/ Gs U ílntlsvit 'Utttcrprtiv AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK E stablished in 1912. Voi. 17. ATTEND FAMILY REUNION AT STATE FAIRGROUNDS SUNDAY L ast S u n d ay Mr. aod Mrs. H. Z im m erm an, June Layton and Morris Layton drove to Salem and participated in a reunion of the A llphin and McClain families. The first members of these two clans were pioneers of 1847 Tom A llphin and Miss McClain, who later became his bride, were mem­ bers of the same im m igrant traio, coming to Oregon with their p a r­ ents by ox team from St, Joseph, M issouri. Mr. A llphin walked the entire distance and drove an ox team . Miss McClain rode horse­ back all the way. The p arty was six m onths on the way and many were the hardships endured. The two fam ilies located ou claim s uear the present site of Albany. This is the fourth an n u al reunion and waa held a t th e state fa’r grounds, at which place it was de cided to hold the reunion hereafter. Joe A llphin, of P o rtlan d , was elected p resid en t to succeed Mrs. E lizabeth T ru ax of A lbany, and O. P. A llp h in of A lbany succeeds Mrs. L. K. Coneer of the same city as secretary-treasurer. Seventy-one were present Sunday aud a num ber of short talk s were given and a general good time bad. At noon a bountiful d inner was served. Representatives of family from Silverton, P ortland, Halsey, Hood River, Carlton and Albany were present. The oldest living member present was George W. AUpin, a b rother of Tom A llphin, who is now 72 years of age. Mrs. Z im m erm an is a daug h ter of Tom A llphiu. No 10. JHalscy, Oregon, Thursday July 12, 1928. Peoria News (By Special Correspondent) Rev. M etcalf and wife were Cor­ vallis visitors Monday. Mr. Russell G iihens and family are enjoying a new Chev coach. Rev. Smalley and wife have re. turned from cauipm eeting at W a­ terloo. Mrs. M ary Porter and Dora D a­ vis of Shedd were calling on friends in Peoria Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Logan and family visited at the Grug home in Bell- fouutain Sunday. George G ithens and J.D .M W sr reu enjoyed a trip to Triangle lake one day last week. J. S. L am ar is having an old baru torn down and otherwise im ­ proving his place. Mr. and Mrs. Archie K oighton and daughter, Thelm a, celebrated th e|F o u rlh at Caicadia. Doreen G ithens has returned home after an extended visit with her grandm other, Mrs. Grif King, of P ortland. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sludley and son of P ortland, visited over the week end with her m other, Mrs. Alice B trcus. Charles Davis of Benton county visited bis m other-in-law , Mrs. Barcus, the Fourth and mingled with friends at the grove. The cel­ ebration at the grove was well at. tended and everyone enjoyed the day. Rev. J. E. W albeck aod fam ily of M yrtle Creek have returned home after a visit with Mrs. W al- beck’s mother, Mrs. J. S. L am ar. W hile here they visited at the Me- Farland ohapsl in Benton county Sam W. Lackland, Pioneer, Dies where Rev. W albeck was pastor Sam W. L ackland, who at one several years ago. He spoke of the tim e did surveyor’s work in this m any changes th a t have taken county and who was well known place iu this locality. to m any of the older settlers of the Calapooia valley, died in P o rtlan d Advocates Cooperative Marketing last week. A bout a year ago he Mr. and Mrs Fred Sm ith and was hit by an autom obile and since son, of O akland, Oregon, who drove then was an invaHd. through from their home to Taco­ Mr. Lackland was related to ma, W ashington, June 28, stopped George W ashington by birth and here while on their way beck for a was born and reared in V irginia, visit with relatives end friends in near the M ount Vcrnoc home of and about Halsey. the W ashingtons. At one time Mr. 8m ith was con­ B reaking with his fam ily and nected with a large produce concern coming to Oregon in 1876, Mr. at Tacoma, but the health of Mrs, L ackland was for several years