I ¿s * / Ì ®alaei| lEnterprtae J agricultcre HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK Established in 92. / Voi. 17. Halsey, Oregon, Thursday June 28, 1928 No 8 CHICKEN THIEVING GANG IS ROUNDED UP BY OFFICIALS Had Operated in Linn County For Some Tim e Before Caught * -> * -f r- K - + + + + * + + -> + * + + * * * * + * - 5 -J * Volcano-M ade Islands Very Fertile The Hawaiian Islands are the result of volcanoes. The soil from the decayed lava is very fertile. The largest active vol­ cano in the world le Kllanea in Hawaii and is a wonderful sight as It glows red hot In the night. The Islands have been In the possession of the United States since 1898. HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES Bert Clark and daughter Georg in* were Albany business visitors Mouday atternoon. D H. Sturtevant is the owner of a new Chevrolet coach purchased from tbe Harrisburg garage this week. Lester Powell has bought the P J. Forster farm of 50 acres west of Halsey and expects to move to it in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffman and Milt Sargent spent Sunday at Mill City on a pleasure trip, they report a tine time. Wild black berries are ripe now and moBt any day several parties may be seen going to the river where the berries are larger ano better. L. J. Bird o, Albany was trans­ acting business in Halsey Wednes- d r DAIRYING WOOL. MOHAIR POULTRY L Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County > OO CK>frOC)00000 OOO O OOAOO Egyptians Good Dentists The science of dentistry was far advanced »0 the age of the ancient Egyptians. Mummies hove been found with gold till- lugs In their teeth, crowns and even bridgework. The art, how­ ever, was lost later and un­ known until comparatively re­ cent years. The first American school of dentistry had Its be- ginning In Baltimore In 1839. CRAWFORDSVILLE ALL SET I FOR CELEBRATION 3-4 Annual Event Offers Interesting Entertainment in Sports Dr. nod Mrs. T. I. Marks l.ft lis t weak on an auto trip through The stage is about set for Craw- California for J«vi lie’s Round Up scheduled Four men working in au orga­ Mr. and Mr». H F. Lake spent for July 3rd and 4th. According nized manner, caused loss to many Saturday and Sunday in Ealem * to the nianagemsut, the track excellent shape, and cowboys, cowgirls and other con- ent, nightly raids upon the hen Friday afternoon members of ++++*+*+♦+♦+‘1 Asks For Return of Pastor 1 testants are signing up for the rooets of the farmers, according to the Past Noble Grand club will _____ —— » Qwunla tv hii’h U. E. Cosby, secretary-treasurer of Gun Club to M eet Friday Night enjoy a picnic at the Hetzel grove. The fourth quarterly conference various compel tiva events which go to rna’ / e up the two dav I ro* the Oregon poulrymens association. A meeting of the Halsey Gun Tbe annual picnic of the Metho o, the M. E church South held at 'gram . Besides the straight lacing Their activities aroused the ire of Club ie celled for Friday evening, diet Sunday school will be held at Lake Creek Saturdsv evening, Pie- 'event* there will be novelty races the poultry owners, and the call for June 29, at the council chambers, the Pence grove Saturday of this siding Elder H. S. Shangle o, Mil- ’ as follow», spud race, Roman race, a il in breaking up the organized 8 o’clock. Business of importance ton, had cha ge of the meeting. wrek. thievery was heeded by P. A. Slell- is to come before 'h e club and all Tha following wete elected as ' rawhide race, chariot race, quick Georgina Clark left today noon maclier, deputy game warden, and members are urged to be present, stewards for the coming conference {change race, five mi'e Ford race, for Springfield where she will visit grand scramble, musical chair race, J . E. Lillard. deputy sheriff, both says Secretary Carl Hill. at the home of her aunt, Mre year: Mrs. Thomas Ardry, J. 11. of Linn county. Rickard, Luther Brock aud M>s. relay race and cousolid.ited race. Charles Poile. There will be wily horse Lucking Upon information that four men Tbe democratic convention being Marlin Cummings. The clubing offer of the Enter and roping stunts by he cowboys. The presiding elder was asked living at a local rooming house held at Houstan,Texas, this week , prise and McCall’s magaxioe is The racing judges »s announced to lend his help toward the return without visible means cf support, still on. $1 50 a year for the two proves