/Æ lutiseli Enterprise agriculture HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK Established in 1912. Voi. 17. MRS JOHN MATSON VICTIM OF MOSTJRUTAL ATTACK No. 11. Legion Convention August 2, 3, 4 Many distinguished guests will bi among those present at the American Legion state convention in Medford, according to present indications. Among the prominent Legionnaires expectwd to attend are the state commaudsrs of Ore­ gon, California, Washington, Ida­ ho, and Neva la, national officers of the Legioo from Indianapolis and Past National Commanders John R. Quinn of Los Angeles and James Drain of Spokane. W.S Mc­ Cracken, bead of the Aeronautical departm ent of the U.8.department of commerce, lias agreed to be present and many other noted fig­ ures in aviation are expected. Governor Patterson and entire congressional delegat on of the st«te of Oregon also plan to attend what is expected to be the“ biggest and best Legion Slate Convention ever held on the Pacific Coast.” The dates set for tne convention are August 2-3 and 4. HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES Devoted to t he Interests of Halsey and Linn County Excursicn Train to Odell July 29th B egin P re p a rin g YO IK The Southern Pacific is arrang- ' Clarence Munn visited at the W ing to start a special train from C.T.V. Farm Home Sunday, re­ S ilv e itis at 6:15 a. m. Sunday, July 29 to run to Crescent Lake turning in the evening. Ireue Quimby who is attending and return for which a special fate sunnier school at Monmouth spent of 15 for the round trip will be authorized. '1 his train is to leave the week end at her home. Silverton at 6:15 a. m, and Halsey ¡at 8;48 a. m. arriving at O jell at 12:05 and Crescent Lake 12,15 p. t n . , returning leave Crescent Lake From O ur Regular Correspondents at 6:00 p. m. a id Odell Lake ten ___________________________ minutes later. Thursday afternoon the m embers’ Excursionists may stop at Odell COUIit/ Fair Exhibits Now, Says P.T.A. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Koontz are enjoying an outing at Newport this Now is the time to prepare for Is Left Unconscious In Auto week. the exliihids at the county fair in On Highway; No Clue Mr. and Mrs. Jess Cross were the (all. A few fheav'S of the Yet Found gueets at the Elmer Munson home finest grain should he saved and Sunday. likewise samples of the best vege­ Tuesday noou people of Halsey Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Skirvin of tables should be marked and saved. were tnrown into a state of great Eugene were visitors in HalstV Can fruit and vegetables and take excitement when a report was scot Sunday. them that way. to the Arrow Garage that a moman George Maxwell formerly of H al­ Now is the time to plan and had been found in a touring car sey but now of Albany, was visit work for it in order th at Halsey parked beside the highway who iug friends in Halsey Friday. can put up a better exhibit thaa was evidently under the influence ever before. There is no reason Mrs. Karl Bramwell aud child­ of the Study club held their la-t or go on to Crescent Lake as b«st of some sort of dope, and asking why we caunot have ths finest ex­ ren, Linden and Roberta, left last meeting for the year at which time suits them. Crescent Lake is ap- that a peace officer and physician hibit in the county if each one will Saturday for Yachats for a vaca­ the new officers presided. This ’ proximately one mile from the be sent out at once to a point four just do their share, tion of a week. meeting was in the form of a Dicnic station but there is a good trail miles south of Halsey. Mrs 0- W Frum is in charge Mrs. Buford Morris and son are and was held on the lawn of Mrs. from the station to the lake and Mayor Bert S. Clark, Frank G. of the work. visiting in Salem this week at the Sidney Sm ith’s lovely country makes a very pleisaut and exhila Gansle and Carl Isom went to the home of the former’s siater, Mia. home. Under new business Mrs. rating hike. The train passes with scene of the troub'e in the Gansle Veatch, the new president, appoint­ fn a few yards cf Odell Lake. Elmer La>e. car and were followed by Dr. T. I. J. B. Waggoner and Earl Smith ed b»r committee^ for the next Marks and Amor A. Tossing iu the left Friday for Eastern Washington year and then the meeting was physician’s car. where they expect to spend a few turned over to the entertainm ent The Gsnsle car arrived upon the Bi giuuitig Sunday there will be weeks working in the harvest fields, exam inee of which Mrs. Buford scene first and found that a H arris­ a number of im portant cbinges in Clarence Eastburn of Portland was chair man. burg doctor had been called, but the train service of the Southern A