H aiseV Enterprise. Halsey, Oregon, July 5, 1928 L ak e C reek New » (By an E nterprise Reporter) Mr. and Mr». John Underwood and eon Jack were business visiters in Corvallis Saturday. M r. and Mrs. J . L. Nicewood and fam ily visited Mr. end Mrr, Robert A rnold Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M artin Cummings and Russel ami Lucile Herndon visited relatives in Corvallis S u n ­ day. O. G . Coldiron sod daughter Nora accompanied by Mr. aud Mrs Jo h n Gormley motored to Mill City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'l’homas Ardry, George A rdry. Mr. and Mrs, Ralf Bond and LaVello Palmer motored to Cascadia Sunday. The Irish Beud has drawn a num ber of Lake C 'eek people this week because of the am ount of blackberries growing there Mr. and Mrs. h e n ry Cook of P o rtlan d are spending their vaca tlon here at the borne of the latter'« parents, Mr. and Mrs H arry Davis Mr and Mrs. J. L. Palm sr and fam ily drove to Jefferson Sunday to visit their new granddaughter A lford Arrow» (Enterprise vorrespondent, Earl Ringsdort and family visit­ ed at the Chris Sorensen home S un­ day. Mr. and Mrs, A. N. Sm ith oi Portland aie flaying at their farm here for awhile. Mrs. B. E. Cogvwell a r d son Philip spent several days in Port land the first of the week. Chester C urtis and family a t­ tended a reunion of the C urtis fam- i'y at Lebanon last Sunday. George Godwin and family of Buena Vista were guests over the week end at the John Rolfe home. Mr. and Mrs. J. H Rickard and d aughter Lillie went to Corvallis Sunday and while there visited at the home of Mrs. Pierce. E lbert Isom, who ¡«em ployed in the forestry Betvice near Oakridge, arrived home Tuesday evening to epeud the Fourth with his family. He will return to work Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rickard visited their daughter, Mrs. Guy Roberts of Toledo, who is in th e Corvallis hospital, Sunday. Mr. R oberts who baB also been quite | ill, is staying here at the Rickard aud niece, Carrol Lee Lowry, Jr h ime while he is convalescing. Mr. and M rs. Henry Hawkins Mrs. Robert Sisk and Florence and little daughter Helen Jean, of accom panied Mrs. J. S. Nicewood Portland were overnight v sitors at aud children, Jennie and LeRoy, to the picnic S 'tu td a y *° f -nee the A. E. W hitbeck home Sundav while enroute to California on a grove. vacation trip. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mr. and Mrs. George B. W oo.- In g ram of Brownsville wore addi­ word and three children of alia tional guests at the W h itle c k home W alla, were guests at the home of Sunday eveuing Mr. W oodword’s sister, Mrs. C lar­ ence E vans, last T hursday and F riday.______________ ___________ GLOBE N O T IC E Sun. Mon.,Tues.. July 8 9-10 OK A PPO IN T M E N T OF ADMINISTRATOR Notice is hereby given th at the under­ signed by an order of the County c o u rt of Linn County, Oregon, has been ap­ pointed adm inistrator of the estate of Tim othy Riggs, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are re­ quired to present them w ithin six m onths from the date of this notice, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at the office of Tussing & T ussing in Halsey in Linn County. Oregon. Dated and first published this 7th day of June, 1928. AMOR A. TUSSING. A dm inistrator aforesaid. Tussing & Tussing, Attorneys for Administrator. June 7 14 21 28 July 5. Clara Bow in J ta d ie s of the Mob” Wed., Only, July 11 June 7-14-21-28 July 5. Wheel w ith extra high lugs, Im proved cu tte r bar. roller and ball bearings, easier and b etter lubrication, easy-run­ ning reel, im proved lighter- d ra ft elevators with flexible capacity and smooth-work­ ing binder attachm ent w ith Im proved packer bearings, make th e John Deere th e lightest-running binder ever Large oil cups, easy to get to, m ake oiling a simple job, thus reducing wear and lightening th e draft. Im proved reel, great ca­ pacity elevators, levers easy to reach, handy bundle car­ rier and an all-steel quick- tu rn tongue truck arc other im p o rtan t features of the L ig h t-R u n n in g New John Deere. REAL ESTATE If you enjoy a good meal And know a good meal when you get It You'll be back for you'll not forget it. PARAG O N strains your eyes— '» filte r it out with Sat. Only, July 14 Jack Holt in Zane Grey’s "Vanishing Pioneers’’ Axminster Rugs You have ever seen. In second handjfurniture I have some excellent buvs. Bargains in slightly used Refrigerators. E. Rogoway GEO. M. GILCHRIST ALBANY Ticket office Bell Linn Stage. Albany to San Francisco, $15 H ill & Company A lb a n y B argain H ouse Agents I g > n ft-2 iitr a New and Second Hand Furniture Highest prices paid for all kinds of Junk, Wool, Hides, Furs, Pelts, Cascara Bark. Albany, Oregon Hardware Plumbing Harness f ^ A on ' t leave your ■ »eyes unprotect- ed to battle with unfiltcrcd light coming from all directions. f At this Store You Get Q U A L I T Y .> S E R V IC E F ish er-B rad en F u n eral D irectors E m balm ers ==ll Soft-Lite Lenses increase visual comfort by filter­ ing the glare out of light. They are restful in any light, indoors or outdoors— as soothing as a cool hand laid over your eyes. Safe— never habit-forming— even less conspicuous than clear- glass lenses. Free B lan kets For a limited time we will give an $8.00 lr.