H A LSEY E N T E R P R IS E , H A L SE Y . O R EG O N , S E R I EM BE R 18. 1928 I H a t S p le n d id R ecord in P la n tin g Trees OUR COMIC SECTION T H E R E is nothing that has ever taken the place of Bayer Aspirin as an antidote for pain. Safe, or physi­ cians wouldn't use it, and endorse its use by others. Sure, or several mil­ lion users would have turned to some­ thing else. But get real Bayer Aspirin (at any drugstore) with Bayer on the box, and the word genuine printed in red: itplrln 1« trad* mir» of layer M an u factu re MEDITERRANEAN £ ”*" a a “ T ra n a y b ra n la " sailing J a n . 3 0 Clark's 25th cruise. 66 days, including Madeira. Canary Islands. Casablanca. Rabat. Capital of Morocco» Spain. Alg»« ra. Malta, Athens. Con­ stantinople. 15 days I'alcslin tand Egypt. Italy, Kiviera, Cherbourg, ( P a n s ,. Includes ho tela, guide*, motors, etc. A Means to Another End FINNEY OF THE FORCE ; TUÀTS 8 G NEU« ¡AROUND a puome iZ * 7 OH,MO FINNEY- > Î Î V E MADE A NEU) CONNECTION / Duriug the last fifteen years Thom­ as C. Luther, champion planter of the American Tree association, has plant­ ed 8,000,000 trees In Saratoga coun­ ty. New York. What was formerly • scarred and deforested area, victimised by ruthless lumber cutters. Is now well on Its way tow nrd being the greatest private forest in the country. •‘F o r every tree planted tn the Unit­ ed States," says Mr. Luther, "four ure cut down. And for every four trees cut down tn Europe, twelve are planted. We are faced by different problems, of course, but nevertheless the figures are Instructive . . . It is my ambition to spread the doctrine of practical forestry tn the United States, and by practical forestry 1 simply mean selective cutting and con­ scientious replanting.” With a Thomas Luther tn every state, tlie noble theory of conserva­ tion would come dangerously near get­ ting a practical trial. S tu d y to Im p ro v e B ow lin g Science has been making an analy­ sts of howling to determ ine the rate of speed of the balls, how much toey curve and other Interesting factors about them, says I’upulur Mechanics Magazine. Dr. L. W. T aylor of Olier- lln college has devised an apparatus whereby the passage of a ball Is reg­ istered to the hundredth of a seiaim' at twenty-inch Intervals down the at ley. A catapult Is used to propel the ball From facts so far learned. Sunn of the accepted theories with regard to a ball's motion have been found In­ correct. tint friction seems to vary with the speed. U m b re lla C o lle c to r A very absent-minded man. accom­ panied by lilt wife, was returning home from the theater. As they reached the door of their M e r w a y * M « 4 lt « r r a n e a n , Ju n o 2 9 . 1 9 2 9 ; > 9 0 0 u p suburban home the man clutched Ills FRANK G.CLAIM , T i m e s B L l i . . N T wife's arm. "Now who la absent-minded?" he L et C onscience G u d e Be feurful only of thyself, uml stund cried trium phantly, producing two In aw e of none more than of thine I um brellas from under I ll s arm. "You've forgotten your umbrella, hut I've mine own conscience.—Tlioiiins Fuller. and yours us w ell!’’ Tlie woman gazed at him pityingly. “ Idiot!" she exclaimed. “ Neither of Since 184« Has Sealed V/our.ds and us had one ” Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh IM GELUM LOTS / Sores on Man and Beast \ IXCHANGS.BUT" Money back for first bottle I f not suited. All dealers. T ea ch in g V alu e of Rice C aliforniu V ariety S tore pn>inr. g row in g dis trlct. Must go to Iowa Ev. ry tlu n g favorab le D eal thru bank about «300 Suiter's Variety fitore, 191 «'astro Pt.. Mountain View. Calif. Although Hamburg Is the chief port of the world's rice shipping, the peo­ ple of the city nud of Germany gen orally consume enninriitlvely little. Itlce Interests now tire conducting n nation-wide caiiipalgn to Increase the per caplin consumption liy distribut­ ing handlillls showing Hie fond value of rlee ami booklets telling how to prepare II. ADDRKMHING KNVKI.OPR*— ex p er ien ce un- lieceaearj . earn 116 125 we« kly d u rin g spare tim e at horn« ; «llgnlfte«! work. D IA M «‘ND P E N COMPANY. Indiana Harbor. Indiana SC H O O L FO R M EN T n W w l ~ BU-INEJS. T.'.ADIS PROIEJSIONJ E n ro ll any tim e , te n d for lite r a tu r e . O R EG O N X . 51. C . A IN S T IT U T E B ld g OF TEC H N O LO G Y P o r t la n d , U rej.on A C orrection O ak A lw a y s P rize d / / R t e ! HEC-* WHY SURE, TUATS FO1NE/-ANHAVE Y t l AANY X / UELL I MET A Nice PQ o SPKTS2 “Sturdy ms un «»ilk ’ IV lt/il s«h«n»i Day dopHi I know llilw inoim rch «if (lit forests us th e ayiiilwd nt strefijeth mid ch aracter? In h n iiih liiK le «»I hul lowed iigwoclulioiiw. ouk tun» r«a»ie«’ Its elf deep In the MfTecli«»iis «»I h u m und from the enrlh-sl «lay.