HALSEY ENTERPRISE, HALSEY. OREGON. JI NE 7. 1928 FARM BELT LEADERS MEET IN CHICAGO N A TA LIE H A M M O N D OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST C om m ittee N am ed to D ra ft R e s ­ olutions fo r R epublican C onvention. B rief Resum e of Happenings of the W eek C ollected fo r O ur R eaders. Chicago.—A com m ittee was nam ed a t a m eeting here of prom inent repub­ licans Interested in farm relief to pre­ p are resolutions to be subm itted to a second m eeting of farm relief advo­ cates a t K ansas City Ju n e 9. If th e resolutions are approved a t th e second m eeting they will be taken before the republican national com­ m ittee and a req u est will be m ade th a t w hatever action Is decided on be Incorporated In the republican plat­ form. The com m ittee to prepare th e re s o lutions is composed of S en ato r W at­ son of Indiana, Governor McMullen of N ebraska and George Peek of Moline. III., who represented farm organiza­ tions a t W ashington sponsoring th e MdNary-Haugen bill vetoed by th e president. M. J. Tobin of Vinton, la., presided a t th e m eeting, which was atten d ed by about 50 republican leaders from th e corn belt states, including S en ato r Nye of North D akota and sev eral n a­ tional and sta te chairm en. Mr. Tobin described th e purpose of th e m eeting as called to tak e action to convince eastern d elegates th a t farm relief is necessary. A t the sam e tim e th e m eeting w as in progress here, farm ers from a doz­ en Illinois counties were g ath erin g at Dekalb to adopt resolutions calling for relief and to p ro test th e veto of th e M cN ary-ilaugen bill. Many of th ese farm ers, a t the beginning of the open- a ir m eeting, expressed th e Intention of going to th e K ansas City conven­ tion. The seventh annual Jackson county school day w as held a t A shland F ri­ day. Mrs. S arah Rose Bonebrake, 93, Coos Bay resident since 1862, died a t M arsh­ field last week. Betw een 75 and 80 applicants will take the annual b ar exam ination to he held In Salem July 10 and 11. COOLIDGE VACATION TO BE IN WISCONSIN W ashington, D. C.—P resid en t Cool­ idge has selected a sum m er W hite H ouse on th e Brulo river, 39 m iles from Superior, Wis. Mr. Coolidge accepted th e o ffer of th e h eirs of H enry Clay P ierce to occupy C edar Island lodge, situ ated about six m iles from Ilrule. The sum ­ m er W hite House will be about 12 hours from Chicago. The e state surrounding the sum m er W hite House com prises several thou­ sand acres, m ostly wooded, but the actual living q u arters of the president will be situ ated on a sm all Island little more th an an acre In area, reached from th e m ainland by a narrow foot­ bridge. T h e island Is a t an approxim ate alti­ tude of 1000 feet. It com m ended Itself to Mr. Coolidge, It Is understood, for th e good fishing th a t Is reported in th e Ilrule river. In addition, th e tem ­ p eratu re Is cool. A lthough woods cover m ost of th e estate, a garden Is available close to th e bungalows on the m ainland. S IG N LIQUOR TREATY Japan and United States Agree On Rules Against Illegal Imports. W ashington, D. C.—A tre a ty be­ tw een the United S tates and Jap an was signed by S ecretary Kellogg and th e Jap an ese am bassador, T suneo M atsudalra, to prevent the Illegal Im­ p ortation Into th e U nited S ta te s of Intoxicating liquors. The com pact is sim ilar lo those already negotiated betw een the United S tates and G reat B ritain and o th er countries. Handshake Breaks Man’s Arm. Longview, W ash.