that there is some life and of Rev. Roy Metcalf to the Lake b y Duncau McKercher, president the officers received their firet clue. Either new subscriptions or re­ action io that party yet. Creek and Peoiia charges for the of the R< und Up association, are; Soon after the men were sighted in One was an Irish policeman —his Wayne Veatch left Portland newals accepted. A. J. Hodges. A lbauy; Harvey a restaurant, and the loca. officers friend was a German saloon keep­ coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Patton, Tuesday for Seattle from which city Record, Corvallis; J J Barrett, Al- went in to question the quartet, er. They went ‘‘over there” to he will join the U. B Hollywood Ibany Judges for the arena events At the appearance of the peace of­ figut for their country, but they Mr. and Mrs. Elden Cross and to work for t'r® summer tor this year me Ooae Brown, Cor­ ficers, two of the suspected men had more fights getting to the James McWilliams spent the week Mary La Rue of Halsey and her vallis; U harks Pugh, Shedd, mid end on a camping trip in the dashed for liberty by way of the front than they had when they got sister, Mrs. Minnie Crabb ol Stock- O. W Fium , Halsey, ferry K oj - back door and made a successful there. And the way those Russian mountains above Cascadia. The chicken pie supper and en­ ney is marshal of track. 1 here will Tuesday evening a large number ton, Calif., who is visitiug here, escape. However, the identity of wo nea made love to them, made the two escaped members of tbe them wish they were in ‘‘No Wo­ of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil left this morning ou a visit to tertainm ent given by the Peoria he dancing each evening in the and Lake Creek congregations of big paviliou near the race track at Dawson, whose wedding was an friends in Gres® Valley. gang was later made. man’s Land.’’ Mr. and Mis. Walter Duff left the Methodist Episcopal Church Crawfordsville Positively the funniest war story event of last Sunday, met at their The two men were arraigned, this moniir.g for Boring, Oregon, South, which was held at Sm ith’s waived right of counsel, plead guil­ ever screened. You’ll lose yourself home and tr.ated them to a real where they will spend the summer grove near Peoria last Friday eve ty, and were sentenced to the Ore- in laughter when you see “ Lost at old fashioned seienade. Mrs. Lou Browne who has spent in the hope that the change wi uiug, was a decided success both goa State penitentiary by Judge the F ront” at the Halsey theater socially and financially. Kelly. The etate of Oregon was next Tuesday evening. Don’t miss the past several weeks visiting at benefit Mrs. Duff’s health. Several sports events w ere in­ The regular meeting of Purity represented by L. G. Lewelliug, it. the Charles Goltra home in Albany Lieut. F. Buford Morris, Corp. dulged in and perhaps »he ball Rebekah lodge wss held last eve district attorney for Linn county. and at the home of her sister, Mr*. Carl Isom and Ralph Smith, John g »me between members of the E p ­ ning, with tbe usual routine busi Fayette Lake of Halsey left for her Two years ago tbe Oregon Poul- Death Takes M rs. Hulda Wells Dess being transacted. Delegates worth lesgies of the church a ' Quimby and Ellsworth Gardner, tryn eos association raised a fuud Mrs. Hulda Wells died at tbe home in San Francisco, Monday A Peoria and McFarland in which members of Albany Battery to the recent convention gave of $800 to be used in offering a home of her daughter, Mrs. Clara U00D. arrived home Wednesday from the the latter failed lo scote enough D. C. McClure of M otber’e It.», report aeries of reward for the arrest and Colee of Brownsville Tuesday night annual encamj ment at Fort Stev­ times to win, was the stellar at­ A number of H»l»ev people are conviction of chicken thieves who at 11 o'clock, following an illness Tangent, was a Halsey visitor Tues­ en*. planning to attend the Holiuess traction. had stolen chickens from any sub­ of several weeks. Funeral arrange day. Next Sunday Mr. and Mr The entertainm ent features were Battery “ A” came horns wi h convention at Waterloo July 4. scriber of the fuud. It pays $2.50 ments have not been completed Chester Lyon and 25 girls from the good and appreciation shown those flying colors. 