* «»I recoidco history to the preset it tim e luia Iwen highly vu hie« I f«a II* iiilllty mid beauty w ith »he wtdopt rm iue «»I u*« o f iiny know n w '»” <1 \ DENTIST u M o SEEMS. INT e CESTÉD BUT Irt GlVlA) RIM A CHANCT / , TO PROPOSE FIRST ! / Ce D zth Mother (anxiously , r.ohhte can hai'ily /qw’uk nlmve a w lih p ’r. Ih u to r — What Is II. hall game or a cold? It Is tumidly the mo t Ftuiinliigly slurtling story that l-ii'l so. M r. '.n u re ls — Does II not s trin ig li. to watch the shimmering on the lake? Miss Gazlppe— You said It! But. say you mispronounce that word Didn't you mean. “Ihe ino'ii'l"ht shimmying on the lake?" Fa r Enough " lie wl dances must pay the fid filer.' “Why not? You linve to settle with the tailor If you wear clothes." Louisville ('ourler .Ionrnal. Don’t fol'ow the crowd If you wunt to lie a loader. The qtllet m am of the little wasp Is responsible for manv I nul words. \ W W of-lW E N t BEEN DAMNS WMG- I Ç P SUT I PONT «XSJ I 6-L.r X SiCff/ GOAOOJi m i v l - ' y, vouce eotó urY OÜTCFOOO W i^-Yx) SUOUID IÄ T lilRlJFD, v oups . utu .' J z ranni DOESN'T go HR owm / O f course yo u ’re going to hear Hoover and Smith ------------ WHAT DR. CALDWELL LEARNED IN 47 YEARS PRACTICE ( I I M i i — SM»— «■»- A physician watched the result* of constipation (or 47 years, and believed th a t no m utter how careful people are of th eir health, diet and exercise, constipa­ tion w ill occur from tim e to tim e. Of next inqiortanee, then, is how to tre a t it when it comes. l>r. C aldw ell always was in favor of getting as close to nature as possible, hence his remedy for consti­ pation, known us D r. C aldw ell’s Syrup Pepsin, is a m ild vegetable compound. I t can not harm the system and is not habit forming. Syrup Pepsin is pleasant- tasting, and youngsters love it. Dr. Caldwell did not approve of drastic physics and purges. H e did not believe they were good for anybody's system. In a practice of 47 years he never saw any reason for th e ir use when Svrup Pepsin w ill empty the bowela ju st as prom ptly. Do not let a day go by w ithout a bowel movement. Do not sit and hojie, but go to the nearest druggist and get one of the generous bottles of D r. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin, or w rite “Syrup Pepsin," Dent. KB, Monticello. Illin o is , for free tr ia l bottle._____________________ P e r fe c tly S w e e t “Do yol. think Liz minded that aw­ ful lawsuit she was mixed up In?" "Why. my dear, I think she rather enjoyed It- I know she told tne they had a grand Jury 1” RECOMMENDS " IT TOOTHERS Lydia E. Pinkham's V egetable C om pound Help* Her S o Much Cleveland, Ohio.—“I miro recom­ mend Lydia E. l'lnkham 'a Vegetable Compound to eny woman In th e con­ dition I was In. I was so weak and run-down th a t I could hardly stand up. I could not eat and was full of m isery. A friend living on Arcade Avenue told me about this medi­ cine and after tak­ ing ten bottles my weakness and nervousness uro all gons. I feel like living again. I am et 111 taking It until I feel strong like before. You may use th is letter as a testim onial.“—Mas E l J z t n m i Toso, 14913 Halo Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. W. N. U.. PORTLAND. NO. 37-1928. Iso la te D ru n k a rd s In northern Kusslu chronic drunk­ ards ure given Ihe suiiic treatm ent us persons suffering from smallpox or any other pestilence. They are con­ fined ns n mi lin e to health and life of the community. IÌA O IO the featherheads Z I KH3W IX -.f move you moonlight ‘------------------------------ — T ilt OLD WAX H A N K S to radio, they expert Io talk directly to every voter in the United State*. W here is the fam ily that ran afford to l»e without a g«Kxl radio *et in this most interesting o f Presidential years? W hen Smith and Hoover £o on the air, you ran count on A twater K en t Radio. Ita reliab ility , its power, its range, its sim plicity of operation, as w ell as its clear tone, have made it the leader everywhere. It comes from the largest radio factory, where workmanship is never slighted. I t is not an experim ent. You don’t have to take it on faith. It is the fruit o f twenty-six years’ m anufacturing experience— six years o f radio. Nearly 1,700.000 owners know that the name Atwater K en t on radio means the same thing aa "sterling" on silver. W hether or not your home is equipped w ith electricity, there is an up-to-date Atw ater K en t model to carry on the A twater K en t tradition of giving the finest reception at the lowest price. Th e Atwater K ent electric seta require no batteries. A cord from the compact, satm-finished cabinet plugs into any convenient lamp socket and the current costs only about as much aa the lighting of one 40-watt lamp. T MOGI L 4 0 ( MODE! 40 A. C For I/O-/«, h 4 i , f* -6C > I r y r U a ite e a s m a p r u r r o a t . R e .iu tr e a t u t A C . I J tu h a t n o e t o a a r ^ u f y i a g f ts.be. f 7 7 . A ls o U aA s A V 4J. wuA a u l .a a ..s u regu U sts.r. «06. a a . t I T h e Atwater K en t battery sets have won their reputation for fine performance in 1,400,000 homes—and now both models are again improved for 1929. fr o m the orange orchards o f Southern C alifornia to the potato fields o f M aine, Atwater K en t Radio is far ami away the preferred choice o f niral families. The nearest Atwater K ent dealer w ill gladly show you why, and w ill advise you in your selection o f the model best suited to your needs. battery sets • 4 9 — »6H O n <**«<» TIIK N9 W WAÏ tlE C T K K Campaign year! Ynu'll n w l good radio at you »»ever du t br/orv I m r j j l — le t U s ti H a e tin P s t r - Iw tea t a l P r ie s t l l l g k l b k lfk tf o/ «A» HaeSsae.