agriculture horticulture LIV E S T O C K „ .1 Established in 1912. Voi. 17. POULTRYMEN SEE FUTURE FAR MORE ENCOURAGING l i u t i Hntvrprtsr No. 12. M r ,. I. r. lio m h iu r e d Halsey, Oregon, Thursday July 26, 1928. in DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County Fall HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES Halsey Business Changes Hands Mrs. J.F . Isom met with a pain­ ful accident Monday morning when fell and dislocated her shoulder blade. The accideut happened when a ladder on which she was standing to fix a window screen, slipped and in trying to save herself she fell on her elbow, the impact of the fall causing tha d'slocatien of the shoulder bone. Mrs, Isom, accompanied by Mrs E D . Isom went to Eugene where she was treated at a hospital and it was found that several ligaments were also lorn. Mrs. Isom will remain iu Eugene for several days at the borne cf her sister. Mrs. E.D. Isom returned borne the same day. PINE GROVE COMMUNITY CHICKEN SUPPER SUCCESS Annouceiueut was made thin C. O. Troup sal eman for Ryals Rev. and Mrs J. S. Miller left morning Of the sale of the Burbank and Coveil, Chrys’er agents of Al- for Cottage Grove Wednesday to The largest crowd »ver (o attend restaurant and camp grounds on The cheeken supper at the Pine bany, was a Halsey business visit- attend the camp meetings being the annua! poultrym en’s conven­ Second street to Charles and Leroy Grove school house l»st Friday or Wednesday. held tbe.e. They will retum to tion at Oregon Agricultural college evening, was well attended by Straley. The new owners took Mrs. Frances E. Gray has bad a Halsey Monday. otmpared reports from Oregon and Halsey an 1 Corvallis folks and a immediate pot-session. new roof put on the store building Rey. aud Mrs. J S Miller have Washington and agreed that iu Ths Straley brothers need no in ­ pleasant time enjoyed. north of the bank. Austin Hall of bad a3 their guests, their grand­ both states the low point in the in­ The supper was nverythig good troduction as they have lived in Albany done the work daughters, Mary and Betty, t h e 1 dustry has been passed, though the this vicinity for the past 18 years. to eat, well cooked, and lots of it, Mrs. Mary Slabaven of Missoula, clrldren of their oldest son. H E | day when slip shod methods or Both boys attended the Halse and was furnished by the ladies of Mont., h-s been visiting, during Miller of Portland, during the past i small volume of business will make schools and Leroy is a graduate of the Piue'Urove community. H al­ the past week at the home of her ! week, moneyis also passed if it ever were sey was well represented at the th« high school of this city- cousin, Mrs. D S. McWilliams of Mri Bu(ord Mo. ri, an(t litUe here. Bad markets have squeezed Charles Straley, the oldest mem- tables. Halsey, 8)n arrived home Friday afternoon ber of tbe new firm was a former out the “ in and ou'ers” leaving The program furnished by the Mrs. L. H. Armstrong and J from Salem where they had been clerk iu oiu of tbe local stores Corvr.llis chamber of commerce the situation belter for the skilled daughter Hazel went to Eugene to­ visiting at the home of the Elmer I aud is experien-ed in the grocery was exceptionally good and tbe breeders and egg men. day where the latter underwent an Like home A baby daughter ar- business, of which they will carry audience responded to each uuuiber Market possibilities for large, operation a* a hospital. They ex­ rived at the Lake home Thursday a la’ger stock than tbe former with hearty applause. Mr. Ber- white, light-yolked eggs are bright pect to return home Saturday. Mrs. Lake is a sister of Mrs. Mor­ owner. More recently Mr. Straley m in acted as ui ister of ceremony but not for the poorer grades A ris and has frequently visited in has been connected with tbe Alb-in» and took the opportunity to tattle A card received this week from total of 281 men and women regís, C. Adrian Si*s states that the