IJalsey îzntcrprtiv AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK Established in 1912. Vol. 17. COMING TO OREGON, SAYS KANSAS FARMER IN LETTER Disgusted W ith Hailstorms and Tornados of Eastern State In a letter to W O. Id “, tn sn a . ger of Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, a K ansan, who hopes to enjoy the com forts of our won­ derful clim ate and the freedom from fear of being driven through the keyhole in the backdoor by a too frolicsome side draft K ansas breeze, says: •'I want to thank you and the N orthern Pacific for th e in te r ,it you have taken in me. . I receive 1 literatu re from th e N orthern Pa­ cific, also from you. “ I am trying to Fell my property here— 165 acres. I may not get to come out there before next summer or fall, but I am coming The one clause, ‘no cyclones, or destructive sto rm s,’ is bringing me. I lost over 14000 in a cyclone here Ju ly 16 last year. E verything I had was destroyed in three or four minutes. •‘Let me know the best location for raising corn, alfalfa and oats. “ Yours very truly, “ A lbert H ouser.’’ Since Jan u ary 1, 1928, the land Settlement departm ent of the state cham ber of commerce has received 7570 inquiries which have been answered w ith 412 signifying their intention of coming to Oregon to settle with specified capital invest­ m ent of $1 099,775.00 , said Mr. Ide. Church Notes V M ethodist: 10 a. in. Sunday school 11:00 a ro. m orning worship. 6:30 E pw orth League 7:30 p. m. evening worship. Bible study class Tuesdays 2:30 Prayer m eeting T hursdays 7:80 Lad,es aid every W ednesday W om en’s m issionary society first F riday of m onth 2:00 o’clock J.H . Bond of the U niversity of Oregon will fill the pulpit at the M ethodist church in the al sence of Rev, Miller who is attending con­ ference, next Sunday. Tho evening services will be in charge of ihe Epw orth League with a lesson and special music as the features. J . S. MiUer. pastor. C hurch of C hrist: 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11:00 a. m. com m union service’ 7:00 p. m. C h ristian Endeavor. 8:00 p. m Sermon. A nother sub stan tial increase in the Bible school last Sunday hut we w ant you to have a p art in the Bible study. Rem em ber our n a ­ tion is founded on the Bible. Come and help build upon th a t founda- tion. Preaching services at the usual hours on themes th a t are of vital interest. Music led by M '-s N el­ son If you sing come and take your place in the choir. J.M . Shellev, m iuisler. Men Razor Blades For all Razors, and A G ille tte R azor FREE 4 With one tube Palmolive Shaving Cream at 35c. Shaving Soap Shaving Cream Shaving Brushes Shaving Lotion M o rris Pharm acy 9 No. 20. Halsey, Oregon, Thutsd«' September 20, 1928. The Child at School New Masonic Temple At Shedd Ready for Occupancy SCHOOL NOTES On th e second floor is the men’s reception room, lavatoiy and the auditorium .T he reception room is at th e bead of stairw ay and its com fortable appearance is embel­ lished by a neat and attractive fireplace the gift of C. J . Shedd. The building is lighted with the latest in lighting appliances and throughout the building the work­ m anship a n l m aterial are of the best. Less than o n e-buiidrel men con­ stitute the m em bership of this stu r­ dy order in Shedd and som ething like one-hundred and tw enty-fiie women members of the O E S who, we u nderstand, have had much to do tow ard the successful completion of the tem ple w bich has been built without ostensatiou at d at a cost of neaily $10,000. Auction Sa'e At my place six miles east of Shedd and 1 mile south of P la in - view, on Tuesday, Septem ber 25 at 1 o'clock, as follow-: One bay mare 4 yrs, old wt 1300; 1 roan mare 12 yrs. o'd wt. 1200; 1 brow n saddle horse 3 yrs. old « t. 1150; 2 yearling red heifers;2 short yearling red heifers: 4 Jerrev year­ ling heifers; 5 last spring heifers; I Jersey buH 17 mouths old; 1 J e r­ sey hull 7 months old; 15 head of steers 7 and 9 months old; 80 head hogs; 20 head s to a ts wt, 75 to 100 lbs; 29 shoats wt. 10 to 70 lbs 14 1 head 9 weeks old pigs; 17 weanling 'pigs. Dan Roth, owner. Boo Sud- tell, auctioneer, Clyde W illiamson •clerk. Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES W ith the opening of auother , The Powell school will open te x t school year, the problem of en ­ Monday according to announce couraging1 the child to make the most of the opportunities which meut made this week. Mrs. Nellie the echool offers a g iin presents Isoui is teacher. W ayne Veatch came h;m e F r i­ itself. It is a problem in which parents as well as teachers should day from e aste'n Oregon where he has been for some tim e work in» in take a keen interest. Perhaps the mogt im portant ob­ the harvest fields. jective to be sought is to awaken Renee Alfuril returned last week in the child a desire for knowledge. from Irving w h e'» she spent three It should be pointe i out th a t it is weeks visiting her parents, Mr. and possible to der.ve enjoym ent from Mts. George Alford. the puisu it of school studies if.one Mr. and Mrs F rank Leeper spent approaches them with a genuine Friday in Eugene where they went am bition to learn The child should to consult a physician in regard to not be led to feel th a t going to Mrs. Leeper’s health. school is au u npleasaut duty. H Mrs. Ralph Wado and children should le im pretsed with the fact aie moving to Halsey this week th a t it is a privilege to be appre­ from K ing's V aliev. Th°V will ciated, not only as a preparation occupy the house formerly owned for after life, b u t as a means of by W alter Duflf. preseut happiness and satisfaction Miss Irene Quimby drove to In as well. dependence S aturday afternoon and Somw children appear to realiz*' visited friends there and at M on­ this w ithout much urging, but mouth. She was accompanied others seem to be u atu rally averse home by her sister E thel, Sunday to m ental effort, and require pa­ evening. tien t handling in order to arouse J J Corcoran has completed the their iutere9t in school work. cement sidewalk a'oeg the property P arents should not place the en­ of Mrs E lisa B randon. The new tire responsibility upon the teach­ walk is a great iuiprt v m e n t over ers, h u t should cooperate with the old one. them , not only in ins.sting upon Mrs. Ed Ealwell and four ch ild ­ punctual attendance, hut a ’so iu leading the child to adopt a proper ren of A lbany visited at the W.C. Sickels home S aturday night and attitu d e toward his studies. Sunday. Mr. Falwell joined them Sunday m orning to spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. O .J. A lbertson left Monday m orning on an extended t r ip in the east. They will visit Tuesday, while in Shedd, we had a t Goodland, K ansas at the home the pleasure of inspecting the new of M rs. A lbertson's parent*, Mr. Masonic tem ple just recently c o m ­ and Mrs. L .F . Sm alley, and also pleted by the members of th a t other relatives. From there they order in ami a d jtc r n t to the town. will go to other eastern p la c e s . The building is one of the most complete lodge homes to be found anywhere and reflects the citizen­ ship and faith of the m embers. M U Ä I I L L A K I, A E P O A T IA The first floor is given over to a reception and rest room for ladies: School began last Fri lay with a that is very complete in its details. m u li larger enrollm ent th an last A large dining room and a kitchen that to any housewife would be a year. There are fifty-five pupils iu dream , so complete is th eir con­ the gram m ar gaades, while the struction and equipm ent In a high school has inereasel to about small room otT the kitchen is the fifty-one. There are tw ciity-four heating and v en tilat'n g pi »nt, this new students; tw enty-cne fresh­ being of the latest design and so man; two juniors, Jack Underwood constructed as to force cold air into and Beulah W ade; a n l one senior, Lloyd Fairfield. the rooms when too warm. The past week has fo a til every­ one busy with tlieir exhibits for the county fair and Tuesday Mrs. Kizer had charge of Mrs. Cross' room in addition to h e r own, as Mrs. Cross was called to Albany to prepare the high school exhibit'* fur the fair, W ednesday a student body m eet­ ing was called by W ilma W ahl the vice-president, and a president e ected to fill the vec nicy caused by the resignation of Bessie Key nolds who has moved to Mon mouth to reside. H erm an Koontz was elee’ed to fill the office. The stu d e n t body constitution was read f ir the benefit of the freshm en and new students. The sophomores have held their election. The new officers are: R us­ sell N orton, president; Dick Hus- a.