agriculture HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK Ifalsetj ¿Enterprise |Halsey, Oregon. Thursday July 5, 1928. Established in 1912. Voi. 17. No 9. a.W.FRUM IS PURCHASER Of (S O C IE T Y N E W S T. I. SKIRVIN WAREHOUSE Takes Possession Monday; Skirvin Moves to Harrisburg On Monday of this week a busi- ness deal wa9 closed by which 0 W. Frum became the owner of the T. J. Skirvin ware house in this city. Mr. Skirvin caine to Haleey eight years ago from G resham , and bought the warehouse from D.S. Landon. Later he acquired the warehouse at H arrisburg and more recently he bought an interest in the warehouse in Eugene, by which he be:am e a p artn er with bis brother, D .E. Skirvin. D uring his ownership, Mr. Skir­ vin has built up a large business and his Good Luck Egg Mash is known all over this p art of the state. Mr. Frum lias operated his prea- ent warehouse since 1918, and needs no introduction to the people of this com m unity in which he has lived for m any yiigrs. He, also, has b u ilt a good business through his honesty and fair dealing with the farm ers of this commifnity. Mr. and Mrs. Skirvin are moving to Eugene. They will fce missed by a large circle of friends in H al­ sey, whose best wishes they take with them to their new home. John Bannick, who has been in the employ of Mr. Skirvin will con­ tinue in bis employ. Former Nebraskans to Hold Fifth Annual Picnic August 5 The fifth annual Nebraska picnic will be held in the Corvallis auto p aik, at Corvallis, August 5, 1928. L ast year oyer 1500 persons were present to talk over old times and tell how happy they are now while living in Oregon. It is estim ated th a t fully 2000 will be present this time. Coffee will be furnished free and there is a sm all store nearby where most any th in g can be purchased. Francis Ziegler is president of -the club and Charles E. Ransom of Corvallis is secretary LAKE CREEK Mrs. Emmet Cook extended the hospitality of her home for the last meeting of the Lake Creek aud Bussy club. A large num ber of members were present. The busi­ ness meeting was followed by a num ber of contests. The eeiving of d ain ty refreshm ents brought the pleasant afternoon to a close. From O ur Regular Corrctpondemt Monday evening a group of friends of Mrs. T. J Skirvin met at her home for a farewell party. The affair was planned as a sur­ prise for Mrs. Skirvin who leaves Halsev the latter part of the week to make her home iu Eugene. The evening was spent in con­ versation and ice cresm and wafers which the visitors bad brought with them, was served late in the eve­ ning. About th i.ty women were present for this pleasant evening which was somewhat saddened by the coming separation. At a late hour the guesta departed, wishing Mrs. Skirvin happiness in her new home. * * * Instead of the picnic a t Hetzel grove which had been p la n te d by the members of '-be P ast Noble Grand club Friday afternoon the meeting « as held at the LO O F h a'l. A fter a short business ses­ sion those present eajoyed a social hour during which ice cream and cookies were served. Nine members and three children were present. For the next meet, ing of the club, which will be on A ugust 27, Mrs. E dith Robnett will be hostess. * * * Friday evening about twenty-five members of the C hristian Endeavor society drove to the E. D. Isom home at Alford for a social. A short busiutss session was held early in the evening. At this tim e the resignation of Carl Sperling as sec­ retary .treasu rer, was accepted and Lester Albertson was elected to fill the office. The rem ainder of the evening was spent in music and in playing games. A t a la 'e b o u r re­ freshm ents were served. * * * FAYETTEVILLE Last Sunday Mr. aud Mrs. R C. McCormick entertained for the pleasure of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Cnarles Gregory of Salem, Nebraska, who have been visiting here. Monday m orning the Neb­ raska visitors, accompanied by Mrs. E m m a Gregory who wil. visit her dauglber, Mrs. Edna Ayres, left for their borne. Those enjoying the McCormick s hospitality were Mrs. Emma Greg­ ory, son Glenn and daughter Lyda, Mr. and Mrs Charles B arton, Pearl Thompson, and the honor guests. HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES DAIRYING WOOL. MOHAIR POULTRY !.. Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County F a y e tte v ille Item s CRAWFORDSVILLE'S 4TH CELEBRATION^A SUCCESS (Enterprise Correspondence) R. \V. T ripp ol Albany was in Mrs. Edith Robnett has been eo- I. A. Cou«y has just com plete 1 Haleey Monday oo a teal estate I joying a vacation at Newport the a job of papering and painting t Good Crowds Attends Both Days; past week. business trip. Attractions Please Audiences the T. F. McKinley home. Dr aud Mrs. T. 1 Marks arrived Mr. and Mrs. K arl Bramwell Mr. am) Mrs. Fred Nitzel and A large number of Halsey peo- and children of H a'sey s p e d the home W ednesday from a vacation aon Billy spent the Fourth at the pie attended the c le b ra tio u at trip spent iu California. Fourth in Eugene. home of Mr. N itz d ’s parents, Mr. Craw fordsville yesterday A splen- Mr. and Mrs. J. A D rinkard Mr. snd Mrs. B u'ord Morris and and Mrs. Ed Nitzel. dal program , coniiite 1 of riding, son B > tby wire Eugene visi'ors celebrated the Fourth by d riv iig Bert From an of P ortland spent racing, patato races, a n l ctbe.' al- to Blue River and spending the day. yesterday afternoon. Large crowds enjoyed Alberta Koontz, Clei-ni Sm ith. , lb« week end at the b u n # of his | traction Mr. and Mrs. Amos Rrm sey and brother,’ !). II. From an. Mr. aud dancing in the pavilion both Tues- family spent tbe F ourth at New­ Delos Clark and Carl Hill enjoyed Mrs. W ayse From an of R y d e i- day and Weduesday evenings. It port. They report a heavy raiu a Fourth of July outing on the Mc­ wood and Mr. and Mrs H erbert is estim ated th a t between -1003 and Kenzie. there. Boardm an of Roseburg were recent 5000 people were iu attendance, Mr. aud Mrs. W, H Ruberlson Mr. and Mrs George Helms of visitors at the From an home. Among those front lh ilsey who Black Rock are visiting at the have returned from a vacation trip Miss Sm ie Davis, a former Fay- •!»«>» “ »e day there were O W. home of the la tte r's brother, L H. of t8 days most of which was spent ettevilie girl but now a trained I F rum , George W orkiuger anu Walt A rm strong, south east of Halsey. iu M ontana. Frum and their families, Mr, aud Mr. 'a n d Mrs. Douglas Taylor, uurse in S an Francisco, arrived Mrs. Cecil Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. F rank Gansle and fam ily and C. P. Moo ly and fam ily drove to Miss Anna D rinkard aud Laurence home Sunday evening and is sp-md- Berry Sm ith, Fred Robins and Stayton W ednesday to celebrate Taylor drove to Cascadia yesterday ng her vacation with her parent», sons. Dorothy Corcoran, Jennie Mr. a n a Mrs. Em erson Davis and the F ourth. Stayton is Mr. Gan- on a pleasure trip. Nicewood, Lila I’helps, Muriel ele’s boyhood home. J. P. Steveuson ol the Halsey family. Lake, E oith Sm ith, Lester A lbert­ Mr. and Mrs Archie H »well and son, Roscoe Sisk, Dick Hussey, Hazel A rm strong left the latter Tonsorial parlors was among those part of the week for Marshfield from this city celebrat-rg the daughters Mary Ju n e and Lois K enneth Sm ith, and Charles M un­ Anne of E stacada, spent the week ger. where she will visit for the nex t Fourth in Eugene. nd at the homes of their uncle three weeks. H er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barbara D arling of £alem Mrs. L.H . A rm strong, accom pan­ waa a Halsey visitor Thursday Le- and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. T. J. Skirvin Sells to 0 . W. Frum ied her as far as Rosyburg. iween trains while enroute home Couev and cousins, Mr and Mrs. l'o our many friends and patro n s: Mrs. Leroy Newton end son W il­ from Brownsville where she had H. F. Couey and families. Having sold our husness in te r­ bur of P ortland are visiting in been helping to uttrse her brother In Among those attending the cele­ ests in the city of Halsey we desire Halsey for a few days a t the home law, Frptik D arling, who is ser­ bration nt S m ith 's grot a W ednes­ to express our lincete th an k s ai d of the form er’s sister. Mrs. Buford iously ill at the home of his daugh­ day from Albany were Dr. and appreciation to those who h a te Morris, while Mr. Newton is in ter in th a t city. M rs.Spalding and daughter Lucile, patronized and befiieoded u i d u r­ Roseburg on a business trip. I h s cem ent walk