H A LS EY E M EHPIUSE. HALSEY. OHEGOX. J U X E _ 3 k _ H ^ The Red Road pg¡? A Rom ance of B raddock’s Defeat * By Hugh Pendexter Illustration» by heart bent fast at the brare rolling of the drums. At last the march on Fort Duquea tie had commenced, and we were off to have It out with the Frenchmen. And sickening of the dust. I picked up my rifle, struck through a noble grove of oaks and started to find my friend, the Onondaga, Bound Paw of th« Wolf dan. -» - POULTRY BREEDS BEST FOR FARMER Which I» the best breed of poultry SYNOPSIS Irw in M yer» for the Ohio farmer? W ill, more than 600 farm flocks on Im p o v e ris h e d by th e o p en -h a n d e d O »i>yrlght by H u g h P a a d e sta « . g e n e ro s ity o f his f a th e r , V ir g in ia WNU »UrvU-a W1 I,-I. to base uu answer to this ques­ g e n tle m a n , y o u n g W e b s te r B ro n d tio n flocks on which records were Is s e r v in g ns a s< o u t a nd spy fo r kei I during 1926 in co-operation with th e a rm y u n d e r G e n e ra l B ra d d o c k C X I.? . lin ts and the HKr.culturM about General Braddock. I almost p r e p a rin g fo r th e a d v a n c e on F o r t believed he would blame Ihe bearer D uq u es n e . H e has Just r e tu rn e d to college extension service of he OWo A le x a n d r ia fro m a v is it to the of bud news. It wiis his firm convic­ State university, poultry specialist» at f o r t , w h e re , po sing as a F r e n c h ­ tion thut Ihe best of our riflemen were m an , he han secured v a lu a b le In ­ the university make this answer. much Inferior to his drlll-sergeanta ' C H APTER II I fo r m a tio n . B rn d d o c k , bred to E u ­ “ There are reveral things to con­ -w I ro p e a n w a r f a r e , fa lls to re a lis e the lie did not seem to comprehend the sider. but probably the most Im­ Im p o rta n c e o f th e new s. (inference between fighting In our portant is the Individual whim of the D er Hexcnkopf gloomy forests and on a level open After passing through the Blue farmer.” field In Flanders. Before framing this answer the spe­ ridge I fell as If my visit to Alexan­ CHAPTER 1—Continued Ilia contempt for our riflemen was dria had taken place In a dream. No cialists exumlued the records and , complete. Tell him they could whip Governor Morris furlfior mollified the French and outwit the Indians place here for gay coats and ruined anulvzed them In “ Analysis of Poultry shirts sn.l silken hose; and what Brolits, 1920." a new bulletin pub­ the Irusclhle commander It; Buying: and he would sneer al them because mockery would the undergrowth make lished for free distribution by the ! " I w ill lend George Croghun u le t agricultural college extension service. of my dainty Indy's exquisite attire I ter, directing him to gturt hells to the A buxxnrd quartered the sky, and I Copies of the 10-pnge bulletin may be luke tribe», lie stunds next to WII knew there would be many of them obtained from the county agent or I limn Johnson In comprehending In­ before long following the army. the university. dian nuture and liitloence over them A\erages used In comparing breeds I t any man can bring In (he Dela­ Hound Paw of the Wolf clan bare- ; of poultry were drawn from records wares, the Shawnee», Wyandot». ly glanced up ns I stood beside his of Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks, Wyan­ Twlgbtweva, (M lunil)), and the Plan- small fire, and yet he hud discovered dottes, and Rhode Island Reds. Leg­ kashuwa, It 1» Croghan." me coming or else he would not have horn flocks constituted 59.S per cent “ When 1 Inst talked with Mr. Wush been seated with his scarlet blanket of those reporting, nnd the average Ington he Infoimed me there were covering hlin from head to foot I , ” j‘ze' o{ t i,e Leghorn flock was larger three hundred Iroquois, »ho left the dropped on the ground and laid aside t,ian {or any other breed. Indicating Ohio lust winter, and who lire now my rifle, lie filled and lighted his Leghorns are more adaptable to ready to march with us," said Brad­ pljie nnd passed It through the blue large dock». dock, his face losing some of Ils dout smoke. After a few whiffs I returned “ The Leghorns averaged 13.9 eggs expression. IL Finally he remarked: , more [)er blrd t i,an any other breed," i glanced nt Governor Morris nml "My white brother has come from t ,]e gpeciai|stg point o u t “ This bear» fancied I delected symptoms of un the home of his father." out ,,ie contention that Leghorns are easiness, lie knew what I was think­ “ My father Is n ghost. There ts no j