lîalaey îxnh'vprtsv agriculture horticulture livêstock uiuMMMNMNMMMOininiui E sta b lish e d in 1912. Voi. 17. MRS HOFFMAH TAKES OVER “ GOOD EATS" RESTAURANT N o. 14. Music Educator to Be Hevd Here D evoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn C ounty H alsey, O regon. T h u rsd a y A ugust 9, 1928. HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY Tec«,seen, H.™Oeli,htlul Tire. BLAMES INCOME TAX AND SIX PER CEN£ LIMITATION Last Sunday the members of th« Cleona Smith and Alberta Koontz Tennessee assoiialion of Linn am H. C. Davis spent Friday tu spent Tuesday in Eugene on a bus­ Lane county held their fourth an­ A formal statem ent by Tuoni.ie Newport on a pleasure trip. iness trip. B. Kay ¡charges that the income nual picnic at the Brownsville city Ella Clingm au was a guest of The “ Good E at»” restaurant at Im a Isom of Portland is visiting ta x act of 1928. and the consequent p irk with a large num ber of formsi Mrs. Cecil Puwson of H abey F ri­ the corner of H and Second street disturhince of the state's la x levy, at the home of her father east of residents p re s-n t------------------ conducted by Mrs. Ella Reynolds, day. ing base under the 6 per cent Jimi- Halsey this week. J R. Fox, president cf the as has been leased by Mrs.George W. Clifford Carey cf Salem visited titio n of the constitution are res- sociat-on, presided, and much of Vineta H .w ley of Monroe was a H o d m an who takes possession to­ friends and relatives in H altey guest at the Robert Rumsey borne J the success of tLe m eet.ng was tin- possible for the present state defi­ day. Sunday. seyersl days last week. doubtedly due to his untiring e - cit. In the statem ent he takes the The >aew proprietress is well ac­ Frank Kirk was looking after Cedric Moody has returned to J forts to to arrange arrange a a program program that position th at the farm ers of the ......... ...... j has returned t o ' forts quainted with the business of cater- business transactions at the county his home in Halsey from a visit of would be pleasing to both young Grange labor income tax bill to ing to the restau ran t trade and seat Saturday. ue voted on next November have several weeks with friends in Noti. and will conduct a first class dining Mr and Mr». George Stai r drove * The crowd commenced to a r r i'e not beqn fair because they have Irene Quim by who is a tte n d in g , , service, to Cottage G ove Sunday to attend . , n o rm a l about 10 30 and the renewing old failed to provide for restoration of Mre. Reynolds will move to sum m er school at the state n o rm a l the catnp meeting. ..i l . a oi hnmw frien d sh ip s an d th e m eeting of new the base and because the bill re­ M onmouth where her daughters, spent the week end at her home , . , 1 , .. Mrs. W alter Smith visited her , friends took up the tim e until noor moves “ practically all sources for L illian and Elsie, will attend the southeast of Halsey. In m einlim e thy W0(D, n b (d addiliou il revenue.-' daughter, Mrs. Carl Seetelt, S atur­ state norm al school the cornirg Tuesday Mrs. Berry Sm ith T'«'‘- , bMB bugy a n J (be ,o n | u b le , bad day and Sunday. vear. ed at the W alter Sm ith home and - k ir ly groa|li, R C. Adrian Stas, who has been Mr». 1 W. Hussey. Mrs. John tf.U» I tHilll/fl the pastor of the local C hurch of Staudish and Miss MiHer were A l­ Wednesday Mrs. Robert Ramsey) nr,*!, with »Rwir their lzxa/1 load dxf of good things tiY to was a guest of Mi» S m ith , Christ for the past year, resigned bany visitor» Saturday. eat A new cem ent walk is be ng put Monday and will b2 succeeded by A concert by the Brownsville B M. Miller, wife and daughter down the property occupie 1 by the Mr. J. M. Shelley of the Eugene band followed the dinner, and tl e By Jo h n C. B ittn e r From O ur Regular Corr««pond year». •top off at W grrendale and vieit an actual locale of the story. p i l l i l i IH H I I I I I I I IH -H 4 M t a u n t until the return of the party Those Interested in music eauc. - lions! worn will be pleased to take advantage of the opportunity offered to listen to an address to be given by Mrs. Clifford Moore, director of Clifford Moore school of music, Portlaud, Saturday «ve- n iu g .S e jte m b e r 8, in Halsey. She will speak on m odern m eth­ ods of music education stressing class methods of teaching. Mre. Moore is president of the Oregon Music Teacher's a sociation. J. M. Shelley Called to Halsey Pastorate by Congregation Cooperativa Experts Pleased With Outlook in Th s Stale S O C IE T Y N E W S North Dakotans to Picnic At Corvallis Sunday, Aug. 12 1