-y, vice-president; K enneth Sm ith s tcretary - treasurer and Prentice f-om sargeant-at-arm s; Mr. Patton class advisor. The seniors efter much discussion hiv e elected E 'ia s Robins presi­ dent, W ilm a W ahl vice-president, Muriel Lake secretary - treasurer a id Miss McCornack advisor T he freshmen invitation party, which is usually quite an event of the first semester, will be held Friday evening, September 28. Patron* attending th e ro u n ty fair Friday having room in th eir car for one or more students are asked to confer with Mr. P atto n . Tomorrow is school day a t the fair and Halsey wants • good rep- I reeenlation. COMMUNITY FAIR AT SHEDD A fter 27 years of faithful rv i> SATURDAYWAS A SUCCESS in the rural free m all delivery c j Resigns After 27 Years Service Mrs Baivary Logan and d a u g h ­ ter, Mrs. Jam es Newman, accom Halsey, G rant T.iylir r< silo e d ¡an pan.ed by Mrs. P eter W hitakei week aa carrier of route 2 and wa- and Mrs. Frank Peery were H a l­ succeeded this wei k t»y O rville B. sey visitors today, m otoring over Conner of Shedd. from their homes in Corvt Ills. Mr. Taylor ir»i the tir-t carrier Elden M orr’s came down from out of Halsey, S tirling February Eugene and was an overnight vis- , 15, 1901, when route 1 was e s ta l- ¡tor Saturday at the home of his lished. A few years later route 2 brother, Buford Morris, wtio with was started with Dan H a .e s as tin Mrs. M orris and son, returned to carrier. Eugene with him Sunday to spend In 19J7 W.H Robertson started Vie day. carrying mail a id at this time Mi. Mis. F a r r e ll and daughter, Mrs Taylor went on route 2 and Robert­ Groves, of Shedd were Halsey v s- son, who is still in ihe service.! itors last evening. They came up went on route 1. Specially to attend a m eeting of the Mr. T aylor was horu iu Oregon. Rebekah lodge but after their cr- He is the son of Oregon pioneers rival fouud this o rd .r did not n eet • ho crossed the plains with an ox until next week. team in '52, coming from Missouri W M . Corcorau of Hulsey has and locating in Marlon county. accepted the position of m iunger The resignation was caused by of the Zeigler drug store, formerly the Woodstock J ’harm acy, at Wood- the failing health cf Mr, Taylor stock. Mr. Corcoran, who was During h s loeg service he has formerly with the Pacific Drug C>\, worked under four postmaster*. ai-uu:ed his new duties M onday Alec Powei*, W illiam Stew art, D The patrons of Brandon echcol s. McYVill iams and K arl Bramwell met at the school house Friday il S p oon R iver Sparks evening and after due consideration JJ decided to take part in the parade (E n t e r p r is e C o rre s p o n d e n c e ) at ihe com ity fair. I i was also Rev. G ille tt is v is itin g fiiends in decided to po.-t| one the opening of Albany this week. the school until October 1 so the Mr. and Mrs. J P. Templeton a t­ club uembers could uttend the tended church in Corvallis Sunday etsle fair with t i l t h exhibits. Mrs E .E . Carey and children Mr. and Mrs. C urtis V eitch, son were visitors at the J P. Tem pleton W ayne and daughter W anda, went home Monday. to Roseburg Suaday and spent the Reverend Cain and son John of day with their daughter and sister, Sum r it were Sunday visitors ut Miss Enid Veatch, who has com- j the II L. Slraley homo. menced her school work for a n ­ Grace Kirk who is teaching at other year in the ju n ic r high io th a t city. They also drove to 1 Pine Grove again this year spe > D illard where they view el tlie big the week end at her home here Iter school com inc need last week. ni' lion and tom ato fields. L S h ed d P erson als (By ao E nterprise Reporter) DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAM POULTRY jj Merwin VauNice, assisted by u oum ber of neighbor?, filled his ado Tuesday. He is the first to n uke en-ilsge in this vicinity this year G ertrude T arr and three sister, of Corvallis an d Mr». O. Howard ind ton Tummy of Y am hill were unitors at the YV R Kirk home Sunday, Mrs. Leila Shedd is visiting at the C harles Davis home near her . C. C. Dickson has returned from Tillamook where he judged s to k „t t h 'i co u n ty fair. Mrs. E. M. Gregory, Mrs. B A. I W A . Falk took his Perchsron Kelly m d Mrs, R. C. McCormick horses to the county fair at Albany were Albany shoppers Monday. Tuesday. He was well pleas'd with Raymond She Id of Portland is the many prizes he captured at the spending his v acatio n at the horn Lane county fair two week« ago, of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mr. and Mrs G J Kike returned She Id. Sunday from a trip of several days. .Mr. and Mrs Charles Elder are W hile away they visited a cousin t ie parents of eight pound hoy of tlie la tte r’s at North Bend and barn Friday at the Leuanon gener­ also visited aud looked after busi- al hospital. u?ss Interests elsewhere. M hs Hope Clay s p in t Saturday The Kirk school opened Moudsy night and Sunday in Shedd. She is w ith Doris H oward as teacher, employed in the Albany S tate bank and au enrollm ent ut 17. This is seven less Ilian last year. Those at Albany. if last year s eighth grade entering Mrs. Jesi Cross is o rg tnising a Halsey high are Charlie Bierlv. cliss in piano at the home of Mrs. Grace F alk , Bruce and Dick H ard Nellie SuUhwell where she will iug. M illard Keen entered Brow ne- ville high. t:a o h th