Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, August 16, 1928, Image 7

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Along the Concrete
Largest Arch
Education Rout» P rejudice
The Inrgest municipal arch In the
world Is the Arc de Trlomphe In
Paris, France. This edifice Is 162 feet
high and 147 feet wide. It was erect
ed In 1806-1836 to celebrate Napoleon's
Prejudices, It Is well known, are
most difficult to eradicate from the
heart whose soil has never been
loosened or fertilised by education;
they grow there. Arm us weeds among
rocks.—Charlotte Bronte.
Qualify That Count»
That K ind of Man
No dollar can buy so much os the
one that hns been honestly and
squarely earned. There Is something
more than money In It—satisfaction.—
Capper's Weekly.
He Is the kind of mun, we said In
our bitterly lutolerant way, who Is
much nicer to the society editor than
he is to the elevator operator.—Ohio
State Journal.
Old Queen of the Sea»
M olasses Not Treacle
The words “molasses” and “treacle’'
are often used as synonoyms. but
properly speaking molasses Is the un
erystallzed sirup produced In the mak­
ing of sugar, while treacle Is obtained
In the process of refining sugar.
G reat Religiou» Sects
The world's population of Mohnm
medans and Buddhists Is estimated at
j 730,000,00a
Useless Inform ation
An Industrious statistician has dis
, covered that Great Britain uses an
average of 2.798373.100 buttons a yeur
Let C harity Be Wise
It Is wicked to withdraw from being
1 nseful to the needy, and cowardly to
give away to the worthless—Epictetus
Elephant Good Swim m er
The elephant swims more easily
thnn It walks. It simply stands up
! right and trends water.
alpaca has some­
sheep, but It hns
also more active
Banana Prolific Plant
Lots ot people are sure they are
right who never go ahead.—Boston
Three of the five men thnt drafted
the Declaration of Independence were
i scientists.
Idleness and pride tax with henvler
hand than kings and parliaments.—
If one is tender-hearted, may the
Lord give him wisdom with It.
The man who can acknowledge a
ndstnke without blaming It on some
one else has true moral courage.
Few people Impair their eyesight
J looking on the bright side of things.
Study your own self.—St. Bernard.
When a man offers you something
for nothing, don’t accept It unless you
cnn afford to pay at least double Its
Few Do It
Derivation of “ Latin"
The word Lotln Is derived from
l.atluum. which was that part of on
clent Italy which Included Home.
He that walketh with wise men
shall be wise; but a companion ol
fools shall be destroyed.—Proverbs
I 13:20.
The popularity of some people Is
due to the things they don’t say.
“Beautiful." murmured the flapper
tourist os she gazed upon the Image
of the sphinx. And ns an afterthought
she added, "but dumb."
W orth Rem em bering
Uncle Eben
“We all hai an ear foli music," said
Oncle Eben, "an' many a man is henrd
wlf attention, simply because he has
a good bass voice.”—Washington Star
discovered In America 250
j years ago.
Unless a man possesses self-control
he Is little better than a Have.
“We regnrd our ancestors as wise,"
said HI Ho, the sage of Chinatown,
“especially those ancestors who at­
tained riches we hope to Inherit.”—
Washington Star.
The V erdict
A lpaca and Sheep
An ordinary crop of bananas yields
approximately 32.000 pounds of food
per acre.
Epoch in H iitory
The L'ulted States sutierdreadnought
Wyoming on July 19, 1912, made 22,94»
knots on her* standardization trial.
This wus the largest and fastest bat­
tleship aflout at the time with twelve-
inch guns.
H eight of W isdom
Oxen in Farming
South African farmers find oxen
profitable in farming. A two year-old
steer costs $25, and after four or five
years' work, the butcher will pay $59
for him.—Farm .1 Fireside.
The body of the
what the form of a
a long neck. It Is
and carries Its head
The P ity of It
In some families. If they can get
It, they think they can afford It.
Another good Intelligence test la
the ability to memorize good poetry—
and never quote IL—Sun Frauclsco
Poor Policy
To lose our charity In defense ot
our religion Is to sacrifice the citadel
to maintain the out works.—Colton.
Turks Bar C hristianity
Turkey Is the only country In the
world In which Christianity Is not ac­
cepted ns a religion.
Evil in S atiety
I hold this to be the rule of life:
Too much of anything Is bad.—Ter­
Its Significance
The gold fringe on the American flag
denotes that It Is regimental colors.
lie who takes no position will not
sway the human Intellect.—Shedd.
It takes n pretty girl of eighteen,
with lots of company, to brighten up
the gloom of a big old mansion.
Logic proves or disproves all things
hut It doesn’t accomplish any of them.
A man gets grent diversion out of
his reason If he has n good one.
In the Middle ages a pilgrim re­
turned from the lloly land was en­
titled to wear a piece of palm In his
hat. He was, as a result, sometime«
called a palmer.
Not Confined to a Few
Another V iew
The Other Extreme
M iddle A ge “ Palmer»"
1 have found that the flame of moral
Judgment burns Just as brightly In
the man of humble and limited expe­
rience as In the scholar and man of
affairs.—Woodrow Wilson.
“1 visit my friends occasionally," re
marked the book lover, "merely fot
the purpose of looking over my 11
W rote of Christian Sect
In the Annals of Tacitus, Boman
hlstorlun, the fact Is stated that there
existed a sect known as Christians,
who were followers of one Jesus
Christ, executed by command of
Pontius Pilate,
T h e big forw ard m arch of W illys-O verland continue«!
Follow ing the greatest six months in W illys-Overland’«
20-year history, with sales exceeding the entire 1927
output, came July with far more sales than any pre­
vious July, 100% more W hippet and W illys-K night
cars were purchased than during July last year.
T his success is not surprising. Whippet Fours
and Sixes and the three great W illys-K night
Sixes offer a degree of comfort, performance,
safety and e c o n o m y n ever p rev io u sly
available at such extrem ely low prices.
Orders n o w accepted for prom pt
Concerning the Overhead
Come In. Let us arrange for an
early demonstration so that you
may judge for yourself the per­
formance ability of any of the««
modernly engineered car«.