- dian Blanket or Auto Robe absolutely Free with each Lady Assistant. Phone 95. Albany. Oregon •" ■ For New and Second Hand Pianos Pianos for Rent. Albany .Oregon H ask in s & 1 albert Sears’ Grocery Two Pants Suits or Topcoat SETH T. FRENCH Optometrist It's Your Opportunity. virgin wool 32b W. F irst St., Albany '........... .... " C all A t D aven p ort M usic H ouse Oregon C ity Woolen Mills Ground to any prescrip­ tion, in an “ invisible" regular lens for constant use, and a deep sports shade for outdoor wear. We will gladly show you Soft-Lites. CAFE Legion Lunch Tuesdays. Come in xnd see thè New John Deere uext trine you ore In town. GLARE INSURANCE Prompt service — Courteous treatm ent Wm. Bain, with Lane County Abstract Company. Albany built. “ Good Morning, Judge” Albany. Ore. FARM LOANS At lowest rate of interest. The use of a wide drive Reginald Denny in Furniture ROSCOE AMES HARDWARE The Winchester Store Light-Running New John Deere Thur., Friday, July 12-13 First class stock of New Furniture. Biggest Bargains in T u ssin g & Tussing, A ttorneys for A dm inistratrix. " It ’s the Light-Running Grain Binder" “Half A Bride” Notice is hereby given that (he under­ signed by an order of the County Court of Linn County. Oregon, has been ap­ pointed adm inistratrix of the estate of Samuel T. H illman, deceased. All per­ sons having claims against said estate are required to present them within six m onths from the date of this notice, with the proper vouchers, to the under­ signed at her residence about two miles north of Halsey in Linn County, Oregon. Dated and first published this 7lh day of June, 1928. ELIZABETH McCORD. Administratrix aforesaid. I t Esther Ralston^in NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX ^/Arpr»nrv estimates a saving of from »3.000 j braries. Senator Steiwer gave this n V to »3,500 a year to it* patrons, aud , bill special attention in response ( lU c illV C L IU I y Beginning July 1 books seut from a jre a t increase in the m ail order to the requests of the trustees t f and returned to free public lib rar­ ise of state, county, and city li- Oregon state and county lio rarits ALBANY FLORAL CO. Cut Flowers and Plantó. Floral art for every and ies receive a gre-tly decreased rate all occasions. provided in a hill recently pasetd Flower phone 458-J by Congress, and amended through EAST ALBANY BARBER M O P the efforts of the Oregon state li­ Charles R Goltra. Proprietor brary and the Oregon senators, ft 1- Member of Master Barbers' Association lowing the lib rary ’s protest against Specializing in Ladies' and Children's Hair Cuts and Bobs Work guaranteed. a proDosed increase. The new rale 1029 East Second St. Albany, Ore. omits altogether the former service ALBANY STATE BANK — We invite charge of two cents per package, your business. Savings and commercial reduce» the coat of the initial accounts. Capital, surplus, undivided pound from five and six cents to a profits, »100,000. H it rate of three cents, throughout EASTBURN 8 GROCERY the stale. All additional pound« 4th and Lyons Street in the th ird »one will cost one cent The place to buy good groceries at the iusteaJ of two cents each. The right price On the corner, plenty of room to park. Albany. state thus becomes one zone for library books, which receive a ptef FORTMILLER FURNITURE CO.. fu r­ niture, rugs, linoleum, stoves, ranges. ential rate, Funeral directors. 427-433 West First Toe state library iu 1927 seut Street. Albany, Oregon. out to its patrons 23,631 packages IM P E R IA L C A F E . 209 W est F irs t of books. The initial saving on Harold O. Murphy. Prop. these regardless of zone and weight Phone 665 T h at’s what users everywhere say of would be »1,150, which will accrue We Never Close the Light Running New John Deere. to the benefit of the country pa­ When you put this new binder in the JENNINGS AUTO TOP SHOP—Auto trons of the library, az they refund field and see how easily it pulls and the trimming, seat covers and winter In­ steady, good work it does—you, too, will tbe postage charges when the bool s closures. 202 E. Second. Phone 418J Want a N. L. Jennings, Manager. are returned. The state library New Postal Rates in Effect A Service and Cash Store Ask for prices Albany Creamery Association A fine M anufacturers of LINN BUTTER Phone 132-R S u it Enjoy the S ilv e r Grays a n d B u y e r s o f Egg« A E a r n ie r s ’ C o -o p e ra tiv e C re a m fe ry With extra trousers at fr 11 E. L. Stiff Furniture Co. 422 W est E irst Street Albany, Oregon For easy-to-clean kitchen floors LOWE BROTHER? FLO O R EN A M EL give» a beautiful last­ ing finish that is easily kept clean. It dries overnight. Especially recommended for kit­ chen floors. Also for kitchen walls, w uo why neglect having one made? Sight Quickly and Accurately Corrected The sooner your eye troubles have attention the better oB you are Eye troubles in their inlancy are e a s ily corrected and often avert serious trouble. You will find our service and prices in a class by them selves. Harold Albro, Oregon Jeweler and O ptom etrist, 313 West F irst Street A lbany,Ore.