big chicken supper aud pro­ One of the pleasant features of the is visiting in Halsey at the home ol as the untorluuato woman’s name Pacific which will effect Halsev. gram is planned foi tomorrow. F ri­ hie sister, Mrs Buford Morris. He afternoon was the shower for Mrs. had been learned and it was ascer­ No. 32 northbound, no.v arnviog day night at 6:30 at the Fine expects to s end tbs summer here. Smith aud which was a complete tained that she lived near Halsey, at 3:41 p.m. and No 31 aniving Grove school house. The supper is she was brought to Halsey in the Robert Andrews, manager of the Mr. and Mrs. Grant Brown aud surprise to her. 1 he gifts were to be served Cafeteria style and a at 4:50 a. m. will both he discon­ Gansle car aud taken to the office county poor farm, wos shot twice son of Portland were guests at the presented in an unique way A cordial invitation is extended to tinued. of Dr. Marks. Accompanying them through the right lung Tuesday C. F Moody home Saturday night kiddie car was decorated with a all to come. Following is the new time sched­ to Halsey were Mr, and Mrs. J \V. evening by an inm ate, S- B. F'ost, aud Sunday while enroute to Crater garland of swe t peas and pink ule: A d entertainm ent is planned for crepe paper ties aud the daintily Buttram, who gave their address whom it is said attacked Andrews Lake on a pleasure t-ip. the evening which will be under Northbound:— wrapped gilts were placed in the as 759, 100 street, Los Angeles, Another inmate, called Jake, was No. 14 at 4:05 a. in an J No, 8 H. F. Schult» of Fayetteville car and little Bobuy Morris pre- the guidance of Corvallis Chamber and who it is said discovered the in the path of flying lead auu re­ was a Halsey business visitor this at 5;01 p. in of Commerce and will take place seated them to the honor guest. unfortunate woman and were in­ ceived a wound in the left forearm. morning. Mr. Schultz aunounees Southbound: — Late iu the afternoon a picnic after the supper which will he from Both wounded men were taken, to that they are installing a J. B. strum ental in sending for aid. No. 11 at 10:48 a m. (This train 6:30 to 8:00 o'clock. supper was served. for points south of Eugene} The Buttrams, when interviewed, Albany and it is reported that An­ Hammer feed mill of the latest Mrs. D, S. McWilliams a former No. 7 at II :44 a.m. stated th a t they noticed a car at drews is in a serious condition. type. P eoria N ew s member of the club, was a com pli­ Frost, who is suffering from a No. 15 at 9:15 p. in. the side of the highway, headed Mrs. Mary E. Allan who is mak­ mented guest of the club. Other (By Special Correspondent) Nos. 7 and 15 go via Klam ath south and as they drew near could deep scalp wound, declares An­ ing her home with her daughter, guests were Mrg. N- T. Sneed, Enid Mrs. J W . Lamar and daughters Falls see a woman, who was evidently in drews struck him with a cuspidor Mrs. Fayette Lake, is spanding the Veatch and Marie Sneed. All trains aie flag stops and as Helen aud Arlene and Mrs. Alice pain, on the rear seat. They stop­ and th at he shot in self defense. week in Albany at the home of her Members present for the after­ Other inmates say Andrews hit there is no agent on duty Sundays Dunn were Corvallis visitors Tues ped to render assistance if needed, granddaughter, Mr». Charles It noon were Mesdames Drinkard, Frost after being shot and in an aud holidays it is im portant th at day. and found th at she was suffering Goltra. Smith, Evans, Marks, Woodward, atiem pt to disarm him. the flag be hung up as a signal to either from some terrible shock or Mrs. M .M Fruit returned home L. W. Patton and family are Cummings, Morris, Veatch, Wells, stop. other unknown cause. They said Sunday from a trip to A'pine and now occupying the bungalow on Moody, Muller and Laubuer. P in e G rove Item s she would at times catch her throat the coast, East G street, formerly occupied * * * C hurch N otes and say some one was trying to Mr. Charles Logan and family by E llen Croes, while Mr. and (By an E nterpiise Reporter) Friday afternoou nine members Methodist: choke her, and at other times she Carl Nichols baled hay at L E. Mrs. Cross have moved into the of ths Thimble club drove to the motored to Portland Monday. Mr. 10 a. id . Sunday school would sek if they had caught the Logan stayed to work, the rest of house vacated by the Pattons. Eagy’s Tuesday. beautiful country -hom e of Mrs. 11:00 a. m. preaching men, and then would again seem­ the family leturued home the same Mr. and Mrs. W. F. White ere Elbert Isom near Alford, for it»--» j Misses Pearl and Nora Pehrsson 7.00 Epworth League ingly become unconscious. now living in their new home, the regular monthly meeting of the j day. spent Tuesday in Corvallij. 