H alseyEntergriso^H alsev^O regon^egteLnbftH ^lö^S Lake Creek New» (By an EnUrprisa Reporter) N H Cummings and family wer« io Albany Saturday. Mias Lucile Herndon is visiting lrieuda in Eugens tbia week. Miss Jennie Nicewocd viaited (rierds in Tangent over the week end. Mr.and Mrs. Thomas Ardry and Mr. George Ard.y drove to Salem Sunday afterucon. Tho Lake Cree? Epworth League will serve lunch at the L.B.Palmer sale September 17th. Ray Byerly and Miss Eunice Griffith of Tangent were callers at the Martiu Cummings home Sun­ day evening. Clarence Mays went to Waldport Wednesday morning returning the same day with his parents who had bjeu spending a week at the coast. Mr. and Mie G.W.Hockeusmith drove to Salem Thursday and M> • Jessaliue who had been visiting there returned with them. Mb and Mrs. Guy H rrnan and daughter, Mardell, of Coburg visit­ ing Mrs. Herman's sister, Mrs- C. S. Williams and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Uuderwood, Mr. and Mrs John Gormley, Jack Underwood and Russell Herndon were visitors in Independence Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cummings drove to Kings Valley Ihursday where they attended the funeral services of Mrs. Cummings uncle, Alva Womer, Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Cum­ mings returned Monday from a trip which included Hood River, Milton, Lewiston, Spokane and other eastern Washington points For scenic beauty Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho, was accorded first place. Among those from here attend­ ing the community meeting at Pine Grove Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brock and daugh­ ter, Mr. and Mrs.John Underwood and son Jack, Lawrence and Doro­ thea Hathaway and Rusaell Herr« don. Spoon River Sparks four children, and Luella and A r-' della Falk were visitor« at the C B- Gibson home at Lake Creek Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J A. Falk aud two small children of Harrisburg aud Mrs. L.R. Falk went to Albany Friday to attend the fu. eral of the former's nspliew, Paul Falk, who wai killed in a car collision in Sao Francisco last week. Mrs. 0 W Fium aud daughters, Vivian and Mrs, W. Holloway, and Leila Gansle, of Halsey were visitors at the W R Kirk home Io visit Mi*« Grace Kirk who is con­ fined to her home for a short time following the removal of her tonsils. She is reported to be getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. R E. Bierly and sons, Mrs. Annie Powell and Mr. ao 1 Mrs. F M. Falk and daughter Delma motored to Yachats last Tuesday, on an outing trip. The Falks and Mrs. Powell returned i to their homes here Friday while the test of the party will not re­ turn until next Tuesday. E. E Carey received word Fri­ day that Eugene Carey the small son of Marlon Carey of Albany bad been serlous'y injured by a small, gas engine. He was taken to the General hospital where it wrs an- nounced little hope was eutertained at first for his recovery. Later re­ ports, however, were that he was improving. Among those attending the lec­ ture given by Mrs. Clifford Moore of Portland, in Halsey Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. J.H . Vannice and daughters, Ellen, Ro- hetta and Edna; Mrs. L.R. Falk and daughters, Ava, Edna, Luella and Ardella; Mr. and Mrs. G.J. Rike and grandsons, Ilarlie and James; Nellie, Pearl, Grace aDd Mamie Falk and Kenneth Vannice. Mr. and Mrs. Moore were guests at (he Rike borne Saturday night and Sunday. past week visiting Mrs. Fred Walt- Friday evening. ere and also attending the Lai • The Peoria reboot commences county fair at Enge»e. i September 17, with Agn.a Cuand. (By an EnterpiiM Reporter) ALBANY FLORAL CO Cut Flowers Thomas Logan and eister The!, ler ae instructor. This is M in and Plants. Floral art for every and W G- Abraham and family have ma of Lewisburg attended the cow- Chandlei'e teioud year in the all occasions. returned from a vacation spent at mnnity program at Pine Grove. Peoria schools. Flower phone 458-J Newport. EAST ALBANY BARBER SHOP •» We are enjoying the first rain of Charles R. Goltra, Proprietor Your Share of tho Profits Member of Master Barbers' Association the season and everything is look, Specializing in Ladies' and Children's ¡ng fresh and clean. We let you share in the Hair Cuts and Bobs. Work guaranteed. Mrs. J.W . Lamar and daughtf