re­ Halsey. This, evening Mr. and Baking Co. a little on some of his home town lered, and stayed for two days of vival meetings which be t n i his Mrs. Mortis will driv) to Salem to educational program, exhibits and Mr. Burbank lias been in busi­ folks who evidently know him, so father, Rev. A C. bias, are con­ visit Mr*. Lake and infant daugh­ ness here for the past four years, everything passed smoothly. demonstrations, M, S. Schrock, ducting at Riddle, are pr> gre.s ng ter, Adelma Jans. Milwaukie, was elected president but has lived in this community nicely. and F. L. Knowlton, Corvallis, a much longer time us members ol Former Halsey Resident Dead Essex Auto Tries Bunt on T ru ik secretary-treasurer. A Btraw vote bis family located be.c some sixty Wayne Robertson of Portlcnu Word has been received that Mrs Sarah R Willoughby, 89, years ago and be himself spent e taken on the national election re­ everything is in readiness for th- was a Sunday visitor at the borne Aa Ess. x coach helo gmg to number of his boyhood years iu died at the borne of her daughter, sulted in four to one for Hoover. b>g Nebraska picnic to be held io of his parents, Mr and Mrs. Will Charles L. Drowley of Tacoma, Mr*. T. J. Stephens ol Harrisburg, the Corvallis auto park, at Corval­ Robertson. He is manager of oue and driven by Ilia 16 year old son, this vicinity. Sunday. Funeral services were Mr. and Mrs Burbank plan t< of the depar'.iueuts at Kress’, Port­ Miss Grace Pehrsson in Drama lis, August 5. RicharJ, and a Partiald-M arsh leave within a short time on cn ex held Tuesday afternoon at the All th« committees have worked land’s big new chain store. field truck driven by Johu Shilee, tended visit through Minnesota, Methodist church in Harrisburg. Miss Grace Pehrason of Halsey Tom Swift of Willamette is ex­ bard and nothing has been left un­ collided near the C P. Moody Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, and olhei Burial was iu the Pine Grove cerne- touk the part of “ Julia,"the daugh­ done to make the affair a success pected to arnve in Halesy this home early Saturday morn'og ter in “ Grandm a Pullsthe Siring,’’ m.ddle west and eastern slates tero. Cards have been s.-nt to everyone evening for a visit at the Frank The coach is said to have turned Mrs. Burbank is looking forward Mis. Willougby was an Oregon a one-act drama presented by the Mrs. Swift aud over two or three times and wa* present last year who register- Gausls home. pioneer, crossing the plains l>y ox class in community drama Friday with a great deal of pleasure to e ed, aud it is assured that formei daughter, Betty Mae. have been in eveng of last week at Corvallis, un­ cotnbuskers from every part ol Halsey for some time. Mrs. Gansle badly damaged Young Drowl-y visit with a brother in M'seouri team, with her parents in the early received a hoken rib, and E. L whom she lias not seen for 2< '&U's and locating in Linn county der the direction of D. Palmer and Mrs. Swift are sisters Nebraska will be present. Courtwrigh also of Tacoma, and where tbe deceased lias spent piac- Young, instructor iu public speak- A snappy program has bceo nr- Mrs. C. P. Moody and daughter who was riding beside the dnver, years. tically ber whole life. For many ing at O. S. C- ranged which wiP appeal to both Goralea left Halsey last Friday had a gash cut on one leg. The ears she was a resident of Halsey The class has been organised to the old and the young. norning for Om aha, Neb , in* re car was towed in by F G. Wor'.'iu out following Mr. W illoughby's give students instruction in all sponse to a message th at Mr*.' ger. death about twelve years ago baa phases of production, the aim be Moody's mother, Mrs. Clem Wil Cow Puts Auto in Ditch The truck d;d not fare so badly, nude her borne with her daughter ing to assist those who expect to cox, had suffered a stroke of paral a broken spring and damaged steer­ bo community leaders in dramatic-. Former residents of Tenuessee