en­ Sm ith was not of the best th e re gaged in governm ent sect oning in acd a change was decided beet and different p a rts of the state and they moved to O akland. while in this work was associated Since going there Mr. Sm ith has to some extent with A ttorney A.A. engaged in poultry raising and the T o ssin g of this city, in surveying m arketing of eggs and is tein g suc­ work near Crawfordsville. cessful in the undertaking. He lays E. G. Miller, Son of Local Pastor, Weds Portland Girl Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Miller have returned to Halsey from P ortland w here they had been to attend the wedding of th eir son, Elinon Gor­ don M iller, acd Fay Elizabeth Gillies. The wedding took place at tl e home of the groom 's brother, Ben Miller at 8 o ’clock Sunday evening and was performed in the presence of relatives and a num ber of inti­ m ate friends. Rev. M iller per­ formed the cerem ony, using the double ring service. The bride wore a lovely dress of cream colored silk crepe and c ar­ ried an arm bouquet. Mr». Marjori Allen was m atron of honor. The groom was accompanied Mr Frank Johnston. M r.and Mr». M iller went to house keeping im m ediately in Portland where he has a position w ith the O regonian. great stress on the cooperative plan in ail branches of farm ing and pre­ dicts th a t in a short tim e all farm produce will be m arketed through such a system. While here they were the guests of hie brother, Sydney Sm ith. They left Sunday for their home in O ak­ land. Keeps A Record, Is Successful In eveiy com m unity are some farm ers who have made satisfac­ tory profits in spite of general agri­ cultural depression. Study of their m ethods reveals, according to farm m anagem ent specialist, included siu n d com binations of adapted enterprises of enough size to m ake profits possible. Most of them kept record?, did a good sited busioe?? and are as contented as the more successful m erchants. ------- ---------------- P. H. Freerksen waa io Halsey Monday morning on business per- tain in g to the Albany Creamery association, which in stitu tio n is m aking rem arkably fine progress Last month Mr. F reerkien stated the creamery paid from one to three cents a pound above m arket price M r?.Charles Logan,children Sel­ ma and Thom as, Mrs. Ruby Dor­ sey an d eon A rthur, and Arlene L am er were picking blackberries near Be lfountain Monday, t F u rth e r work on state roads will for butterfat and tbe big business nut be D unne until a later date done by the association netted a good profit to the stockholder». and m aybe not then. I 1 j DAIRYING WOOL, M O U A » POULTRY 1 Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County HARRISBURG-HALSEY TENNIS Club House Io Be Repaired CLUBS HOLD TOURNAMENT HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES Gun Club Improves Old Site; S. C. V eatch aod daughter Mrs. P . J. Forster spent Friday W ar.da spent the week end in Cot- in Eugene on a visit with relatives, tage Grove. John LaRue was among the H al- Ole Keyser and wife of Silverton sey people celebrating the F ourth visited at the W, H. Wheeler home J at Eugene. in H alsey Monday. The C harity G range degree team The members of ttie Study club a s practicing as they are to put on spent the afternoon at the borne of | the work for Morning S tar G range on the evening of July 28. Mrs. Sidney S m ith . Mrs Elsie Rond who is visiting O. W. Frum is having a B ur­ roughs bookkeeping m achine in- | her father, H. C. Davie, returned : Sunday from Eugene where she bad stalled at the warehouse. Cleona Sm ith left Saturday for ueen visiting since the Fourth. Mr and Mrs. Georg) Scott and Seattle where she will visit for some E verett Scott of H arrisburg weie time a t the h im e of au auut. Mrs. E lbert Isom will enterlaiu dinner guests at the home of M r. the members of tha Thiuible club and Mrs. C. P. Moody, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Bowman are at het home