Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, August 30, 1928, Image 1

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Maisey ìinturprisv
Established in 1912. Vol. 17. No. 17.
Black Leaf 40 Good Disinfectant
Says 0. A. C.
Halsey. Oregon, Thursday August 30. 1928.
Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County
s . f .,
Glen Jut-kin and Clay Kirk of
Prentiss Isom left for Oak Ru g-
QM ore than 75 sets cf twins are
Recent experiments at 0 S C
where he will spend a
By Mrs W . E Stanton
Fire starting at 5 o’clock this
registered in Oregon's first annual
have verified the research work of
week visiting relatives.
Slogan — National Prohibition the manufacturers of Ulack Leaf tors this morning.
twin round up to be staged iu A l­ morning completely destroyed the
Th> Owen-Brock harvest crew- bany Sxlurdtv, according to word mill and waiehouse of the Scio
Mr. and Mrs. Half Bond and eon
Best Method.
40 who declared this product was a
The Linn county W oman’s Tern, sure cure for chicken'ice. Exper­ Wellington were guests of relatives are threshing spring grain now, but received from the round-up com- Flouring Mill Co., at Scio to lav.
it is reported their run will not last niittee of the chamber of commerce,
Ca'ls to CorvalPs an 1 Albany for
perance Union will hold their an- iments at the poultry fsrtn show in Albany Sunday.
were responded t> and other
that by pouring a thin stream of
C.F. Morse and family of Tan­
Elaborate preparations have been nearby buildings w, re saved.
day, September 7, according to of- .Black Leaf 40 a'ong the roosts at at the O..J. Albertson home south
gent were visiting frieuds in the made for the entei tainm enl of the
The loss is estimate 1 at 1 0.000.
ficial announcement. Mrs. Emma night that both roosts and fowls of Halsey Wedneelay.
Frank Bond and family of near vicinity of Halsey and Biowusville ( „ ¡ n i anj visitors. No charge of
Archibald is president.
will j,e (ree 0, ]jce ¡Q th* inomiog
Speakers For Harvest Festival
admission will be made.
Miss Aoua Adams Gordon was
The Morris Pharmacy is carryiug Rowland were visitors at the W.C. Bunday.
Helen Williams v ho has been
Cleo and Theo Bogart of Corval­
among those who spoke at the Black Leaf in four different sixes Sickels home iu Halsey Sunday.
G ovtrncr Patterson u n i V.A.C.
the summer in British lis. who will compete, are 16 years
Northern Woman's Congress held of containers in order to accoino.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ramsay and
I Alilf, Oregon's foremost woman
in Stockholm, Sweden, in July. It date the small poultry raiser as Mrs. Berry Smith and children Columbia, arrived home Tuesday 1 of age but have celebrated only attorney, will be the outstanding
four birthdaia. Borii on February,■reaiures
is reported th at the main discus­ well as those with large flocka. were Corvallis busintes visitors afternoon.
features or
of me
the n Harvest
a r v t - s i r Festival
« n » « i in
sions were on temperauce education Read his ad in last week's Euter- Monday.
Lee Ingrain and family of 29. they have the d.st.nctton ° » jJunction c ily September 13,14
in the high schools. Miss Gordon, prise.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Phelps and Brownsville were guests at the B. being the ouly leap twins in the and 15. Both have subjects of vital
who is World W -C .l.U . president,
family and Mr. and Mrs. Pearson E. Cogswell home in Alfurd Tues­ sta'e.
interest. The people of Junction
Mrs. J.A. Fieeman, of Oregon City have gone to a great expense
accompanied by ber secretary, Jane Hills Return From Eastern Trip were transacting business in Albany day evening
B. Judson, left New York on the
Mr. and Mrs. L. II, Armstrong City, mother of three eels of twius, endeavoring to make this festival
aged two, three and four years, re- a success. Haleev, Harrisburg. Al­
"A m erican” June 2, to be present
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill, and
Mr. m d Mrs. Marion Carey, and daughters expect to leave next
is expected to enter her pine, Monroe and Irviug are co­
at the world W-C-T-U. convention
rs. H ill’s sqn, Daniel Wesley, former Hakey residents, but now Wednesday for Colony Bay, Mont.,
a special honorary operating. Each one ol the e com­
at Lausanne, Switzerland, August have returned from an extended
living in Albany, were visiting to make their home.
i cash prize has been awarded her.
