Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, August 23, 1928, Image 1

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iiutlsvij ÎHittrrprtic
Established in 1912. Vol. 17. No. 16.
JjT h e premium lists for the 1928
Linn County Fiee Fair will be
ready for distribution by August
Although arrangements for hand­
ling the fair this year were late in
getting under way, Mr. L.E. A rn­
old, secretary, and Miss Pauline
Burch, assistant secretary, feel that
more than usual interest and coop
eration are being manifested by tbs
exhibitors and taxpayers all over
the county, and it is believed by
the executive committee th at the
Free Fair plan will be a h ’ghlv
successful expeiimeut.
Thirteen orgdniied communities
have already reserved space for
their exhibits in the pavilion.
Keen iuterest is being shown by
members of tho Boys’ and Girls'
clubs. The Boys’ and G irls’ club
of Benton county, through their
county agent have requested tbr
privilege of coming to o ir fair in a
group and holding a judging con­
test just after the Linn county hoys
and girls have held theirs. They,
however, w'll not be permitted to
compete for premiums, their con
test being held entirely for the en­
joyment and benefit of the club
Every effort is being made to se
cure an interesting program for
afternoons and evenings.
The Shedd community was t'ue
name drawu this year and they will
have the privilege of sending the
queen to the fair.
Sells Floto Circus—Albany to­
day—Eugene Friday.
» "<
W. V. aud auxiliaries held a joint ,1‘shed a call meeting of the siotk-
picnic at Sm ith’s grove near Peoria , t)ol^ers of the Halsey Telephone
last Sunday to which a large dele- j 00-. ,ur September 12.
gallon from b >th places attended. | Mrs. Johu Underwood of the
At 1:00 o'clock uiess call wag Irish Bend district spent several
sounJe1 and .5 from Albany a n d ^ o u rs iu Halsey Wednesday morn-
65 from Eugeue responded and , ing on a business trip.
seated at tables built by Mr.Smith
Nora Coldiron, Georgina Claik,
for the occasion. During the after, and Muriel Lake left Weduesday
noon reinforcements arrived and afternoon for Cascadia to spend a
in a short time the surrender of few days on a camping trip.
everything edible h id been'accom­
Mr. and Mr*. Chailes Goltra
plished under the able generalship
and cbilden of Albany spent Sun­
of Past S tite Commander Lee A
day in Halsey with their grand­
Hurst of Albany ably assisted by
mother, Mr*. Mary E. Allan.
Dr. Fout of Eugene who proved
Mrs. Frances Gray of Salem was
his ability in m aneueriug the
Halsey the latter part of the
heavy barnyard artillery in eucb a
masterly manner as to prevent re week on a virft to friends and also
tre a to fth e enemy who surrendered to look alter property interests
gratefully, notwithstanding their
Mr. and Mrs. George Hocken-
wonderful tank support given by smilh and family of Route 1 left
Sergeant Hern.
today for Salem where they will
The dinner served by the auxili spend a few days visiting relatives
aries was, as usual, not to be ex
Mr. and Mrs. O. I. Albertson
celled and has been a factor in and son Lester and Mr. and Mrs
keeping desertions dowu to a small H. L. Wallace an<l daughter Max.
percentage in the veteran ranks.
ine spent Sunday at the A F. Al­
Senator John Bell of Eugene was bertson home west of Halsey.
among the Eugene veterans present.
Harold Miller, superintendent of
the Ryderwood, Wash , school», is
There will be a farewell party expected to arrive in Halsev Satur­
next Wednesday evening, August day for a short visit with his par­
29, at the I.O.O .F. hall for Mrs. ents, Rev. and Mrs J S. Miller.
L H Armstrong, who is leaving
Mr. and Mrs. F. Buford Morris
soon for Montana to make her and son Bobbv left Wednesday
home. The party is being given morning for Sunnyside, Wash., on
hy the members of Vine Maple a visit Io the former’s father. In
Circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft, going they went over McKenzie
and is for all m em ters and their Pass and will return by the ML
Hood loop
Ercell Sneed of Trona, Calif,
Mr. and Mrs. D. 0 . Stevenson of
arrived Sunday morning oil a two Portland spent Sunday ard part of
weeks visit to his parents, Mr. and Monday in Halsey at the home of
the former’s brother, J. A . Steven­
Mrs N. T. Sneed of Ha Lev.
son. The latter is reported lo he
vpry ill at his home in East Hal­
Halsey Pastor Has Wide and Varied
Experience in His 44 Years of Work
Mr. and Mrs, Elden Cross spent
Sunday at Newport.
Frank Gansle and family are
busy this week enj vying a vacation
trip through eastern and southern
Mr end Mrs. Frank McCashu
an 1 son c,f Portland spent S iturd y
night and Sunday at tbe N. T.
Sneed home in West Ha'sey.
Mr. aud Mrs. W. Law tence Wells
of Eugene are guests of tbe former's
parents. Mr, aud Mra. \ \
Wells of Halsey this week before
leaving for Missouri where Mr.
Wells will be instructor in a Bible
university. Mrs. Welis will have
charge of the young women of the
college and will also do clerical
D. C. Rossman puts us wise to
the fact th.it a friend of curs is s,
strong on the enforcement of lb»
ISih amendment as to attempt iu
fillin'' bis automobile tires with
water. Rossman lias the reputation
of getting go;d tire mileage. Tho
incident reminds U1 of one that
e inn-bow went over Mr. Ro-sman'r
head which h is to do with a barn
yaid scene enacted not, so long ago
in which a bucking cayuse took
the leading part. It sneins th at an
exaggerate l statement had beer
made in n moment of higli tensioi
reminiscence, as to the ability ot
a certain member of the gang bs
ing able to pull a stellar attraction
with the pony. A bridle wj . s bor
rowel and tbe act put oil but wa­
ft Hop Later tbe owner of tbe
bridle called for hie property and
was told th at the cayuse was out
in the pasture and the head regalia
with him so lie walked out alter it
and while doing so also decided to
ride the bronc back to the house
At this point there seemed to be a
difference of opiuion, tbe tronc
got kleig eyed and tbe rider got
ball right from the first takeoff
Al'er lj* !? a graceful landing was
made and the hriJld recovered.
Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County
Halsey, Oregon, Thursday August 23, 1928.
Lawton camp of Eugene
Mr. and Mrs, L W. Patton aud
Phillips camp of Albany U. S ; Elsewhere in this issue is pub
No Admissions Will Be Charged
This Year, Says Manager
K- » u , , Paper
A deal wai olose I the last of the
week in the newspap'r circles, of
the San Joaquin valley, in which
Jahn K Standish, a former llilaey
uoy, entered into one of the most
promising publishing houses in
cm tral California. It is reported
tb it he has purchased an interest
in the Oakdale Leader, at Oakdale.
California, which is one of tb«-
publishing houses owned by Louie
Meyer, treasurer of the California
Slate Press association, and who
o m s several of tbe leading papers
io that section of the state, (t was
stated that Mr. Standish will be in
a.urge of the Oakdale Leader, as
dr. Meyer plans to devote hie lime
ta one of h's bay sec'ion papers,
which be cout inplales turning in­
to a daily in the near future.
Standish has been associated
with tbe 0 ‘kdale Loader since tbe
first of the year as aaseoiate editor
and advertising manager, prcv.ous
to that lime was advertising m in-
ager of the Mountain D .-nncrit at
Piacerv.lle, and a spaci.il mining
news «jorrespeudent for the Sacra­
mento Bee.
According to information re­
ceived tbe deal was in tbe neigh-
borlio d of $15,000.
L ake C reek N ew s
(By an Enterprise Reporter)
From O ur Regular Correspondents
The members of tiie Potter sew­
ing club enjoyed an all div quilt
ing party at the home of Mrs J.VV
Lamar Tuesday. At moon a cover,
ed d'sb dinner was served.
♦ ♦ ♦
Fiiday evening the boy members
of tho Epworth League were hosts
at a party for the pleasure of the
girl member.«. The party was held
on (he river hauk hack of the Van
Owen home, swimming was en ­
joyed during the early evening aud
later games wers played and songs
were sung.
The evening ” was
brought to a close by the boys
serving wieners, buns and. lemon­
About thirty young people were
present fur this enjoyable evening.
lT =
A lford A rrow s
(Enterprise correspondent)
C. A. Curtis shipped five regis­
tered Oxford sheep to Yoncalla
last week.
Brian Perry and fa nily went to
Sunday where they spent
the day.
O. O. Coldiron and daughter
Nora were Corvallis visitors Wed­
nesday afternoon.
Mis. Roy Rowland of Philomath
is visiting her mother, Mrs. A 1,.
Hathaway tor a few days.
Ma V Hathaway who has been
spending the summer in Corvallis,
is at home now v isa in g tier parents
Mr. and Mre. A L. Hathaway.
Mr. and Mrs. George H ocken.
smith and daughter Jesealine, ar.d
Mr and Mrs. John Gormley left
Weduesday for Newport to spend
several days vacation.