is w inter. Mr. and Mr» H L. Straley and C arpenters under S. O. Griffith are busily sngiged w orking on the K tth aleen A n te M unkers motored to Corvallis Sunday to visit the new home of C. S Shedd. The latter's m other who ba- been tally basement is now completed. keeper at a hop yard near there, Shedd was well represented at and who expects to come home in During her m other's the O a k v il.e 'c o m m u n ity f iir F ri­ a few davs abseuce K atbaleen A "oe bus been day. both during the day and the stay ing with her grandparents. supper and program in the evening Mr and Mrs. 11 |. Falk nnd son, Mr. and Mrs. K. Robson spent Mr. and Mrs. A.L Falk and daugh­ Sunday ut the home of the la tte r’s te r, and W ebster, Arleigh and A n­ parent*, Mr. and Mrs. E arnest drew Falk s p .n t the week end at Toe Sixes W hile the men of the Abraham near Peoria who are to party wern on a deer h u n t the tears this week for a trip to eastern women eojoyed a visit with Mrs. states. li. West who formerly lived in this C laude Thom pson and fam ily com m unity. 'Ibey report a very pleasant tim e. are moving from the C ornett house Among those attending the music to the Davis risidence on tlie high­ recital given by Mrs G J. I ti'e and way and Jack Cornett is moving pupils were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. h.s fam ily into town from the farm ' Vannice, Merwin VanNice and a n l P hil Duncan is to move onto family, Mrs. W. R. Kirk and child- ren, Mr. and Mrs. E E. Carey and t ie C ornett farm •fam ily, Mrs. J. P. Tem pleton, Mrs Oregon N orm al sch > j ) students A.L. Falk and daught'-r Marie, H ■»ho h a v j secured schools in this J. Falk and family, W A Falk vicinity end who are local girls and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs II. I, are A n etti H averland who teach»» Straley, G J Kike, K enneth, Dick. Bruce and H arry H arding and Mrs. at Riverside, Anna Frauces Mc- L. R Falk and daughters. Some Connel a t Bell Plain, Mary McCon- of the men folks attended the tele- nsl a t Ash Swale and M erthal j phone meeting held at the city hall the same evening. Shearer a t Orleans. Displays Covering All Branches of Industry on Exhibition A large crow d attended Th« sec. ond annual Shedd com m unity fair held there last S a tu 'd a y . The ex­ hibits were at the schoolhouse and the sports took place on the large field west ol the campus. The opening fealtire of the fair was the crowning of Queen W anda I, by Rev. B .ll. H art, llueen W an­ da was attended by Ruth Pugb, Grace Satchwell Ruth M-dson and Ben ice A braham , all ttu der.ts of Shedd high schoo*. A covered dish dinner was served at noon in the echool basem ent and the judging of exhibits and spoils featured the a fte rnoon. The Tulnga camp tire girls had a booth and s>dd peanuts au d c a n d y ; The You Go 1 Go club of Peor'a sol 1 coffee and the Priscilla club had an ice cream a n l soft drink stand. The Davis band furnished the music. Sarah Snyder and Guy Stiff of Alt.any alto played with the hand. One of Ihe pictliest exhibits at the fair was the art exh ib it of H a r­ old Shedd, in whieh ho dem on­ strated Gesso work as well as the a ira n g irg of flowers ami em ail stands to give added beauty and color to the home. Mr. -Shedd displays wonderful ta le n t along decorative lines aud plana to lake up this class of work as a profes. -ion Io this display were book ends, picture fram es trinket boxes, made by the t xlubitor a::J decorat­ ed with Gesso, as will as tilt-top tables, magazine racks and small -lands also made and decorate i by Mr Shedd. The floral display was »ool and many pretty flower» were »1 own. The follow ing were awarded prizes and ribbons: A steis -Lena Pugh. E m m i I ugh Dora Davis. Roses — Mrs. Brock, Mrs. S h ear­ er, Leu# Pugh. Zinnias -Dora Dav.s, M. Marg- #»on, C. Davis, G ladiola—M i’ . C lav, Mrs. C. S Springer, Mrs. Brock. M a rig o 'd -— E m m a P u g h , D ora Davis. D elphinium s— Mrs. Brock, Mrs. Springer. D ahlias— Mrs. E a rlH h e ire r, Mis St John, Mrs. Clay. Bogonia— Mrs. Couey, Mrs. Ft John. G eranium Donald Margos u June M argason, Em m a Pugh. Coleus—Mrs. Grswse Beet single dah lia—Mr». E arl Shearer Palm - Mrs. Cloy A barrel cactus, with three lovely waxen blooms was exhibited by Mrs. St John and attracted a g teat deal of attention. Embroidery aud sewing: C ontinued on page 8. I 11738546 .Junction City Friday Nita Naldi in The Model From Montmarte S a tu rd a y Rex Bell in “ The Cowboy Kid” Sunday, Monday Zane Grey's great story “ THE WATER HOLE” Starring Jack Holt. Regulyr prices. Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. m. 'o;-------------------------------------------