—H. L. Copeland, I-ongvlew arch itect, was the victim of an unusual accident a t Kalama. H is right arm was fractured above the elbow while shaking hands with May­ or Koake of C astle Rock. B oth had come to atten d th e m eeting of the Lower Columbia Associated C ham bers of Commerce. High Masons to Meet in Portland. Portland. Or P rep aratio n s are well wlvanced for th e en tertain m en t of the suprem e council of the 33d and Inst degree of the Ancient and Ac­ cepted Rite of Freem asonry for th e sou th ern Jurisdiction, which will hold Its session In Portland Ju n e 20, 21 and 23. Some 300 delegates will attend the meeting. Banker and Woman Aide Sentenced. K ansas City, Mo W alter Cravens, head of the K ansas City Joint Stock Land bank, was sentenced to six years In the federal p en itentiary and fined 125,000. and Miss Alice Todd, secretary of the bank, received a year and a day, both having been convicted of m isap­ propriation of funds of the Institution. IVallans Beat A ir D u ratio n Reoord. Rome The Italian avtatora. Major F errarln and C aptain Del P rete broke th e w orld’s reoord for a duration /lig h t. They were In the air tor 5> and 37 m inutes. Police officers of M arshfield have served notice on all poolhalls and card rooms th a t gam bling is prohibited. T hree project« now under way at Salem will give a new direct route from the h eart of the city to th e state fair grounds, provide adequate auto­ mobile parking, and relieve congestion on the streets. Sweet Home began to liven up more than ever last week a fter the news of electricity for th e city spread. Offi­ cials of the Mountain S tates company recently were th ere to get a franchise for a power line. A total of 752 Industrial accidents were reported to the state industrial accident commission during the week ending May 31, according to a report prepared by the commission. T here were no fatalities. Processing of straw berries has started a t virtually all of the Salem canneries. R eceipts have been heavjf for the past few days. Buyers pre­ dicted th a t the tonnage would reach Its peak early next week. B arring some unexpected accident. Miss W inifred Hickox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. F. Hickox of Eugene, will have made th e extrem ely unusual record of having gone through the grades and high school w ithout ever being absent or tardy. C. C. Hall, supervisor of the Santl- am national forest, announced last T hursday th a t provisions and appro­ priations for the Santiam , aggregating $43,930, are the m ost liberal in the history of the forest, the budget being received in Albany last week. A sham battle will be staged during Eugene's three-day F ourth of July cel­ ebration, it was announced by the American Legion com m ittee In charge of the event. N ational guard units will attack a group of ex-service men entrenched on S kinner’s butte. Phyllis and M arie P eters, aged 6 and 4 years, respectively, narrow ly es­ caped death In a burning barn on the ranch of th eir m other, Mrs. H azel Pe­ ters, in Sprague riv er valley last week, They found eggs In the hayloft and started a fire to cook th e eggs. Bids for construction of the Owyhee dam will be opened a t N yssa June 7 with many officials of the reclam ation departm ent present and available for Interview. T his will be the m ost Im­ portant event In the history of the Owyhee project and will be celebrated June 9. R eceipts of the P ortland postoffice showed a gain for May, 1928, over th at m onth in 1927, according to figures released by John M. Jones, postm as­ ter. R eceipts for May, 1927, were $248,524.80, while for May, 1928, they were *251,060.25, show ing an increase of *2535.25. A big m otor truck, laden with four tons of canned clam s belonging to the P ioneer P acking company, plunged into th e Columbia river as It was leav­ ing th e trans-C olum bia riv er ferry T ourist. B reaking of one of th e sup­ ports of the ferry slip dropped the slip and truck Into the river. The Union County Dairy Develop­ m ent association was organized re­ cently with 41 m em bers from th e dis­ tric ts of Elgin, Cove, L a Grande, Im­ bler, Union, Hot L ake and Allcel. Six hundred and th irty cows are being tested each month, and sep arato rs ad­ ju sted to do perfect skimm ing. S traw b erry grow ers ot the Salem d istrict are alarm ed at the scarcity ot pickers. Pay of 1*4 cents a pound, with a half cent bonus for pickers who stay until the Job Is finished, is be­ ing offered. The Salem governm ent bureau Is flooded with dem ands for pickers, but so fa r the supply Is far too