HALSEY ENTERPRISE, HALSEY, OREGON, AVGl SIJV H LW Improved Uniform International T h e R ed R oad A Romance of Braddock’s Defeat By H ugh P endexter C opyrigh t by SundaySchool ’ Lesson ’ ( ( B r h R foo E V dy f B t b B- H » in 'I T U a U g -. o .» s t / i t W u t A e T o B f K C . h ic I®. I»«« Western Newspaper Union.> Illustration s by Irw in M yers YMU S erv let H u gh P en d ex ter. Lesson for August 12 #*■*** I I THE COUNCIL AT JERUSALEM "Tears” in Old Glasses 1 Not Shed by Weepers One of tbe things greatly demanded antique hunters In Europe are “ tear glasses«.” These are, says Pathfinder Magazine, little glusses In the slender stem of which Is impris­ oned a so-called tear. It looks very touching, but It Is deceiving. The 'tear" never came from a sorrowing •ye. It Is merely a flaw In the glass —accidental at first and skillfu lly In­ tended later. But the name Itself, with the age of the article. Is enough to make It sought after. Like the tear glusses of modern Eu­ rope were famous "tear vases,” or lac- ryroatories, of the ancient Greeks and Romans. They are small vessels of glass, or terra cotta, frequently found In tombs and In which the mourners were supposed to have dropped their tears. It has been decided,, however, that they were used to contain un­ guents—something regularly and gen­ erously used at ancient funerals. by the bunks of unnamed creeks, to per L E S S O N T E X T — A c ts T i l l - » * . mil of an ordinary human status. G O L D E N T E X T — I f th a Son s h a ll SYNOPSIS As guides, scout* and riflemen, these m a k e you f r a . y . s h a ll b . f r e . - ' " J * * * ten men were worth a thousand blun­ P R IM A R Y T O P IC — G o d * C h lld r e a W e b s te r B ro n d Is s e rv in g as a dering regulars when It came to deep ** j ' un ’ i OR Q i “ p IC — C h r is t ia n * C e n s n lt- e co ut and apy fo r th e a rm y u n ­ forest fighting. They would find their d e r G e n e ra l B ra d d o c k p re p a rin g own food and be incapacitated neither '"T n TERMEDIATE A N D S E N IO R /T O P ­ f o r th e a d v a n c e on F o r t D u ­ qu esne. H e has Juet r e tu rn e d to by cold nor heat I congratulated IC — P a u l Oppose» R e llg lo u g P l el ul , c * A le x a n d r ia fro m a v is it to the UL7 ,J 2 £ * General Braddock for having such 1 Y O U N G P E O P L E A N D f o r t , w h e re , po sing as a F r e n c h ­ woodsmen serving him. I was worried IC __P a u l S ta n d s fo r C h r is tia n L ib e r t y . m a n , he has secu red v a lu a b le In ­ fo r m a tio n . B ra d d o c k , bred to E u ­ over one problem their coming had ro p e a n w a r f a r e , f a lls to re n liz e I. The Controversy In the Church Faked created, however. For tbe Onondaga's th e Im p o rta n c e of th e news. at Antioch (vv, 1-5). Gene Tunney, discussing faked prize benefit I called o u t: B ro n d Is sen t back to F o r t D u ­ This difficulty was a most serious fights, said in New York: “ Keep back.” qu esne, a ls o b e a rin g a m essage to G e o rg e C ro g h a n , E n g lis h “ Who be you telling in Iroquois to one, for It threatened the disruption “ Of course, you can fake a fight If e m is s a ry am o n g th e In d ia n s . 'keep back'?’’ rumbled Captain Jack, of the church Into Jewish and Gen­ you want to. What can’t you fake, B ro n d Joins his fr ie n d a nd f e l­ his dark eyes seeking to search out tile divisions. It was not a question for that matter? lo w scout. H o u n d P a w , In d ia n of the admission of the Gentiles Into c h ie f, an d th e y set o u t. On the the thicket behind me. “ A t a fru it and vegetable show a w a y th e y f a ll In w it h a ty p ic a l “ An Indian friend of mine who bates the church. That had been settled chap won the first prize for cabbages backw oodsm an, B a ls a r C ro m it, Baby has little upsets at times. All the French," 1 told him. "You stand some years before when Peter e- with a magnificent specimen. w h o Joins th e m . T h e p a r ty e n ­ your care cannot prevent them. But you ceived Cornelius and his household. no chance of harming him If you c o u n te r s * a g ro u p o f s e ttle rs “ 'That’s a beauty, that Is,’ another t h r e a t e n in g a y o u n g g ir l, E ls ie should be so minded. General Brad­ The question now was, on what chap said to him afterwards. ‘I ’ll give can be prepared. Then you can do what any experienced nurse would do—what D ln w o ld , w h o m th e y accuse o f dock needs your help sorely, hut he ground can they be received? Should you half a dollar for It.’ w it c h c r a f t . B ro n d saves h e r fro m most physicians would tell you to do— Gentile converts be required to keep has many Iroquois In his camp." “ ‘No you won’t,’ said the prize give a few drops o f plain Castorla. No th e m . T h e g i r l d is a p p e a rs W e b ­ “ His Injuns are safe. So’s yours,' the Mosaic law as a condition of sal- winner. ‘1 gave 69 cents for It my s te r d e liv e r s his m essage to sooner done than Baby Is soothed; re­ C ro g h a n . Young C ol. G e o rg e ration? This Issue was brought on self.’ ” was the slow response. W a s h in g to n rescues B ro nd fro m lie f is Just a matter o f moments. Yet "Cromit, come forward." 1 called. by the coming of certain men from b u lly in g E n g lis h s o ld ie rs . He you have eased your child without use The redhead crawled through the Jerusalem, who declared, ‘Except ya w o rs ts a b u lly In a fig h t, and C o rn S u g a r fo r Babies of a single doubtful drug; Castorla is finds E ls ie D ln w o ld . B ro nd te bushes, all his teeib showing. Stand be circumcise«« after the manner -an<] ru (I-Stupa H air F a IU hx Croghun had some Iroquois there. But decided to refer the matter to the R e s to re s C o lo r a n d tary discipline. So It's well you go when we meet a redskin alone In the church at Jerusa.em. Accordingly, ment of Agriculture. Crude calcium B e a u ty to G r a y a n d F a d e d H a il cow." •Or. am i f l "0 a t Pruggrlft». woods we never ask to see his road- Paul and Barnabas and others were cyanide applied to the main city dump H lsco x ''h em . Wlm. P a tfln 'g u e . W T “ Immediately. There Is a young bells. We shoot How Is this Brad sent as a deputation to Jerusalem. on the tide flats killed 10.570 rats in FLORESTON SHAM PO O -Ideal for n » In womun In cutup, who bus been mus dock? He can’t know anything about II. The Deliberations of the Council three days, according to estimates. connection with I’arker s Hair Ba.«ftm Makf-sthe querudlng as a mutt Het sex hut hair soft »nd fluffy. 60 cent« by mail or »t drug- The appropriation to pay for the work Injuns and their aatur’.“ (vv. 6-21). Bute. Uiicoz Chemical Works, PaUbogne, N. Y. been discovered by the wagoners. "General Braddock Is a drill-master. for a year was $1.200. L Peter’s speech (vv, 6-11). They may suy she Is a French spy. I came away from the camp so's not He argued that God had borne w it­ She la Elsie Dlnwold. ot Great cove. to be under military rule." F a rm e rs ’ C o -O p e ra tiv e s ness to Ills acceptance of the Gen­ Site was driven from the vulley the The'« Waa Non« on the Frontier Who "He puts folks under orders, eh?’ tiles by giving tbe Holy Spirit to There are now at least 10,800 farm­ RELIEVED Had Not Heard of Black Jack, the And Captain Jack shrugged his big them as '.into the Jews (Acts 10:34- day I left there on the charge she Is ers' co-operative associations In the a witch. I vouch for her as a Indian Killer. shoulders In disgust “ We don't want 47). Since therefore, God had not put United States, with a membership of QUICKLY poor unfortunate young woman and Carter’s Little Liver Pills drop his gun when the first man to any pay or rations. We’re going to a difference It would be folly for them over 2,000.000 farmers, doing a busi­ thoroughly loyal to the colonies." Purely Vegetable Laxative ness amounting to $2,400,000,000 an­ i do so. break through the tluibei kneeled by W ill's creek because Croghan's there. •M is t n a tu re in it« digestive “ She shnll not be molested. But 2. Paul and Barnabas rehearsed nually. In 1915 ihere were only 5.424 the tire-stones, thrust his hands Into All we ask of Braddock Is to be lei ------------- d u tie s . M a n y tim e * o n e v f there are too many women In camp th e s e little p ills ta k e n a fte r m eal« o r a t b e d tim e associations engaged In buying farm the ashes, quickly withdrew them, and alone. We live and light In our own their experience (v. 12). w i ll d o w o n d e rs , e s p e c ia lly w h e n y o u h a ve already. I wish you good luck. I way. We"ll have our own way If we They told how that God had set His supplies and selling farm products. o v e re a te n o r a re tr o u b le d w ith c o n s tip a tio n . announced: would like to go with you. only I'd R s m c m b e r th e » » re ■ d o c to r’ , p r e ic r ip lio n seal of approval on their preaching ••Still hot. Buntin' not more’n two help him." » n d U D b e t a k e n b y t h e e n t i r e < » m ily . never pus* ns 'a Frenchman." lie