1 his company fried Among those who expect to spend for conviction an a grand larceny but burial will be near Triangle Big Brother farm at Lebanon, will who took part. Miss W ealths Trai­ the 12 inch m ortars, tu rn iig < ut be guests at a chicken dinner at tbe day there are Rev. and Mrs. J charge and $100 on a petit larceny Lake. ler of Eugere, sang a solo ano the best record ever rrnde at F 1 rt S. Miller. Mr and Mrs A. J. Hill, > charge. Mrs. Wells was born at Berlin tbe inn. a reading by Miss Shedd, ol Shedd Stev. ns and the third t est in ti e and Mesdames A rthur Foote, J W Hugh Porter returned to his The directors of this association Germany. April 14, 1881, but came and other numbers wera offered by United States. Hussey and Eliza Brandon and its membership dssire to ex­ to America with be: parents when home at Central Point Tuesday guest* from Corvallis aud Albany. Last Sunday Captain Forrest Brigadier B»ynton respectfully press publicly its sincere apprecia­ she was six weeks of age, Mrs. after having visited in Halsey for Nearly 400 attended and enjoyed Campbell and Lieut. Morris were requests the public to call for so tion to the peace and judicial of Weils was a resident of Halsey for several days at the borne ol hie the supper furnished by those ex­ guests of II. R. McFeeters, mana- fleers of Linn county for their ac­ number of years, and at the time sister, Mrs. D. C. Rossmau. He Heitor’s card wbeuever approached cellent cooks that neighborhood ger for the Standard Oil cornpnny Salvation Army worker. tiv itie s which resulted in direct of her death was a member of P u r ­ was accompanied as far as Drain by a is so well favored, and the chicken by another sister, Mrs Nellie Cas­ Should someone ask for money in pie made possib'e by the practical at Astoria, and ‘‘Dixie’’ Moore, benefit to the poultry owners ol ity Rebekah lodge of this city. president of tbe Dixie Baking com­ She is survived by her husband, per of Salem. Mrs. Casper will the name of the A rm t who is not knowledge of eatable poultry dis the county. They also desire to pany, at the Astoria country club. supplied with a card, the fact congratulate them upou being the one daughter and three grand, visit her daughter, Mrs. Frieda played by the pastor of the local should be reported at once. first county officers in Oregon to children. Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Enger of church. receive the reward offered by the A large number of H >lsey peo­ Browniville were in Halsey last The birthday of Mr*. Harold Church Note* Oregon Poultrymens Association. ple drove to Cascadia Sunday and evening while on their way home ^2 Muller was tbe motive Monday spent the day ^ k u ic k in g at thi from a pleasure trip extending over Pine Gr»ve Church evening for a number of friends popular resort. Among the differ­ several weeks io the eastern p arto , Sunday School 10 a. m. and relatives lo tender her a sur­ ent parties seen there were Guy the United States. While away Preaching at 11 a. in. prise party at her home west of Layton and wife, T. J . Skirvin and Evening eervice 8 o’clock. they spent some time at West From O ur Regular Corretpondenn Halsey. The evening was spent wife, Curtis Veatch and family, Point and also visited Niagara Harvey Wright will preach both in playing games and conversation John Miller and family, George Falls Mr- Enger Is section fore­ morning and evening. and at a late hour refreshments The home of Mr. and Mrs O. J Workioger and family, Fred Rob­ man for tbe Southern Pacific at Albertson was the scene of a pretty were served. Methodist: ins and family, Muriel Lake and Brownsville. Enjoying this pleasant evening wedding Sunday afternoon when 10 a. in. Sunday school Bessie Reynolds. B y H ujgk P e n d e x t e r 11:00 a. m. preaching their daughter, Vida, became tiro were Messrs and Mesdames C. G. Ï1 Mis. Buford Morris and little c Peoria New* Sermou topic: “ The Country Me bride of Cecil Dawson. Rev. C Hamer, W. Muller, Jess Cross, _______ son drove to Albany yesterday to Adrian Sias, pastor of the Church Elmer Munson, D. C. Rossman, Love.’