8 p. m. pleaching. Shortly after the arrival of the J . W. Laiuar was a business vis­ Bible study class Tuesdays 2:30 Mrs. Harvey Wallace speut the former H arper residence, iu the club. During the business session | Gansle and Buttram cars, Mr. itor in Alhauy Tuesday for Lamar Prayer meeting Thursdays 8:00 week with her mother, Mrs. A F. east Halsey. The house has been Mrs. Fayette Lake was elected Matson, accompanied by Clifford A Lamar. remodeled, new porches built and president to succeed Mrs. Lake Ladies aid every Wednesday Albertson. Babcock, arrived in Halsey. Mr. otherwise improved, making it one Elliott who has moved to Browns­ Rev. Metcalf and family were Women’» missionary society first Mr. and Mrs. Earl Albertson Matson said that upon going to the of the nicest residences in Halsey. ville. The remainder of the after Benton countv visitors Sunday. Friday of month 2:00 o’clock house at noon he found Mrs. Mat- spent the week end at the Starnes noon was spent socially and at four J . S. Mifler. pastor. R. D. Hawley of Boise, Idaho, Mrs. Lewis Abrahafin returned son goue and on the table a note home near Shedd. aud I. H. Veatch of Tulare, Calif , o'clock the hostess, assisted by her home from the general hospital at Pme Grove Church Mrs. Jessie McLaren and Mr. printed on a piece of brown paper, visited at the S. C. Veatch home daughter Beverly, served a light Albany Sunday bringing her new Suuday School 10 a. m. and Mrs. Will McLaren were Cor­ saying, “ We are drunk, want some daughter with her. over the week end. Mr. Hawley lunch. Preaching at 11 a. w. fun, will leave her on the high- vallis cr.llers Friday. is an uncle of Mts. Veatch. H e 1 Those present for this pleasant Mr«. Lois Ruth of Portland was Evening service 8 o'clock. Mrs. A. L. Knighton and daugh­ formerly lived at Creswell. M r. ’ afternoon were Mesdames Elizabeth a guest at her grandmother, Mrs. way.” Finding that bis car was Harvey Wright will preach both also gone, Matson is said to have ter Thelma, and Dean Bilyeu spent Veatch is a brother of Curtis Veatch White, Clara LaFollette, Lou 'lay- Albs Barcus, Sunday. morning and evening. gone to the Babcock home, aud the Thursday at Albany. and at oue time was a resident of lor, Ada Corcoran, Edith Robnett, Rev. B. F. Smalley and family two men started out to find Mrs Mary and Margaret Heinrich Cottage Grove hut more recently I Ethel Armstrong, Alma Hamer, have moved to Portland to make Church of Christ 10 a. tn. Suuday school. Matson and also notified the and Dorethy M-Laren were Cor­ of Pedee.Ore. and Anne Lake, and Miss Mary their borne. 11:00 a. in. communion service, sheriff’s office. vallis visitors Wednesday. C. Adrian Bias, pastor. A highly dramatic, gripping Smith. Complimented guests for Mrs. Frank Srn.th is in tlie'Cor- Deputy sheriff J.E . Lillard re­ Mrs. Root and daughter and human story of the women's side the afternoon were hern Rossman vallis general hospital for treat­ Mrs. Douglas l'aylnr and son sponded to the call and was later family of Eugene visited her cous­ of the World war, packed with and Hazel Armstrong. ment. Laurence lelt on Monday for New- joined by District prosecuting at­ in, Mrs. P. A. Pehrsson Sunday. The next meeting of the club tb n ll, laughs, tears, pathos, and Rev. Metcalf and family, Mrs. port where they expect to »pend a torney, L. G Lewelling. Mr). will be at the home ol Mrs. White Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nichols were heart appeal. That is the story in Alice Barcus aud Mrs. J. S. Lamar few days on a pleasure »rip. Matson, who had partially recover­ dinner guests of Mrs. Nichols’ brief of ‘‘Corporal Kate" the pic­ on August 10, at which time there were Albany visitors Wednesday, ed, was questioned hut could g-ve mother Mrs.J. W. Huaseyjof Halsey, The Baffled Climber ture which will he shown at Halsey will he initiation. and Friday Mr. aud Mr». J. R. • e * the officers no assistance other than Owen D. Young, the noted lawyer theater Tuesday evening with Vera last Sunday. Frady, Mr. and Mr». Fred Frady and capitalist of New York, said on she was attacked by twe or mere Last Wednesday evening the Reynolds in the title role. All I The first threshing of the year and children and Mrs Alice Pumi disembarking from the Olympic: men at her home. "While Vesuvius wus In eruption iu this vicinity was done last week women will love it, children *>111 members of the ' ‘Greens'’ in tbo werd in Albany. Later the officers went to the I heard a story about an English when the Hover machine threshed gasp at, while men will revel in its contest recently staged by Purity J. R Mode left Monday for an cockney tourist who v. as