed two Sunday sister. M is. Ida R uark. husband feated by Alsea last Friday at A l­ for high school papers from all ng which she was confined to her autum n foliage was arranged and school addresses by Rev. J J R*y and fam ily, accompanied them sea, the score being 7 to 12. Ib is over the U nited States. This is for bed for m any weeks. Recently from overhead th e glow of the of C entralia, W ashington, and Mrs. Clate Sm ith of Halsey is also was the first game th .s season, the the purpose of obtaining ideas for however M rs- Bramwell had im ­ electric lights camo soft'y through K enneth Tobias, American Sunday a daughter of Mr. Abel. The Wag­ proved CO as to he able to go riding next game will be a t Ju n ctio n a Halsey high actiool paper. orange shades. The guests circled school union representative. They goners will pobuldy be at l akima and to be taken out ic her wheel were given a very ebbetantial col City F riday. The grade school was examined th e table and after singing tbe Dox- lection. Our rally day collection several weeks yet. chair. Yesterday afternoon about last Friday by the teachers. This ologv were seated. A two course was $8 which goes for the education 4 o’clock she had another stroke was the first exam ination of the of the young folks who attend our supper was served. fioiu winch she failed to rally. year. Some defects were found but Those present from Brownsville schools. Througout her long illness Mrs. Orr in Chicago Tribune. The congregation and school none were serious were Mesdames Josephine Btarr. Bramwell m aintained her cheery C lara S tarr, I.eita Dawson, Clara both feel th a t it was a fine and The pupils of Mrs. K izer’s room disposition which has so endeared full days service. Superintendent Swearenger, Annie Rebhan, Minnie enjoyed a waterm elon feast last her to the people of Halsey aud in J. 8 Ni-ewood is doing excellent D rinkard and Sawyer. Frona Shedd work in the Sunday school Friday afternoon during recreation many of whose homes she herself , Va.MÌio W Ai. ì M i T h H artin «V AuSMrfH'.-tó were Mesdames Malson, ¡satchwell, period. Mrs. Kizer brought the had spent m any hours caring for INFlUtMCi g£l«N Volt INFLUÉ HCC -the t»6o® VôfC J. l’ugb, H. Pugh, Hobbs, Forbes melons from her boms. the sick and softening the sorrow and G entry. A program was given for the of others with loving words. And assembly W eJnesday. consisting of nowin their affliction the sym pathy Funeral services for John W ills, two readings by Jack Underwood, of the entire com m unity is e x te n d ­ who accidently shot him self near a motion song by Mrs. Cole nan s ed to her bereaved fam ily. his farm a t Dever early Mondav fourth and fifth grade pupils, a Mrs. Bramwell was a charter m orning, were held W ednesday piano solo by Beverly Isom, a member of Vine Maple Circle, afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Fisher- In a letter received from Adrian reading by Ivan Hmith and a dia­ Neighbcrs of W oodcraft, and was Braden chapel in A lbany. Burial Bias, former pastor of the Halsey logue entitled “ G etting the Evi­ also a mernker ol P urity Rebekah was in the Riyerside cem etey. C hurch of C hrist, he tells of the dence” by three hoys of Mrs Ki­ lodge. Mr. W ills who lives in Albany lots by tire of the C hurch of Christ ____ ser’s room. bad left early in the m orning for M r. and Mrs. Kin on Miller ol a t Amity last F rid ay . This is the -FOGO MIUU3M oHtMVKXVO ’RtKOvAU" OS HMMH «srw.vto« bis furm near Dever taking with Portland and the form er’s brother, church where Mr. Sias was preach- OMoea « t P u a n c A H ö u i f MS-n»