Jîalse^E nterprbe^K alse^^lregotL ^iigus^M ^O S ^ Lake C reek New» (gy an Enterprise Reporter) Mr and Mrs.George Ledgerwood tiaited et the C 8. William» home Sundiy night. Mr. and Mrs. C-9. Williams and icui Clarence, Jr., and Karl, were ,t Cascadia Sunday. Thomas and George Ardry were Sunday afternoon callers at their parents home, Mr. and Mrs. C. E Ardary of Halsey. Mrs. Grover Nicewood and her daughter Dorothy of southern Ore gou are visiting at the J. 8. Nice wood home. 5 H.Cummings and family visi­ ted the former's daughter, Mrs Walter Baumgartner and family of Springfield. Floyd Nicholls and family were visitors Sunday at the Beit Hayues home in Harrisburg. Florence Hover of Harrisburg was the guest of Eunice Sylvester several days last week. Mr. aud Mis. Sam Campbell and children of Toledo were guests over the w.ek end at the Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eagy ami small daughter of Eugene visited at L E. Esgy’s over the week eud W McNeil daugh- . Mrs ,n s w G u aieaeii and ana uaugn- tere, Lulu and Ida, of Lacomb were ovornignt g ests at tha L. E. fc >gy home l ’ourjday night. Russell Herndon and Dorothea and Mary Hathaway, and Lucile Herndon were dinner guests of Roscoe, Edgar and Florence Sisk Sunday. Mrs. J. 8. Nicewood and eon Le­ roy and Jennie Nicewood, Lucile Herndon and Florence Sisk were Albany visitors Thursday and at­ tended the circus. Mrs Fred Sylvester, Mrs. Emma Sylvester, Eunice Sylvester, Grace Pehrsson and P A. Pehrssou were among the Pine Grove people at- tending the circus at Albany last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Davis of yalseli visited at the ltiy Valsetl R iy Hover home Wednesday night while en- route home from a vacation trip >P part of which was spent in Wash- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hover and the i lglon and port in California. Ruasel Githens family formed part The Peoria South Methodist of a crowd who drove to Waldport church and Sunday school have Sunday and enjoyed a picnic d:n- invited the Pine Grove people to ner on the beach. attend their Sunday services next Mr. and Mis Glenn Simon of San Jose, Calif, aud Mr. and Mrs Clarence Simon of Eugene visited here Friday at the home of their cousin, Mrs. L. E. Eagy. Sunday. The services will ba held at Smith’s grove with Sunday school at 10 a m., preaching 11 a. m. aud a basket dinner at noon Rev. Roy Metcalf is exoected to be will EAST ALBANY BARBER SHOP Charles R. Goltra. Proprietor Member of Master Barbers’ Association Specializing, in Ladles' and Children s Hair Cuts and Bobs Work guaranteed. 1029 East Second St. Albany, Ore. Three Harmony Records $1.00 ALBANY STATE BANK — We Invite your business. Savings and commercial accounts. Capital, surplus, undivided profits. $100,000_________ E v e r y th in g M usical Music Shop Albany, Oregon EASTBURNS GROCERY 4th and Lyons Street The place to buy good groceries at the right price. On the corner, plenty of room to park. Albany. FORTMILLER FURNITURE CO , fur­ niture. rugs, linoleum, stoves, ranges. Funeral directors. 427-433 West First. Street. Albany. Oregon When in Albany Saturday IMPERIAL CAFE. 209 West Harold O. Murphy. Prop. Phone 665 Wi Never Close First RO8COE AMES HARDWARE The Winchester Store S ee B a r g a in s T h a t Are B a r g a in s H A Y , G R A IN and FEED FARM LOANS At lowest rate of Interest. I REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Prompt service — Courteous treatm ent Wm. Bain, with Lane County Abstract Company, Albany If you enjoy a good meal And know a good meal when you get It You'll be back for you'll not forget It. Albany Furniture Exchange O. W . FRUM, ^ /j6 b a n y ^ /)irec lory ALBANY FLORAL CO. Cut Flowers and Plants. Floral art for every and aU occasions. Flower phone 458-J To celebrate Oregon’s First Annual Twin Day. call at our Store und see our Big Specials We want you to bring us your grain and other farm products. We always pay the top market prices fo r prime products. Full line of poultry feeds, stock feeds, gram, grass an 1 clover seed on hand at all times. w»y. Mr. acd Mrs. George Hocken amith and Jessaline returned Wed­ nesday eveuiDg from Salem where they have been visiting Fred Jack- ion and family. The Jackson’s were residents of this vicinity at one time. Spring grain harvest is nearly completed for this year. Special For Saturday September 1 Every Day Top Prices Mr. aud Mrs. M artin Cummings left Wednesday noon on a trip to Hood River and points in Idaho where they will visit relatives for a lime. They willjatteud c inference at Milton, Oregon, while on their ij_ The American Legion of Corval­ home from conference and lis will provide the entertaiunient preach. for the community meeting to be held September 7. They have promised to bring their drum corps 205 E a s t S econ d S tr ee t PA RAG O N CAFE GEO. M. GILCHRIST ALBANY Coast to Coast Busses, 3 busses each way daily. Albany to San Francisco $13.50. Albany to Los Angeles $18.00 Albany to Seattle $6.25. Ticket office Bell Linn Stage. Pine Grove ltem s__^ A lb a n y B argain House REMOVAL SALE (By Special Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. P.A Pehrsson vis-1 ited friends in Junction City Sun­ day. .. I William Hemlock of Salem vis ited at the L. E. Engy home last week. The Dodge brothers of Irish Bend are hauling their early bops to the McLaren dryer. ______ JIM H O R N IN G General Blacksmithing New and Second Hand Furniture Highest prices paid for all kinds of Junk. Wool. Hides, Furs, Pelts, Cascara Bark. Albany. Oregon E. L. Stiff Furniture Company Fisher-B raden Fun eral Directors Em balm ers Albany, Oregon Lady Assistant. Phone 95. Albany, Oregon This is a real money saving event, preparatory to moving into our Lw «1S.