Jerked his head toward the val­ of salvation by grace through faith H o ld s H e a t a n d C o ld A l l D ru g g ie « , 2 5 c e n d 7 5 c R e d P a c k a g e ,. hours ago.” ley path and his men fell In behind I hastened to the Iroquois cutup and apart from werks, by the working "Look about," harshly commanded A combination traveling refrigera­ him and the ten of th mo passed from of signs and wonders through them. found Round I'aw smoking and talk the leader. tor and stove has been devised for Ing with George Croghan The Ouon 3. The argument of James (vv, 14- caring for food for patients In Boling- Before they could move I called out: our sight. Invaluable as they would he to Braddock in guarding against 21). dags wus quick to respond when I “ Who are you wen?" broke hospital, London. Insulated promised action We secured a small He took the fact declared by Peter compartments, side by side, w ithin the S i t » None ot them appeared to move a surprise attacks, I doubted If that martinet would accept them on their bag nt meal and some extra arrow and showed how It harmonized with muscle until the leader slowly turned ▲t Ltwt ! A P erm a n en t R em ed y for beads tor flints, tor I ever considered Ills head In our direction and tersely own terms. As they vanished through the prophecy of Amos (Amos 9:11-15). box keeps hot foods hot and cold the green wall I turned hack to the He showed that the reception of the things cold. The device Is on three th yn belter Ilian Die Imimrted article answered: wheels and Is propelled by »hr nurses. As we traveled tbe ancient path Are. Round I’aw «as there. Gentiles was not In conflict but In "W hite men." the Onondaga Informed me Major Cromit chuckled: strict harmony with God's plan. As But this was scarcely sufficient, for S o m eth in g N e w “ The Injun never budged a Inch, ■ set forth In James’ speech, God's Chapman had taken his road builders the times were ticklish. So I said: N o A p p lia n c e s ! Bathtub Salesman—1 beg to call lied like Tophet when I said he’d run over Will's mountain, a most foolish plan Is as follows: "11 you're the right kind ot white No Drugs! No D ietingl choke und one that would cause great men. we re glad to see you If you are away." (1) To take out from among the your attention to the unusual features R esult» p o sitiv ely g u a ra n teed . P a r ticu la rs free on request. . _ . of this tub, which Is especially de­ waste o t time and much hardship Col We made our breakfast ot broiled Gentiles a people for His name (v. 14). the wrong kind, you w ill go to W ill’s O. M oore, ll«»x 161, N ew p ort B ea c h . onel Washington could have designated creek with us." squirrels and then pushed on. We This Is what Is now going on, tha signed fo r those who sing while bath­ ing. It »has a new beauty and depth, S C H O O L F O R M E N a much better road, as could any ot “ W ill 8 creek Is where we’re hound crossed Savage run, scarcely more preaching of the gospel to the ends Braddock’s scouts bad thelt advice for, to help Glnernl Braddock whip than a rivulet, and camped on Little of the earth, and the calling out of a richer resonance; In other words, T r e v e , ter BUSINESS, TRADE) ei FBOFESSIONS E u roll a n y tim e. Send for lite r a tu r e . my dear sir. It's orthophonlc.—Life. been sought. the French and Injuns. So show meudows with the rugged slope ol the church. O R EG O N IN S T IT U T E O r TE C H N O L O G Y It was near aunret by the time we yourselves." Meadow mouutuln behind us So fat Y. M. Ce A . B ld g . P o r t la n d , O regon (2) After the church Is completed Haw ! H aw ! had covered Hve tulles, and as my There were along every border cer­ we bad found no fresh signs ot Indians, and removed, the Israelltlsh nation W. N. U., PORTLAND, NO. 32-1928. buste to depart bad lieeu to avoid be tain small bands ot while men who but during the morning of the next w ill be converted and restored to their Tinner—Yesterday 1 fell off an 18- Ing called buck and hampered by any had reverted to savagery, and who day we came upon the scalped re­ land and privileges by the Lord Him­ foot ladder. Nothing Is so popular as kindness. m llltnry Instructions, we were free to waged war on all decent people. M«s mains ot a warrior. I pronounced him self at His return (w . 16. 