near Alford Friday enjoying a new Chevrolet sedan. aftei noon. Georgia Mae and N e o n ia H and- It is rum ored th :y are contem p­ ley of Portland are visiting their lating a trip to the middle west auut, Mrs. P. H. Freerksen of soon. John Quimby on his way home Route 2 Halsey for a week or two. Oliver Childers is working for from the encam pm ent at Fort Paul B ierly. The hay balers are Stevens recently, spent several busy a t the Bierly farm now help­ days in P o rtlaud with hie sister ing Mr. Bierly care for his bay E thel. The young people of the Metho crop. diet church had charge of the se r­ Jack Loudon novel brim m ing vices Sunday evening in the ab ­ w ith advonture and rom ance will sence of Rev. M iller who was in be screened under the title ol “ B urning D aylight’* at the,H alsey Portlaud. theatre next Tuesday night. The George S ta rr fam ily are en ­ joying a motor trip of two weeks Mr. and Mrs. D. O. W oodworth of A lbany and the la tte r’s parents, through central and eastern O re­ Mr. and Mrs. Sm ith of P hilom ath, gon. They will also visit Mr. were guests at the Buford Morris S ta rr’s m other. home in Halsey Sunday eveuiog. Dan N ash and famiily of P o rt­ land are spending tu eir vacation H enry H inton, a brother of Mrs. in and near Halsey v’titing Mrs. Chancy Sickels, and a former well N ash ’s father and sister, Dau known resident of H alsey, died at his home near MoDtoe Tuesday H syes and Mrs. J. C. Standish. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. H ill and nigut. Death was caused from heart Delos Wesley expect to leave the trouble. first of the week for O m aha, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. H arry Wood and On the way home they will visit ibe form er’s sister, Miss L aura Yellowstone Park. They cie m ak ­ Wood were guests overnight iu ing the trip by auto. Halsey Tuesday a t th e home of Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. P .H . th eir cousins, Mr. and Mrs Clyde Freerksen and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Koontz. Ronnenkam p and son Carl drove Mr. and Mrs. 0 . C. H ardison of to Cottage Grove and visited the of Celling, Colo., were guests at the Masonic and E astern Star home. home of Rev. M iller last week on Sunday was Linn county day a t th e ir way to C alifornia. It had the home. been 27 years since Mia. Miller had Mrs. M arietta Palm er who has met the visitors and 16 yeare since been visiting at the home of her her husband bad seen them. son, Lym an Palm er of Lake Creek C. Adrian Sias pastor of the local and a lso o th er relatives aud frierus, C hurch of C hrist, announced this for several m onths, left for her week th a t he and his father, Rev home at Sierra Madre, California, Charles A. Sias, will sta rt a revival Friday evening meeting at R idd'e Sunday. P ros-' Last F riuay Mrs. Buford Morris pecte point tow ard a fine m eeting , , , , , , , ,, , | and son Bobby of Halsey anu the Mr. Sias says. The levival w ill1 7 ¡ former’s sister, Mr». Leroy New continue for a m onth. ton, of P ortland, who has been T he regular m onthly meeting of visiting a t the Morris home, drove the womens foreign m issionary soc­ to Salem and spent the day wilh iety was held at the B M. Miller Mrs. E lm er Lake, another sister home F riday afternoon. B eu'ah Joba S tandish has made a num ­ MiUer gave the lesson topic which ber of im provem ents to the property was iuterspered with musical n u m ­ which he owns in tbe block north bers by the VanNice fam ily and east of bis residence property. H<- G ardie Miller. S eventten members has painted the house, and repaired and six visitors were p re se n t and reroofed the barn. The prop­ Saturday afternoon several m em ­ erty now looks very neat. bers of the U C o I Go club drove Mrs. C. E. Sm ith of Chicago, to T riangle Lake and enjoyed an j III., is a guest of Mrs. S.C. Veatch outing o 'e r the week end. Those of H alsey. Mrs. Sm ith visiledhere in the party were