Ruteell Herndon made a trip to
Corvallis Saturday, bringing hack
with him Mrs. Annie Jones and
M's. A la Cummings, aud on Sun-
dsy they and Mr. and Mrs. Martin
P eoria N ew s
Cummings aud Lucile Herndon
enjoyed a trip to Cascadia In the
(By an Enterpiise Reporter)
Mrs. Lucy Logan and children evening Mr and Mrs V. C. Jones
have moved to Lewisburg to make and family of Corvallis and Mr.
and Mrs. Emil Hollekes of Mc­
their borne.
Minnville visited at the Cummings
Beulah Carothers is at home af­
ter working for Mrs. J. C Porter
f >r several weeks.
Mis C.E. Evans and Mrs. Laura
Mrs. Reynold» who has been in
public speaking
He was awarded the h .tel and restaurant business
Perhaps in the whole stute of
in Halsey for the past eight years
Oregon there is bo one minister of iis A. B. diploaai at the c l . s » of his accompanied by her daughters left
five years io college.
llie gospel who has had as wide and
During Rev. Miller’s long service for their new home at Monmouth
varied experience as has Rev, J.S
in the ministry lie has had many Tuesday. Sunday they were guests
Miller, pastor of the First Metho­
xperience not encountered by the at a double wedding of two of their
dist church of Halsey.
younger ministers of today. Iu the cousins at Jefferson Sunday eve­
Born on a little farm three miles
a irly days of his paslorhood it was ning.
east of Mayfield, Kentucky, on lot unusual to be called at any
Last Fridav Mrs Jess Cross and
July 25, 19C2, Mr. Miller spent the
hour of tbe day or night lo admin- Miss A'berta Koontz drove to New-
early years of his life in that stale.
isler the word of God to a dying Dort and on Saturday evening they
He attended the puhl c schools un-
paiishoner, ofttimes living many were joined by Mis3 Lillian Rey­
til he was through the fifth grade.
miles distant, with the only mode nolds, Jess Cross, Delos Clark,
At the age of ten years he was con­
Mr. and Mrs. Lord and two sons
of travel being horsebick. In many George Cross and Herman Koon'z
verted and shortly afterwards join
Portland have been visiting at
of tbe charges covered it was not and the entire party eujoyed a week
ed the church.
home of VV. G. Abraham
uausual for the miuister to have end outing at this popular oc»a"
Ou February 23, 1884, he wax to sleep in the same room occup-e i resort. They returned to Halsev
Mr. and Mrs. G lin Studley and
licensed to preach and on the 19lh by an entire family as aleepiue late Sunday evening,
son of Portland visited over the
day of the following March he quarters, for in the early days
Mr. ann Mrs. L. H- Armstrong week end.with her m olhtr, M'».
started in the travelling cc nnection many of tbe little hom?s consisted
and daughters will go to Oakland, Alice Barcus.
of the Methodist chur. h. Rev. rf onh two room*, but tbe hospi­
Mr and Mrs. Fred W alten of
Ore , Saturday afternoon and will
Miller rode horse back four days tality of the people covered any­
and Mrs. M-M. F ruit were
visit relatives unt'l Monday. On
to reach his first appointmei t, thing lacking in the comfort of the
Sunday they will participate in s visitors at Cascadia Saturday night
which was at the little lowo of home.
reunion of the Chenoweth family, and Sunday.
Marion, Kentucky.
During Rev Miller’s work in the of which Mr«. Armstrong is a
Several of the farmers around
After sfending five years in the service of the church he has served member. The Armstrongs expec
Peoria were loters on account of
m inistry, Rev. M ilkr decided to go 55 organized churches an ! also a to leave the first week of Septem­ fire destroying the Schultz Bros,
to college, and entersd B'ernan number of outside places. He has ber for Montana to make their warehouse at Fayetteville.
college at Muhlemherg, Kentucky travelled eight charges that bad home.
Maud aud Lea McGaughey of
in which institution he spent the from four to eight preaching places
were over night guests at
Lillian Warmoth, who is visiting
next live years. Upon leaving col­ each, while in eight other charges
tbe home of Mrs. J.S. Lamar while
lege, Rev. Miller was made pre­ which he travelled there was but
oia their way to assembly at Mil.
siding elder of the Middlesburg one preaching place each. He hsa while on a vacation from her duties
as teacher in the Waebingion t >n, Oregon.
district, near the famous Cumber performed 112 wedding ceremonies
schools, was a guest at I be W.C.
