HALSEY ENTEHPIUSE, HALSEY. OREGON. JULY ■'». 1928 Improved Uniform International the alacrity their benumbed fingers would perm it; and. while they fran­ tically bestirred themselves, the drover leisurely peeled off hls “ warmus,” or A / : sleeveless undercoat, and remarked: ¿ 2 “ Too had McDowell and hls men ain’t here to see the fun. but word was brought right after yon left la « night, Balsar, that there ts to be some rare witch-hunting In Great cove and
>u, you lumbering d oltl wonderful vision. He was permitted mouth, lie hardly knew whether to fo r a second bedroom. approve of us, or tnke offense. But back.” grinned Cromlt us tie untied You've hurt a n ost proper man.” T h e C a n d id P oet ! to look Into heaven Itself where he "H e'll be properer now, Mother , beheld the glorified Son of man stand­ the terror of hls prisoners decided the prisoners' hands and ordered them The guests had thoroughly enjoyed to replace the stolen bells. Cox.” H e a d o f Hosts him. and with a loud guffaw he cried: ing at the right hand of God. the evening of recitations by a local The thieves did their work wltb all (TO BE CONTIS'JED .» Saboath means armies or hosts and “That would he a fetching Joke on VI. Saul Consenting Unto Stephen's poet He was the last to depart. The the two of them I B'lled In a kettle I hostess wrung hls hand and said: th» expression "Lord of Saboath" may B * tt # o * 8 * B * n * » # « * » # n * » * B * » * « * B * » * u - * a * B - * B * » * : : n b * b ::-a Death (8:1-3). be translated the Lord of Hosts. lord's law I But they would look com The very ringleader In this perse­ “ Poets are born—" leal Jammed In e kettle 1" cution was Saul. Stephen's death ts “ And.” he Interrupted, "not paid." Big E xecu tives H ave T heir O w n Troubles Now that hls temper was softened described as falling asleep. Devout he explained further: men buried him, making great lu men­ W h o ’d H a v e T h o u g h t It ? "These Infernal scoundrels stole two Amos It. Bump, assis’ ant general pad, exposed to the gaze of those who tation over him. AND CHARM “ Haven’t you beard? Mary Just mar­ hells from Ben the Great cove drover anles engineer of the Killzem Rat- cared to observe, lay th • fru it of Mr. N o th in g so m ars an o th er- ried B ill Hendricks." at the mill lust night. I'ui working Trap Associât««, Inc., was concentrât- Bump's morning endeavor. And this w i»e beautifu l face as the Prayer "B ill Hendricks! Not really! Why, in e v ita b le lines of fatigue for him. The fools could ’■' got away tug. Upon hls nice, dean desk was a was the message, readln; from left to that was the man she was engaged More things are wrought hy prayer an d suffering caused by If they'd know'd enough to hide the nice, clean pad, and upon that pad In rig h t: “ Amos R. Bum p - A . IL Bump tir e d , aching feet. A U D I’S than this world dreams of.—Tennyson. to I" hells somewhere while they kept hid. a nice, cleun hand Mr. Bump was w rit­ —A. Remington Bump." FOOT-USE, the A ntis e p tic . Bui they took the hells along with ing. lie paused and surveys! what he H e a lin g P ow der, insures The Bible Is a Window foot com fort. I t it a Toi­ P ro p e r Securities tliein and I follered the nolee and had written. Then he wrote again. let Neceeuity. Shake it A s tro n o m e r’s M - m o r ta l eaught them early tills morning Now The Bible Is a window In thia pris­ “ Jones wants to borrow five dol'ars in y m r «hoe« in the Miss Wince, hls secretary, padded A benotlfttl bronze glote mounted on on-world, through which we may look from me. mom:ng, Shop all day— they're taking the bells back Whoa, la be good for that Into the room. D mm • all •▼ening— a marble pedestal stands In a Swedish Into eternity.—Timothy DwIghL hlsh! Stand still there, you devil, or amount?" then let yoor m irror tell “ Mr. Schlmmel. of Schluimel. Schlm- city as a memorial to the great Six­ the »tnry. T rial pack­ J'll tan your lacket nineteen to the "Yes, with proper securities." mel, Schlmmel * Schlmiuel, Is here." teenth century astronomer, Tycho age and a Foot-BM t dozen!" And io hind hls promise oe “ What would you suggest?" Walking Doll sent A Trustful Soul F r e e . Addma Ole« t Fo^-EaM.Le key W T. crocked the »hip and elicited a rare she whispered. "He has a luncheon Brahe. "A chain and padlock, a pair of The praying life cannot be an anx­ engagement with you.” I n a P in e h . L e e A lle n 's F oo I- C m c yell. ious life. Patience In prayer means handcuffs, and a watchdog.” Mr. Bump groaned. He hated hav­ “ In God a great mercy, all. help us! D is c o u ra g in g M r . M ouse a trustful souL—John Timothy Stone. For Mosquito Bites, Sting of Bees ing a train of thought derailed. bleated the prisoner on the offside C o m p a n y C oo k * Holes that appear to ht Mr Mouse'« and Venomous Insects “ One Interruption after another," he “ We was about to follow the Carlisle entrances should he fllltd with putty "D id you get a medal »hen you H A N F O R D 'S B A L S A M O F M Y R R H Happiness road bound for Philadelphia. We'd growled. 'Tlow Is a man to find time mixed with mustard and broken glass Mooer berk for ftrat bottte I f not m tted. AU “ Nope; nobody appreciated my cook reached Shippensburg or Carlisle We stamped out to greet Mr Schlmmel. Outside things can never create IL V N. U., P O R T LA N D . NO. 27-1928. tng." L'pou that desk, on that nice, cleau way through this mixture. Happiness Is a h a b it—Ewing. did but borrow them, lie would hate T h e Red O dd e>4 Romance o f Braddocks D efeat H uch P endexter CAP Sunday School ’ Lesson ’ AND' The Woman Driver , CHAMPION SparlCPlugs (i FIRST AID TO BEAUTY