Mesdames Arlene two years ago. Sunday Mr. and Mason, Lena Bass, Id a ‘Robson, Mrs. V eatch and daughters, Enid L aura A braham , Cuma M unson, and W anda, and their house gue-t Iva Snodgrass and Melba Muller. were guests at the Ben Shick borne. They returned to tb e ir homes near Mrs. Curtiz V eatch and daugh­ Halsey Sunday eveuing. ters, E nid and W anda spent l a t A. N. Crewsr, captain o f the T uursday a t Creswell where they Portland fire d epartm ent, end his were din n er guests of Mrs. V eatch’? fam ily, and Jo h n Crewse also of two sisters, Mrs. J H. and Mrs. Portland, have been in Halsey thia M argaret M á rtir, They also vis­ week visiting a t the John Porter ited a cousin, Mrs. R. W Stone end K arl Bram w ell homes. Tue?- who recently returned home from day afternoon they, in com pany an Eugene hospital where she u n ­ with John Porter, Mrs Edith Rob- derwent a serious operation. nett and Mr. and Mr». K arl Brsm- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter ol well attended the funeral of Mrs. Eugene have been visiting iu H a l­ Sarah Bloom of A lbany. Mrs. sey the past several days. Tuesday Bloom, who died a t the home of they were guests a t the John La her son, Fred Bloom of A lbany, Rue home. Mr. Porter expect» to Sunday night, was a sister of John leave the first of A ugust for B u rl­ Crewse and an a u n t of Mrs. ington, W ash , with his Red Polled nett, Mr». Bramwell aod cattle. F rom B urlington he will Crewse. The Halsey G un Club began work on tb eir club hhuse and range grounds the first of the week and from plans form ulated will have a very nice place. 'I he grounds are being cleared of grass and brush, the tra p house will he moved to « new position which will give a bet­ ter range site by avoiding trees in close proxim ity to the range, and having the benefit of protects n from winds, which caused no little trouble last w inter, from the club house and tie« ’ to the rear of tbe stands. The club house will he put in order for the fall and winter social activités and comforts of members. A fter workiug on the grounds for a couple of hours tbe other day some of th e m em brrs wanted a sniff of gun powder and two per­ sistent crockery sm ashers with three real prom ising headliners, scored thusly iu a 25 bird contest : E. 0 . M iller, 20; J. W. D rinkard, 25; H erm an Koontz, 21; M irtin Koontz, 22; W. L. Norton, 25. Snuday nfternoou the Moody tennis courts was the scene of a tournam ent with players from H a l­ ley and H arrisburg participating. Io the m en’s doubles, Jess Crete and M artin Koontz won from John and E verett Scott of H arrisburg with a score o; 6 to 4. Merle H ughes and Dorothy Scott o f H arrisburg carried off the honors in tlu ladies doubles, winning by a score of 6 to 2 from Agnes Hayes and Bessie Reynolds. The home team won the mixed doubles with Laurence Taylor aud Agnes Hayes playing against Les­ ter Thompson aod Roverta Bronson — score 6 to 1. Laurence T aylor and F rank Koontz won the consolation game from Lester Thompson and W iDard Coates by a score of 6 to 2. In the g irl’s singles the score was 6 to 3 in favor of Merle Hughes Agnes Hayes played op­ posite. Mnry Johnson, lleleu Huges and W ilm a O w e n s of H arrisburg ac­ companied the player» to Halsey. go to C anada to show at fairs and'lclo-e o f the business session a ban- expositions in British Columbia, quet was served by tbe Greens to He will return to Oregon iu tim e the Piuks, the winners iu the recent to exh ib it at the state fair, contest. • C. N. Moody and grandson Jerry Two a u to accidents occurred >u Moody, of H arrisburg, were Halsey j H>e vicinity of H'Usey the latter visitors last week at the home of Par^ Hie week. The first wae the form er’s sou, C. P Moody. that of E.C. Potlef who was mov­ Sunday m orning Mr, aud Mrs. ing from E ugen) to Lelanou. Tbe Fred Moody drove to Halsey and car was hit by another car coming after a brief visit at the Moody from the opposite direction