Ila1:=>oy Enterprise. Halsey. OrggoiT2 Sg]2tgn2bflrJ3;192^ 5 E PT MB ER 5 A LE 5. Shirt Values Men Will Appreciate Footwear For All at Save Money Prices A Fine Display of New School Dresses and Dress Materials 'V Work Shirts, $1.00 to $1.50 Dress Shirts, $1.75 to $4.00 When you buy shoes here at regular prices, you are getting a good big measure of vrlue for your money. When vou can buy them at the present p rices-y o u save money. Work Shoes, $3.50, to $10.50 Dress Shoes. $5.00 to $7.50 For Friday and Saturday Only 39c Misses Rayon Hose, GOc value at 35c lb. Calumet Baking Powder, all sizes Nashua Blankets The longer you delay getting fleecy part wool Nashuas, the more likely you are to wake up some cold night and shiveringly realize your need of them. Get more of these deep nap­ ped, warm blankets cf wool and cotton today - be prepared and pro­ tected from cold. An ample array of the newest of Fall dresses, ju st arrived. Dresses th a t will help you in solving your school needs. Here you will also find a most com plete selection of beautiful patterns and ma­ terials in yard goods- patterns and trim ­ mings too. Make your selections early. Girl's Dresses 1.50, 1.98, 2.25, 3.25 T M. V. KOONTZ COMPANY, Inc. Cogswe'l and son Philip, Mr. and I Mrs. A.M Sm ith, Chester Curtis and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. A E. W hitbeck, Mis. E. I). laoin and From Our Regular Co daughter Beverly, 0 rie Kropf, Felix Thomas and the J. II. Rickard fern- The member» of the foreign mi«- ilv. tio u ary society were pleasantly entertained Tuesday afternoon by PIN E OROVE Mrs. Bert Clark at her home in E ast Halsey. Mr». E dith Robnetl H oppickers at the McLaren yard was in charge of tho les'on, the were g u 'sts of Mr. McLaren at hi- topic being, “ lh e U nited T ask,’’ bome Saturday evening ns a pleas A g ie a t deal of interest is being ant close to the completion of hop taken in this year's work. picking which was finished at noon The hostess served rt frrshiuente that da^' Games w ire played and during the social hour a general good time had by all • * • Ri tresliiuent« were served at a late At, F O R D hour. S O C IE T Y N E W S Miss I.lllie Rickard » a t the mo­ tive for a surprise party Saturday evening, the affair being in honor o fh er birthday. Conversation and games made the hours paesquickly end at a late hour cake and home made ice cream was served. Those etijo jin g this pleasant evening nere Mr. and M rs. B E ■Parker • * * PEORIA School Davs * Are Here! And so is u new stock of D u o fo ld fo r S ch o o l F in ish Y o u r W ork More study periods free for other work, less preparation at home, more time your owh. Parker Duofoid Fountain Pen is fast, sure writer. Better look­ ing work too. P ressu reless T ouch. Non- Breakable Barret. 28% Lighter Wright. Five colors. $5 and $7, according to sire. Let’s aiiow you at our pen counter. ¡HENRY FORD BACKS HOOVER bsny and Mrs. Alice Dunn Peoria. . "T •' a— - The dinner was followed by a , By HENRY FORD real ice cream feed, aud a general In an interview with Samuel Crowther of the Saturday Evcnint/ Poet. good tim e by those present. AM for Hoover for P resident be­ cause he has shown th a t he can The annual reunion of the Wade size up any Job, pick the right man family was he’d S jn d a y at Sm ith and direct it through to success. g ove with a large number of the Through fourtfeen y ears—ever since Belgium—he has been handling soma family present. Conversation and of the biggest Jobs in the world. He games were enjoyed and a basket has made a success of every one of dinner was another p h a s a n t fea them . He lias shown th a t he is not afraid of size. ture of the day. The greatest Job th at the world has ever known is now before this coun­ Two picnic parties, the Peterson try. It is so big th a t nene of the old- family of Corvallis and the Ardry line politicians even knows th at it and W illiam s families of L aki exists. We have developed this coun­ ju st enough during the past six Creek spent Sunday a t the grove. try -------------- —-------- or seven years to know th a t much " AX II 11— t real gentle d riving horse , which was thought to be impossible can be made possible under the right for children. I. S. Xicewood. n23 leadership.__________________________ = mmii uiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiliiigiiiiiiiiiiiiQiui|f)miigi||||(|il|| I The husbands of the members < f § the P o tter Sewing club »< re ci in- I plin ented guests nt a nue-thirly | o’clock dinner a t S m ith ’s glove I S unday, with the club meinbi rs as 11 boetessee. O th?r guests present 8 were Mrs. Henry Spring r of A'- s TO THE LEG A LV OTK RSO F THE C IT Y O F HALSEY, OREGON There will be a mass m eeting of the legal voters of the C ity of Halsey, Ore­ gon, Septem ber 24, 1928, in the council rooms of said city, at 7:30 p. m., for the purpose of nom inating for election the following officers for the said city to serve for a term of tw o years. One mayor; one recorder; one treasu­ rer; one m arshal: two couucilmen. Carl j. Hill. Recorder Whiteside & Locke l Hardware, Im plem ents and Sporting | j Goods. H udson and Essex Autos 3rd & M adison Sts., Corvallis. Ore. I Notice T ransportation Brings Prosperity Ladies and Misses Silk Hose 95c Ladies’ Silk Hose, values n r $1.00 to $1.15 DOC Westcott Arrowhead Holeproof and and Uta Maid. Classified Advertisements It is quite true th a t we have no real political issues. But we have an economic problem which looms g re a t­ er than any of the old issues. It is not in politics. It cannot be describ­ ed in the old language of politics. No one is much concerned now with liberty and independence as tied up with the right to vote. We have all the rights our forefathers struggled for. We are concerned with new and different rights and responsibilities. The g reat issue is to develop this country to a point w here every man and woman has the opportunity both to work aud to play. We have proved th at wages can be made high. We have now to prove th at they can he continuously paid— th at there will be no periods of un­ employm ent over which the w orker cannot finance him self. No man is wise enough to say how the future should be planned. But we have right a t hand m any enor­ mous developm ents which will keep all of us busy. * And the longer youw ear the shirts the more you will appreciate them. Cut plenty full to give roomy com­ fort. Materials that are tub fast. Patterns and colors attractive. 1 be task is to make such use of i the experience we have gained that we can build rightly for the future. | O therw ise we are going to lose all th at we have gained. We have th e men, we have the money and we can make the tools FOR SALE—Span bay wares, weight 160u each; one bay gelding, weight for the Job. But all these will be useless w ithout leadership. T hat 1700. T hom as A rdry, Route l,Hslse> leadership, because the thing is na­ Piano and organ pupils w itliing to en­ tional, m ust be in the P re s id e n t te r Mrs O. J. R lke’s classes this winter Hoover Has Proved Leadership may make arrangem ents at ttje studio the Charles H am er resi .eace? Mrs The quality of H oover’s leadership requires no experim enting. It is a Rike will be there Monday, September dem onstrated fact. 17, to arrange classes io Moore's Funda- But of w hat value is experience In mentals. the m anagem ent of public affairs? Mri. Jess Cross will begin her tuus.c W hat difference does it make who is classes the first week of school. Two P resident? We all have our personal prefer­ H arm ony classes are to be formed, one ences, but a m ere preference is not from tlie high school pupils and one im portant. If it be true, as la said, from the grade yupils. The grvde pupils th a t no real issues are before the have th eir first m eeting Friday at the country, then any man of reasonable ability will make an acceptable P resi­ home of Mrs. C rots at 1:30 preparatory to ffirnung a R hythm O rchtstra. dent. HALSEY THEATRE This country could not have de­ veloped w ithout transportation. T hat gave us national m arkets. These are m ass m arkets, and thus we have been able to use b e tte r m ethods of manu­ facturing and get higher w ages and low er prices. The first rapid tra n s­ portation cam e through th e railroads. Then came the autom obile. The mo­ tor vehicles were a t first thought to be com petitors of the railroads, but now we know th a t they fit in to­ gether. Business breeds business, and now we have not enough transportation. We must use the g re a t w aterw ays that have been put here for us to use both for tran sp o rt and for power. Bamming them for power im proves them for transportation. Besides, the accum ulation of these large bodies of w ater assists the rainfall. We have the G reat Lakes and the M ississippi partly in use, but they are doing only a fraction of w hat they can be made to do. And many other projects only aw ait fu rth er planning and coordina­ tion. For we know th at we are In need of all kinds of tra n sp o rt—by air, by land and by w ater—and that each has its place and th at each will make business for the others. This coun­ try needs to have its industry mote spread out. E lectricity aud transport will do this. JIM HORNING General Blacksm ithing Acetylene W elding F irst & Adams, Corvallis. O re? Those having Exhibits for the Linn County Fair Are requested to have them at the Halsey School Sept. 17 GLOBE Albany Sun. Mon., Tues , Wed. Sept. 16 to 19 “ Uncle Toni’s Cabin” G reatest human dram a ever filmed Thur., Friday, Sept. 29 21 “ In Old Kentucky” A m e'odran a f f the racecourse. Sat, Only, Sept.22 “Fleetwing” A flaming roinanco of the Sahara Have you seen those new Bridge & Beach Ranges? TUESDAY, SEPT. 18 8 O’clock William Boyd in Dress Parade9 With Bessie Love. miss this. Actually filmed a t West Point. Don’t Coming Soon, “ A1 s “ Nevada” ainniiiumoii iiiiiaiiuiiiiiiiioii UIOIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIJMIIN iiiiiiiiiiiiioi'i'iiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiniiaiiiiiiuiiiiaiiiiniiti fe Parker Fountain Pen .$2.75, $3.50, $5-, $7. A New Automatic |x>ncil that writes