se » îEttterp DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAK POULTRY D evoted to the Interests ot Halsey and L in» C ounty Farm Home on Rudd Place Near Peoria Burned Saturday SCHOOL NOTES In a letter to The E nterprise of recent dale, Elm er Jessings of Ore- gon City writes this of F rank Nel. don, who a few years ago conduct­ ed a jewelry store in Halsey. •’It may he of interest to tiie people of Halsey to know th a t a former citizen, Frank Neldon, is the inventor of a compressed air motor which operates solely by air, making its own power. It >» of the rotary type of engine and will de­ velop a speed of •»1X1 miles an hour as a aeroplane engine and 2 >0 as an automobile engine, lie will soon apply for a p a te n t.’’ Donated Baby Jersey Becomes Valuable Cow, Says Heyman M U R IIL U A K « . R tP O A T I« Mrs. Roy E asthu-n of Albanv G rgiua Ciarli left for Corvallis, =J J was a Halsey business visitor M on­ About three years ago Mr. C. C. where she will attend college, Suu- I E n terp rise O o rreep on aen .ei Th« day. — . ju n io r an d senior E n g b sh , Duncan of Halsey said to the sup- day evening The big farm house on the Rudd ,,f th s C h ild re n ’s F arm The Neighbors of W oodcraft will ic lass i» jo u rn a lis m have been h a v . Mrs. M art Applegate of Yoncalla place, occupied by E arl McDonald, I ing practice in news reporting. As “ The next heifer calf 1 get hold th eir regular meeting next is the guest of Mrs. T. I. Marks of burned to the ground last Saturday W ednesday evening at which time i soon »s the clast b»s h ul more e* | j w;|| giv, | O the Farm Home. ’ Halsey this week. night. The fire started when Mrs. all resident members are urged to perience the town paper « ill have Mr. Duncan made his promise good Brandon sch"ol received the third M cD onald caught her foot on a rug be present. \ acation lim e is over 1 ao active com petitor. even llioueli it cost him a calf from p r 'ie in the parade at the county and fell while carry ’ng a kerosene The juniors held their cl elec- his very best purebred cow. Kngi- aud it is tim e now for both olficeis fair among the one room schools. lam p. The lam i broke and started and uietnbera to prepare for the lion Monday evening and the fol­ n a d a ’a Tootsie, No. 489492. 1 be Mr. and Mrs. Ered Moody of ib e fire and before help could get winter cam paign for new m em bers. lowing ollicers selected : l.ucile Farm Home lost no tim e iu getting H arrisburg were Sunday visitors at there the house was a mass of Plans will be made for a program Phelpe, president; E rne-tine Cole­ the calf, giving it good care, and the Templeton and V eatch homes celehrat’ng the laying of the corner m an, Rames aud beyond saving. Only a vice-president; H erm an growing it into a valuable cow. Miss Irene Quimby won the sil­ stone of the new W oodcraft head­ Koonts, secretary -treasu rer; Jack few articles were saved. The calf E nginada’s Tootsie’s Mr. and Mrs. McDonald have ver cup at the Stale Archery tourn- quarters building in P ortland for Underwood, sergeant-at-arm s, anu A on, No. 7103:16, better known at ament held at the Linn county fair the lodgo meeting of October 17, Miss G l.d y s M cCornsck advisor the sym pathy of the entire neigh­ the Farm Home as ’’tootsie, borhood as well as does Mrs. Law- School was dismissed last Friday freshened when she was two years Saturday. _ _ _ _ _ at which lime the members of the rensou who owned the house. As “ Mrs. W .L. Wells and daughter Brownsville and Shedd Circles huvb so these who w ished m ight attend and three days old She was given goon as things can be adjusted a the I.inu county fair. The Halsey only ordinary herd care, but at Qoldia have returned fiom New­ been invited to visit here. new house will be b u ilt, it is said. port where they epent several Mrs. T. P. Joseph, accom pauiid grade school took se-ond in their this she produced during the -«9 From O ar Rejuler Correlpondenn - ■■ -1 weeks on an ouling. by her brother-in-law Frank Joseph educational exhibits w ith a worth- nays 6168.1 pounds of milk and Shedd Personals ,, F rank Porter of Eugene was a aud her niece Edith Joseph arrived while display. 