17). Lady—Mercy I You might have camp and take It leisurely I built s tlonlng for uiy companions to remain tn be a Twlghtwee. but Round I'aw killed yourself. (3) Following this w ill be the con­ I f you seldom express your opinion, Are while llotind I'uw wus perching In hhllng I stepped Into the small Insisted Tinner—Naw, It was only from the version of tha world through the people w ill ask fo r IL a turkey. While wF were broiling out opening. and said: "Jononlady Uagas!" (meaning the agency of converted Israel (v. 17, it , second step 1 dropped. anppet a tall lanky figure blundered Rom. 11:15). He showed that there “ We re scouts for Braddock's army. dead man wus a Huron) Love Is probably the only thing that Into the lig h t II was Balsar CrotnIL Now talk to me with belts." D ra s tic M e th o d s Tbe Onondaga suld death bad been Is no conflict when the Scriptures has more lives than a caL “ Been chasing you fellers." he In are rightly divided. His Judgment was caused by a small b u lle t and he ac The lust speaker ngalo spoke, say Doetor—The only way for you to formed us. cepled my theory that the Black that the Gentiles should not be trou­ regain your figure Is to cut out the tng. and civilly enough: While you look at what la given, “ How Is ttds. R nlsarf I sternly do •Our cap n here Is "Black' Jack ot Hunter and his men bad bagged the bled with things that are Jewish, but sweets? look also at the giver.—Seneca. should be warned to “ abstain from manded. "You're a wagoner, and yout the Juniata We go to help Gineral fellow. Fair Pat ent—Gracious I Are you place It back In camp We are out Braddock " Scouting farther on we came to the pollutions of Idols, and from fornica­ going to operate to get that chocolate This world has had several periods on a scout " There was none on the frontlet who remains of a fresh campfire. It was tion, and from things strangled, and I ate this morning?—Detroit News. of growing worse Instead of better. not more than a night old and It was from blood." “ It I ain't wanted. I can scout had not heard of Black Jack, the In III, The Decision (vv. 22-29). dlan killer Ills family had been mur­ t«M) large for an Indian to have lighted I alone," he replied, displaying ids mean E cho o f D e fe a t A farmer can make grass grow The Jerusalem church came to a Ingles* grin "W ild tltnhei enough for dered oy the red men while he was Nor could I attribute It to tbe Black ■•What did you learn In school to­ where he wants It to, which we ean't unanimous agreement and accepted Huuter's band, for Captain Jack and away on a hunting trip On return all of us to scout In But I'll he mor­ day, son?” do in town. tally dinged If I'll stick on the creek Ing to the ruins of his little cabin he his men would make a blaze after tbs ! the resolution offered by James. They “ Well, dad, I learned that your not only sent a letter stating the de­ and eat salt meat while the thief who hud vowed to devote the remainder ol Indian fashion Most comfortable kind of goods to definition of an Isthmus Is the her the Onondaga was puzzled, for It cision ol the conference, but took tha stole my rifle la loose to hunt for his life to exterminating tbe race wear In summer, somehow, can't be From Florida to New York province placed a third party near the scene ol ' wise precaution of sending Influential rles." fresh meat" made to look dressy. tils name was known, and many the the killing. My friend requested Gro­ men along with Paul and Barnabas “ Some one stole your rifle?" A l l In to bear the same testimony by word story was related about him and hl* mit and me to stay by tbe charred " I f we lick the French as sartaln as Big men conferring together never Customs Official.—What have you to This letter denied tha that there rifle lias been stole, then never ending quest for revenge. The stick« while he Inveallguted more of mouth. flatter each other. Indeed, the ut­ declare? authority of the Judalzing teachers the French are everlastingly walloped Indiana attributed much eorcery <*> closely. Before settlDg forth he ex Returning Passenger—1 declare that most candor prevails. this very minute The thief lit out him und no longer considered him a amlned the spot most patiently and i (v. 24). and declared the method by which this decision had been reached Tm glad to get back. ahead of you fellers Come round the mere human being. Too many dead Anally announced: W ild animals are not more health­ (vv. 25-27). The Holy Spirit was to red men bud been found on trail and "One man. tong gun." mountain by this path.” ful than men. I f they fall sick, they (T O B E C O N T IN U E D ) Best P la n be given first place, and the Gentile mountainside, tn lonely valley