* (By Special Correspondent) meet Lieut. F. Buford Morria who HIS writer, as in 7:00 Epworth League of Christ, performed theceiemony and Harold Muller, and Mrs has been at encampment at Fort Mr*. Ruby Dorsey was taken ill former stories, 8 p. m. pleaching. which took place at 8 o’clock Sun Nancy Lamb, Hildegarde Porter Stevens during the past two weeks Sermon topic: ‘‘Real Religion. day afternoon. The beautiful r’n8 Fern Rossman, Hugh Porter *nd W. A Easthurn who has heeu vis­ Thursday but is now abl* to be up recreates the Indian again, Bible study class Tuesdays 2:30 Milford Muller. service was used. and the pioneer with iting at the Morris home returned • o o P. H. Tinkbam and grandson, Prayer meeting Thursdays 8:00 The bride and groom unattended to Albany with his daughter and consummate art, but Lad/es aid every Wednesday Thursday evening C. G. Hamer, will visit at tbe home of a eon for Bobby Workinger, were in Peoria took their places in a bo*er he knows his trade Women’s missionary society fir»I formed of white crepe paper and C. P. Moody, F. Gansle and D. C. awhile. Clarence Earstburn left Monday. too well to permit Friday of month 2:00 o’clock Wayne Mode, who was injured tinsel and banked with mountain Rossman and their families, and earlier in the week after spending J. S. Mi'ler, pastor. history to usurp the by a bolt striking him on the head Hugh Porter and daughter Hilde a week here at the Morris home. mist, sweet peas r.ud lillies. place of romance. garde aad Mrs. Nancy Lamb drove is reported belter. Church of Christ: Mrs. Dawson ¡» tbe youngest With squirrels, gopher* aud to McKercher dam aod enjoyed a Adventure after ad­ 10 a. m. Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. Glen S tuJl-y aud daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Albert­ other rodent* now at the peak of •on of Portland, visited Mis. Stud- 11 00 a. m. morning worship and wiener roast. venture, suspense son and is very popular among ti e * • • their activity in Linn county and ley’s mother, Mrs. Alice Barcus, communion service. and plot as well as younger set. She wore a love y Last evening the members of the elsewhere, information on control Sunday, and also Mr. and Mrs. Solo: Mrs. Edith Robnett. dress of chin chin blue crepe de thrills, an uncom­ 7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor. Christian Endeavor were guests of measures is again much in demand Will Barcus of San Francisco are chine with rhinestone trim. mon, satisfying love the Epworth League members at a at the experiment station at 0- A- visiting bis mother aud sisters. 8 p. m. preaching. Mrs. Albertson, assisted by her motif, picturesque -ocial. It had been planoed to C., county agents offices and simi- Sermon, “ In Hi* Steps ' Lawrence Frady of Eugene was daughter, Mr». Robert Ramsey, figures and colorful C Adrian Sis», pastor. have a picnic at Sm ith’s grove near lar source*. A bullstin on control a guest at the home of his parents served ice cream and cake during details abound in Peoria but owing to the raiu this of rodents and other small animal Mr. aud Mr». J R Frady ef Peoria Owing to tbe fact th at the rsgu the reception which followed the pests in Oregon has just been pub- plan was changed. the swift running Sunday and repurts bis daughter, ar meeting of V i n e Maple cir»le, ceremony. Tbe evening was spent in play­ lisbed based ou tbe extensive work Sylvia, a* improving. narrative. Neighbors ol Woodcraft, is on the Mr. aud Mrs. Dawson have gone ing games and at a late hour ice in organized rodsDt control in this July 4, it has heeu decided to have Rev. Gilliapie, a former pastor to housekeeping in the George cream and wafers were served. slate. It may be had free by writ­ N e w S e r ia l of the Free Methodist church here, tbe meeting on Tuesday evening Haves bouse. Gladys Hadley was chairman of ing to the state college at Corvallis. was a visitor in Peoria Thursday. indeed. There will he initiation S ta r tin g in Those present for the wedding the entertainm ent committee. and a eupper. A* tbi* will be tt* Mr*. J. S. Lamar *nd daughter, at her borne Wednesday afternooD. were Mr. and Mrs. W E. Dawson • • • Tbe early part of the aft*rnooo Arlsne, and Rev. Roy Metcalf *nd only meeting lo be held in July it and and sons Lyle and Keith of PINE GROVE was spent in tacking and finishing family, left tod»y for T»cora*. i* hoped th at every member ar d Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mrs. Floyd Nicbols delightfully officer will be present. Washington Ramsey, and Mr and Mrs. Albert­ Co nti n ued on paga 8. entertained the Kroweldeen club son and eon Lester. George Sidney and Charley Murray, Coming Tuesday Peoria-Lake Creek Supper And Entertainment Success Battery “ A" O.N.G. Makes Good Record at Encampment The S O C IE T Y N E W S R e ti R oad T Halsey Enterprise