Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, September 13, 1928, Image 1

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E stablished in 1912.
Voi. 17.
No. 19.
Pine Grove ite ^ ¡
Halsey, Oregon, T hursday, S ' ptenibvr 13, 1928.
D evoted to the interests of Halsey and Linn C ounty
|| H A L S E Y A N D V I C I N I T Y B R E V I T I E S Funeral Services for Lela Kropf PROGRAM AT PINE GROVE
Mr. gnd Mis. F Buford Morris
Two autos collided at Stroi d and
epeut Tues ay m orning iu A lbany G streets Monday, hut neither c ir
W ork Comploted Last Night; Board
Nora I here ton returned Satur. on a business trip.
was d am ag sj.
Directors W ell Selected
( d#y e’ enin« fr0Q1 ‘ ’ *»?
Beit Clark and daughter Georg­
guest of Edwin Brooks, at the A rlit ina were in C orvallis Monday to
The stockholders of the Halsey
Floyd Nichils and R \V- Fair-
Telephone Company met pursuant field are building silos ou their Cummings h >u.e at Lake Creek, make ariangeuients for the latter
, Sunday.
to enter college this month.
to notice published with a large farms.
Dumber present. The first busi­
E A P. L aF o llttte who is with
Reta Reed of Salem visited her
ness coming before the house was friend, Pearl Pehrsson, several days man and Ju n e Layton were trans- the fore.-t service at O ikrulge a r ­
acting business in the county seat. rived In Halsey W ednesday for a
completing of the the by-laws.
The motion was put before the
visit with hi* family, lie w ill re ­
L.K. Eagy and family weregurst?
Helen M cM uirry of P ortland is tu rn lo w irk Sunday,
bouse that they go into a committee of bis parents at their home in
spending the week in Halsey visit-
of the whole which was carried. Oakville Sunday.
M artin Koontz returned Friday
p n g at the home of Mr. end Mrs.
Cairman Bert S.Clark appointed
from an outing at Newport. He
A. G. Waggener to act as the pre­ Anna H einrich of Corvallis spent H- S. A ckerm an,
was successful in landing a ling
siding officer during the framing p a rt of her vacation here at the
Rev. and Mrs. J.S. Miller will cod much to M artin's delight, but
of the by-laws. This work was W illiam H einrich home.
leave Monday for Hood R'ver to disgusting to the cod.
expedited by the legal assistance
The com m unity meeting Friday i attend the annual coufereuce of the
George Maxwell, who for many
of City Attorney Tussing and the evening was well attended. T he Methcdiet church.
| years w is a H alsey resident hut
task completed in a very short time program was unusually good.
Mrs. Harry Robins of Portland
who ra.-eul'y ilispos d o f his prop­
and its work reported back to
Lum ber for the new shed at the was a guest S aturday night at the erty interests here an I moved to
Chairman Clark, the by laws as Pine Grove school has been hauled Fred Robins home in H alsey. SI e
reported back were read and adopt­ and the building will m ake quite returned home Sunday afternoor. A lhauv, whs a visitor in our city
I he regular meeting of the
an im provem ent.
Mrs. H u ry E. Davis and iitt'e
After the nomination of twelve
Thimble club will be held Friday
I..E E agy, John McNeil and P
Euuice, returned yester­
candidates seven were elected and
afterroon at tLe home of Mrs. J.J.
will comprise the board of directors. A. Pehrsson attended a m eeting of Corcoran. A good attendance is day a fit moon from P ortland where
they had been vi-iting since Sunday
They are: B. M. Bood, John Stan- the district boundary hoard a t Al­ desired.
at Ihe home of th e ’r daughter and
dish, A G. Waggener, C. J. H.B, bany S aturday afternoou.
Lyman J. Palm er has rented the
sister, Mrs. H A. Cook
T. J. Jackson, Fred Falk and Hen­
Mr. and Mrs. Hover of H arris-
William W hile residence in sou h
ry Brock.
burg and Mr. and Mrs. R ly H ver
M rs. C. P. Moo ly and daughter
Halsey aud will move his family
The remainder of the offcers are of Pine Grove were guests at the
into it following his sale at his C oialei arrived home Sunday from
to be selected later.
E .E . Hover home Sunday.
Iowa where they were called sever­
farm at Lake Creek next week.
weeks ago by the serious illn re
Agnes C handler who has been
B.T. Sueed and three children of
visiting friends in Portland and Marshfield were guests at the home of Mrs Moody's n o tlu r. Mrs. W il­
Be averton the past ten days a r ­ of the fo rn m 's prrente, Mr. and cox, who later ditd.