-™«' « • lir.iaffiiffffn. « ;■ are offer,,,C .nKl> low prices in Furniture, Ranges, Hoor Coverings, Etc. C all A t D avenport Music House For New and Second Hand Pianos Pianos for Rent. Albany .Oregon Acetylene Welding First & Adams, Corvallis. Ore. I 20 to 50 Per Cent Off. Whiteside & Loqke [ Hardware, Im p le m e n ts and S p o rtin g | Goods. H udson and Essex A u to s i 3rd & M adison Sts., C o rv a llis . Ore. A Beautiful Davenport THE HOME OF AKTIST1C PHOTOGRAPHY ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ T h ree P ie ce S u ite , F u rn itu re R ep a ir S h o p ■ and M attress F acto ry, 41 7 L to n Street. A lb a n y , O regon. B U p h o la terin g , F u rn itu re Repair- j | i ng A uto Tops and c u ria in i. |j P ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .■ ■ ■ ■ ■ R Choice of several smart coverings at $ p rice $118.00 Kenagy Auction House Broadalbin S t., Albany Auction Sat. Sept. 1,1 p. m Furniture— live stock — will be sold. If you have anything you want sold, bring it in. Furniture sold at private sale anytime. Farm machinery sold at all times. GLOBE o livino room is complete without a daven­ p o r t - and every h o m e ^ e n has need for an extra bed Here is an unusually heaV^.ul da' en" port and a wonderfully comfortable b e d - tn one remnants —And so easy to handle—no mattress required Genuine Burlap Linoleum. We re the bedding easily accessible in a well ventilated compartment r.ght in the davenport itself. It s a closing out all roll ends or rem­ Biltwell. and a wonderful piece of furniture. Let nants of these bright, attractive us explain its many features. Y o u r O w n T e r m s. patterns at per square yard, P9C Overstuffed Davenports Coil Springs You w ill appreciate one of these sturdily con­ structed. rest inviting davenports. 1 hey are genuine Builtwell guaranteed construction. I n attractive piece of furniture that w ill give years of service. Upholstered in a pleastng r», . yourself . v 1 C to Ihn Treat the Find best in a bed. This is a double deck coil spring composed of 97 double tied coils. This is a real bargain. A rt Velour. $69.50 Bed, Springs, Mattress Sun. Mon., Tues. Sept. 2-3-4 Ramon Novarro in “Across to Singapore"’ A 2-inch continuous post bed, in either ivory or walnut, a coil spring, and a 40 lb all cotton $8.95 Cotton Mattress $19.95 Marion Davies in “The Patsy” Thur., Friday, Sept. 6-7 Chester C o n k lin — A lic e W h ite in “The Big Noise” Sat, Only, Sept. 8 Fred Thompson in “ Kit Carson »» Wool Mattresses This is an exceptionally soft mattressi that w ill not pack. Made of new wool. wt. 40 lbs. $16.75 FLOOR COVERINGS Manufacturers of LINN BUTTER $7.50 Y ou W ill be in te r e ste d in th e m any S p ecia l» w e are p la n n in g for A l­ bany D ollar D a y , S e p t. 1 1Q9S ’ stop AND SHOP. A and Buyers of Eggs Farm ers Co-operativo Creamery E. L. Stiff Furniture Co. 422 W est F ir s t S tr e e t A lb an y, O regon One of these attractive patterns o f L in ­ oleums or fe lt base Rugs w ill brighten your home and lighten your work. Set these exceptional values in floor cover- Complete Home Furnishers ings. Universal & Colonial Ranges __________ —- *15 , — -=! i : Our Service Never Ends A 40 lb. all cotton mattress, with a roll edge, and well tufted! mattress, bed complete. Wed.. Only, Sept. 5 Albany Creamery Association $75.50 N “ _ | A Service and Cash Store Ask for prices A delightfully pleasing suite fin­ ished in Ivory and Green. A new style single m irror vanity, a roomy chest of drawers, and a straight foot bed. •a moat comfortable bed Kodak w ork, fram es and c o p y in g of old pictures. T h ird & Jefferson, C o rv a llis Ore, 1 alb ert Sears' Grocery Bedroom Furniture Ì T H E B A L L S T U D IO Haskins & $1.25 69c 49c Genuine Inlaid Linoleum per yard Felt Base Floor Covering, 9 feet wide, per square yard Felt Base Floor Covering, fl feet wide, per square yard 9x12 Felt Base Rugs each.............85 9xl0i Felt Base Rugs ................ I t * 10 in. x36 in. Felt Base Rugs . . . 48c We w ant you to feel th a t o u r real aervice to you o n ly tw g in . w ith the fittin g of gla » « » since no tw o pcuple'a e v e . are the same, no two p a ir o f glawe» can be the same W e m ust know th a t yo u r glasses are e xa ctly r ig h t ami rem ain rig h t, come in often t o w t can make any a d ju s tm e n t nece.aary lo r y o u r com f a i t In caae you break your glaaae*. rem em ber we have a com plete record of y o u r caae on file, if we fitte d you. ao th a t th e y can be re ­ paired q u ic k ly and w ith lit t le in ­ convenience to you I f we d id o t fit you o rig in a lly , m ere ly »end ua th e p re a crip tio n o r the broken piecea. Harold Albro, Jeweler and O p to m e tria t, is t w .«» P irat Street A lb a n y,O re .