doing Naples Matson home, where it is alleged tremendous tenseful scenes—this Rebekah lodge entertained the extended trip through the east. aime barley for Mr. Suytar on n Polytechnic trip. they found signs of a revere strug­ great picture of a woman’s side of ■‘Pinks" at a supper in the banquet "Well, this chap climbed up Vesu­ Miss Agnes Chandler and Miss Mr. and Mr». J. S. Lamar were gle, Late io the evening Mrs vius with a guide, and when they got room after lodge. The dining room the war, Jean Smith came up from Corval­ Halsey visitor» S c tu n 'a y . to the top he beamed all over and Matson was tak-n to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Balf Bond aud the was prettily decorated in green and lis to spend the week end at the said : Mr. and Mrs Matson recently “ ‘Now then, what about that there j latter’s cousin. Ed.tb Rose of the same color was carried out in Mrs, Hester Saylor of Portland camo here from W aldport and lo Chandler home. the table decoration», with green drink we're goln’ to have?’ Mrs Harvey Wallace spent the Berkeley, Calif., who was their is visiting in Halsey for a week or “ 'Dreenk?' said the guide. ‘But eet cated on what is known as the foliage forming the centerpiece f< r ¡guest for several days the first of ees Impossible to get dreenk up here, two at the home of her mother, Terrill farm. Previous to living week with her mother, Mrs. A. F. t last week, left early Thursday each table. The menu was carried Mrs. M.M Ward, and other rela­ sare.' at W aldport they had lived at St. Albertson. “ ‘Well, I'm blowed 1' said the tour­ morning on a pleasure trip to the out in the same colore, witii pea The committee having charge of is t 'Walt till I get ’old of that bloke Helens. Oregon Caves and C rater Lake, e .l.d , wafers and green river being tives. as told me this place 'ad been over­ Mr. Matsou upon being q .nation the chicken supper to be given to­ From the latter place Mice Rose served. flowin' with lager for three days.’ ” morrow evening at the Pine Grove M iiunderttood ed, said th at he did not know Earlier in the evening the regu­ went on to her home in Berkeley A foreign looking man, who only of any enemy that either be or school bouse, met at the home of Pirate Gold I where she is au instructor in U. of lar meeting of the lodge was field »poke a little English and that with Mrs. A. L. Knightou Tuesday. Mrs. Matson had, aud could attri The plrato captain was declaiming :C., while the Bonds returned to at which time the following officers the greatest of difficulty, was trying a spell-out square: It rfeads, “It Is a but« no motive for the fiendish were installed by Esther Bond a», to tlnd suitable apartments. Mr». K. B. Smith, who has been Halsey. At Myrtle Creek Mr. and sisted by Nellie Isom, marshal, Eventually be managed to make glorious thing to be a pirute king. ’ assault. one landlady understand his peculiar The enigma being shouted by the crew visiting here, left Friday morning Mrs Bond called on Mr. and Mrs Henry English former residents of Sadta Gsnsle noble grand, Alma Intonations. Is the familiar couplet from "Treasure ••So you want three rooms and a Island” : “Fifteen men on a dead As Mr. Cuitie is of iLe Kaw for North Bend and other southern Halsey. The English’s have a new Hamer vice grand, Esther Bonu tribe and Mr. Smith of the lam- Oregon points where she will spend baby son, now about two weeks old. »»«CflUry, Estle Holt treasurer, bath, do you?" ahe repeated, when at man's chest, yo-ho-bo and a bottle of rum.” The rebus on the scroll spelled last she understood film. many tribe we ll dispense with the som etim e before starting on her They now have two son» and two Charity Clark conductor, Nelle “Pirate treasure”—Pyre, Eight, Trays, The foreigner blushed. return trip to Chicago She »»)'* Frum warden, Belle Gorm'ey chap­ “I need the three room«, certainly,'' Ewer. The pirate carrying the cliest torches and substitute daughter's daughters. Prof. English was sup- lipstick and eyebrow pencil for tfie Oregon summers are much erintendeot of the Halaey school» lain, Donna Cro»» musician. Addis he replied Indignantly. "But a hath, announced that It was filled with "In­ that Is not so much of your business, gots and pieces of eight"—In G. OTA spectacular purposes in our part) more pleasant than those of lili» 1 previous to Mr. Patton. Continued on paga 8. yes?”—Loudon Answers. and a broken eight. aoifl. parades this fall. County Poor Farm Scene of Shooting Fracas Last Tuesday » Halsey. Oregon. Thursday July 19, 1928. DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY SOCIETY’ NEWS New Train Schedule Effective Chicken Supper to Be Served Sunday, luly 29; No Stops At Pine Grove School House