2, and to visit W C.T.U. head­ auto trip io Missouri and eastern friends in this v’cinily Sunday.
munities have a conteit nt for
Delos Clark will leave tomorrow (
Twins of all ng“s from widely Queen. Exhibits, parades, music
quarters in different countries, and po’nts. They report a most en
Sylvester Wallace of Cottage
separated parts of the state will be and amusements will also be In ­
the W om an’s Congress at Stock- joyable tiip and were fortunate in
Grove is spending the week at the this year. He has spent the sum- present, the only entrance require­
having no car trouh'es and also of Veatch ranch south east of Halsey met vacation at his homo in this
ment being that they m ust live iu
It is ths aim of »he organization missing rain, wind, and hail
He is a cousin of Mr. Veatch.
Oregon Each set of twins will re
L. F. Higbee Dies
of the Union, of both parties, the storms, which usually make things
Mrs Janies Rector was taken ill ceive an entry prize of $1 00. Cash
and the republican
------------- ----
, unpleasant for motorists in the
Sunday aud her daughter, Mrs. H
L. F. Higbee, 78, die J at bis
women, to work and vote for dry ceutra[ part of the United States, left for their home iu California Wallace aud husband came up prizes of $10 00 «ach will be given home on lbs Halsey Peoria road,
officets, local and national.
They averaged better thau 400 Mouday after having aoent several fr un Portlaud aud took her home the oldest and youngest twins, the Wednesday moruing at 9 o'clock.
weeks visiting relatives and friends
twins th at most cli6ely retm ible
miles a day, both going and re-
Funeral services w ill he held
with them
each other and the pair that travel
Junction City Harvest Festival
turning, visiting all points o f in­
afternoon at 2 o'clock at
Mrs. George Tycer end little son the greatest distance to compete.
Karl Bramwell and family and
terest enroute and drove by the
Grove church. Rev. R.C.
Kenneth Vernon of Portland are
Junction City, Aug. 27.—Defi­
The special prize for triplets is
way of Yellowstone Park thence Mrs. Florence Leeper spent several v is itin g in Halsey at the home of
Marion, assisted by Rev.
nite announcement h is been made
so far unclaimed All tain s should
down through tbs wheat fields of days the latter pait of last week the former's parents, Mr. and Mis
pastor of the Free
of the dates for the harvest festival
register with the Albany chamber
eastern Oregon to Redmond and aou the first of this on a trip to John Bressler.
of Albany and
to be held at the grade school
cf commerce but mav defer regis
over the McKenzie Pass to Eugene the Oregon Caves, Crater Lake and
building September 13. 11 and 15.
Ruth McMahan who has spent (ration until their arrival in Albany Peoria, will have chatge of the
other ecenic places in southern-
services. Rev Smith was a form­
J.R . Griffith of the Eugene Reg- and then home.
the past two years at the home of if necessary.
In all their travels the most Oregon.
Halsey will be represented by er pastor of the deceased wheu they
ister is president and Thomas Nel-
berauut, Mrs. D. S Bowman cf
r 'i* .
ia beautiful and inspiring sceuery was
lived in Kansas. burial will be iu
on of the Junction City limes is
'1 . D
near Halsey, left last Friday for Mrs. Ollie Belle Baker whose twin
1 to be found in their state of Ore- Idaho, that the is having a very
sister, Mrs. Ora Dell Walker, lives the Pine Grove cemetery.
her home in Illinois.
gon, said Mr. Hill Nothing com- pleasant trip and expected to be in
The funeral arrangements are In
in Har-isburg. Shedd’s entry is
Exhibits cf school, farm, art,
Dei, Holt and family returned
pared with the O lu m b ia River Boise by lari Sunday. She reports
of the D C. Rossman under­
Betty Lou and Patricia Anu Davis.
orchard, culinary, flowers, needle­
Highway iti sceuic grandeur and the weather quite warm, especially Tuesday evening from Newport,
work, etc, will be shown, with val­
wonder and they were quite disap­ at Lewiston and Clarkston, where where they had gone to spend a
L. F. Higbee was born August
uable prizes offered for the best ex­
Musical Treat in Store
pointed n Yellowstone Park.