and on The Onondaga caught only frag­ die promptly and disappear. believers were instructed to abstain ments of Cromlt'a talk and asked me “ This Is a one-way street." a a a :: a - a from meats offered to Idols, from “ Still, we'd better look both ways." to repeal IL After I did so. he ad­ .. .. ,: ;; - :: » :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: « :: « D iagnosis blood, and from things strangled, and —Louisville Courier-Journal. vised : “Is thia a doll hospital?” from fornication. "Let the hone breaking man cotne D og F orm ally T ried for S tea lin g Chicken IV. The Decision Delivered to the “Yes.” Evelyn, age five, was watching het with us. If w e ineel a hear he shall "What does my doll need?" Church (vv. 30-35) mother dress a chicken and, seeing show how strong his hand* are against “ A transfusion of sawdust"—Louis­ Today the satirists have plenty to the galleys, although what he would The church was called together ta tbe windpipe for the first time, asked: claws," do In the galleys Is a subject of won­ ville Courier-Journal. “ All right, Balsar; you re one ot us, wear themselves out on, but one thins der. Perhaps be was sentenced to be bear tbe report. Its reading brought "Is that the chicken's m.iraronl?” that does not annoy them Is the trial rejoicing. They we.fl now free to but I'll not he responsible for the con a mascot. But the luwyer for the dog oequenres once you get back to the of dog* for commuting the crime of hits upon the Iden of bringing before prosecute the great missionary work. army. But Ila a pity you haven t a ateallng chickens. Racine, the great the court the dog s sons sad daugo-I French poet and dram atist whom w» Knowing How to Pray gun." loosely think of today as a placid soul ters, a litte r of puppies, "poor chil­ " I ’ll have a mighty pert one wtien I living In a placid age, satirize«! such a dren that would be rendered orphans." The life of a man upon earth ta a overhaul that dinged thief. I knew The Judge la touched Oy tills scene, warfare; and It la much better. In the In his day. bad luck was tanning when I dreamed trial He portrayed the case of a dog ac­ for he also has children. The out­ midst of enemies and dangers, to be Anoint the 6calp, especially of that witch girl Consarn her I' cused of stealing and egtlng a Ch(«’n come of the case la not related. Prob­ acquainted with one fortress than spots of dandruff and itching, if with many Inns. He that knows how which had been scheduled to adorn ably the dog was ' simply knocked oo any, with Cuticurl Ointment. to pray may be pressed, but cannot CHAPTER IV •otuebody'a dinner table. Racine paints the head.“ —Kansas City Star. Then shampoo with a suds of be overwhelmed.—Robert Leighton. a ludicrous picture In his ploy. "Les Cuticura Soap and warm water. Plaldeurs," which means the attorneys, Rinse thoroughly. A healthy The Cabin T w o V a rie tie s o f F l a t Enemies Hard to Fight scalp usually means good hair. The Onondaga aroused us shortly literally “ pleaders." of the dog before The cultivation nt flux (or fiber and the court. The lawyers are as windy It w ill require more than a few after sunrise and whispered to me; ns ever th«>y should be In such a case, the cultivation of flax for soed or oil hours of tasting and prayer to cast “ M e n come. Hide." nre two distinct Industries F lb 'r flax out such lem ,ns as selfishness, world- * Cwtacwr« SbawYB« Stick 25c. We took to cover and after a few tbe Judge as doggedly Intent on lm- ilueas, and unbelief.—T. L. Cuyler. mluules one ot them vatu « Into view i partiality. The «log la condemned to Is a variety distinct (rotu » ed flax and baited oo beholding the ashes ol our campfire. He leaned on bis rifle and after a bit of glancing about sounded a low whistle. This was a signal that brought others to bis side. At first glance I thought them to be Indians, but as we observed their un kempt hair, the manner of their walk, their long rifles and fur hats, we knew them to be while men. There were ten of them and their leader was as dark as a negro. All were dressed like Indiana Resides a rifle each carried an az as well as a knife ut his belt. My second thought was that they must be Frenchmen, who always Imitated their red companions In dress, and thus endeared themselves to the In «linn I was lining the leader with my rifle and was about to order him to When your Children Ciy for It Ç A S T O R IA INDIGESTION CARTERS I S i PILLS CHRONIC CONSTIPATION Shampoo Yourself With Cuticura Soap