accord­ home left for M onmouth to spend ing to report and as Mr. Potlef a t­ tbe day, taking with them their son tem pted to rig h t his car another Je rry , and niece, Coralea Moody. southbound cur hit the trailor as it Doralea accom panied them home attem pted to pass Bent axles was in the evening and is spending the the extent of the dam age it wae stated. The other accident was week in H arrisburg. more serious and happended about Last evening tbe regular meeting a mile south of town. Mrs. E. R. of Purity Rebekah lodge wae held Derllnger of E ugene was driving at which time the inetallaticn of C r . D erllnger’« cur, when it took a ollicers was held. Sadie Gansle is nose dive off the pavem ent and ap­ parently turned over. Another noble grand, Alma H am er vice woman aud a little child were in grand, Estelle H olt treasurer aod the car at the time. The child was Esther Bond secretary. Other badly h u rt and was rushed to the offices are appointive. After the Albany hospital. Charles Hamer Most Accommdating Auto Stage operator, Says Writer The following from the pen of Fred Lockley, noted historical and pioneer w riter of the Portland O re­ gon Journal, will be of interest to readers of the E nterprise. W hen L ion countv recently held its annual pioneer celebration st Brownsville, I was asked to m ake a talk on pioneer days and pioneer w ars. I went to A lbany on tbe Oregon Electric, caught the South­ ern Pacific for Halsey and tr a n s ­ ferred to an auto stage for Brow ns­ ville I have jogged about quite a bit during tbe past 25 years, but in all th a t tim e I never saw a more accomodating stage driver th an tbe man who bandies the passenger ousiness between Halsey aud Brownsville. I noticed several sm all aiIk flag? flying from tbe rid - intor cap. They were edged in yellow. Pointing to them , I said Y ou're flying the cavalry Hag on your c a r.’’ “ Ye»,” he said, “ I p u t in two years during the W orld war in the cavalry. I am an old- time cowman and my experience in ruling the range indneed me to join 'h e cavalry, lit-fore long they gave me the job of breaking the Eastern Oregon horses they had purchased. ( saw th at the cavalry w asn’t going to get over to France, so I applied for transfer to the tan k c o r p s /’ W hen we reached Brownsville, he drove some distance up a side street to let a lady passenger off st her home and thou asked where I wanted to so. I told him I wanted to go to tb i hotel. He said, ” W » nave no hotel, hut I will take you to a lodging house.” We drovej from one p a rt of the town to tl.e other, only to discover th a t all the rooms had been taken. I told him to drop me off and 1 would rustle a room somewhere, but he Baid his job included landing me at some definite destination, so we wou'd drive o u t to the picnic grounds, where he thought be could locate «omeons who m ig h t have a roo&i, and if he d id n 't find anyone there, be would take me io a dance where be was sure he could run across someone who could tell us of some private home where I could get a t room If th a t's the kind of peo. pie Jim O rm andy has working for him ou the S suthern Pacific, no wonder both Jim au I the Southern Pacific are popular. At the picnic grounds I ran across someone who suggisted th a t inasmuch as I was goiug to talk ibout pioneer ways and pioneer lays, I m ight as well spend the ugtit in the Pioneer Cabin. Thie •eemed like a happy solution of the natter, so I went to the Io/ cabin in the grounds. I put a few more ticks on the dying fire in th e fire- dace and at about 11 o’clock tim ed in. As I lay on the old-fashioned our-poster bed, with its cords in place of springs, and looked at the ig rafters and the shakes on the oof, I could alm ost fancy myself i boy again in oar log cabin iu M ontana. The fireplace and the ■nirnney were of stone and clay, (n the puocheon floor were deer bides, cougar hides and bobcats. Trie flickering flames from the fire- Continued on page 4.