agriculture horticulture livestock lint Is eg Enterprise Established in 1912. Voi. 17. No. 13. I 1« E Oysters are so small when the, are born that they cannot be seen without a microscope. A cto r b ir th the , allow them selves to be carried about by the water un til they are a week or so old and then settle down In the bottom where th e , fast en themselves to rocks or logs. Oysters have been cultivated for at least 2,000 years. Halsey, Oregon, Thursday August 2, 1928. HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY nwww.^ Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County F orks C o m p a ra tiv e ly N ew î LEBANON HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WINS EDUCATIONAL TRIP Forks were not even known Delos Clark suent Sunday in T k ed iffeen t streets of the city to tne English people u n til the Hillsboro on a business trip. re being graveled this week. Seventeenth century when they Miss Denna Gill Submits Best were brought there from Italy Prank Gansle and Chris Falk Mrs. Florence Leeper left th s It Is believed our own ancestors Essay In United Slates were county seat visitors Saturday. unorni’-g for Portland to spti.d a who came over In the May d iy or two. flower never saw a small fork L D. Taylor of Halsey was the M‘»s Doona Gill, of L ebanon, Thomas Palmer and C. E. Ardary such as we use at the table guest of friends in Portland over J.D. Bryant of the Riverside Even to this day the Egyptians daughter o, Dr. and Mrs J . G Gill M eet; Palmer Receives Painful the week end. conm unity was a Halsey business nnd Persians eat w ith theb ha* won an educational trip around Bruises About H ead; Ardary lingers. Mr. and Mrs. II. Zimineiman, visitor today. (i). 1927. Western Newspaper Union.) the world as first prias for an es­ (.ex 1928 W esters Xewspapet Union.) Has Nose Bungled Up June l.ayton and Alice Sturtevant The Bred Moss family have say in a contest sponsored by the spent Sunday at Cascadia ou a pic- mi ved to a farm near Sweet H >u e ‘‘World Review” in cooperation Monday evening a bad wieck ic trip. oft the Cascadia road. with the International University occurred on the old highway about Robert Allen and family of Leb­ Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Koontz are Cruise, belter known as “ the Uni- two miles south of Halsey when anon were visitors at lha Ellsworth home from Newport w h'rethey in- versiiy Alloa , ” a Star coupe belonging to Wayne Curtis home south west of Halsey joyed an outing of a week, The prize which Misa Gill has Announcement has been made Klein of Corvallis and driven by The Calapooia grange has an­ won is valued at $-’,500, The con­ last Sunday. Mrs M. M. Ward hzs been in Tom Palmer son of Lyman Palmer that L E AtnolJ, of Albany, man­ The broadcasting station at O S. Albany »¡nee Sunday at the hou e nounced September 3 and 4 as the test was open to senior high school of Lake Creek, and a Ford coupe ager of the Linn county fair, will d ites of their fa;r and rodeo to I e students in all schools of the U nit­ driven by C. E. Ardary of Halsey start iontnediatly to gather exhibits C. closed dowa Tuesday night for of her daughter, Mrs. David Pro­ held at Crawfordsville round-up ed 8tates, with only a few restric­ collided at the cross roar’s uear the for the fair and has isnued ait the summer vacation. Broadcast- man. grouiils. ’Prizes wi t fce awarded tions as to age and character of the Frank Leeper of Halsey l as appeal to all farmers to preserve ng will he resumed about Ssplem- E. D. Pierson home. for all agi ¡cultural and horticultu­ contestant*. One scholarship was oer 15. spent the past several days with a the best of their products for his Young Palmer and Klein weie ral exhibits, poultry and livestock offered for boys and one for girls. Mr. and Mrs. Arch M Her of party of Eugene f’ier.r’« on a fiih- aad for needle work and art work going south on the old highway inspection. The subject of tho essay w as'‘Why The fair dates this year are Sep­ Harrisburg were guests at the home ii.g trip at Daimond Like. and Mr. and Mrs. Ardary were of the housewife. a Year on the University Afloat Postmaster and Mrs. Karl Bram­ coming east after hating spent the tember 19 to 22. Prizes wtll be f the former's parents, Mr, and There will a’so be races of all Should Be a Part of My Educa­ day at the home of their son, Tom offered it is said for farm and com­ Mrs. J. A. Miller of Halsey, last well and children, Robert i and kind*, with bucking steers and tio n .” Miss Gill handled the sub­ munity