in front of t h j Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gibs .in, Mr. and ing our eight years of busiuess in Mrs. Balf Bond of Halsey and Morris drug stcre has been com­ Mrs. F rank A ckerm an and daugh- ibid com m unity. Mis. Thomas A rdry of Lake Creek pleted and work on the one aloug tres, Mr] aud Mrs. K xtrand, Mr. is with much regret th a t we drove to Eugene W ednesday m orn­ the propeity of Mrs. W heeler is and M rs.Blight, leave this com m unity hut business ing to participate in tbe Fourth of July celebration in th a t city. In tbe evening they were joined by Mr. Bond and eon W ellington who returned to H alsev with them . Lewis Skirvin and Miss W aneta Young ol Portland arrived in H al­ sey Tuesday, on a visit at the home of th e form er’s uncle, T. J. Skirvin. t Yesterday th ey , accom­ panied by Mrs. Skirvin, drove to Eugene where they joined Mr. Skirvin and celebrated the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Brad Moss and fam ily arrived home M onday eve­ ning from an auto trip to Burns aud O ntario in eastern Oregon. At the latter place they visited Mis. M oss’ parents, M r. and Mrs. A. Lnchead, who returned to Halsey with them. Tbe la tte r part of the week Mr, and Mrs. Moss will take their guests to Gold Beach for a visit with relatives. being pushed. Since the moving of the building occupied by the Swift company, and the new walks this block presents a m ost c re d it­ able appearance. Numerous picnic parties were fom ed yesterday to celebrate the Fourth, with scenic T riangle Lake as the destination for most of them . Among those seen there were H erm an Koontz, James Mc­ W illiams, “ R usty” Norton and E llsw orth G ardner in one p arty, Bessie Reynolds, Lucile Phelp9, Fiancis Leeper and Roy Reynold, in another, while still another was th at of Agnes C handler, Lillian Reynolds, Miss Sm ith, Mr. end Mrs. Jess Cross. M aitin and Frank Kooutz and Geotge Cross, who drove to the lake Tuesday alter noon and remained until last night All report a good time. Mist G eraldiue H am ilton, a nurse from Portland, aud her niece Shirley Fav H alilto n also from Portland, spent the week end at the home of Miss H am ilton's ta ttl­ er, IL G .H am ilton. M 'st H am ilton started for K ip s a s C ity S u n d a y wl ere she will attend the B Y.P. (J. convention. Fro n there she plans to visit her au n t, Mrs. Cath- eryn Stew art and fam ily in Wash- ngton, Iowa. interests dem auds our uttention elsewhere. In leaving we carrv with us the memory of our friends, and shall be glad to serve you again should the opportunity ever present itself. Y«u will find us at home La your neighboring city of H arrisburg Should you so desire you will’alw ays find us at your serv ce, ready anil w illing to do the best we can by you at our place of business in H arrisburg, Again we thank you. Wool Receipts Increaso W ith best wishes to our Friendly Grange Contest On The regular meeting of V ine' The W ashington G range News Maple Circle, Neighbors of W ood­ craft was held T uesday evening, says th a t a close race is on between with fourL en members present. three of the b g grange states of tbe One new member was obligated. c iu n try , Ohio, W ashington and Owing to the fact th a t so m any of Oregon, as to which will organize the members were either away on the largest num ber of granges tlii« vacations or preparing to leave the year. It is predicted th a t not less banquet com m ittee decided to wait th rn 100 new subordinate granges until the next meeting to serve will lie organized in these three During July and A ugust the second states during the present year. meeting of the m onth will be dis­ Here is som ething th a t .s of ii . only an adaptation of the circula­ continued. Tbe next meeting will A ttorney C. C. B rv a n to f Albany terest to m any people who have tion to certain underlying changes. be August 1. New crops or “ phenom enal ’ va­ waa a H alsey visitor today. high blood pressure, and to those In tbe early stages these changes rieties of present crops bought by who th in k they have, and the in ­ may be removable but later on growers a t fancy prices are ordi­ form ation is sent out from the o f­ they become fixed and irrem ov­ narily of little value as compared fice of Frederick D. Strickler of able. At no stage is it wise to treat to atandard varieties now iu use, the Oregon S tate Boaid of H ealth. the results only and let the cause warns D. D. H ill, instructor in “ H iah blood pressure is a sym p­ of the condition stand. farm crops at the state college, who Tbe use of drugs or electrical That w e have a community o f tom rath er th a n a disease. It is ’ adds th a t testing such new in tro ­ reaction th at app ars after certain treatm ents to reduce high blood ductions is one of the functions of which w e may w ell be proud changes in the s t r ncture and func­ pleasure direct is inadvisable. Im ­ the experim ent statio n where Ilia Well, we most certainly have. We have a most tions of the body have occurred. provement of habits or changing work can he aone thoroughly and liberal supply o f all the essentials that go toward Unless we cau remove th e changes them to suit the changed condition at less cost than by individuals, making this a happy, prosperous community. th a t have caused th e high blood is advisable. Worry, h u rry and ex- "In te re st among farm ers in the c°sses of all sorts must be elim ina­ pressure we m ight do barm by di Let us pause a moment and list a few of the i Untried and freak varieties is a rectly lowering the blood pressure ted. A calm, quiet life, free from p-rfeclly natural one, as every pro­ business and social activities in which all may W hen the blood pressure b 'g in s to business and social cares is abeo if share, and then ask yourself what more could gressive farm er is interested iu in- rise we do well to enforce general lutely essential to insure relief. be desired to make life really worth the while? increasing tbe yield of bis crops,” Relaxation must su pplant ten- he tr o u b le is th a t hygienic measures. . said Mr. H ill. “ The W ith so many opportunities to enjoy both social­ F a u lts of hygisne, infected teeth, s o n . Sleep m ust be restful and in m o steases of these aptctacular ly and in a business way, and the freedom that tonsils, adenoids or other low grade plentiful. The food must be moder­ crop», the grower pays a fancy comes to us, we may well be more than anxious price and then m ust be content infections must be corrected. The ate in am ount and sim ple in ch ar­ to boast of our home community to outsiders, rem oval of an infectious focus may acter. A minimum am ount ol meat ' with a reduced instead of an in- and make them yearn for a chance to share our fie followed by a return of tbe should be allowed and condim ents j creased return. prosperity and happiness. To such outsiders should be avoided. Focal infection "Som e of the outstanding freaks blood pressure to norm al. If the in teeth, tonsils and sinuses should we extend a hearty hard of welcome to come, sold in Oregon in past years are high blood pressure has been long be eradicated. * live w ith us, and join our community of satisfied the A laska or T it a n ic w h e a t, also continued and the changes th at Avoid high blood pressure by an but ever progressive, people. We welcome you. , called Miracle and Seven Headed; underlie it have become fixed and observance of good personal hy­ I Poli b wheat, Spelt« and various inseparable there can be ouly alle- giene and the cultivation of regu- viation, for high blood pressure is I lar habits. How Best to Combat High Blood Pressure Explained By Strickler suc­ The season's receipts cf wool so cessors and the p e o p le d llalsey, We are »¡m erely yours, lar at the warehouses of the Pacific (Signed) Mr. and Mrs. l.J . Skirvin Cooperative Wool Growers, Port­ land, have been in »re th a n 20 per Buys Warehouse Business cent greater th an at the same per­ H iving purchased from Mr. T .J iod last year. Besides th a t, tfce or- ganization has received 525 mw Skirvin, his warubouse buainess in members owning about 100,000 Halsey, desire to in fo rtii the trade sheep und goats. The graders nl th a t th same courteous, prom pt, the association report th a t t h ’re is and efficient service will he accord­ a doticable im provem ent each year ed iu the future as iu the past. A com petent organization and in the way the members prepare aud pack their wool for »bipm eut, modern facilities will he m aintain- which shows the good results of the, e