producers than other breeds. ing, and, while he much disliked at tiHiiie for me In Alexandria. My fa thut time to dash any of Braddock's “ There are exceptions, however, for tiler's house belongs to another.” hopes, he announced: some of the lowest producing flocks lie was silent for a few minutes. were Leghorns. There was little d if­ "1 regret, sir, that the Iroquois you then asked: mention are no longer under our con­ ference In egg production among the “ You carry belts for Onas?" (The three American breeds, although the trol. Pennsylvania fed them from the governor of Pennsylvania.) latter part of Inst year unlit -his Wyandottes averaged 72 eggs more “ I carry a talking-paper to George per bird than the Plymouth Rocks. spring. My lust advice from I’hllu Croghan," I told him, tapping the delphlo Is that the assembly has voted “ Cash receipts were less fo r the breast of my hunting sh irt “ The big Leghorns than for any of the other to go to no further expense In their chief from over the stinking water breeds. Thia Is true despite the behalf and that the Indluns have re­ tins asked me to get men with long higher egg production for Leghorns, turned to the French.” rifles for Ills army. And I have said It was disheartening news for the and is largely due to Increased meat lender to hear. I do not know that I “ My Whl«« Brother Has Come From I would go to Duquesne again. Does receipts from hens and broilers for the man of the Wolf go with me?" would have Imparted It had Governor the Home of Hie Father.” the American breeds. He rose and allowed his blanket to Morris kept silent And yet It would “ Total expenses per bird were slight­ have been deadly wrong to have they were unable to go through their drop down on hlg loins. During my ly higher fo r the three American blinded I be general to the truth ol drill. Hyde Park dexterity In the absence he had repainted while the breeds. This tended to balance the the slluntlon. I could have told him manual of arms weighed more with pnw on his chest, the totem mark of labor income so that It was quite sim­ II »-as loo Inte to send hells to the him than the keenest knowledge of Ids clan, and be was oiled for war. I ila r fo r the four breeds. With only knew he was eager to he deep In (he lake tribes; hut ns that was my be­ forest lore. 59 cents difference between the high lie f and not an established fuel my I was peopling the broad stairway forests beyond the Alleghenies and ond the low In labor Income, It Is ap­ was even now ready to s ta rt Al­ conscience permitted me lo keep my with beautiful women from my boy parent that there Is no practical d if­ mouth shut hood's recollections, and was again though leg-tired I did not unpack my ference In the profitableness of these blankets, but signified my readiness "A fte r all, sir," soothed Mr. Frank admiring their Imported brocades and four main breeds." Un, "Fort Duquesne will fall to Gen velvets and marveling at their fash­ to travel. He produced some smoked eral Braddock's veterans uml not tie ions In hnlr-dresslng when his excel­ meat and parched corn for me to eat and after I bad finished he made np Egg-Shell M aterial Is cause of the wavering allegiance of lency finished his letter, and an his travel-bundle, and we were off. the natives. The tribes nre wllh us nouticed: Essential for Layers As I walked behind him, as much today and accept presents from “ Here It Is, Mr. Brond. See that II Oyster shell which is used for poul­ of an Indian In appearance as be If France tomorrow. Anil on another gels to Mr. Croghun either by your day they «III come hack lo us The own hand or by some trusty messen­ not for my disheveled hair, 1 described try is made by crushing the whole truth of the mailer Is, sir, the Indians ger. Be careful while at Duquesne the gallant appearance of the army as shells, after which they are washed favor neither Fngllsh nor French, and We move a bit lamely now, hut It'll It marched out of Alexandria. Ilia three times. Following the washing the crushed shell Is dried In rotury would heartily rejoice If'h e two races he the devil's own stew for the only comment was: “ Big noise. The Swannock—Eng- dryers, the intense heat of which de­ would cut each other’s throats until French once we get the pot to boil­ stroys all foreign and putrid mutter, not a white mun was left In North ing. Good lurk on your travels and llyhtnen—cannot shoot with drums.” I answered that the soldiers would making the shell sanitary and clean. America." bring buck your own bnlr.” have no chance to use their guns be­ The heating Insures freedom fo m | T ills speech made an Impression e e e e e e s cause of the weak condition of the odor and poisonous matter. and Brnddock agreed: I preferred the river bank to the A fter drying the shell Is screened “ A y e . There's sound sense In that. crowded tavern as sleeping place that fort and garrison. A year earlier, Into two sizes, for hens nnd chicks, We must depend upou the army, nlghL My business from Braddock when Mr. Washington marched out of the situation might respectively. The oversized material Thank God. Ihe Guards have never gave me Immunity from any annoy­ Fort Necessity, .. ** la zvl I t n I rx n f i x ( I bare been different Then Duquesne and dust Is eliminated. failed England and Ids majesty I” ance by the civil authorities, and The feeding of oyster shell Is a whs garrisoned by close to a thousand I w ill say now Hint there were hut there were homes of old friends that good practice In poultry husbandry two men In all the colonies of whom would have opened to me had I made men under the command of veterans. Twelve months had seen a change as the high calcium content provides General Braddock unqualifiedly ap­ myself known. I had thought to moke bone-building material for growing proved-young Mr. Washington »'bom my camp In the neglected garden of In conditions. The portage at Niagara birds nnd egg-shell mnterinl for lay­ bad slowed up the arrival of stores I had known In happier days, and Mr the Brond house, hut the ghosts were Franklin. Mr. Washington, despite too tnnny, and I g»( no farther than from Canada. The horses expected ing hens. For tills reason the mate­ from Presqu’ Isle had not been deliv­ rial should be available in feeders at his youth—twenty three yeurs of age the gale. all times. —had been requested to serve on Early astir, I ate at a market-stall ered. The garrison had been weak­ ened by the sending back of troops to Itrnddoek's staff, lie was very bold on the square near the Horse murket In op|H>tdng the general'» plana when The place »as lively with the rolling Canada. Those bringing supplies from Can he perceived they were based on of drums and the clumping of heavy strategy learned on the bntlleflelda ol b n , » t o . * ax the regulars, wllh wonder­ ada arrived attired In rich velvets and genial from rare wines, but with their Knrope, but not nt nil suited to our ful pr>-' Isloa, swung Into various for sacks empty. Waste and confusion wild forests and mountains. Mr Lack of sunshine often malino». hud blighted the fine spirit of Du­ Franklin nun e magician al ex|s>dl The march to Frederick. Maryland, quesne's defenders. I had learned this weakness In chick«. enta, and »Itbout any show of bins wns »bout to begin. As there was no much from Captain Beaujeu who hnd ter could blare a trail around «bat Overcrowding the house enuses roup ro i l from that town to W ill's creek. readily accepted me as a loyal French­ appeared to lie Impassable obstacle* ns well ns stunted chicks. Colonel Dunbar would have lo cross man. • • • General Braddock remembered I the pototnne at the mouth of Ihe Round Pnw was never a gossip. We was still In the room and said aom» The color of the egg shells has l oii'M-o'hengue nnd take the Winches hnd traveled together for two years nothing to do with the food value of thing to Governor De Lanrey ill» 'e r road. and there had been many days when the eggs. excellency n-ked me: My business was finished In Alex he burelv spoke. We first met on “ Do you believe you could vlsll Do • » » quesne again and pass yourself off as muirla, and trailing my long rifle I Lake Erie’s southern shore when a Eggs cannot he produced without passed once more by the house Of the pack of Hurons and a few Frenchmen a Canadian?" nitrogenous food In some shape. Bones «pen hand, and started north. Clear were giving me a bard run nnd on I believe that I could aod sold so of the town I stopped on a slight emi­ the point of catching me It war are absolutely essential. • • s Then his excellent-? proceeded to nence and looked hack and watched Round Paw’s tierce war cry, the ter­ question me closely as lo the physical Give the young poultry plenty of the cloud of dust redden In the sun rible defiance of the Onondagns. and conditions of the fort. Stepping to light. It hung low nnd settled on Ihe his deudly arrows that had caused my fresh air without drafts. An open the tnlde and using my finger and a meadows and robbed the first grass pursuers to slow up the chase, fear- growing coop w ill do this, pool of sfillled wine I Indicated the • • • of Its rich sheen. I enught the strulns lug an ambuscade. structures and was marking nut the Remember that the hens which lay of the “ Grenadiers’ March,” nnd my (TO B E CO N TIN U ED .) twelve foot stockade on the riverside the golden eggs nre the ones that pro­ when the r o»r»l curtly Interrupted: duce them when they bring the high­ ” Ws understand enough of that. est prices. We • BI learn ell the details after • • a we base taken over the fort. You Sim ply C ouldn’t “S e e ” Chow Puppies at $50 A broiler Is a young bird weighing w ill pr> eed to the fort nnd learn 1» less than two ponnds. The best prices “ In front of a fashionably located t « French have received any rein "But how obout a tralLed dog?” 1 are received for the plump, well-de­ f'.r'-emehta. Aa you w ill trnrel much dog store window containing a dis­ a eked. “ Suppose It was an extra veloped birds. fsste, than i t * army, you are to se­ play of Chow puppies, 1 saw two good dog?” • • • rose enlistment, among Ihe provtn Chinamen laughing and slapping each “ Oh, thlrty-fl’ cents,” declared the The products of the great American tlaia w rite traveling to and from the other on the back in their outbursts of more conversational one, aud his hen rank fifth In our agricultural fort.” glee. I doti't know when I ever saw friend nodded agreement. products list, nnd every year more lie dismissed me with a flirt of his Chinamen so emotional. Out of curi­ “ Then what does a cat cost?' I tn- people are realizing that there ts thick blind osity I sauntered near and tried to qulred. rnouey In hens. Governor Morris motioned for me see what had amused them. It wasn't • • • "Cat, him cost more," promptly re­ to follow him down the hall, and ex any cute antics of the Chow puppies, plied my new acquaintance. “ Good The standard weight of the Pekin plained I was In wall while he wrote because all were asleep. Finally, I cat catch mice— cost 92.“ —Fred Kelly drake Is nine pounds and of the Mus­ a letter for me to give to George Cro asked one of the Cblnatuen what they In Nation's Business Magazine. covy drake, ten pounds, «han. He smiled wearily and mur. were laughing n t This brought a • • • Inc red: fresh outburst, hut, after gaining con Many breeders sell the Leghorn A fleeted O n ly by Noise "None of us «III rest easy until the trol of himself, the one who seemed There Is always a public In Eng cockerels when they weigh about one army la under way. " I t ’s too bad to have the best command of English young Mr Washington Isn't here to pointed to a small sign which I had land, perhaps elsewhere, that either pound. At this size they are known as squab broilers. make things dear to the general” not previously noticed. It gave the does not hear or does not rv«lly be­ • I “ Bui von have Kvana’ map!" price of puppies as $30 each. Thai lieve you are In earnest unirss you When the hens stop laying they “ A ye W e have the map,” grumbled price was what made (lie Chinamen shout—Disraeli. may often be started again by a his excellency lauglp change of feed, but do not give them No Change in Design "Doga like that In China cost fl much corn In summer, unless, of I b e i e are men ot high station with Fish hooks have been mads on ex­ course, you have cooped them up to whom I feel free to talk. t»ut there cents—maybe ten ceuts,” one of them actly the same dss-gn for 2.00} year* fatten for market us something chilling and repelling explained. LAUNDRESS BENEFITED Stable M an Showed G rim Sense of H um or Add to the true but trying stories of the week the case of the young lady who was most anxious to reach her gentleman friend postilaste. Knowing him to be an ardent horse- j man and confident that he was riding at the moment, she besought the tele­ phone Red Book. With no more In formation than Ihe fact that he rode a mount named Molly, she proceeded to query academy after academy. Eventually, success was to be hers. Nearing the end of her list o f num­ bers, her Impatient ” hello” was an­ swered by a gruff-voiced stable man. "Is this the Park academy?" she asked. “ Yep,” answered the voice. “ Well, have you a horse named Molly?" The answer shocked her Into speech­ lessness. “ Sure,” said the gruff one. “ Shall 1 bring ’er to the phone?” —Detroit Free Press. B y Taking Lydia E. Pink, ham’s Vegetable Compound Nashville, Tenn.—“ I cannot .ay too much in favor of the medicine, I was in a run« down condition. I worked in a laundry but my health got to ba