short. A lbany business men will raise a fund of »5000 to compile an industrial survey of Albany and to prom ote in­ dustries. Miss Natalie Hammond, daughter of A six-ton hoist, brought to A shland Mr. and Mrs. John Hays Hammond of from Portland, has been tak en to the Washington, has received word of her R eeder Gulch dam to expedite exca­ election to the famed Royal Miniature vating work. society of London. Miss Hammond A trip over the Roosevelt highway received this much coveted honor by from Coquille to the C alifornia boun­ having four of her art exhibits accept­ dary shows th e road to be in fine ed by the society. shape for travel. The possibility of an airplane serv­ ice, passenger and freight, betw een Baker, LaG rande and P endleton is be ing considered. A large crop of apples and p ears Is predicted for the season in southern W ashington, D. C.—P resid en t Cool­ Oregon by P ro fessor Brown of the idge has appointed Newton D. B aker Oregon 8 ta te college. A heavy increase in trav el to Rock­ of Cleveland, secretary of w ar in the W ilson cabinet, as the fourth U nited away and oth er Tillam ook beaches has S tates m em ber of th e p erm anent court been noted. The highw ay to Barview of arb itra tio n a t The H ague. Secre­ has been open for a week. ta ry Kellogg, in announcing th e ap­ T he new m ill of the Balsley-Elkhorn pointm ent, said Mr. B aker has ac­ mine, one of th e oldest and best known cepted. producers in eastery Oregon, was T he p resid en t appointed Mr. B aker opened a t B aker last week. w ith th e Idea of having two demo­ If the federal forest lands In Lane crats and two republicans as m em bers county w ere on th e tax roll It would of the perm an en t court which w as es­ mean a tax of approxim ately *160,000, tablished under the convention signed according to A ssessor Keeney. a t T he H ague in 1899. The other The first steelhead ever reported U nited S tates m em bers a re Ellhu caught In Cam as creek Is causing In­ Root, John B assett Moore and C harles te re st In Pendleton. It was caught by E vans H ughes. T heir appointm ents Joe Pedro and Is 26 Inches long. a re for six years and a re renew able. W hile th e spring w heat In the Uma­ tilla country needs rain the fall w heat CANADA A P P R O V E S O F F E R Is not suffering yet. H arvesting will begin on the high lands about July 10. W ill Become Party to W ar Renuncia­ The sta te land dep artm en t baa tion Treaty. turned over to the state tre a su re r dur­ W ashington, D. C.—C anada is the ing May, *102,248.91, according to a la te st of th e B ritish dom inions to ac­ report of th e clerk of the state land cept th e A m erican Invitation to be­ board. come a p arty to th e proposed "ren u n ­ Wild tu rk ey s of stock planted on ciation of w ar” treaty . In a note which was in reply to the the lower Rogue river tw o years ago Invitation sen t May 22. C anada in­ have survived. Broods of young tu r­ dorsed th e w ar renunciation principle keys were seen n ear Agnes and othet as affording "to th e peoples of the places. M aterial evidence of the m any city world a new and notable opportunity of en suring lasting peacq," and said im provem ents at Salem Is In the form It would "have pleasure In cooperat­ of the new garb age Incinerator In ing In fu tu re negotiations with a view South Salem and the new fire engine to becom ing a signatory to a treaty house In E ast Salem. such as is proposed" by th e United Increasing its reserv o ir storage ca­ S tates. pacity In K lam ath Falls to 1,760.000 gallons, th e Copco company hag be­ Nyssa Celebrates Opening of Bids. gun construction of a new reservoir N yssa, Or.— P lans are practically In N orth K lam ath Falls. com pleted for a big celebration in D eschutes county Pom ona grange N yssa Ju n e 9 to com m em orate the and six of the seven subordinate opening of th e bids for construction granges in the county have decided to of th e Owyhee Irrigation dam, which purchase a moving picture projector Is destined to be th e larg est of Its for use In grange educational work. kind In th e world. W aters from thia Prem ium lists of th e Columbia g reat reserv o ir will irrig ate 140,000 county fair, which will be held near acres of land, lying In h er Im m ediate St. H elens S eptem ber 12 to 16. are be­ A group of loganberry grow ers held vicinity In M alheur county and In ing m ailed and show th a t m ore than a m eeting in Salem last week and Idaho. The dam will be of gravity *3000 cash prizes will be aw arded. voted to m aintain the minimum price arch type of construction, 850 feet In The public service comm ission has length, 390 feet high. of th e berries this year a t 5 cents a approved a schedule for the operation pound. The m eeting was called by of busses betw een M arshfield and th e officers of the N orth Pacific Co­ Washington Hurdler Equals Record. R eedsport over the newly completed operative Prune exchange. Approxi­ M issoula, Mont.—Steve Anderson, sections of th e Roosevelt highway. m ately 75 per cent of the loganberry U niversity of W ashington, equalled W ith the w ildest stam pede In all the crop already has been contracted. th e w orld’s record In the high hurdles hlistory of tetampedes, H aines cele­ L icenses issued by the state gam e a t the Pacific Coast conference m eet b rated th e annual event last week. S aturday, w ith a m ark of 14.14 s e a com m ission during May reached the T he program included bucking, roping, onds. unprecedented total of *53.432. T his racing and o th er events dear to rodec is over 100 per cent increase over fans. May, 1927, and does not take into ac­ TH E MARKETS Mrs. C. M. M anchester, early rest count the licenses issued by the vari­ Portland dent of The Dalles, suffered burns that ] ous county clerks, w hich have not yet W heat R B. bluestem , hard white, may prove-fatal when her d ress caught | been reported. The biggest previous »1.53; soft white, w estern white, $1 44; fire as she was attem pting to move a ' am ount for May was *50.000 In 1925. hard w inter, n o rth ern spring, w estern blazing woodbox from the kitchen ol red. »1.34. The senate adopted the McNary her home. resolution authorizing the appropria­ Hay Alfalfa, *19®19 50; valley Six hundred and eighty crates ol tion of $125.000 for the construction tim othy, *19®19 60; e a stern Oregon freshly picked straw berries, destined of a mem orial building to comm emor­ tim othy. $21(721 50 for a Salem park in g plant, failed to i a te the winning ot the Oregon country B u tterfat 44® 45c. reach th eir destination when a truck, for the U nited S tates a t Champoeg. Eggs Ranch, 22® 26c. bringing them to the city turned over T he resolution provides th a t the build­ C attle—Steers, good, $11® 12. H ogs Medium to choice, $8.50® on a curve south of there early Thurs­ ing shall not be constructed until Ore­ day. Nearly four tons of luscious ber­ gon has made provisions for its care, 9.60. Lam bs—Good to choice. $12 50® 13. ries were scattered over the highway, and has $125.000 available to be used to be salvaged by resid en ts of that by S ecretary of W ar Davis in construc­ Seattle. tion of the building. W heat Soft white, w estern white, section. Mrs. Edna C hestnut, recently np $1.44; hard w inter, w estern red, According to infornlhtlon Just re­ no rth ern spring. $134; bluestem . dark pointed p o stm aster of the newly cre­ ceived by L. J. Cooper, forest ranger hard w inter, $1 53; d ark northern ated office at Wlllowriale. which will of the Pow ers d istrict of the Siskiyou spring. *1.54. serve about 80 patrons in the Trout national forest in Oregon, this locality Hay — Alfalfa, $24; tim o th y , $28; creek and Lyle Gap sections of Jef is to receive more than ordinary con­ ferson county, took the oath of office sideration this year through allot­ P. 8.. »14. last week. B u tterfat—4 Sc. m ents m ade for the district. Four Eggs -R anch. 23® 31c. A 45-car train bearing the first de thousand dollars is to be expended on C attle C hoice steers. $10.75® 11.75. tachm ent of Oregon national guard» the Elk river trail betw een Powers Ilogs -Prim e. $9.60® 9 85. men arrived at Camp Clatsop last and the Elk river country, with the L am bs—Choice, $11 50® 13. week In command of Major Leo P lr m iners In that locality co-operating Spokane. on). The men are busy m aking read, Special allotm ents have been made H o g s—Good, and choice, $9®t* 10. for the annual guard encam pm ent te for th e Mt Bltvar lookout bouse and C attle S teers, good. *10 60® 11. ‘tectn June I t e new ranger station near Power*. BAKER APPOINTED TO THE WCRLD COURT M A I. GEN. F . T. A U STIN CONTESTS INVOLVE MANY DELEGATES Disputed S e a ts in Republican C o n ven tio n ’ AII in the South. Maj. Gen. Fred T . Austin Is the new chief of field artillery of the United States army. He succeeds Maj. Gen. William J. Snow. APPROPRIATIONS BY CONGRESS HEAVY W ashington, D. C.—T he cost of fed­ eral governm ent has gotten back to a b etter than a *4,500,000,900 basis, the 70th congress having appropriated the staggering to tal of $4,642,293,897 to carry on affairs in the next fiscal year. This exceeded th e appropriations for this y ear by $627,304,961. Of th e grand to tal $1,388,753,735 will go to cover annual fixed charges, such as in te re st on the public debt, leaving *3,253,540,162 for carrying on the active d ep artm en ts and agencies of the governm ent. Of this sum, how­ ever, *200,936,668 rep resen t deficien­ cies which occurred th is year, the urg­ ent deficiency bill having failed in tho filibuster which m arked the close of the last session of th e 69th congress. D espite this increase in expendi­ tures, congress has slashed federal taxes $222,495,000 for next year, with corporations getting the bulk of the reduction. T his sum is slightly in ex­ cess of w hat S ecretary Mellon said w as a safe reduction based on present estim ates of revenue, plus the added costs th a t m ust come with the work ing out of the M ississippi riv er flood control program , extending naval con struction and other added governm ent activities. W ashington, D. C.—C ontezts affect­ ing 73 seats in th e K ansas City con­ vention have been recognized by the republican national com m ittee, with the probability th a t th o se Involving six will not be pressed. T he com m ittee m et in K ansas City Monday, eight days before the sta rt of the convention, to pass on the dis­ p u te s which in all but one case, Porto Rico, have arisen In southern states. E x-Senator Pepper, re tirin g national com m itteem an from P en n sy lv an ia will be in charge of th e hearings, end those who a re n o t satisfied w ith rul­ ings have the rig h t of appeal to the credentials com m ittee, to be named a fte r the convention organizes. The en tire delegations from th ree sta te s — L ouisiana, M ississippi and T exas—are in contest, as a re nine of ten Florida seats, the two from Porto Rico, th re e from Georgia, two from K entucky, four from South C arolina and three from T ennessee. T his year, for th e first tim e since th e historic contests of 1912 betw een the T aft and Roosevelt delegates, the quadrennial fights may conceivably have an im portant bearing on the nom ination. H odver delegates a re in­ volved in nearly every one of th e 69 contests. Should these delegates lose out to any appreciable degree the ef­ fect may be all im portant, for the H oover m anagers have had to tak e a lot of things for granted in making their claim s of a nom ination w ithin three ballots. SOUTHERN CROSS REACHES HAWAII Honolulu. — F our intrepid cru saders of the air alighted here from th e g iant monoplane Southern Cross, trium ph­ a n t In the first stage of th e ir adven­ turous flight from O akland, Cal., to Sydney, A ustralia. It took 27 hours and 28 m inutes to cover the 2400 m iles betw een here and Its startin g point. In the pilots’ cockpit w ere C aptain C harles K lngsford-Sm lth, com m ander, and L ieutenant C harles Ulm, pilots. Aft of them w ere the tw o A m eriacns —H a rry W. Lyon, navigator, and Jam es W arner, both of San Francisco. C aptain C harles K ingsford-Sm ith, leader of th e expedition, announced th a t th e 7800-mile flight would be re­ sum ed as soon as th e party had rested B R IE F G ENERAL N E W S and the Southern Cross had been over­ hauled. W hile the republican national con­ Suva, In the Fiji islands, 3138 m iles vention determ ines the fate of his away, was th eir next objective. candidacy for the presidential nom in­ ation, F rank O. Lowden, Illinois ex­ P E K IN DICTATO R Q U ITS governor, will be in a K ansas City hotel. The Irish F ree S tate and New Zea­ War Lord Chang Leaves Capital for Manchuria. land have accepted S ecretary Kel­ Pekin, China.