Everything is in readiness for rived home Sunday evening.
Beside the article* listed in the
Mrs N .T . Sneed of Halsey, last
the opening of school tomorrow
Mrs. E m m a K nighten, Mrs. Friday. Mona Snred of Portland sales hills of J L. Palmer there
morning. The rooms have been Johnson and Russel K nighten of was also a guest of her parents over w i'l be a 12-25 Avery gas engine
thoroughly cleaned and fumigated, Albany were visPors at the A.L. the week end.
and p'ows complete, taudem disc,
the new drinking fountain has ar­ K nighten home here Sunday.
The sale is Monday at tin
Last Sunday Mrs. E dith Kobnett
rived and other improvements
P .lin e r farm at Lake Creek. B in
Mr. an d Mrs. Lee Cam p who
m de.
Sudtell is aucliom er.
have been visiting the Me (.arene panied Mr. and Mrs. K enneth
Mrs. Nora Coleman who will
Mrs. C lata S ta rr and daughter,
again have charge of the fourth, the past tm n th left for th e ir home trip to lledu.oud, P iinevillr, and
Dean Morse of Brownsville
fifth and sixth grades, recently re­ in Bellingham , W ash , Sunday.
Bend. They returned home late were overnight visitors in Halsey.
Mrs Jessie McLaren was a Cor
turned from her summer vacation.
th at night.
The f irmer was a guest of her sis­
visitor Saturday and Monday
Mrs. Lenora Kizer will teach the
ter-in-law , Mrs. F r i i k faep r,
seventh and eighth grades and Mrs. while there had D r.A ndrrson l a ic e
while here, and the latter visited at
Minuie Cross will again have charge the abscess from which she lia-
| uruim d until Sunday ut the home the home of Mrs. Florence Iceper.
been suffering.
of tire primary department.
! of the le tte r's ai-ter, Mrs. P. J.
H arry Leeper und son Francis
Migs Adah Nelson arrived last
The Pine Grove church h is for Forster. G randm a Ackley who has
left yesterday on a hunting trip in
evening from her home in Portland the tim e being at least, joined the
I been visiting her daughter, Mrs. the m ountains n e ir Eelifountcin.
and Miss Gladys McCornack came large num ber of other abandoned j Forster, for a week or two r tlu rn td
Tbo e who have tx lrihi's for the
down from Eugene this afternoon, church s. as religious services are
home with them.
county fair aie reminded to have
and these two with 8upt. Lyman concerned Sunday school has been
P J . Forster, ihe genial janitor thi n) at the school house Monday
W. Patton, make up the teaching held regularly at Pine Grove ever
the Halsey schools will com ­ and the com m ittee will ta k e c a re o '
personnel of the high school.
since the church w as built some 27
mence on his 11 year as steward them. Halsey and vicinity should
Albany has its fall style show or 28 years ago, but owing to the when the schools open tomorrow liavn o-e of the w ry best exh bits
tomorrow and elaborate prepara­ sm all attendance it was thought Mr. Forster states th a t the new
at the fair.
tions by the business men h ve best to give it up.
drinking fountain hnsr arrived and
(By Special Correspondent)
Schools Open Tomorrow
been carefully carried out by the
committee in charge.
Singer in P olitics
The election in Maine Tuesday
was quite a victory for the repub.
lican party. “ As Maine goes, ro
goes the nation,” is believed to
ring true this year.
Church Notes
10 a. m. Sunday school
11:00 a m. morning worship.
Topic: “ Ph lip’s Revival in Sa­
6:30 Epworth League
7:30 p. m. evening worship-
Topic: “Great Commiisior.
Bible atudy class Tuesdays 2:30
P ray er m eeting T hursdays 7:30
Ladies aid every W ednesday
Women’s missionary society first
Friday of month 2:00 o’clock
J . S. Mi’ler. pastor.
Church of Christ:
10 a. m. Sunday school.
11:00 a. m. communion service
7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor.
8:00 p. m. Sermcn.
Topic: “ To an Unknown God.”
The rally campaign is on in earn­
est Have you got your badge?
Better get on one side and get
busy for we need all hsnds to the
Mary Smith and Muriel Lake ais
planning some interesting features.
Come and help them ont.
Don’t forget the regular services
at the usual hours. Alt are wel-
c mis,
J.If- Sheliey, minister.
