S e p tem b a r 27, r->‘3> The Electrical Equipment of Your n ? Car is Vital The Rainy Season With Us Again The electrical equipment of your car is so vital to its satisfactory operation that it pays you to have it inspected regularly. Our experience in this work enables us to han jle it quickly and satisfac-' torily. Are you prepared with warm clothing and footwear? This is the best time to buy your winter’s supply of socks and the line J we carry are the standards of style and quality. Come in and stock up now. Heavy Underw’r for the Family Ayain it is time to be getting heavy underwear. To aid you in finding just what you want we have provided a generous display of quality garments. Shirt Values for Men Cut to give you full freedomof action, and materials that are tub fast. Make your selections earlv while stock is complete. A complete new line of waterproof Raincoats for the students, both great and small. Coats made to with­ stand hard usage. Several shades of color to make choosing easy. Get yours now. Galoshes It is next to impossibe to get along without Galoshes during the winter months so why not make your choice now? The line embraces the latest in this dependable, comfortable footwear,. Save your shoes^from soils and stains by wearing Gakshes. NOTES Continued from page 1. Dining the social hour a two Course lunch was served. Mrs.C. IL Davidson aud Mrs. Karl Brain- well of Halsey were on tbs refresh­ ment committee. • • • LAKE CREEK The members of the Epworth Specialist H o e s N o t O p e r a te Will be i t HOTEL ALBANY Monday, Oct. 1st Halsey, Oregon Office hours 10 a. in. to 4 p. ui. ONE DAY ONLY HALSEY THEATRE :=0 No Charge for Consultation TUESDAY, OCT. 2 8 « ’Clock “The Rough Riders” Men’s Suits and Overcoats woth Noah Beery, George Bancroft Charles Farrell, Frank Hopper, Charles Emmettmack, Mary Astor Made to your measurements, ’guaranteed to fit and of latest patterns and fabrics. Made by Ed V. Price tailor­ ing establishment and that is a guarantee in its self That rough, tough, happy-go-lucky outfit-the ROUGH R1DERS1 Cowboys and college men, hobos and millionaiJes, East Side, West Sido, Tunny South, Bustling Northl The most roman- military organization the world has ever known is coming to thrill you as you have never been thrilled before! The comedy is in colors and is “ The Girt From Everywhere Inc. M. V. Koontz Co., SO C IE T Y IT* Dr. Mellenthin in Internal Medicine for the past fifteen years Arrow Garage Raincoats A Bargain in Men’s Hose Com ing to Albany League were delightfully entertain­ for this pleasant affair. « « * ed at the H, A. Hathaway home PINE GROVE Friday evening. A short business The members of the Kroweldeen meeting was held and at th ’S time j club were pleasantly entertained at the missionary pledge for the year was paid in full. A school pro­ the home of Mrs. A. L. Knighten Wednesday aftercoon. Sewing and gram followed and then games were cmversation were the diversions of played on the lawn. Refreshments the early afternoon, which was were served by the hostess at the brought to a close by the hostess close of the evening. serving dainty refreshments. About 30 members were present * • » SHEDD Tuesday evening a farewell party j was given at the Methodist church for Kev. and Mrs. B H. Hart who are leaving for Chelan, Wash, where Kev. Hart has accepted the j pastorship of the church there. FORMALDEHYDE 45c Pint Morris Pharmacy Dr. M ellenthin is a regular graduate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of O regon. He does not operate lor chronic appendicitis gall -tones, ulcers of tlie stom ach, tonsils or adenoids. H e has to bis credit wonderful re­ sults in diseases of the stom ach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid­ neys. bladder, bed w etting, catarrh, v ia k lungs, rheum atism , sciatica, lag ulcers and rectal ailm ents. Below are the names o f a few of his many satisfied patients in Oregon who have lieen treated for one of the above named causes: John Olson, Astoria. Joe Sheoships, Gibbon. Mrs. W alter Scott, Scotts Mills Mrs. John Van Beveren. Baker 1) I. W agenblast, Portland. Mrs. II. R. W alters. Maupin Mrs. Jennie W oolery. Salem R em em ber the above date, that consultation on this trip will be free and his treatm ent is different. M arried women m ust he accompan­ ied by their husbands. Address: 224 Bradbury Bldg., Los An­ geles, California. Whiteside & Locke ! Prices forthis show 15c and 35c and worth every cent of it. Hardware, Im plem ents and S p .rtin g j Goods. H udson and Essex A utos ! J 3rd A Madison Sts., Corvallis. Ore. j Advertise in the “ Enterprise’ and Results You’ll Realize JIM HORNING General Blacksmithing Acetylene W elding. Corvallis. O re First fit Adams, =n Have you seen those new Bridge & Beach Ranges? globe ä Sun.. Mon., Tues., Sept. 30, Oct. 1-2 Colleen Moore in “Lilac Time ” Pacific Northwest Premiere showing of the latest and greatest picture Colleen ever made—9 reels of vivid, unforgetable entertainment Ws B C T IO O « - They can be had in green and tan enamel and will add greatly to the beauty of your kitchen as well as giving you the utmost in a range. W W estinghouse ELECTRIC RANGE H IT H THE AU TO M A TIC “EIAVOR Z O N E ’J It’s hard to believe How almost human is this newest Electric Servant! Equally unbelievable is the phenomenal enthusiasm with which the modern housewives of the Northwest have welcomed it—as evidenced by the number already bought. I)o yourself a favor—come into our oihee at once and see this heautiful electric range. The end of the month marks the end of our introductory offer on the „ . S traley Bros. on the highway. W estinghouse The Electric Range With the Automatic “Flavor Zone” Oven Short Order Lunches Groceries See the new circulators before you put up your old heater. Meat Market Gas and Oil, Camp Grounds and Cabins. Hill & Company We are here to serve the Public. ONLY $ 4 .9 5 DOW N And 18 months to pay the lowest price ever set on a full automatic range. MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY