/ Ündsrn îxntvrprise — ------------ ^ agriculture horticulture livestock " p u b lis h e d in 92. Voi. 17. Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County Halsey, Oregon, Thursday June 14, 1928. No 6. Low Railroad Fares for Fourth STATE GRANGE MASTER IN Low Fourth of July excurs'on SPEECH URGES COOPERATION I rates will be sold beginning June —— ——“ DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR POULTRY GOLDEN WEDDING OF HALSEY ¡0 0OUPLE FITLY CELEBRATED but Au'o Fail* lo Keep on Highaiy l r T . 0 . c i d . , t. Try First at Home • ad near Halsey this week luckily no one was seriously in­ jured. The first occuired Mouday Well Known Pioneer People Are Honored at Anniversary when au Essex sedan driven by G. Quedu oi l.os Angeles, California, One of tho outstanding events turned upside down opposite the Fred Robins place in North H a l- .'1 1 D,e ' ,ve8 °* anJ Fred Robins place in North Hal- n i n l f . im ilv were Brown Penland of Halsey, was the gev as Mr. Q’i©uti anu lAiuiiy were a y u i i.in north ¡fiftieth anniversary of their wed- enroute home from a trip n o rin .t , , . Aside Iron, bruise, .n d k d n , b u llj •»” « whl.b t »T c . - b r . l . •■ • K A aAA/M»,]ini BO, according In to mini joint innnnn«a announce­ The Only Successful Way Toward ment made by the railroals serving Bettering Conditions for Farmer all points west of Ogden, Utah, ^jphether it is something we want to buy, or and E| Faso, Texas, and south of State Grango Master George A. Portland. some service we wished performed, why not Palmiter, in his addres before the Where the one-way fare between try first at home? There is not a single one ot state grange at Rainier last week, po nts is 130 or less, the rate will eaid: ' The trouble is that industry be one and one-tli rd fare for the us in this entire community but what will bene- and labor are protected. Farmers round trip. No stopovers will be fit to an appreciable extent if each member of ’ v’ with a dinner at which hlty re a- are not and they never will be as allowed and return limit is July 8. The other accident h a p p e n e d /¡v c , one for each long as they remain uuorgantxid.” the community practices this simple rule. about six o’clock Tuesday morning married file. too In urging cooperation, he said that aooui eix o viuca X C . T 'n e 'o ck r ml fo I »wed with a recep. We want our home town to grow and prosper only about 3J cents of the cousum when the driver of a Chevrol«. went f • „er»l nuhlic i n i n ,p »,,» in h i t lion lo "Inch the general puD.ic er’s dollar is now returned to ttie to s eep and allowed the car to n it. . . . . -., -w e want it to be a place in which we will bo From O ur Regular Correrponden»» the end of a culvert a short dis- was inv ted, at two o cloc i. farmer. Ha thinks freights rales t.uce south of Shedd One of the Klias Brown Peril m l and L.zz.e proud to live. To realize our desires and our are unfair because based on weight tance souiu or , hlowo Ellen Hopki. s were married at Friday afteruoon Mrs.CharlesG. two toys in the car was t h a , without consideration of value. dreams of a better home community we must, through the windshield. N e t * | Fo|lowillg lheir weddu g Regarding taxes he said: All Hamer was hostess to the members of Vine Maple Thimble club. In one and all, do our share toward making it bet­ bjv wfts iniared but tu t cat m J . taxes vhould be levied on ability i « t i a itt-n bo slth ey went to E u tern Oregon whete the absence of the president, Mrs. badly damaged. I be two Lo,tu j — to pay, for any other basis means ter—and the one big step toward that end is they remained for ten years. I hey were on th ilr way horns to Feoria, simply confiscation. There is plen­ Lake Elliott, Mrs. Dana Rossman then moved to llahey where thiy taken when we each one try first to fulfill otu [II., and after Frank Gansle of the ty of wealth in Oregon to pay all presided. Roll call was answered lived for a time, then moving lo Arrow garnge had tightened bolts taxes without placing a burden up- by showing a crochet d-»sign. One Corvallis and then to Albany. At needs from homo community sources. and uuls and made numorous oilier new member, Mrs. J. J. Corcoran, on any one.” the Jatter place Mr. Fen'rnd wfe adjustments to the ca ', th-y pre Minor offices in the state grange was taken into the club by initia­ in the hardware busintss with R. ¿ceded on their way. ___ K. Ohling. Twenty-one years ago were fille at last week's sessieu as tion. Tbs remainder of the afternoon follows: Steward, W. H Davis, of Halsey Enterprise and MoOal he sold out and wilh his family re­ was spent in doing fancy work, Jackson county; assistant steward, magazine Loth one year for I I 50 turned to Haloey where he has Wsrreu Young, Columbia county; and at four o’clock the hosteas, as­ George Hays and family le f< since made his home. chaplain, J. D. Chitwood, Clacka- sisted by Mrs. Morris served re­ Mr. Penland is widely known all Sunday fir Albany where they will freshments \ ases tilled with blue mas county; treasurer, 3. K Den­ matte their home. Mr. Hays is over Oregon and especially in Linu Canterbury bells formed a pleasing ny, Washington county;gate keep­ and ‘ Sherman counties where I e A co itiuii-tion of ihe article by basin, now and for many years to employed by the county. decoration for the rooms. er, C.C.Borlaud, Clackamas coun­ F, L. Ballard in the Oregon Busi­ come a one-crop country where C. F. Phillips of Junciton City has large land holdings. Club members present for the Mr Penland is the s in of Henry ty; Ceres' Georgia Cook, Polk ness of recent date which was pub­ those long experienced in dry faro where he is with the Mountain ifternoon were Mesdam s White, tillage methods, and who are well Penland, who with h i-fi t'ier, L< vi county; legislative cim mittee, A lished in part in last week s issue States Power company, was a fine­ LaFollelte, Rossman, Morris, Hoff­ established, have the best opportu­ ness visitor in Hal->ey Weduetday E. Penlaud, a native of Kentucky, R. Shumway, Umatilla county of the Enterprise. man, Isom, Hamer, Corcorau and Theie are two requirements, nity. There are the specialized George Hoffman and wife and crossed the plains in ’52 and locat­ and L. S. Bailey, Baker county; Lake and Miss Mary Smith. dairy districts on the coast and however. One must be a good far­ Pomona, Olive K. Davis, Clacka the lalter’a brother, Milton Sargent, ed nonr Philomath- where E.ias * * * mer. No advantages of soil, land fruit-growing valleys almost in «pent last Sunday at Rickreall Penland was born in 1855. 11 s mas c iu u ty ; Flora, Mrs C. W. The home of Dr. and Mis. T. I prices, tax reduction, marketing numerable. where they were guests of friends. mother’s parents, Mr. and Mis. Craft, Washington county; lad\ “ The new settler turns in the Marks was the scene of a lawn enterprises, or whatnot, can bring W. II. RoherUon and wife left Elias Brown started across the assistant steward, Mrs. J. C, Kel­ party Saturday eveniug when Mrs, success to the poor manager. A sec­ great majority of cases toward di Wednesday afternoon for Crane, plains from Illinois with the C 'X ley, M ultuom ah county. darks, worthy matron of Willam­ ond requirement is adequate capi­ versified farming and, whether his Montana, to spend the next two •immigrant train in 1817. On the long journey Mr. Brown died from ette chapter, Order of E istern Star, tal. W ithout scientific exactness, choice of location is ««»¿Karn weeks at the home of the former’s »xpoeure and Mrs. Brown continu­ S h e d d P ersonals p- k Hull. and Mr. W’iU Potter, worthy pa­ but roughly, as a concensus of gon, central Oregon the \\ ii am d ed the trip alone with her children Curli„ Ve#uh was until they reached Salem where tron, entertained the members of adequate opinion, the statem ent valley or the Blue mountain region (Enterprise correspondent) experience shows his major liv - CoUggf the located. Her daughter Martha may be made that the new settler Adrian Aechslberger of Salem is the order. stock activities can most prohtabl) „p lacin g tie became the w ife of Henry Penland Co'ored lights added to the nat should have in cash, or cash plus be centered around the dairy cow I Grove to see visiting friends in Shedd. and the mother of Elias. I Mrs. Agnes Clark of Shedd if ural beauty of the lawn and chairs equipment, a total valuation equal roof on the kitchen of the farm Mrs. P-'nlan 1 was horn in Hills- or the farm flock of sheep. If he and tables were placed in cozy to one-half the total capitalization house, it having been destroyed by burg, Ohio in 1856 Sne came to visitfng friends in Denver, Colo. nooks. During the evening a of his ranch enterprise. Eelter if inclines toward an irrigated farm, Oregor when she was 18 years of Lincold Henry was a week end aud no mistake if made when in fire, delightful program, consisting of Mrs. Rose Toedte neier a nd c l i l l ige and maJe her home in Salem he has a higher percentage, but visitor at the home of his grand musical uuuibers by Mrs Marcia well purchased places well managed cliuation so directs, a first requis dren went to Oregon City last week previous to her marriage to Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln St Margason of Shedd, aod Mrs. Ball will succeed under this schedule. ite is to determiue the financia to attend the graduation exercise, Penland. John Bond, Alberta Koontz and Georg- Mr. and Mrs. P*nlsnl are the “ There is no m ajic in Oregon’s statua of the irrigation operating of the high school o, tin t city Mr. and Mrs. T. M. McKinley the lands in the region preferred August Toedtenaeier was a member parents of two children, Dr. Hugh ina Clark, was enjoyfd. Mr. L. soil and climate. Good judgment and family, and Mr. and Mrs. E Penland of Berkeley, Calif., \V. Patton acted a3 'oast master shrewd management and