281 93 pounds fat (private records) Tuesday afternoon Mrs. James The stale fair is causing several Halsey visitor W ednesday. He had in Halsey S aturday from their (By an Enterprise Reporter) This young cow is the ideal Jer- McMahan entertained the members just conte up from tue state fair homes io W#iger, Idaho, and while absences this week Toe ab ’.entess •ev type W ith the showing she Miss Bertha Shedd is moving of the Past Noble G rand club of where he has his red Pole cattle on here were guests at the E .A .P . I-a- Wednesday were: H erm au’Koontz, made «luring her first year with Irom the Shedd fsrm into the house Brownsville, of which she is a Follette home. Sunday they took Francis Leeper, Russell N orton, just ordinary cute, it is believed which Elders ju st moved from. member, a t her lovely country display. Fleming Sm ith, Dick Hussey and Delma Fulk, daughter of Mr. and Miss E dith to Corvallis where she by some J e r jey enthusiasts th a t she Miss Shedd teacher in the grade home near Halsey. The members Kenneth Sm ith. is entering 0 . 8 . C. as a freshm au. Mrs. Fred Falk, won a trip to the could easily become a silver medal of Purity Rebekah Past Noble Bchool here, The freshmen have at last feund Mrs Joseph and her brother-in-law state fair for being the best out now with special attention and u n ­ G rand club were complimeuted Mrs. M. R. Ayres and sm all son in their high school curriculum standing club girl in the countv. rem siued hers u n til Vy ednesdav der official test. from near Lakeview, Oregon, are guests m orning when they left for Eugene time for a class election, the result ‘ The Farm H om s people are, visiting at the home of M rs.A yres’ Vaseu filled with blue and pink She is a member of the sewing club. of this laboring business was: Ivan Those purchasng tracto rs and where the latter will again enter indeed, very grateful to Mr. D un­ asters made a pleasing decoration mother, Mrs. Gregory. Sm ith, president; G ertrude Nichols attachm ents from Schultz Bros, the the university. Mr*. Joseph went secrelars-tteasurer; G ilbert Miller, can for bis present of so fine an Mrs. Agues Clark is spending a for the rooms. few days in Salem attending the Following the bu’iness session past ten days were E.B . Penlaud, on to her beme in Weiser by way sergesnt-at arm s and Prof, l’atton a n im a j,” says Mr. H eym an, sup- erintendent, “ ami they shall do all statejfair as the house guest of Mr. conversation and em broidery work of H alsey,C .C . Duncan of Peoria, of the McKenzie Pass and John class advisor, Day bighw av. At Redmond »he Philip Duncan of Shedd, aud Don- occupied the attention of those and Mrs. John Hoffman, former Mrs. K izer has taken Mrs. Colo- they can to make the most of the planned on visiting Mrs. I E- Ray. aid Davis of O akville. present until the serving of do. residents of Shedd. m an’* 6th grade arithm etic class g ift.” 8. J. Schoen was a business visi­ licious refreshm ents brought the Mr. and Mr*. Dave Hawkins and and hue had Mr. Forster make an Church Notes tor in Albany Wednesday morning afternoon to a close. Two of the son and Mrs Lou Browne of Port- old fashioned spelling bench for The officers of the local chapter Brownsville club members were land « pent Sunday iu Halsey aud the purpose of accom m odating Church of C hrist: of E astern Star practiced in the presented w ith pins. while here were guests of the la t­ them , 10 ». m. Sunday school. new Masonic temple Tuesday after T hirty-tw o were present for this te r’s m other and sister, Mrs. Mary We b a te been discovering a va 11:00 a. m. com m union service. noon. The first meeting in the new pleasan t afternoon. Those from A llan and Mrs. Fayette Lake. riety of news items and rome fin« The Davis Shedd store at Shedd Sermon topic: “ A tonem ent.’ the Halsey club were Mesdanaes home was W ednesday night. Little Gwendolyn G ladhart of Al­ news reports. 1 lie variety include- was entered Saturday night ami 7:00 p. m. C hristian Endeavor M rs.W ill Porter accompanied by Clark, Moody. Koontz, Gormley bany visited in llalaey from Friday everything from new roads and the safe tam pered w ith, th e handle 8:00 p. m. Serm on. M rs.Dale Forbes attended the slate True, Bond. R obuett, L aubner, u n til Sunday at the home of her being broke» off and llm com bina­ T he second in a series on the life bridges Io m ashed tor». M. McMuhan, G. T aylor and Mae grandfather. If F. I-ake fair in Salem Monday. Mrs. K izsr has two new seventh tion hammered so th a t the safe This was Mrs. Jam es Carothers accompa Miller. Mrs. Tussing of Halsev her first visit away from home u n ­ of C hrist’ “ I h e Man Jesus.” grade pupils, Myrl and Blanch« noiild not bu opened. The Bible school is gaining rap­ nied by M arie Jensen and Mrs. was also present but is a member accompanied by her parents. W ade, who came here fro n K ing's Some money was taken from the idly but we still have a long way N ora Coates epent Tueeday in of the Brownsville club. E lliott M cW illiams who has been Vall.