Lou Schultz who suffired a sr
land Gap, in Kentucky, with his and preached 98 funer»la.
burned hand while trying
home at Barberville. He served
In addition to the collegiate de
Mias Warmoth taught the seventh to save his books from tbe fire
this district five years, at the end grees held by Rev. Miller, he has
and eighth grades in the Halsey which destroyed the warehouse, is
of which lie accepted a call to a another one of which he seldom
school several years ago and alio getting along nicely.
pastorate in North Dakota, and in speaks. This is a real estate di­
taught the Brandon echoel one
Mrs. J. E. Walbeck and daugh
thia state lie spent 25 years in. the ploma and was obtained by him
Florence, of Myrtle Creek are
while bolding down a homestead in
with her mother Mrs. J S.
In September 1926, Rev. Miller McKinley county, North Dakota
Rev. Walbeck and
On January 19. 1882, Rev. Mil­
came to Halsey and assumed charge
attending assembly
ler was married to Linnie Liven sitter, Osa Miller, ail of Portland,
of the local cburcb.
at Milton, Oregon.
came up lest Wednesday for a
Rev. M iller’s studies did not H jlen near Mayfield, Gray county,
visit with Rev. and Mr?. ,J.8. Mil­
eease with the receiving of his Kentucky. Rev. and Mrs. Miller
ler. B. H. Miller an ! family ie-
diploma from the Brernan college,
We are taking this means of ex-
for along with his ministerial work swl, Osa, Ben, end Elmon all of
Osa remained for another week. pressing our appreciation to those
he has done correspondence study­ Portland, Charles of St. Paul,
Wednesday she went to Newport who so willingly assisted in fighting
ing for 27 years, sod as a result Minnesota, and Harold of R yder­
a brief outing trip, returning the fire ou the W.L, Weil» farm
ha* been rewarded with the follow­ wood. Washington They also have
here today. She expects to return last week.
ing diplomas: A M ; B D.; D.D ; four granddaughters and one grand
W. L. W'»R»
Portland Friday.
Po.D ; LL. D ;and a diploma of son.
Mrs. E. D. Is »in and Beveily
visited the W. C. Shekels home in
Hulsey Monday.
Mr. aud Mrs. Hitchcock of Cor­
vallis were Sunday guests at Mich-
lel Rickard’s.
Wilma. Lois ar.d linn» Falk and
Velda and Alice Curtis are picki' g
hops at the C artw right yards at
J. II. Rickard and family atteix'-
<J a reunion of the Jenka fami y
at the Enoch Jenks home near Tai •
gent Sunday.
Sunday evening a woman mi -
sionarv of the M'muonite church
spoke iu the local church, f-he
was greeted by a large attendance.
Mrs. E. D. Isom and daughter
returned Sunday from an outing
in the Cascade national forest n*sr
Odell lake where Mr I- >ui > nd
son Carl are now employed in the
forestry service.
Guests at the Cbes'er C urt’s
boon Sunday wero Mr», d iarie s
Tandy and Mrs. Landis Philpott
Woodward of Lake Cie«k spent and children of Noli, and Herbert
Wednesday io Eugene on a busi- Tandy and family of Veoita, and,
Wilma, Lois and Erma Falk,
n ss trip.
Albany Twin Round-Up New Annual
Affair at Hub City; Will Offer Prizes
Albany, Aug. 28.—(Special) — est pair of twins; and $10.00 to the
Oregon's first annual Twin Round- youngest set. In addition, each
set of twins will receive an entry
Up is to be held at Albany on Sep­
prize of one dollar. No admission
tember 1, it was annouuced today
charge will he made.
by Morris Smders, president of the
Valuable national publicity for
Albany Chamber of Commerce, Oregon will result fro'm the event
ts motion picture cameramen will
tpousors of tho unique oven*.
Perhaps the uioit novel contest be on band to film the spectacle
yet staged in tbe colorful history of lor Ihe International news reels, in
Oregon, the Twin Round-Up has addition lo a corps of newspaper
created widespread interest and it reporters and photographers.
AH participants must be resi-
is estimated that between 30 and 40
leuls of the state and must be reg-
sets of twins will participate.
Cash prizes will he awarded <s ateied with the Albany Chamber
follows: (10 00 to the twins that , f Commerce. Registrations may
look the most alike; $10 00 to the be made in person or hy filling in
twins th at (ravel tiie greatest dis- and mailing the ofli rial snti y blai k
lance to compete; $10 00 to the old- I below:
= il
F irst Annual Oregon tw in Round Up, Albany, September 1, 1928
Round-Up committee, Albany chamber of commerce,
Albany. Oregon.
Fleas» register the fo llow ing in tbe first Annual Oregon Twin Round - t p
Nam e..........................................................................................................................
A d d r e s s ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----- —------- . . . T o w n . . . ------- - — . . . . . ------
Name . ................................... ........... ..............- ..............
Address ...................................... ..........................T o w n . . . . . . . . . ............- . . . . .
Please P R IN T above inform ation.