—Chang Tso-Lln, for logg’s invitation to participate in the negotiation and to become original two years ru ler of Pekin and n o rth ern signatories of the proposed treaty for China, renounced his pow er and left the renunciation of w ar. the ancient capital. He d eparted on O bservance of Memorial day In a special train w hich had his old France th is year proved th a t It has stronghold a t Mukden, M anchuria, fo r become definitely an International its destination. He left behind a com m ittee of eld­ m anifestation. T here w ere more French than A m ericans present a t th e ers in charge of th e city and issued a num erous cerem onies. farew ell m essage expressing the hope United S tates S enator Guy D. Goff th a t China would survive the civil of W est Virginia, republican, and Gov­ w ar and th re a t of bolshevism . ernor Alfred E. Smith of New York, T he city was orderly and the com­ dem ocrat, won over Hoover and Reed m ittee of elders said th at satisfactory in the W est Virginia prim aries for arrangem ents had been m ade for hand­ presidential preference. ing over control to the victorious lead­ D irectors of the C hrysler corpora­ ers of the nationalist, or south China, tion have approved a plan to acquire arm ies. (he entire property of Dodge B rothers corporation, including its subsidiaries Illinois Burial Mound Yields 79. in this country and abroad, through Browning, 111.—Seventy-nine skele­ an exchange of stock. tons of a prehistoric race not yet iden­ Speaker Carkln to "R un” Oregon Salem. Or.—H enry L. Cobrett, pres­ ident of the state senate, becam e gov­ ernor of Oregon when Governor P at­ terson crossed the sta te line into Ida­ ho W ednesday morning. S enator Cor­ bett will serve as governor until June 10. when he leaves for England. The duties of governor then will be taken up by John Carkln, speaker of the house of representatives, who will serve until the retu rn of Governor P atterson. June 20. Chinese Protest Japanese Invasion. Geneva.—A protest from com m er­ cial. banking and press organizations of China against the "Japanese inva­ sion" of sections of th a t country was filed here with the league of nations. The protest came on th e eve of the 50th session of the council of the league, which opens under th e presi­ dency of Aguero B ethancourt of C uba Farm Bill Veto Pleaaea Stockmen. O gallala Neb.—The N ebraska Stock G rowers' association has adopted special resolution heartily com m end­ ing P resident Coolidge for hie veto of the McNary H augen bill. tified have been found in one of th ree burial m ounds on land n e a r here. Ar­ chaeologists who exam ined the skele­ tons and relics announced no sim ilar­ ity to any other known trib e or race has been discovered. C. M. Howell to Nominate Reed. W ashington, D. C.—C harles M. How­ ell, a K ansas City, Mo., law yer, was designated by S enator Reed of Mis­ souri to make the speech placing his nam e in nom ination for the demo­ cratic presidential nom ination a t the Houston convention. O. F. Glenn to N om inate Lowden. Chicago.—Form er G overnor F ran k O. Lowden of Illinois will be placed in nom ination for the presidency at the national R epublican convention at K ansas City by O tis F. Glenn, republi­ can nominee for U nited S tates sena­ tor. Air Mill Rate to Be Reduced. W ashington, D. C.—A new 5-cent air mail postage rate, to be effective Aug­ ust 1. was announced by P o stm a ste r General New. New said he expected the cut In rates to Increase a ir mail business 100 to 100 per cent.