1860, in Indiana. When a
the party made a stop to visit
taking ill they were compelled to
Their visit with relatives aud friendc.
man he moved lo Iowa and
A rare treat is in store for all
There will be a queen chosen to
change their plans.
and friends in M.ssonri was a very
'h a t state he was married
lovers of good- music as well as
rule over the three-day festival.
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs Ly­
happy time not soon forgotten and
M»ry Fry. Later Mr.
those interested in n musical educa­
man Patton and two daughters,
A large party of H Jsey people every miuute of their stay was fu,l and the former’s mother and niece ter Ernestine wno have been visii- tion, on Saturday evening Septem­ Higbee and family moved to west­
enjoyed a picnic and swimming of pleasing incidents Mrs H i l l ’ s of Portland who are visiting at the mg relatives du'iug the summer ber 8, when Mrs. Clifford Moore of ern Kansas, where they resided for
party last Sunday at Triangle Lake, relatives live within a radius ot 60 Patton home, and Muriel Lake and vacation have returned to Halsey Portland will give one of her de­ 13 years. In 1901 they cams to
Those in the party were Messrs, miles of each other and are pros­ Elias Robins drove to Belknap and are getting located in their lightful lectures at the Methodist j Oregon and have made their hum»
here since. M s. Higbee died a
and Mesdames W .H. Robertso», perous end haipy, said M. Hill.
church here.
springs were they speut the day on new home before school opens.
E E . Gormley, FJden Cross, and
Mrs. Moore is a musician of year ago.
Mrs. Esther M»«g end Mrs
a pleasure tr'p .
Mr. H'gbee was a member of the
Mr. and Mrs. G F . Hawley of
Jess Cross, Mrs, LaFollettP, Cleona
marked ability and her leitures
A deal of seven and one-eighths Liizie Hobson of Salem are visiting
Brethren church.
Smith, Alberta Koontz, Carl Hill, Portland were guests of the formet ’s
offer an unusual opportunity that
magnitude was consummated Fri­ at the home of their cousins, the
The following children survive;
Delos Clark, George Cross, and cousin. Mrs. Curtis Veatch of Hal­
Misses Mary and Maria Evans of
Mrs. A. F. Albertson of Halsev,
sey two days last w e e k . _______ day when C. G. Hamer trade 1 bis th i Lake Creek district. Sundav people.
Herman Koontz.
1928 straw hat for the felt head­
Higbee of Marion, Itev. 1) M
Demonstrations of class methods
dress which has so faithfully done they were guests at the C, R. Evan-
of Albany, Prof. V.B. Hig­
of teaching will be given, as well
duty on occasions of more or less home and Monday they visited at
I.A . Higbee of
as a number of other utlractive
importance and interest to theee the J.W . Evans home.
Halsey and C.M Higbee of Salem.
parts and owned by Rev. Miller
Edwin J. Fletcher of Los Angeles
He is also survived by twelve
As the fair and exhibition season charge. 35 of his members made The deal was bandied by the inter is enjoying a vacation from his
School Opens September 14
work in Hamberger’s store in that
ipproaches and the boys’ and g'rla’ $1,954 84 net profit from their ested parties themselves.
Lawrence Taylor has hid a new
't he two ware houses belonging
Hub members prepare to make projects besides
2 in premiums
Announcement has been made
cement wallt laid on the Second relatives in western Oregon where that the Hakey schoolo will open toO -W . Frurn will be closed all
heir exhibits, the value of such at the various shows.
Hub work in preparing young peo-
Club work is necessary tn any street aids ol his business property- lie spent his boyhood days. In Eu­ friday, September 14. This will Monday becauso of beiug Labor
¡>1e of the farm for their places of well rounded agricultural develop on the corner of Second and G gene he spent a couple days with give the pupils a chance to obtain day and a holiday.
(Signed) O. W. From .
leadership in the future is erapha- ment ptogram, believesT. L. Bal- The work is nnder the supervision his sister and brother, Mrs. Isaac their book» and have their lessons
sized. While regular paid club lard, county agent leader for of J. J Corcoran who informed us Whealdon and II. M. Fletcher form assigned and be all ready to start j
Spoon River Spark»
leaders promote the work in some Oregon. Years of observation o that next week he would begin the erly of Plainview. On his way the regular school work Monday
counties aud county agents in 19 the benefits of club work measured construction of a cement walk for uorlh he sto, ped at the C. . morning.