-y. Bsh register which was left open. to go. » * » A lbany. spending the sum m er vacation at Remember th a t Rally day is only O.B. Conner who has carried the L ast evening a large num ber of the home of his parents, Mr. and m ail on ru ral route No. 2 for sev­ Eastern S tar Members drove to Mrs. P .8 . M cW illiams of H alsey, three weeks away. O ld-tim ers are wont to sh a k e | jim m ying the a side door. Keep the goal in mind and come eral years has been transferred to Shedd where lodge vas held for left this morning for P ortland to and help us reach it. You will be th eir heads mid m utter in their H alsey. He is planning on moving the first tim e in the new Masonic commence his second year in the doing a real service for the com­ beards, ’’Those good old days aie C ity T ic k e t N o m in a te d there the last of th is month. tem ple. Pursing the evening the N orth Pacific dental college. m unity. gone "w hen m m were men i nd A large crowd charivaried Olis following program was given: in- There will be a gun club m eeting If you are a member of the horses were wild, Texas ain t w hat Ttie mass meeting of legal voter Farwell and wife M onday nfght at strum ental solo, Miss Hope Clay Tueeday evening, Oct. 2, at 7:30 “ reds” or ‘’bines’’ drop a caid to of the city met at the council room the Farw ell home. Mrs. Farwell of Albany; readings by Mrs. T. H she used to b e .” for the purpose of electing officers some friend asking them to come. , , ul lr lu .......... „. ___ .._ Moudftv night mid made the norni- B ut refutation of th a t was evi- was Miss Lillian Miller and had C. Brasstleld and Mi*» Luc, e for the coming year and tra n sa c t­ A ny one wishing to contribute to deuced in San A ntonio d u ring the nations necessary for a city ticket recently returned from M ontana Shedd of Shedd; and a vocal solo ing such other business as may the aid fund for the l’orto Rico filming of P a ra m o u n t’« production I „ t the com ing election. where she bad s p e d th e summer. 1» Mr-. Il M Rond of H al —v come btfore the club The meet- and F lorida sufferers may do to ’’ th e Rough Riders’’ when director -j-|,e meeting was called to order Miss Betty M arks of Albany was C ontinued on page 8. ing will be held iu the council at either of the services and the V ictor Flem ing gathered from " " I i,y May or C lark and H enry Zim- the guest of Hope C lay Sunday. money w ill be turned over to Mrs. «juarlers of the Lone Star »!»'• I g e rm a n selected as chairm an and rooms. MrB.Hale of Brow nsville arrived c Alford Arrows B.M. Boud who has been appointed hard riding cowboy* w ith tb« atam-1 C arj J .H ill as secretary. The now - Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cook of Sunday for a several days visit to receive contributions and gifts itia of their sires and outlaw ed L |ie(>(1 ,or m ayor were Bert 8 .(dark, Portland visited at the home of the with Mrs. R, C. Farw ell near Sad- (E nterprise vorrespondent) la tts t’s parents, M r, and Mrs. 11 from the people of the com m unity. horsi-B to whom »adalea were • |,|H . C. Davis ami E. F. Cross; for die Butte. E arl Ringdorf and fam ily went J M Shelley, m inister gall ami men instinctive K. Davis, of tl.e Lake Creek die- recorder, Carl J. H ill; for ‘reasu = i l to Triangle Lake Sunday. Such picturet«|ue ««|uine charect-1 rer Douglas T aylor; for council tric t, S aturday and Sunday return M ethodist: Mrs. J. F. Isom and eons vieitid in® home Sunday evening. Merle era of u n tam able » p in t as “ Funeral nlen .th r e e to he elected, Buford 10 a. ra. Sunday school at th e Chaile? Lusby home in Davis accompanied them home lor (By Special Correspondent) 11:00 a m. m orning worship. W agon.” “ Panch V illa .’ “ W h irl- E C M ilk r. W. H. R«»b. Robena Hughes and the Patapoff Springfield Saturday. visit of a few days. ing C h a ir,” “ D ynam ite,” ’W hirl­ ertson, F. O . G ansle. C. P. Moody 6:30 E pw orth League Robert Healy, a resident of Co 7:30 p. no. evening worship >ots started to school Monday. John Hussey who baa been visit w in d ,” “ S piodletop,” “ Widow George Taylor, A. J. H ill. burg, Lwas buried in the Alford ¡ng in Halsey at the home of his Bible study class Tuesdays 2:30 M aker,” and High - W ide - a n ’- There are three councilm en to George McNeil aud fam ily visit- cemetery one day last weed Those wishing to make contri H andsom > ” and two »core more m other, Mrs. J W. Hussey, left lor be elected iu to fill th e vacancies lianuBum os.v. v ’” ■— | b0 pitcieu ■d at W ill M cLaren’» Sunday. H erm an Smuckers has purchased bis home in Sacram ento, Calif were brought to Sun Antonio a m lL exp|ratlo n of the term s of A. J bution to the sid of the Porto Rico Mrs. George C handler aud E d ith the Tommy Rogers place occupied M onday. W hile here Mr. Hnsaey SDd Florida sufferers may do so a t did th e ir stuff in the “ good o i d i .. ., G orgy — - T r aylor . . . i . . r . and n d F F r rank ank G Hill, G. Pugh were C orvallis shoppers last either of the Sunday services. Mrs. by the E arl Ringdorf fam ily. and m other spent a week visiting fashioned w ay.' ’ Gansle- M onday. School has again been postponed form er neighbors and friends o, B.M Bond has charge of the do­ It IN is BUvIl eucti w scenes 11 vwsewes - as ’ these, will I r— Miss G racs Pehrsson began her Noah Beery. C harles F arrell, Mary I I another week as a safeguard theirs in Minot, N orth D akato. now nations. Peoria New» second year as teacher of the lia r Astor, George Bancroft, C harle- 1= against th e spread of diphtheria living in Seattle ar.d Tacom a. J. 8. Mi'ler. pastor. m ony rchool M onday. (By on E nterpiise Reporter) E m m ett Mack, and F ra n k H "pper Mrs. J,H .R ickard and eon Emery Last Sunday Mrs. M innie W il- Mrs. Eliza Davis of Albany vis- in the cast which m ake ’T h e R eb ekah s P lan for O ffic ia l Visit and d aughter Lillie, atnended lets and daughter, Mr*. Del H aw ­ Rev. M tcalf and family left for ited her daughter, M rs.Ray Hover Rough R iders” com ing to the H al Milton Monday and will probably church at Lake Creek and Eugene kins. Mrs. C arrie Hemenway. Mrs from Friday until Sunday. M embers of P urity Rebekah sey T heater next Tuesday evening Ko o n to M ontana, the move m»«le Ida V eatch and Mies R ita Kelley, Sunday. Miss Eunice Sylvester went to lodge are m aking preparations f >r genuinely real necessary by the poor health of Mr. »nd M m . H enry Brock and all of Cottage Grove, m otored to H arrisb u rg Sunday where she will the visit of th e «late president, It is claimed by T«J* »n* th a t there daughter, Doris, and niece Dicie Halsey where they were guests at Mrs M etcalf. teach th e Sum m erville school again Mrs. Louise Terozvi of A -hland, had u o t been such a ro u n d -u p of Brock, wera callers at the Chester the S.C. V eatch home. Mr. and Ar ene l.arnar spent the week who will make an official visit to good men and bad horses io te a rs th is year. end with her brotbm and wif«1. Mr. C urtis home Sunday . I Mr*. C harles H am er of H»l*ey the local lodge ou the evening of Mr. sn J Mrs. Tom Ely who are Homo of the clay pige.m enthus- L n .l Mrs D a'" Lamar at Corvallis Landis I’hilpott is ru n n in g the were also guests at the V eatch home on the H ecter McPherson farm October 24. service station at the Chester C ur­ Sunday afternoon, Merle G ilben« is d riv in g the Monday evening there will be a iasta broke a few S unday just t near O akville, visited Mrs J. A. W lnle plowing with his tractor tis place which is known as the cream wagon during his father s keep in practice b u t none broke practice held at the hall by the Johnson Sunday. W ednesday, H enry Seefeld the W alnut Service S tation. any w orld’« records. Cedric Moody absence in Eaelern Oregon. degree team . Mrs. W-D. McLaren and Doro- W alter Frutn and fam ily have tractor and a fence post got tangled On October 27 the district con­ the 11-yeer old son of C.P. Moody, thy who are staying in Corvallis ' NOTICE moved into the house where Lee up in such a m anner th a t the en­ vention will convene at one o clock did about the beat, breaking 2” out where th e la tte r is attending high First degree team call P urity Ingram and fam ily livesl several gine and steering ap paratus parted at Jefferson as which time Halsey of 23 with a 20 guage gun. Dana school spent the week end at their years ago on the Fred B u rk h art com pany leaving Mr. Seefeld with lodge has been ask id to exemplify Rossman »nd C.P. Moody by com ­ Rebekab lo j