exhibits. A racing pro­ Sunday. Linden, expect to leave in the horses, with water sports and other Ardry of Lake Creek. ject in the form of a letter address gram is being planued and other Pete Sears of Albany was the morning for Newport for their kiuda. Proceeds fiotn the fair are Palmer was knocked uuconscicus ed to her “ Dad” and did it so well and was severely bruised. Mr. entertainment features will be pro. guest of friends in Halsey Friday. svmmer vacation. for Ibe purpose of {building a new that her essay took first prize Young Sears is a member of Ne's Mr*. Neil Bain and daughters, Grange ball, and it is expected th e from among probably thousands Ardary was cut across the nose and vided. feelers’ orchestra i t which he playa Betty A n n e a n i B arhira je»n of will be made an annual affair was also bruised. Mrs. Ardary that were off-red from highschools the Sousapbone. Portland were guests at the 0 . I has a badly wrenched back as a re­ C. L. I.erwill will have charge all over the United Stales. Mrs Buford Morrh and little son Holt home the past week. of the stock exhibits; Peter Whit­ sult of the accident. Klein seemed The prize scholarship includes Herl ert Lerwill all expenses, passports, vise», tu i­ Bobby, accompanied by her father to be the least injured of any ai d At the last meeting of the ladie’s more produce; From O ur Regular Correspondent* and brother, VV. A and Clarence rid rociety of the Chrislain church races; Mrs. C. L. I.erwill fancy tion and trips ashore. The cruise e caped with a few scatcbes. Mr. Eastburn, left for Newport Wpd the members decided to serve a work! Mrs. Frank Cameron co”k- will occupy eight mouths, which Pierson brought the injured peop e Mrs. Edith Robnett entertained tesday to sp.’nd a week. to Halaey where they were givin dinner on election d »y, November e I food. affords suffifleut time for extensive medical attention and later iu the the member» uf the Past Noble Lavelle Palmer and her brother 5. and leisurely trips ashore. Carl Hill has rectived a card ersaiog were taken to their homes Grand club at her home in West Gordon were week end visitors in Miss Gill will make the trip. Mrs George Ripley of Hollty from his father announcing the Halsey Friday afternoon. The Portland. Both cars were badly wrecked. The latter returned was a Halsey visitor yesteri'ay While the had planned to enter rooms were gay with vases of bright home Sunday and Miss Palmer while enrou'e to Eugene where she spa i Mae, oi Odell, Oregon, left Bible study class Tuesdays 2:30 The early hours of the afternoon William K Howard’s DeM'lle Prayer meeting Thursdays 8:0< were spent in tack’ng comforts fot before returning to their home io , for their home Wednesday after a itors will be hero for two weeks Taft, California. , visit of a week at the Charles G. and will then go to Seattle to visit studio production for Patbe, "A Ladies aid every Weduesday the hostess. Later a eocial hour Women’s missionary society first Mrs Priscilla Smith expects to Hamer home in Halsey and the other relal.ves b.foro returning Ship Comes In ,” will t>o shown at was enjoyed during which time the • fit. the liak ey Theatae next Tuesday Friday of month 2:00 o’clock hostess served delicious refresh­ leave next week for her former Chancy Sickele home near Charity C. P. Moody received a mesea|.e eight. |T he picture is said to bo J. S. Mi’ter. pastor. home io Delta, Illinois, «fter hav- Orange. ments. this afternoon from Mrs. M toly, dramatic and packed with fine R. L. Jackson who has been in ing made her home in Hslsey the Pine Grove Church io was called to North Bend, comedy. Halsey looking after his hay crop past five years. Her son, Clark Sunday School 10 a. m. The members of the Kroweldeen Neb., by the eortoue illness of htr Smith of this city, will accompany spent Bunday at his borne in the Preaching at 11 a. m. club and a number of compliment mother, Mrs Clem VV ilcox, telling H onor W ork ni V. o f O. her as far as Portland and from Oakville neighborhood. Mr. Jack- Evening eervice 8 o’clock. ed guests enjoyed a picnic at Smith of her death at 4 o'clock this morn- there Mrs Smith, who is 83 year« sou has rented a 300-acre farm To He R ew a rd ed } H onor Topic: “ Shall we ccnt'nue in grove Sunday. ing at the age of 73 years. Mrs, uear Halsey and expects to move of age, will make the trip alone. * * • sin?” This is the second of aserits 8 U f $ 5 0 P rize A n o n ym o u t his family here the first of October. Wilcox ia survived by five sons and PEORIA Mr. and Mrs. Byron