(E o ierp rlM C o rrssp o n d sa c sl
others, in Linn county it is left to by accomplishments of former H. S. Ackerman at hia oil station , Evans home for a visit. Mrs.
P. I. Forster, the genial custod­
L. R. Falk and family spent
Mrs. Edna Geer, the county school members lies convinced him of this on Second and A Streets. He also Evane' mother, Mr». Laura Wood- ian of the school budding, has been Monday evening at the W. A. Falk
ward, and his mother were cousin- busy cleaning and fumigating the home where an ice cream feed was
superintendent, and her group of
The premier club rec° r *B re has several septic tank- to build.
active local club leaders.
gon was made by Alex Cru.kehank
Last year Linn county had 381 who last year was recognized as the
The staff of teachers for this year
Mr. and Mrs, L. R. Snyder of
boys and girls enrolled in 55 club», outstanding c o m b in a tio n o mem
Lyman W. Patton superintendent. Salem called at the M. L. Vannice
Of these 301 finished their work, ber and leader- The*e *,Ci ° rlM
Miss Adah Nelson and Mies Gladys home Sunday.
Edgar Grimes of Halsey won won him $200 cash and the Moses
M 'Cornack, high school instruct­
K. E. Carey and family were
and Mrs Lenora Kizer, Mrs. Sunday dinner guests at the R. E.
3 of the 11 first places taken by trophy.
N"ra Coleman and Mrs. Minnie Bierly home.
nn county members at the state
Another striking examp ex» *e
grade teachers.
Mr. and Mrs J. R. Tempi eton
tcific Ioternctional on show nan- M orn. Johnson, prominent young
and Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Kirk and
iip with Holsteins. Other Brat, dairyman of Lincoln county near
Southern Pacific station agent,
children, Grace, Francis Raymond
ere taken by Leland and Eldon Toledo Johnson began club work
C. P. Moody announce th at there
and Jimmy, spent the week end at
[cCiain, Wilmer and Pearl Aver- in 1922 and continued five years
wid be no express shipped next
Newport. They returned Monday
T, all of Lebanon, and the Tru From h.s start with one purebred
Monday, sa it is a legal holiday
except Misa Grace who went on to
and the express office will he closed.
ve brothers of Albany.
fersey calf he now las
P '
Otia on the Roosevelt highway to
County agents of the 19 countie- bred cows aad a pure bre< sir ,
Ellie Reynolds who has been visit friends
ot employing regular club agents along with two addrltonal grade
working at the telephene office has
Mr. and Mrs John Chastain,
ist year organized 177 livestock cows, allof which, with the ext p-
resigned her poejtion and will visit
Mr. and Mra. Ray Barnes and
nd crops clubs with 1225 mem- lion of the sire, are descent an
at the home of Lena Owens in
VIEW of the 12S0 acre farm of Herbert Hoover. Operations on Mr. Harrisburg until Sunday when she children, Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle and
In Union county where the firit heifer half. J o h n s o n .,
children, Ruth, Howard, Edith,
Hoover's farm are conducted on the same high engineering plane as all
oucty Agent H. G. Avery promo- now ma. ing i 0”'
D*“ Wl j t
* — hi, 0,her enterprises The entire acreage Is Irrigated and highly culti­ will leave for Monmouth to join Ralph and Earl, Mr. and Mrs. W.
(d the work the members won 14 milk business in Toledo, is • « * '“ ’ vated for big crops of quality productions. The land was worthless nine years her mother and sisters who recently
«go when he bought It and was wrested from nature. Every variety of product moved to th at city from Halsey. A. Falk and son Raleigh, and
rate, 6 seconds, 5 thirds, 4 fourths ry of the county Jer’ 7 ca. e c
Leonard Cbriatenaon were visitors
such ai potatoes, cotton, peaches, grapes, onions, tigs, etc. Is produced. Mr.
nd 3 fifths in competition at and hold, the d.st.nct.on of be,ng
Hoover constantly checks over with his manager, a university xraduate farm She expects to attend the state I at the L R. Falk home Sunday.
altm and Portlaud. In Polk conn- the first to bring a pure bred sire expert who has the practical knowledge to go with his sclentlflc education. normal tùie winter.
Continued on page 8.
I where County Agent Beck is in 1 to bie community.
Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Membership
Growing Rapidly in Parts of Oregon