Musical Recital Well Attended
John Hunter Accidently Killed
Gun Club Meets
Linn Fair Race Program Good
Lecture on Music Well Attended
opening of school.
The lecture on music, its funds-
Mr. and Mrs. Ercell Sneed who
mentals and technique, given I y
have b« n viiiling the former's
. aa
i m ,» N T
Mis Clifford Moore of Pcrtlam f, at
Mr. ami Mis. N. I . Sneed
, .
P árente,
I ,1
I h t.,,v and the Methodist church Saturday ve-
i d other relatives to tlaleev, anil
, •
. ,
i : ii
1 ning was well attended by an a j -
a lsu relatives and friends in t o r t
• ,
1 preci®1'* 6 audience of inus.c loveie.
land during the past two o
Mrs, Moore is an authority no
weeks, have returned to tlie 'f horte ¡
1 mu-ic and those who I.slened lo her
at T rona, California
addre.-e wi re well repaid for their
Miss D cE lta Rohneli of Eugene
ami a former stu d en t of the li" lse j
grade and high school is teaching
A ctive W orker
in the R aym ond, W ashiligtcn, high
school, and is at the head of th e,
departm ent of languages,
Robnelt was graduated from the
U niversity of Oregon last June.
Frank Gansle, Redmond l ’eail
la n d Mr M iller left this morning
for tire m ountains iu quest of deer,
1 having be?u n o t if ie d bv phone fn m
1 Ihe game dep artm en t th a t the I an
bad been lifted. Last year Mr.
Gansle selected Charles H am er and
(,'lav Moody to accompany him on
a like trip, hut they were no pro­
ducers, hence the change of p“r-
1 'onnel.
Mrs F. E Roberts, of Salem,
Mrs. F. Louts Slade, fo rm e r reg io n ­
who has been viaitiug iu Halsey at
ihe home of her parents, Mr. and al d ire c to r of th e League of W om en
Voters, has been made leader of the
Mr«. P J. Forster, returned home W om en's A d v is o ry C om m ittee fo r the
Saturday, and Blanche Ster.ke of H o over-C urtis tic k e t. She plans a
Salem , a granddaughter of tb« w idespread appeal to housewives. She
rep o rts th a t trem endous Im petus Is
Forsters, s n iv e l Saturday on a being given the H oover cam paign by
visit at their home. Mre. Forster, women and w om en's orga n iza tio n s.
who recently had her tonsils re­ Thousands of wom en who have not
voted before ere expected to come out
moved at an Eugene hospital it and vote th e R epublican tic k e t th is
getting along nicely.
G ra ta D ivine, of C in c in n a ti, M etro­
p o lita n opera star, head» Hoover
C om m ittee of A m erican m usician«.
She has p u t her w o n d e rfu l c o n tra lto
votes s t th e service of th e cam paign
m anagers fo r any dates net already
pre-empted by her fu ll opera and con­
ce rt engagements.
Funeral s.rv.ci - for Lela Kropf,
who died Tues lay evei.irg, were
held W ednesday »f:eii.oun. Burial Corvallis A ne ican Legion Furnish
was in Alford cemetery.
Entertainment Features
I.ela was the d in g ter of Mr.
A >aige num ber of people from
and Mrs, Frank Kropf wl o live a
She both Pine Grove and Peoria us wall
few miles south of H d-ey
was born June 25, 1901. Death f ** «’•ewhere attended the regular
was caused fiorn diphtheria g -d ¡community meeting at Pine Grove
because of this the fuurral servicre Friday evening
The program was furnished by
were held on the lawn.
The la te girl is survived by her ihe Americuu Legion of Corvallis
parents, three brothers a- d four and was unusually good.
A good joke on the boys has I een
sisters, anil two half brotheis.
Mis. Kropf and auother daugh­ going the rounds the past week
ter are said to be ill w ith the same It is said th a t on the way home
disease, the latter very seriously. they decided to serenade Prof.
Floyd Rowland of Peoria, but by
mistake they stopped iu front of the
wrong house, and w hat was worse
still, tlie house was vucanl, The
The autum n recital of the music
boys however seemingly enjoyid
pupils nf Edna Hike was held ut
themselves hut Prof. Rowland and
the Methodist church last evening
family missed some good music.
and was en j ryed h> an appreciative
au lienee. Baskets' of
flowers and softly shaded lights
formed an a ttra c t ve sittin g I r
John H unter, well kuown m a rsh ­
those participating in the program.