capital Many of the imaginary restrictions or the graduating class. Shaw and family were week end md who holds a high position to farm advancement in Oregon during the refreshment hour and are required in the right combina­ Mrs. Elsie Bond and daughter jhe govern nent m an aviator visitors at Newport. can well be bruabed away and all many witty toasts were given. Ruth of G rand Forks, North Da- -urgeon, and Mabel, the wife of tion to bring margina of profit, just Mrs.Stella Blackerby and daugh­ attention focused on the sick and k ola, arrif.d in Halsey Tuesday Fred Robins of HabW- About forty members were pres­ attention focused 0 0 as in any other business. ter, Irene, of Salem, visited Calls ent for this enjoyable affair. dying irrigation projects of easier. I ’ # vi#u tJ lbe fjrtner-H They have six grandchildren, Where to go is a question. 1 be Circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft of » * * and southern O.egon organized o j olber Mrs. LaVellc Montgomery, Hugh new eettler, as indicated, has a Shedd. Tuesday evening. Friday afternoon Mrs. Henry Penland Jr. and Mary Elizabeth the district plan. These areas are wide choice of climat available. stives and friends. They will prob Penland all of Berkeley, and Elias Henry McDowell took Mr. am Zimmerman entertained for the holding back farm development Once this choice is made, there is ably spend the summer here. H.. Gertrude and Frederick Robins Mrs. Ed Farwell to Monmouth pleasure of June Layton whose In most cases they are fundament then a fairly wide latitude of selec Mrs. Grace Quasi, better known of Hal.ey, and one great grandson, Wednesday to see their daughter, fourteenth birthday anmverary ally sound. Water is availaule, There tha' eT^for r'diversified soil, are rich and deep, and hers and in Brownsville where «lie Laurence A rthur Montgomery. Hazel, who was a member of the | occurred on that day. formerly lived, as Grace Me- Others then those all ready met- Games caused the afteruoon to farming in the irrigated regions of the union of thia water and this graduating clasi of the slate nor- Hargue, now of Sacramento, and tioned present at the dinner were I pass all too quickly and the serving eastern am Mrs. Lenny H sn ’y Wallace of San Mrs. Hugh Penland, Harvey and mal at th at place. .tern and and southern southern Oregon, Oregon, in in soil will produce abundantly J , debt Jean Liggett aud Laurence Mont­ ,f refreshments brought the party The Shedd campfire girls met at , Willamette yalley, and m l b . # dia0 or more are on the be plat ed and those who wish maj Mesdames Candis McChesney, Isa­ year has returned to her home near Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Stella and Mrs. J. S. Miller. From here oollege campus ai Oregon State enjoy aquatic sports. bel Beeson, Edna Warner, Dicy Halsey ___ for the summer Blackerby and daughter Irene of he wei-t to Seattle lo attend sum­ college for a two week short coune Should the weather prevent the Brineon, Florentine Vose, Henri­ Mrs. Mary Taylor, a former well Salem were Halsey visitors while mer Echool lor the next ten weeks. an ler the direction of H. C. fley- event being held out doors tbe ttä Msgers, Clara Swank and AnDe known resident of Halsey, now ou their way home from a trip to Rev. and Mrs. Miller accompanied m iur, state bo-, a and girls club supper and program will be held Lake. Complimented guests were him as far as Portland, going down living in Corvallie, is able to be u p 1 Junction City. in the Peoria echool house. The Mrs, Edna Karstens, Jules Voss naair. after having been seriously ', Mise Nettie Spencer has rjturned Sunday afternoon. While there leider. Hslen Cowgill aud L. I. Aden, assistant stale leaders, and ■!«.. l.on, L - . l l » . l » r . .1.. o . y feed committee is planning to serve and John McChesney all of Albany X - X a score of faculty staff members. 500 guests. Supper at 6 p. m. This club meets once a month and .u i^ r i o < C th e nast year and exercises of G rant high. Their o . The club members from Halsey Irene Quimby teacher at he \ nM ter> egl gr, ndchild. Ruth Miller, was a I any member whose natal day oc- who are attending are Ione Miller, The m arriage of Mr C trl Ntcb cnrrs during the month is tendered a Brandon school the past year, ba |h member of tbe graduating class cf b « „ ,l.ili» J i . r o l l l . . « “ S ' ' O ‘ b i,t " ; , „ , ‘,,.¡ ..^ „ „ 1 . R ,,. .n d M ... M .II.I Eloiie Sm ith, Alice Sturtevant, ols and Miss Hope Hussey is re - handkerchief shower This month Vivian Frum . Paul Quimby, Bruce ported to have been ‘ J ^ h Y r Ä ' m ."y pretty ha.d- and H arry Harding. Corvallis last Tuesday, ibey lef'I kercb efg S O C IE T Y N E W S WHAT FARM SETTLERS MAY EXPECT TO FIND IN OREGON with Gen ge HALSEY A ND VICINITY BREVITIES Boys'and Girls’ Club Membeis Taking Short Course At O.S.C immediately for California on a ten days wedding trip. Continue«1 on pags t*. F summer. * 1