re, savings effected when we 1029 East Second St. Albany, Ore. Arlene and Helen, were Corvallis do the repairing on your ALBANY STATE BANK — We in v ite car. You save by having a visitors Saturday. your business. Savings and commercial dependable job completed accounts. Capital, surplus, undivided Budge Woolridge aud family of profits. $100.000. in a satisfactory manner. Alpine visited his aunt, Mre. M. EASTBURNS GROCERY Fruit of Peoria Monday. HALSEY GARAGE 4th and Lyons Street Mre. Fruit spent several days the ^ y lb a n y ¿/directory Peoria New» Federal and Fisk Tires The place to buy good groceries at the — a right price. On the corner, plenty of room to park. Albany D ELB ER T ST A R R FORTMILLER FURNITURE CO . fur- niture, rugs, linoleum, stoves, ranges. Funeral directors. 427-433 West First Street, Albany. Oregon. Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer L A D Y A S S IS TA N T Brownsville, Oregon IMPERIAL CAFE. 209 West Harold G. Murphy. Prop. Phone 665 We Never Close H O W A R D ’S Auto Sheet M etal Works ROSCOE AMES HARDWARE The Winchester Store 129 N. Second S t . Corvallis FARM LOANS Radiators, Fenders, Roily Repair­ ing. Automobile Woodwork alto W elding. Upholstering, Glass Cutting and G rinding. At lowest rate of interest. REAL ESTATE Ava Falk spent Fridi y afternot n in Brownsville and while there was a guest of Mrs. Joe Elliott who formerly lived in Spoon River. Mr. and Mrs. B.M. Harding and Fred Dawson’s Drug Co. Albany INSURANCE Prompt service — Courteous treatm ent Wm. Bain, with Lane County Abstract Company, Albany M r Jennings, form erly of Albany is in charge of our Auto T o p and Curtain Repair shop. If you enjoy a good meal And know a good meal when you get it You'll be back for you'll not forget It. PARAGON CAFE S tra le y Bros. on the highway. Shott Order Lunches Groceries Meat Market Gas and Oil, Camp Grounds and Cabins. We are here to serve the Public. GEO. M. GILCHRIST ALBANY Let This Engine Do Odd Jobs The cream separator, washing machine, wood saw, lighting plant, churn, fanning mill, feed grinder, hay hoist, corn elevator, etc., are all stepped up to higher eibciency when a McCormick-Deering Engine furnishes the power. Can be mounted on truck. Coast to Coast Busses, 3 busses each way daily. Albany to San Francisco $13.50. Albany to Los Angeles $18.00 Albany to Seattle $6.25. Ticket office Bell Linn Stage. Albany Bargain House New and Second Hand Furniture Highest prices paid for all kinds of Junk, Wool, Hides, Furs, Pelts, Cascara Bark. Albany, Oregon S chultz Bros.W arehouse Co Fayetteville. P.O. Shedd, Oregon. Phone Shedd 8F23 Fisher-Braden Funeral Directors Embalmers Lady Assistant. Phone 95. Albany, Oregon X I,...... ............................. .... ■... Call At Davenport Music House (BnterprlM Correspondence) Edna Falk wa9 the gurst h i t Sunday of her friend Beverly Ieotr, of Alford. Mrs. Henry Seefeld who hssbeen at an Eugene hospital for some time expected to return to her home here today. Pearl Falkjspent Saturday nigi t and Sunday with Mayme Falk „ho has been working in Brownsvil e for the past three weeks. First For New and Second Hand Pianos Pianos for Rent. Albany.Oregon Haskins & Talbert Sears' Grocery A Service and Cash 8tore Ask for prices Ä............................................... .. ...... ■> _____ A lbany Creamery Association M anufacturers'of LINN BUTTER and Buyers of Eggs A F arm ers’ Co-operative Creamery f E. L. Stiff Furniture Co. 422 West First Street Albany, Oregon A g e n ts f o r Dr. Roberts Medicines For Cattle Rexall Remedies For You Complete Home Furnishers Universal & C dcnial Ranges Are your children’s eyes Ready for school work? That children may develop physi­ cally. co ordinately with the pres­ sure of tlie ir school work, their eyes must have immediate alien tion. It is very im portant lin t ih ild re n see clearly and comfortably. You w ill find the correction of im p er­ fect vision w ill a rd ue* nervous ness and crossness, and bring about a willingness to do and new ambition lo accomplish in study unusual advantages are oflered here. You receive the expert ser­ vice!. Nothing is spared that your children may see st Nature intend­ ed them to. Do not neglect your children's eyes. Have them examined now; Harold Albro, Jeweler anil O ptom etrist, .113 West First Street Albany,O re