Those taking p u t were H allie al of Hrovvi sviRe died Tuesday
Kike, Louise Sickels, .1 ick i-nod- m orning following an accidental
gi ass. G aldie Miller, Ai line Powell, gun shot wound. The accident oc-
Georgia S 'e tr Morse (violin), and CU'red un Deadlier m ountain n e .r
Edna, Ellen and R u ltita Van G rants Pas«, where Mr. H unter,
accompanied by Manuel Enos, Dr.
Sheldon and 8. A. Andrews, all of
n ,- j „ u
Brownsville, had gmi<> to southern
O U llU b J
b e g u n on a hunting trip and I ad
-darted out early III it m orning to
Members of the Halsey Gun
1 locate d te r signs and he ready to
club will meet at ti e r-uge early
j limit as soon rs tlie season was
Sunday morning to m ike xrrarge-
declared open.
merits for the f ill and winter
The tody was taken to Brovina-
schedule of events and transact
vilie where bm etal services were
vuch other business as ni iy come
held at th > I O O .F . hall at one
efore the meeting, according to an
■’clock this afternoon, followed iy
i imnunceiuent made by the presi-
u r iil in the family lot in the
leul of the club.
i l.ocke cemetery near Corvallis.
The finishing work no the club
Rev. G A . G ray wa* in c h a rg 1
bouse and grounds will Le taken
■ f the services. The set vices at the
up a d arrangem ents made to ba ve
{ r iv e were in charge of Ihe Odd
tie concrete work pecceseay done,
Fellow loilge.
is will as the street aud road im­
John P. H unter was horn near
p ro v e d .
Corvallis, July 17, 1862, and hail
Pete Sears ol Albany was tin-
,noi,‘ U hi> 1ife
guest of friends in Halsey Tuesday.
l ‘i" " ‘'Ounties. He was ma .
' ried to K ith - rine Martin N->Vi III
tier 6, 1893.
H oover A t Ten
Berido his w ie, the deseasrd is
- u iv iv e d bv his «geo f u t l i - i
one sister, Mrs. A .P, Callaw ay, all
f Brownsville.
II.G . Cox, fine old veteran of the
harness racing game and for 3)
years a follower of the Pacific
Northwest ra<-ing circuit, will also
close tiis career in Albany this year
• t the Linn county fair’s program .
He is 87 y e a rs of age.
S ’xty-nine years ago, a youth ol
18, he began bis racin '' career at
Albany. New York. Only honor
ami praise about tlie old man crime
from the uthe owners now tr.iinin
their horses a t Ihe fair grounds for
tlie three day ruciug program ,
(*hur»day, Friday nod S aturday,
A photograph of the Republican
p re sid e n tia l candidate ta ke n at about
the tim e o f hie m o th e r’s death.
K o one can contem plate the past
nnd the fu tu re o f o u r c o u n try w ith o u t
s.n earnest p ra ye r th a t Wo shall m a in ­
ta in a t a ll tim es the re fre s h in g fo rce
o f a s tron g fa rm p o p ulatio n .
O ur Ideal Is not o n ly a c h ild free
fro m disease. I t Is also a c h ild made
tree to develop to th e utm o st hla ca
p a rity fo r p hysical, social and m ental
I have no fear fo r the u ltim a te cause
of re lig io n . T h a t sp ring s fro m depths
loo g re a t and too c e rta in e ve r to be
w h o lly defeated.
f t la the In d iv id u a l alone who can
fu n c tio n In the w o rld n t In te lle c t and
In the Held o f leadership.
K o sensible business m.i-a w a n t*
e ith e r a boom or slum p, li e w a n t*
etabU lty.
September 20, 21, 22.
Though Cox has only a green
p i«er, Georgia Hal, to enter this
year, it was lie th at owr.eil Lady
Hal when she took more th an half
t.h - western truck records l'i years
ago. But he is modest about the
paat and one must go to oth> rs lo
get tlie story, Now he talks about
• leorge Hal,
I he complete racing program will
nclude six harness events every
la V, divided into two races o f three
I heats each, every heat a race.
There will he two running burse
! races and a chariot rare each day,
la u d Iho cocunty fa ir t o i r d o f
which J .J . Barrett is president, has
irrangxl for other features ami
special attractions each day on the
racing program .
Don W ilson, editor o llb e Benton
! Independent, Corvallis, was a v.s-
p tto r at the E nterprise office today.