K. T ajlor of sermons M r.W right will preach the one daughter. One of the sons UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu­ Friday evening an entertainment Friday afternoou the members were guests at the Kizer home near is George Scott of Harrisburg, who gene,—Outstanding achievement in a Church of Christ: under the auspices of the Chrietain with Mrs. Scott, is also at North chosen field is to be the basis of an if the Potter Sewing club enjoyed Rowland Sunday night while on 10 a. m. Sunday school. their way hone to Corvallis from Endeavor will be given at the Bead. Mis. Wilcox is also sur- award just announced by tho Oregon a swimming party at the grove Let us bring the attendance UF Chrietain church. Emery VV. Sny. Daily Emerald, which will he open to Vived by her husband. Late in the afternoon a lunch ws San Francisco where Mr. Taylor aspirants for honors under the now hon­ again, der of E B.U will give a prngrem has been working for the govern­ Rev. and Mrs. J .8. Miller have ors system recently instituted at tho 11:00 a. m. communion service served. Mrs. Alice Bzrcus and ment as a civil engineer for several uf music and comedy, interspersed University of Oregon. Laura Abraham were additlona Topic: - “ Th* irreproachable with numbers by local talent. No returned from Cottage Grove where The « » n il for which the honors stu months. They also visited briefly they attended the Methodist camp- dents will compete is a library of boohs, Gospel.’’ Mr, Sias will also sin, guests for the sfterncon. admission will be charged but a free in Halsey at the Buford Morris meeting Bishop Titus Lowe cf valued at |50, to be chosen by the win * solo, “ Jehovah, God Victorious’ will offering will be taken. ner. These hooks will be distinguished home. P o rtlsn l, t n l Dr. D. If. Leach cf by a specially designed book plate. It CARD OF THANKS which he composed himself. Last Sun lay Mr and Mrs. Elden Walter Duff lias traded hie prop- Salem, district superintendent if is expected that the award will be made We wiah to express our heartfelt 7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor erty in East Halsey lor property in Cross, accompanied by the latter's the Salem district, each gave i n annually. thanks to all who aaeisted us during Come one, come all; come sbert. A friend of the University, who pre mother, Mrs. Ellen Morrell of aldre«». They report a large num- fers to remain anonymous, voluntarily the illness and after the death ol Bend and he and Mrs. Duff will come tall, Hillsboro, and Mrs. Rosie Powell make that city their home. T ie her in aitendance an 1 a fine meet­ offered the money for the award, to be 8 00 p. m. Song service. Ser our beloved aon and brother. We new owner of the Duff property ie I Halsey went to Newport to spend ing The J.H . VanNice and George made through th« Emerald, the campus alao wish to express our apreciation mon—“ Come and See.” George Garr of Bend, who it is the day. They, however, were un­ Mitzner families were am mg ottnr newspaper. Kay Nash, Milwaukee, edi­ (or th« lovely floral tribute«. tor ol the paper, conferred with Erie C. Adrien Sias. pastor. able to stay long as Mrs. Cross was W. Allen, dean of the school of journal Halsey people attending. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Dunsgan said bought the property for spec­ suffering with an attack of blooo ism, Dr. George Bebee, dean of tho ulation. Mr. Duff wae in Halsey Robert Edmuud Dunagan Last evening the member of Vine graduate school, and Dr. O. V. Boyer, poisoning in her hand and while A. A. Tuseing and family whr Monday and while here packed Vernon Bennett Dunagan Maple Circle held their regular held of the English department and have been living in the T. P. Patton and shipped his household goods. in the Bay city bad to have it chairman of the honors council, regard lanced. The hand ia reported to be meeting, with one new member ing the terms of the award. Dr. Boyer residence in Woat Halsey bav» He wae accompanied by Mr. Garr Today a car load of rye grass some belter now hut still Very pain being initiated. Ice ctezin, cake will name the committee which will tinted Mrs. Rike’s residence on was shipped to Bo'ton by the O. W and Charles H. H«io«e. The latter and coffee was served after lod select the winner of the books. ful. First street and will move into it iia a realtor of Beud. *Frum warehouse company. ia a abort time. Manager County Fair Sends Plea for Farm Exhibits Now Calapooia Fair and Rodeo Dates Set for Sept. 3-4 SOCIETY NEWS I f -1